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Over 8 years questioning if I'm FTM

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Chris2018, Oct 10, 2022.

  1. Chris2018

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    Jul 17, 2018
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    I'm so lost....I've been questioning my gender for awhile at this point. I've been in therapy for 6 months.

    I guess I thought therapy would help me make a definitive decision on what to do. I'm pretty sure the only 2 things really stopping me from coming out and transitioning is 1, my health, and 2, my family.

    I guess the questioning is over at this point. Maybe?? But I can't figure out how to come out to my very conservative and religious family.

    Sometimes I think it'll be easier to just about 15 years or so. My kids will be grown, my mom and in laws will be older, and maybe being trans won't be such a big problem for them 15 years from now.

    Any advice on how to navigate this?? I'm so uncomfortable in my body. I cut my hair and let my body hair grow. It feels great! But it also doesn't feel like enough. I also get a lot of push back from family to grow my hair back out, to shave, and to generally wear more girly clothing.

    I'm in my 30s. Why is this still such an issue.
  2. Hawk

    Admin Team Full Member

    May 12, 2015
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    When I was younger, I thought the same thing. That it'd be easier to wait to transition when my parents were older. And honestly, that's not fair to yourself. Could you test the waters to and see their reaction to LGBT news or people to get an idea of how they might react? It's not fair to be put in a dilemma between your own happiness and your family. I'd suggest taking it slow, talk with your family, and maybe you could send them resources about trans or LGBT people. Here's one that's pretty good, it's targeted towards youth, but I think the information in it could be used for anyone.

    What would be stopping you when it comes to your health (if you're comfortable talking about it)? Most doctors and endocrinologists need blood work done regularly before and after you start hormones to see how your body's reacting and if they need to adjust your dose or if you're able to begin hrt.
  3. Chris2018

    Regular Member

    Jul 17, 2018
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    I've tested the waters. It's not going to be good. My in laws are 100% not comfortable or understanding to anything lgbt. My mother in law especially. My mom, we have open conversations about it, thanks to news and politics. I stopped her one day and asked how she'd feel if someone came out as trans in the family, and her response was of course I'd still love them, but they'd be sinning. Very passive aggressive.

    As far as my medical stuff, I was just diagnosed with a severely dilated left atrium. I need to lose weight and control my blood pressure to possibly reverse some of the dilation. But I'm concerned with my blood pressure and my heart that HRT is not within reach for me. My therapist keeps telling me to go talk to a lgbt doctor...I'm trying.