OCD or?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Dunlop55, Dec 15, 2022.

  1. Dunlop55

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    Sorry for posting here but iv nobody to talk to.

    Posted previously here but this is a different but same situation.

    I test myself looking at porn for example looking at straight porn of a man and woman and I will masturbate and be aroused and all that. I then see a bj scene and it’s like it triggers my ejaculation to happen? I will not feel like ejaculating before this then when the thought comes into my head I suddenly have to ejaculate? It doesn’t happen all the time but it happens a lot. I feel like a weird feeling in my body I don’t know if it’s excitement or anxiety. I can even be rubbing my penis with one finger and I’ll see a bj scene or think of giving a bj and it sparks the ejaculation and I feel as if my penis has gotten slightly harder? I don’t know if this is groinal response but I’m at my wits end with this.

    also recently I was out with my girlfriend and the previous day she told me we would be meeting her gay friend for a drink and that morning I woke up and I remembered it and I felt very uncomfortable but my penis started being weird and it grew abit? This bothered me I was then getting intrusive thoughts about the gay person for hours and I kept being uncomfortable and twitching in my neck and body from it. Then when we met him we shook hands and I was actually fine I felt zero absolutely nothing which helped abit

    Would appreciate someone replying thank you
    #1 Dunlop55, Dec 15, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2022
  2. Filip

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    I have taken the liberty to also check your previous thread and... I am going to say it is still the OCD talking.
    You have OCD, you are diagnosed, and you are seeking treatment. That is, in the end, all there is to it.

    In fact, from history of talking to people with OCD, I'm hesitant to say more than the above. It is an annoying condition, and no matter what I would say here, your brain would follow it up with "But certainly, the fact that my brain is thinking these thoughts must mean something deep about me?".

    The answer, however, is that the above is really just the OCD talking, and that it is unwise for non-professionals to pick it apart on a forum.

    So let's move to a more productive angle: you mentioned your therapist being unavailable in your last thread. Has that situation improved? Or is there an opportunity to talk (at least temporarily) to a backup therapist?
    Ran, Hawk and BiGemini87 like this.
  3. Dunlop55

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    Thank you for your reply it means alot to have someone respond.
    I know I shouldn’t ask you but do you think I could have some sort of same sex attractions or is it just my ocd? I’m fearful of not having ocd especially when what happens to me with the ejaculation thing? Also that’s why I test so much because I think if I don’t I’m running away from the problem?

    Iv been trying to get another therapist for the last few weeks but no luck so far I am determined but it’s looking less likely I will get help before Christmas.
  4. Filip

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    Well, you know you have OCD. Diagnosed and in treatment. So there's that for a start. It's unlikely you spontaneously lost it. And doubly unlikely that that would happen right at the moment you start doing stuff like obsessively getting into a sudden new idea/fear and testing it obsessively, which is a well-known symptom of OCD.

    I'm sure there's several other times where you got completely hung on something you got totally in your head about, or that you felt the need to test over and over, and those things went away, didn't they? This is not necessarily different.

    I know you're dying to get into a detailed discussion of each test you devise and to compare them to any experience an actual gay person might have had. But I also hope you understand I'm very hesitant to do so. I have worked with OCD people in the past, and in my experience, any in-depth discussion of these "tests" end up in the OCD discounting all the reasons they're different while latching on to any tenuous chance something might be really there.
    So all I can say is: ejaculating means you have a functioning set of genitals, but not anything more. Trust what you already know about yourself rather than those intrusive thoughts, which are really just a misfire in your brain.

    Okay, that sucks. I do think you're doing the right thing in pursuing further options, though. Keep doing that! I am crossing all my toes and fingers for it materialising ASAP!
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  5. Dunlop55

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    Thanks for replying to me again

    That’s the think I’ve never had an OCD theme like this before this started when I was 15 off a passing thought I’m nearly 30 and it still effects me and I can confidently say before that I would have laughed at the thought of being gay or bi.

    I know you’re not giving me reassurance for my own good I know you’re not meant to do that with an ocd person. When I told my problems about all this to my father when I was younger he said I wasn’t and to ask a gay person and they would tell me I wasn’t but I don’t as too afraid so I guess that’s why I’m asking that stuck with me.

    I’m really going to try and get a new therapist sorted before Xmas I just really want someone to help me before Xmas starts because my last two Xmas’s have been hard for various reasons including the pandemic and I’d like to enjoy this one
  6. Filip

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    Awwe. I do wish you a better Christmas! Pandemic was hard on us all, especially those of us who compulsively overthink (and, while I have no OCD, I am definitely guilty of overthinking a lot).

    While I cannot make a therapist appear, I can only advise to practice on centering yourself.
    If doubts or worries feel compulsive, find something physical to do. Maybe take a brisk walk in the outside air and focus on your breathing. Try to pick up a book or a series or something else you find fun and distracting. If you're with your girlfriend, focus on the fun you're having right that instant, and nothing beyond it.
    Hell, if it helps, write on a piece of paper "Filip told me this is the OCD", roll it up, put it in your pocket, and run your thumb over it when you feel uncertain. Quite often it's a type of physical ritual that can keep you from sinking into thoughts.

