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How was 2021 for you?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Andrew99, Dec 27, 2021.


How was 2021 for you?

  1. 1 (worst)

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5

  6. 6

  7. 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

  10. 10 (best)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Andrew99

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    Nov 13, 2013
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season?

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021?

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year?

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021?

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you?

    15. What was your happiest moment?

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year?

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different?

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

  2. chicodeoro

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    May 7, 2020
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    'Oi'll give it five'.

    After the trauma and life-changing events of 2020 (losing my partner, realising I'm trans, Covid...), 2021 was, for me personally, the calm after the storm. When I look back at my diary for this year, it's been a year of consolidation and, well, survival. Even though it doesn't feel as if I've made much progress, I feel more secure in my trans identity. There were times during 2020 when I felt genuinely on the edge, but in 2021 the anxiety attacks have receded, the stress seems more manageable (or maybe I'm getting used to it) and whilst I face huge challenges in the coming year I feel more confident that I can overcome them.

    Not sure I can answer many of your questions, Andrew99. But the news story that continues to stick in my mind the most is the January 6th attack on the Capitol. To see, and to later hear, that American democracy came so close to falling to demagogic fascism was truly shocking. But the danger is still there, and the horrifying consequences of this happening in 2024 is what continues to keep me up at night.
  3. FireFox

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    Sep 14, 2021
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? - Nothing thus far, more or less the same as last year.

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season? - Chilled out with friends and family.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? - No but hoping to next year if I can get my anxiety in check.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021? - Can't think of any.

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year? - Don't have one.

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? - Yes to be less annoying but I do think it got thrown out early on haha.

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? - Sticking at a job that I hate.

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)? - Keanu Reeves, just an awesome human being.

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? - Fortunately not.

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021? - No

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? - Yes, joined an LGBT forum :blush:

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications? - No

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year? - No single memory but travelling around the country to various places camping in my car.

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you? - The whole year is a blur so can't think of any.

    15. What was your happiest moment? - No single moment but I'm happiest when driving somewhere on a roadtrip.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? - Being alive and getting another crack at failures.

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year? - Staying home chilling out.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different? - Keep on track for losing weight and also getting my business off the ground.

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? - 4, could have been worse but on the same token but also have been alot better.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? - Absolutely :grin:
  4. Rayland

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    Aug 12, 2021
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? I came out of the closet to myself and to my friend.

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season? All the normal stuff. Decorated the tree, made gingerbread and other Christmas foods, watched holiday movies and spent time with family.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? Relationships with normal friends were good, but my dating life were non existent. Too shy to meet people.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021? Mostly news stories about Covid.

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year? I mostly listened to older songs, so I don't know much about the new songs or artists. I went to two concerts this year and my favourite was a Christmas concert, what was performed by the Lords Of The Sound Kiev symphony orchestra. I became their fan. They were so good.

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    I usually don't make them, but this year my resolution was to visit more art museums and I fulfilled that.

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? I guess I'm proud of doing well in school and being able to cope with everything that has happened.

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)? At my friend.

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    I had to think about this a bit and I guess this whole year has been one big life lesson, that you should be always prepared. Anything can happen. Also just because people are different, then it don't mean they are bad people, they are just misunderstood and deserve to be happy too. We all are unique anyway. I feel like I have become more tolerant and open minded person, even though I thought I was already quite open minded. Life would be boring, if everyone were same.

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021? Same answer as number 1.

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? Came out to my friend.

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications? Not yet, but I hopefully will next year.

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year? I discovered my true self and that made me happy.

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you? June, July and August 2021 were my best and the worsts months. I came out to myself at my birthday, but I didn't know anything about being transgender and about LQBTQ+ community and I started doing research. I discovered EC and a lot of new things. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was hard to cope with everything.

    15. What was your happiest moment? My friend accepted me being transgender.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? My friends and EC.

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year? No big plans. Just resting, watching movies and spending time with others.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different? I want to start learning how to dance and also swim and be more active. I want to do well in my exams and graduate and actually start working and saving up. I want to fully come out to everyone. I want to become more independent.

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? I think I would rate it 5. I hope next year is a 10.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? Of course. No plans on leaving.
  5. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    I can't answer all of the questions, but I would rate this year as a 5. That's about as good as I can go. With Covid still rampant, I have spent too much time at home and found it pretty stifling and it's for this reason that I refuse to get drawn into making plans or significant resolutions for the new year. Will just see how it goes. I do intend to lose weight because the time spent at home inactive has led to over indulgence and comfort eating and I'm now at the age where I can ill afford to neglect my health.
  6. BlueMonday

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    Just another year.
  7. BiGemini87

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    Oct 21, 2019
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    I'd say buying our first house. That was pretty significant.

