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Am I Too Late?

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Royal1985, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. Royal1985

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    Trigger Warning for Arrest, Parent in Jail, Suicidal Intention, Parent with Cancer and Elder Abuse

    At 36 I feel like I should've experienced tons of things, especially in the dating, kissing and sex department. I have yet to have my first anything. When I read posts on social media and see other LGBTQ+ folks are in a relationship and experiencing this it makes me feel so left out. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever find someone who will let me experience all thins for the first time and someone who will accept me and all my baggage I come with. To answer your question yes I have been putting myself out there, well as much as I can. See I'm closeted and I still live in the city I was born and raised which is pretty much Trump country. I've joined dating sites, apps, forums and communities. Being a 36-year-old closeted lesbian who lived with my dad (who is battling cancer) and stepmom in a conservative Catholic (which I'm neither conservative nor Catholic) household has it's own problems. To add that I don't drive because of mental health issues, I don't trust myself behind the wheel. I purposely want to crash the car. I've been suicidal in the past and sometimes I still get triggers. I also have depression and anxiety. My mom is in jail for killing my grandma and I'm still reeling in the effects from when I was arrested for not reporting my grandma had a stroke, luckily my case was dropped and I won't go to court or jail but I know it's a lot for people to handle. Sometimes I feel the only people who are okay with this (the arrest) are straight people but they won't accept that I'm gay. I've had people leave me when I've told them what's happened and then I feel even lonelier than before. I don't really know what to do anymore. Should I be upfront and honest or just never tell anyone anything about my past?
  2. Really

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    That’s a lot. But not too much for the right person and I don’t think it’s anybody’s business until you feel comfortable with them. If they have a chance to get to know you independent of your past and accept you as you are, it bodes well for sharing more details as and when you’re up to it. And really, the longer it takes you to find this special person, the further into the past these things recede. Of course, you want to balance how long you need before revealing some of the hard stuff and how long is too long if they turn out not to be understanding but the more people you meet, the more you’ll get the feel for who is trustworthy and who isn’t.
    You’ll get there. Just do what makes you happy. :}
    #2 Really, Mar 10, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
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  3. chicodeoro

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    Hi Royal1985, s***, that's a lot to deal with!

    To answer your subject line question - no, it's never too late to find happiness. Though if you've been dealt a crap hand (like it sounds you have) you have to work twice as hard for it.

    First of all do you have friends you can confide in? With the amount of stuff you've got to deal with, I'd say having a good support structure around you is essential.

    Second - are you in or have you done therapy? I don't want to sound like an evangelist for it, but it can be beneficial if you get the right person..

    Yes. I don't know about you but I really appreciate honesty in relationships. Though that does come with a few caveats - I wouldn't tell a potential girlfriend about what happened to your mother on a first date! But, generally speaking, authenticity is what we all crave, isn't it?

    Above all else, good luck. Don't give up. Lean in towards the light. Like all of us, you deserve to find happiness.

    Beth x
  4. silverhalo

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    Hey I agree that it is never too late. I also agree with @Really you just have to find the right person and sure that isnt going to be easy in the situation you are in. I know it is hard but you have to try not to take it too personally when people arent right for you, there are people who arent right for you too for whatever reason. Some people are super fickle and sure thats sad but ultimately if that is the kind of person they are then they are probably not the person you want to be with either.
    In the meantime I would say perhaps you can try and continue your self development, you didnt say whether you have had any therapy to deal with the things that you have been through but if you arent having any then I think that could be a good place to start, especially if you still have suicidal thoughts.
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  5. buzzer

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    I really can't add anything that hasn't already been said in the great replies above. Best wishes to you.
  6. bsg75apollo

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    At some point in time in a relationship, keeping the past hidden will be a greater burden than letting it all out.
  7. Royal1985

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    Thank you to all have replied. My past isn't easy to talk about but somehow being anonymous on a fourm helps a little.

    @chicodeoro: No I don't have any friends or anyone I can confide in. The people who were my friend in the past ended up leaving after I told them certain things. And yes I am in therapy. I'm also trying new meds it's going to be a month until I notice full results.

    @silverhalo I will try to work on not taking rejection too personally. It's hard and I take it too personally but I will make an effort to not care, especially if I've only talked to this person online and not face to face.
  8. Mirko

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    Hi there! I am glad to read that posting/writing out things is helping a little. From the little you have revealed, there is certainly a lot going in in your life, and I can imagine the effects that everything has had on you. Being in therapy, having somebody who will listen without judgement and walk you through steps to move forward and regain your mental health, is something to hold on to and see as moving forward.