    You'll be fine. You're doing your best to deal with it and find the right help. And even though it's currently a lot of work, You're closer to a resolution than you were before!
  7. Dunlop55

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    Thank you for all this Filip it means a lot.

    I will try my best to not focus on it over the Christmas as Iv said it’s the whole ejaculation thing that bothers me and makes me doubt everything my plan was to figure out what caused it was it some sort of attraction or was it ocd before the end of the year.

    I really want to stop all of this next year no more testing or anything just have certainty but it feels impossible with ocd
  8. Sadness

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    Sup bro

    i understand you

    i’ve been through a lot too, with the tingles and there were moments where i even got hard by doing the tests

    its so hard to not think about it but youre doing great

    keep with what they told you, that you have ocd

    i already went through things even worse like getting hard for tests and all

    and they keep telling me that is ocd

    so yeah you have ocd too

    bc if what i went through is ocd, you probably are too
  9. Dunlop55

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    It keeps happening how can this be OCD if a gay image or thought makes me ejaculate? Why would that happen if I was straight? I was watching porn and I wasn’t even getting hard masturbating and as soon as it started with the bj scene I could feel the sensation in my mouth and my penis started to feel different like it was going to be easier to ejaculate very fast even though I was getting hard? Then when I was hard and near ejaculation I would look at the bj scene again and it’s like the arousal got more and it triggered the ejaculation to happen? Now I didn’t let myself because I tried to think of random things to see would the same thing happen like an old woman or a chair or an animal just to disprove it all but it felt more forced and not the same.
    I’m sick of this I don’t even know if i have anxiety over it anymore. Im so angry right now i dont want this but i need to know what it means and why it happens
  10. Sadness

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    I can give examples of my own to you

    there was one time where i tested about being bottom to a dude after a friend of mine grabbed me from behind and i felt the tingles, it turned out that i got hard testing

    And there were multiple moments where i would test about doing a bj to a guy and would get hard,

    and i always asked the same question

    how can i get hard if im not gay

    and sorry to answer but i dont know why yet

    but there were some explanations from chips that would explain that ur mind is hijacked and it fuck it up with our sense and the way we feel and see things

    i dont know if this explains or if this is the reason why this happen to me or to you

    but it could probably be
  11. Dunlop55

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    Anybody help please?
  12. Filip

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    Lol, you’re trying to draw me here into a discussion of each test, aren’t you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    Do please promise that you keep looking into a professional for treatment and follow-up, as whatever assurances I can give you are really only going to be “advice as a friend”, compared to what a professional can offer.

    That said, I WILL say that your tests, to me, underscore their OCD nature, as opposed to proving you are secretly gay. For two reasons:

    - These tests are very… mechanical and clinical. I don’t really know any gay people who think of their sexuality in that way. You don’t discover you’re gay because you counted to a number of ejaculations to pictures of your own gender. Nor, in fact, do gay people necessarily go limp when looking at a woman.

    It just isn’t that black-and-white. Sometimes I have weird thoughts about a woman I get along well with. Sometimes I enjoy imagining a sexual scenario that is different from the ones I normally go for. That doesn’t mean I’m not gay. It just means that people are complex and sometimes have weird thoughts that go nowhere and don’t really mean anything in the wider pattern of their lives. I’m pretty sure that if I were to do the same test as you do, I could ejaculate to an image of a woman. Even more so, if I practiced it every day, I am sure I could do so reliably. But why would it mean anything? Except that I am a guy with a hormone system? Absent OCD, it just doesn’t strike me as a thing to obsess over.

    - It is exactly the OCD that makes this so (to non-OCD people) weirdly obsessive. You seem to keep returning to the same test, and you seem to keep insisting that this one test defines you. That if you were straight, the very thought of a naked man should make you gag. That your personality shouldn’t have any weird non-sequiturs or occasional funny nonsense thoughts that pop up one minute and are gone the next without them meaning anything. You’re valuing this one test over the entire pattern and practice of your life.

    When, in reality, humans are just like that. Complex. Sometimes you have a weird thought you get lost in. Sometimes you have a weird worry that turns out to just disappear. To non-OCD people that just… happens. In case of OCD, your brain starts to internalize the exception more than the rule, then turns it into a test you perform over and over, and then decides that this is your life now, and that horrors await if you don’t make it the centerpiece of your personality.

    I wish I could entirely convince you of the above. I know that even now, your brain is going to latch on to a single word I phrased carelessly to find proof that everything I said is actually proof of your obsession rather than the opposite.

    All I can say in the end is that, as somewhat of an experienced expert on being gay: it sounds more like an obsession than a truth about your life. It is not something I can entirely relate to. And I really hope a therapist will come through to help you with it better than I could.
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  13. Dunlop55

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    Thank you Filip I know this isn’t something you want to be bothering replying to but it means a lot to me to be heard.