    Visited my in-laws for about 5 days. Suffice it to say, it was exhausting. The plus side was seeing my Godmother for the first time in 12 years, and it was so, so good to see her. Best woman I know.

    I've been married for 9 years, in the same relationship for 17. I think we're doing pretty well. :wink:

    Covid, sadly. I'm so sick of everything relating to it at this point...

    I don't think I picked up any songs that were new this year, but a favourite is Enemy by Imagine Dragons (the non-JiD version). It got me back into working on one of my stories, if only for a little while.

    Typically, no. I have goals, but they aren't dictated by the start of a new year. ^^;

    Sadly, I don't feel like I accomplished much--despite releasing the last book in my trilogy back in June. I think I've just been too exhausted to appreciate what I've done well.

    My daughter. She's growing up so much, and I love how her confidence is growing, too.

    Yup. In my case, that if you go chasing any aspect of the past, it's bound to disappoint you.

    Many, I'm sure...but all very subtle. I think I'm becoming less concerned with what others think, and honestly? It's about time.

    Yup. Got in touch with people I haven't seen in 24 years (pursuing an old school photo). Nothing's come of it, but it did help me move past some things, as a few of these people were bullies back then--and it also opened my eyes to how, no matter how much changes, some things remain the same.


    Moving into the new house. Stressful as it was, it was worth it.

    I honestly don't know. A lot of this year is a blur to me.

    I don't think I can choose one. It's been a rollercoaster of a year. But if I had to choose? It was probably a quiet moment where nothing of significance was happening. Maybe cuddling my dog. Maybe cozying up to a movie with my husband. Maybe playing board games with my daughter. A hundred little snapshots of the simple things.

    My husband, who has always been my rock. My daughter, my dog, a few good friends, and my Godmother.

    For New Year's eve, we're heading to a friend's place for a few hours. We'll probably count down at home, though.

    No resolutions, but I'm hoping we return to something like normal (though I know we probably won't for another year or two). I just want less animosity between people over personal choices right now. I'm tired of the finger-pointing, smug, self-satisfied nonsense from one corner in particular. Basically, I'm just tired of people and their attitudes. I want more understanding and empathy. But I also know this is a tall order. So maybe what I really hope for is that I'm better able to weather the storm and find my productivity again.

    I gave it a 5 because as rough as things have been, I've had worse years.

    Yeah, I think so. :slight_smile: It's a good community and I like helping where I can.
  8. Tightrope

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    It has been a mixed bag. It has been better than 2020. I have come to terms with a lot of things, which meant taking off the blinders with most of these issues. I hope 2022 is better still.

    I expect some major changes next year and I need to get tough to face them as need be.
  9. mbanema

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    Jan 11, 2014
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    I think I became a bit more open and pushed myself out of my comfort zone a little bit. Overall not much though.

    I just spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with my parents who live nearby. Didn't really feel like Christmas without more family around, but beats last year which we skipped completely.


    Probably the rise and fall of hope in the pandemic. Towards the end of June it really started to feel like we were going to get back to something approaching normal. Now? Blech.

    No idea which means I probably don't have one. I mostly listen to music in the car and haven't done much driving now that I'm working from home.


    It's very nerdy, but pushing myself to start flying online with flight simulators. I was quite intimidated by it and had to learn a ton, but so far I've avoided embarassing myself too much.

    My best friend, for the lack of a better label. He's such a wonderful person and I'm so proud of the way he consistently challenges himself, questions whether he's making good decisions, and seeks to improve his life. He has a better level of self-awareness than anyone else I've met.

    Nothing new, but I'm consistently reminded of the importance of staying in good health.

    No, I don't think so. I got permission to relocate and work remotely permanently if I want to do that, but won't make any decisions until the pandemic stops being a constant nuisance.

    I got to swap some spicy pictures with someone that means the world to me. It didn't mean anything to him (which I knew in advance), and I know that's a pretty pathetic milestone given my age, but it really meant a lot to me and was quite a thrill.

    Not really. I started teaching myself some new technologies, mostly for work, but nothing noteworthy.

    I don't think I can pick one in particular, but definitely just good times with my aforementioned best friend. I don't know what I would have done with my time over the past year without him.

    Worst is almost always January, but for 2021 I'll say July just because it became clear that COVID was not going to become a thing of the past and I found out I require some very slow, painful, and expensive dental work through no fault of my own.

    See #13.

    My friend, family, and relatively okay health. I'm grateful that I still have two of my grandparents, even though one is struggling.

    Already explained Christmas, New Years will likely be just another day for me. The next couple of months are likely to be pretty rough.

    I just want to start living healthier again, and assuming this next wave dies down, try to start pushing myself to get back to normal a bit more. I'll continue to make educated decisions, but there's only so much time you can sacrifice before that outweighs the risks.