    You never have to reveal everything on the first or first few dates. Let trust and understanding develop, and as someone gets to know you more and has a reference point, chances are they might be able to better understand your story and from where you are coming from. As the saying goes, 'there is a time and place for everything.' Over time, it will reveal itself, and you will know when the moment has come to confide and open up further.

    Along the way as you continue walking through life and when gaining new experiences, remember to also be kind to yourself. (*hug*)
  9. silverhalo

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    It’s certainly not easy. I’m not sure anyone likes rejection. Would it be possible for you to find an LGBT group in your area that you could possibly attend?
  10. Royal1985

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    @silverhalo There is a pride center in my area but I don't drive and I don't want to ask my dad or stepmom to take me because then I'd have to explain why I'm going there and come out which I'm not ready for. And I'm so tired of paying for Ubers (I take these a lot to get home from work but it's really starting to cost me). And they stopped doing virtural events months ago. Honestly I'm just trying to learn to just be alone because I know that's going to be my life.

    I promise I'm not trying to come off as feel sorry for poor me, I'm really not and I hope I'm not coming off that way.
  11. chicodeoro

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    You absolutely are not, Royal1985. It sounds like you really have got it incredibly tough at the moment.

    I wish I could say something that would make it easier. You are obviously supporting your dad through a difficult time in his life, but you need support yourself. There is EC, of course. But I know it's not the same as in real life. I would along go to the Pride center and just slip some little white lie to your dad.

    But whatever happens know that you have support here, a place to vent and a space where you'll always be accepted.

    Hugs, Beth
    LostInDaydreams and Mirko like this.
  12. Mirko

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    Know that you won't have the feelings you are currently experiencing in terms of feeling alone, or living life alone, for the remainder of your life. Things can, and most likely will change. You are going through a lot of stuff, and it is okay to take the time you need to make the progress you want to make. It will take some time to make progress, and turn the pages as it were. And that's okay.

    Empty Closets is here for you when you need it - it is here for you when you need to vent, ask questions, or just want to share. Over the years, we have had so many members who joined EC facing difficult situations and challenges. As they engaged, wrote out their thoughts, the challenges they were going through and their hopes for the future - their goals, where they saw themselves down the road, they were able to make some progress. Often times, they took it day by day, working on one thing at a time. Sometimes they also reevaluated the things that are important to work on and prioritised

    Visiting the pride centre in person, connecting with them, can be one goal you could create for yourself. For now, it might be worthwhile not to put a time frame on it, but rather just leaving it as a general goal.

    When you think about the things that are going on for you at this moment, what is the one thing you would like to work on first? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think: 'I want to turn things around, I want to make things better for myself'?
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  13. silverhalo

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    Don’t worry I don’t think anyone is thinking that. You are clearly going through lots of tricky things. As Mirko said it doesn’t mean they will be like this forever.
  14. Royal1985

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    I'll see what I can do. My dad is actually in the hosptial right now. I don't think I'll be going anytime this month.But thank you for your reply.
  15. Royal1985

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    To answer your questions:
    1st question, I'm so tired of being lonely but I'm tired of joining sites and apps and nothing.I guess I need to find ways to put myself out there. OR stop complaining when no one talks or befriends me and remove myself from all the online sites I've joined.
    2nd question, I need to work on how I feel after being rejected. Not everyone is going to like or accept me and I need to understand that.
    I don't know if I answered these correctly.

    I can see myself with a happier life but I honestly don't know if I'm going to make it that far. I get tired of people telling me things will get better as if I'm so kid who actually has a chance at a happy life. They will have the better life, I won't. It's too late for me.
    #15 Royal1985, Mar 14, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
  16. chicodeoro

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    It really isn't, Royal. You're in your mid 30s. It may take a while for you to sort things out, but once you do you could have decades of a happier life ahead of you.

    My story, briefly: I've had my fair share of ups and downs and yes there was a spell in my mid to late 30s when I was suffering from depression (I'm 52 now). Looking back, I know why - I was still coming to terms with my mother's death and whilst I knew deep down I was trans I wasn't ready yet to confront it.

    It took the combination of my partner's sudden death in early 2020 + Covid lockdown for me to come to terms with it. 2020 was hell. My stepson's father tried (indeed, is still trying) to take my house away from me. And then I had a breakdown.

    I'm mentioning this not in some weird misery oneupmanship, but because all throughout that time I knew I just had to keep going, that somehow if I was to keep putting one foot in front of one another I would get through this and somehow at some point might get better. And they have, slightly. I'm still in the mire, in a lot of ways, but I know I'm going to survive.

    So keep going and you will make it that far. Find comfort in small things and reach out to support both in real life and here online. Like I said in an earlier post, we're all here for you on EC.

