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Haircut advice?

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by AlexJames, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. AlexJames

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    Feb 10, 2017
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    Hey dudes i need advice. I've got a binder and men's shirts, so next step is the hair. My hair is what i call Hermione hair - its a long, wavy, frizzy mess. I've always hated it long and want it short but idk what would look best on me! I'm pre-T so obviously whatever i have now is just a phase so to speak. I'll probably switch it up as time goes on and find what looks best on me. This is just something to help me feel better in my own skin. I want something that i can just comb/brush and go. I would probably go to Sports Clips - its a men's hair cut place in the DFW area, my dad and brother go there all the time. I mean they'd accept me as a customer despite presenting as my birth gender, right? They're convenient cause its right by my work tbh lol.

    I'm just not sure what to get. The original idea was to slowly trim it, then go shoulder length, then go short when i'm more independent and can afford to get kicked out. But i hate it and i feel terrible with long hair so i'm just gonna say fuck it and cut it probably around summertime? My birthday's in the summer. I have excuses made up already so i'm not worried about that. I'm just worried i'll get it cut and hate it or that it'll look bad and i'll be stuck with it.
  2. OtterGrump

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    Mar 21, 2017
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    Well even girls cut their hair short so most don't even need an excuse, but I don't know your family. Just remember than anyone can cut their hair short.

    I would definitely just cut it short right away because hair between shoulder and chin length with that type of hair is not a good look. It will not look good. Just skip that step.

    And with my hair, which is maybe similar to yours? I wouldn't really know, I don't even brush or comb it, it makes it worse.

    At the moment I don't have much else as suggestions; I'm not very good at them and when I have something then I can't remember it when I need to write it out.
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  3. Aberrance

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    I had long frizzy, untamable hair and I went through that shoulder length bon stage and it was fucking awful. My close friends still occasionally take the piss, didn't help that it was bright blue haha. I'd say short back and sides you can't go wrong, even with frizzy hair. Get a grade 4 fade maybe on the sides and they can always cut it shorter if you want. On top just get it cut with scissors maybe in a quiff or something? Also get the hairline squared off as it'll look more masculine. See what the barber suggests too.

    All I will say is that some barbers won't cut your hair from long to short, so I'd recommend a unisex hairdressers for the first cut. I was turned away from a few barbers before I transitioned but just stand your ground and tell them exactly what you want.
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  4. Foxfeather

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    You might want to try a few hairdressers too. And I've found that women surprise me more than male hairdressers. One woman could tell I was distraught and had received shit from other hairdressers before, and she didn't say a single thing about me giving her a guy's hairstyle in the photo.
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  5. Hanyauku

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    Dec 5, 2017
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    I would suggest not going to Sports Clips right away. It's not necessarily a bad place, my dad and brother also go there a lot. But, they're probably not used to going from very long hair to short hair. I would be a little worried about how it would turn out. I would get my hair cut at a salon or a hipstery barber shop if you know of one. They would probably be better able to go from long hair to short hair. In my experience, barber shops geared towards young males cut hair really well, and would do the best job of giving you a men's haircut. As to what type of haircut, short on sides and long on top is always a good bet. If you just look up undercuts you should find a lot of options, if that's the look you're going for. Once you've gotten your hair cut, take a picture, and then go to Sports Clips and show them. They might be more likely to cut you're hair if you show them how it`s looked on you before. Good luck! My hair has always been a major source of dysphoria for me, so I'm sure it'll make you feel good to have it cut.
    AlexJames likes this.