    4. Not much excitement and very little progression, but nothing terrible either.

    Probably. I don't post very often since most of the people I know on here are either gone or visit very infrequently, but I imagine I'll continue to check in once in a while.
  10. Canterpiece

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    Jul 17, 2015
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    I actually did stick to my resolution, I made it simple - take more photos. After all, I had anticipated that 2021 would be something else and worth documenting.

    To say that this year has been a mixed bag would be an understatement! This year has really tried its best to destroy me, I'll tell you that. Have I had worse? Yes. But I've certainly had better. However, I feel like things are going in the right direction. It might seem harsh, but I'm giving it a three.

    I mean, I had a bit of an identity crisis at 1 AM, decided to try cutting my own bangs. Regretted it. Fortunately, a hairdresser fixed it. I also started trying out nail polish. Oh, and I had a bit of breakdown outside of a university building and had a stranger check up on me on the street. I have to say, that wasn't on my list of things to do this year. Nor did I think I'd ever stress cry at 3 AM into a jar of Nutella but here we are.

    Self compassion. That there are going to be some rough days where you wish you were simply a plant who didn't have to take care of themselves. I learnt that it's OK to have days where you don't accomplish everything on your list, it doesn't make you a failure. That sometimes you have to take a route outside of your routine that may seem counterproductive to accomplish your goals. Anything worth doing is worth doing half-heartedly on days where you're not feeling up to it, that it's OK to reach out to others for help. Cliché perhaps, but it's become rather evident this year.

    Yes, I gained a University degree. 2:1 classification.

    My friends and family. They've helped me stay strong through all of this chaos.

    Admittedly, I don't actually remember most of this year. Felt more like a fuzzy fever dream than something that actually happened. I remember being happy with my friends, but highlighting an exact moment is difficult. Maybe the trip to the park I had when I was having a nervous break. Or visiting my friend's home. The cat café I went to was nice.

    June - August was by far the worst time for me. I had to redo an entire project, in a software I didn't understand, from scratch, with less time than I had for the project originally. With little guidance from my tutor and essentially being left to fend for myself in a state of panic. It was incredibly chaotic. Especially since the two ways it could go were 1 ) finish the project well enough to pass and get an overall 2:1, or 2 ) come close but fail and redo the entire year all over again. I was incredibly stressed. However, I handed the project in during July with the guidance of my friends helping me, teaching me the software along with tutorials I watched. I couldn't have done it without them. There were plenty of times where I just wanted to give up, but I made it. I saw it through and now I have my degree. my reason for including August is that I had to wait for my results during then - which was very much the worst.

    The best? December. I think that things are starting to greatly improve, and perhaps against my better judgement I am somewhat hopeful for 2022.

    My resolution is to get a job. I am also going to start learning to drive. 2022 is going to be quite an eventful year! Especially with my sister moving out. I'd like to visit my friends more often. Also, generally just to gain some more independence.

    Going from being a student to just being a regular adult.

    N / A

    There are a handful more questions left, but I think I'll leave it there.
    #10 Canterpiece, Dec 28, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
  11. LostInDaydreams

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    May 10, 2016
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    No significant changes this year.

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season?

    I spent the run up to Christmas with my daughter.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Imaginary? Hahaha…

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021?

    The murder of Sarah Everard, and the Plymouth shootings.

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year?

    Nothing particularly stands out.

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    If I did, I don’t remember them!

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Lots of small things at work.

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    My daughter. She had some great accomplishments this year.

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    I don’t think so. Nothing big comes to mind.

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021?

    Again, nothing comes to mind. Though, I suppose COVID-19 vaccinations was a big thing for all of us.

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    Nothing significant.

    Gosh! My year sounds exciting! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    No, but I helped others gain new qualifications.

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    Spending time with my daughter. :slight_smile:

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you?

    December has been the worst, I think, and the Spring, Summer and early Autumn months were the best. Having said that, I can’t remember much from early 2021 and I think we went into lockdown.

    15. What was your happiest moment?

    See answer to question 13. :slight_smile:

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    My daughter and other immediate family.

    Also, that I genuinely enjoy my job and that I have a great employer.

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year?

    See above re: Christmas.

    Nothing planned for New Year. I might not even bother staying awake to see 2022 in.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different?

    I have a few hopes, but I’m not making any resolutions.

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    I’ve had much worse years, but the pandemic has still had a big impact, so about a six.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    Yes, of course. EC’s a great place! :slight_smile:
  12. Andrew99

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    Nov 13, 2013
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  13. HM03

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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    Finally got out of retail. And don't talk to somebody anymore I considered my best friend for years.