    Hugs, Beth
  17. DragonChaser

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    Hi. I'm Lydia. I've got a lot to say. Tried to send it through a PM, but it looks like this is going public. Forgive me if it's a bit tactless, but I've read your posts here and on your profile and I think what I wrote needs to be said.

    First of all, I know you don't know me, and you don't owe me anything, but I want you to know I'm only reaching out because I really do care. And I might be a bit stern at times, and even a bit profane. But that's just to get through the shell; you know the one. If I cross a line, tell me to screw off or whatever, but you've got a few walls up, girl, and I care enough to punch through to try and help you.

    Second off, I truly understand how you feel, both academically and personally. I know you probably hear that a lot, but I actually do. If you want to be frank about it, those oppressive, unshakable feelings of sadness and failure and insecurity are not exclusive to you. They're actually common enough, doctors have figured out ways to treat them. Medically. Scientifically.

    Snub your nose at well-wishers chanting "it'll get better" to your heart's content, believe me, I know how hollow those words ring when you're suffering that way.

    But since science is the reason you're reading these words, maybe consider my point. Talk to somebody. You're not cursed or haunted or hated, you're overwhelmed and tired and you need treatment and possibly chemical rebalancing.

    Before you object, NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT, and don't you dare be ashamed. Because I'm not going to be told that the thing that's kept me alive and made me a demonstrably better person the past 8 months is a shameful mistake that doesn't change anything.

    And I won't be told you've tried it before, because you didn't. You dipped your toes, it didn't work, and you gave up. We all do that. We all do that. We all do that. You want it to stop and you go to the appointments and you take the pills and it just doesn't stop.

    Well, it won't stop. You know what it'll do? It'll get better. Each time you try, you'll get a result. You'll learn. You'll grow. You'll see.

    The challenge is there's no one thing you have to do. It's a routine, a regimen, a duty to self. It comprises all the elements that keep you from those dark places. Journaling, talk therapy, medication, support groups, exercise, meditation, dietary changes, all, maybe just a few, maybe other things entirely.

    But you already took the first step. You came here and you opened up. I believe you can take the next one. Reach out. Find someone who can help. There are people, even if you don't have a penny in your pocket, who can guide you. There's a lot of personal work that has to be done, but it can be done, and lots of people are ready and willing to help.

    I'm one of them. I know I can't do much, but this is the best I got. You can do this. I won't hear you can't, because I know you can.

    And even if all I've done is piss you off, then go ahead and prove me wrong. I mean it, go take a month, really commit, and if I'm totally wrong and it's still as terrible as it's always been, then congratulations. You have license for the rest of our natural lives to tell me all the ways I can go fuck myself.

    No kidding. I won't block you, I won't report you... Christ, I'll give you my contact information. You can start each morning telling me exactly what part of my anatomy I can attempt to shove inside my ass that day at your convenience.

    But for real. Make an appointment to talk to someone. Drink a big glass of water and go for a short walk. Open a word document and type every angry thought you've got about everyone, then delete it. Maybe do all of them.

    You're here. You want help. This is someone offering it. I'm not a professional. But I'm like you. And I really do care. Don't give up.

    Of fucking course it's not too late. Of course it's not. I hate to be rude, but that's ridiculous.

    There are people in their 70's climbing mountains, and you're convinced you can't find a woman who loves you because you're not in your 20's anymore? 3.9 billion of us runnin' around, and not one who'll put up with your farts and wrinkles, huh? Well, I don't want to be that girl, but... like... really? Hon. Really? Come on now!

    Even if you just hate me now, hang in there.

    Please. Don't give up!

    You're worth saving. You'll know that one day. I know that right now.

    With love, sister :hearts:
  18. Mirko

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    It's never too late to pursue your life, live your life the way you would like to live it. Some time ago, I got to know a gay man who came out to his wife and children, after he had retired. All his life, for various reasons, he couldn't be himself. He came out, went to the gay bar and participated in LGBTQ+ events, activities in town, which helped him to find his boyfriend. Both of them moved in together when they were in their early 80s. Speaking with him before losing contact, he was a changed preson.

    There are no right or wrong answers. It is more for you to think more about what is important to you at this point in time. Thinking about the things that will allow you to continue making progress and work towards the life you would like to have.

    If I may suggest, it might be worthwhile to begin working on being okay with when you meet someone and things don't work out in the way you had hoped. Being okay with, 'let's just walk into the potential to see what happens, without the fears of rejection being present.

    No doubt that rejection is hard and it never feels good. It is tied to shame, the feeling of not being good enough, not worthy of love. But know that the more you work on your selfworth and gaining a sense of worthiness, dealing with rejection or with a situation where things didn't work out the way you had hoped, might start to look and feel different.