    I understand what you’re saying and it makes sense and Iv been doing this test for numerous years I think it’s just scary because I’m on meds and I don’t feel anxious with it happening. My therapist previously told me it’s almost like Pavlov’s dog at this stage that Iv tested so much.
    I really want to stop testing but I find it hard to leave things alone it’s just in my nature. I really want to stop this in 2023.
    I also worry that in the future I could end up being gay or bi like I see people who are older and they go off with trans women like they’re sexuality has changed or something . I don’t want that for me the thought is scary to me. I was with an older woman not so long ago who had divorced and now started to sleep with women too and that made me anxious like if she could turn what if I did when I’m older?
  14. Filip

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    Aww. Just to be clear here: replying is not a bother. I am very glad that you are at least feeling heard, and I hope that my opinion can give you some peace of mind at least.

    I'm glad the meds are helping to at least decrease the acute anxiety. I may not have OCD myself, but I have suffered from strong anxiety attacks all throughout my life, so on that front I can definitely sympathise.

    I'm guessing, though, that in the case of OCD, they are kind of like a nicotine patch. Will relieve the physical need to smoke, but will not fix the fact that for most smokers, the smoking is also just a ritual, a thing thy do, which is harder to break. And it sounds like the testing is the cigarette in this metaphor.

    So all I can say is that it may be best to try to lessen the frequency of the testing? Going cold turkey on it might be a bit too much, but maybe you can try and see if you can go more and more days between tests? And try to live more in the present, rather than seeing experiences of other people as coded hints the universe is giving towards you, and rather just as life stories of others that don't necessarily tell anything about yours?

    Easier said than done, I know. For what it's worth, I'll keep checking on this thread, if my reassurance can be of any help. Though also I have a family and a friend Christmas to organise, so I make no promises for promptness in the next three or four days. Do enjoy your Christmas!
  15. Chip

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    Hi, Dunlop.

    What you are describing is textbook classic OCD. The nature of the way OCD works is that it literally hijacks reason centers in the brain, so there's no response anyone can give you that will make the testing go away.

    If you want to stop it, most likely, you're going to need medication, which means you'll need to be evaluated by a psychiatrist.

    There are some cognitive-behavioral strategies that can help over time, but it typically takes months, sometimes longer, to see an impact, which is why medication is usually the first line of defense.

    I recommend the book "Brain Lock" which was written specifically to educate about OCD and provide resources that can be helpful.

    But finding a therapist and a psychiatrist is going to be crucial to solving the problem.
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  16. wua

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    Think about whether you want to be turned on or you are turned on by seeing a man or having sex with a man. Everybody can force themselves to be aroused by anything. Sometimes it's mechanical. Thoughts about masturbation can make erection. It's like food. You can swallow all sorts of things, but not all of them will taste good. Only you know what you desire. Intuitive thoughts are the best indicator. Think about who you look at, who you like physically. Who do you look at when you're horny.
  17. Dunlop55

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    Hey hope you both had a good Christmas and new year and thank you both for the reply’s.

    So at Christmas I decided to stop the testing and just try and enjoy myself i was too busy anyway to test with all the stuff I was doing which was mostly drinking and catching up with people home for the Christmas which led to more drinking lol.
    I did try and test a few times and to my surprise I had no response the ejaculation thing didn’t happen? It was like cause I had a break from it I went back to normal I guess this gave me such relief.
    Since then though there has been two times I lost an erection with my gf I don’t know why it freaked me out abit especially the second time I think I was overthinking it cause i remembered what happened a few weeks before. But it kind of led me back to testing again the ejaculation think kinda happened but not really that probably makes no sense but I was able to recognize it as ocd which was good. But I’m worried now maybe all this is happening because my sex drive is low and that’s why I lost my erection and that’s the only reason the ejacultion thing isn’t happening is because my libido is low and when it comes back it will come back aswell?
  18. Chip

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    It's happening, most likely, because of OCD, and the influence OCD is having on your ability to think and experience arousal. As I suggested before, please arrange to see a therapist and potentially a psychiatrist. This is not something you're going to solve alone.
  19. quebec

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    Dunlop.....I've written to you before. I agree completely with Chip. Medication and therapy...that is the solution. My OCD has just recently gotten worse...sometimes things just change. So after consultation with both my doctor and therapist, we have been changing my medication. I've been working on the meds change for about a month now. You do not just abruptly change these medications! I can already tell that things are getting better again. So please listen to someone who actually has OCD and must deal with it everyday...proper medication and working with a qualified therapist are the only way that OCD can be brought under control!
    .....David :gay_pride_flag:
  20. Dunlop55

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    Hey sorry about writing here again.
    Iv been doing good the last couple weeks maybe one or two bad moments but 90% been all good. I have tested and it’s been ok I can distinguish the ocd. Today however I was on Twitter and I came across this porn page and decided to masturbate I was doing it and seen a woman giving oral and I imagined me being in her position as a test and I felt the ejaculation come on straight away which scared me like before I stay going trying to discredit it but thinking of other things but it wasn’t the same it’s like the same as what happened before. I could see it clear in my mind me giving a bj and that makes the ejaculation come on? Why does that happen? I switched to a different scene to finish but I’m so anxious since I’m literally having shakes with anxiety? This can’t be ocd still can it? I’m annoyed cause I was doing so well please anyone help