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season?
    Christmas eve with the bf's family, Christmas at my dad's gf's place. NYE was extremely uneventful at my bf's place.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    Good :slight_smile:

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021?
    Best news of the year:The covid vaccine FINALLY being available to me. Biden's inauguration.

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year?
    I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I loved several guilty pop albums this year. Justin Bieber's Justice, Greyson Chance's Trophies, Lil Nas X's Montero.

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    If I did, I wasn't that serious about them lol

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    I'm typically a huge pushover. Somebody's shitty behavior became a trend, I wait awhile, communicated and eventually cut them off. Honestly don't know if I have ever been that communicative or assertive before.

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    Everybody that can follow basic health guidelines :slight_smile:

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?


    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021?

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    #7. Normally I just try to passively distance myself from stuff like that.

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications?
    Nothing exciting - Learned some computer stuff that I didn't know before.

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    I'd say this year it's all about the little moments. All the little moments that realistically were not that eventful, but I found hilarious or moments I felt super content, happy. Like when my brain turns off for a second and I say completely the wrong thing, or merge words and we die laughing. Or overhearing something that I found hilarious. Or trying something for the first time and I ended up loving it. Looking back, a lot of those uneventful happy memories were the process of my friend and I becoming better friends.

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you?
    February was amazing. It felt good to leave a job that was destroying my mental health to work at a better job with my friends. The afternoon shift was where I thrived and was the same as or at least coordinatable with my circle. It was nice to book appointments or do something fun for a couple hours before work. I think the sharp contrast with the months before is what made it so enjoyable and fun.

    Not really sure why, but October my mental health took a tumble and anxiety spiked. Still haven't quite regained my grace. Again, it's more so the contrast between the months before that really draw how shitty it was.

    15. What was your happiest moment?
    Seems the same as 13, no? But I have thought - Went to the beach with the bf and found a cliff jumping place that we never knew existed. It was nice finally getting the courage to jump in from so high and then swim back so the beach as the sun was getting ready to set and the beach was emptying up.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    Cliché - Health. Job. A good friendship we formed this year.

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year?
    Christmas eve with the bf's family, Christmas at my dad's gf's place. NYE was extremely uneventful at my bf's place.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different?
    No resolutions per say. But hoping to move out and that covid restrictions relax a tad.

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?
    Maybe a 7? 8?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    Not sure how frequently, but I'll pop on every now and then :slight_smile:
  14. jacko91

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    Jan 3, 2022
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    Experiencing more and trying new things

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season?

    Relaxed with the family

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Started out as dating someone but we then remained friends

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021?

    All the Covid news

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year?

    Not sure

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    Worry less and no

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Took a new role with work and stuck with it.
    Climbed Snowdon

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    Mum on getting a new job

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    Dont put all of your time into one person

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021?


    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    Rowed a boat

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications?


    13. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    Climbing Snowdon

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you?

    Worst was February due to the snow and Covid lockdown

    15. What was your happiest moment?

    When I was doing something new every weekend

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    Having a loving family and good friends

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year?

    Just chilled with the family

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different?

    Get my own place
    Worry less and live more

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?


    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    I hope so
  15. LaurenSkye

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    Feb 25, 2012
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    Made a few new friends and became closer to some existing friends.

    2. What did you do for the Christmas season?
    Got together with my dad, and my older brother and his family on the 26th. We went out to dinner and had gifts.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?


    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2021?
    More of the COVID "stuff"

    5. Favorite song/artist from the year?
    Song: "Chosen Family" by Elton John & Rina Sawayama
    Artist/Album: Screen Violence by Chvrches

    6. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    I made a mid-year resolution last summer. Tried my best but was unable to accomplish what I hoped for.

    7. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    Continuing to be myself.

    8. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    My mom for beating cancer again (hopefully for good this time)

    9. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Never get your hopes up too high (you'd think I would have learned that long before).

    10. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2021?
    I had a new niece born December 27.

    11. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    12. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    13. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    My brother and sister-in-law's wedding ceremony and reception. (They officially married in a small outdoor ceremony in Summer 2020, and had their formal ceremony in 2021).

    14. What were the best and worst months of 2021 for you?
    Best: July (aforementioned wedding); Worst: September, October, November

    15. What was your happiest moment?
    Again the wedding

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    My family

    17. What are/were your plans for Christmas/ new year?
    Spent New Year's at home, turned on a movie (Booksmart) at 11:00, turned off the lights, put away my phone, I didn't know what time it was until the movie ended.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2022? What do you hope will be different?
    No real resolutions, but I'm hoping to move to a new apartment soon (of course that was a big part of my 2021 mid-year resolution

    19. How do you rate 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? 3

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? I plant to/hope so
  16. DinoTail

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    Jan 24, 2022
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