Exercise Tips for an FTM Trans Person

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Athexant, Dec 3, 2017.

  1. Athexant

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    Dec 29, 2015
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    Okay, so I'm pre-everything basically due to not being able to come out in real life. I'm about 5'5" (165 cm) and I weigh around 150 lbs (68 kg). I'm a very busy student. I have a part-time job where I work between 10-12 hours a week and I go to school full-time (generally doing schoolwork and studying until 9-10 pm every night with work).

    What can I do to lose some weight and tone up my muscles? I really want to reduce the size of my breasts and butt. I know what I need for my diet, but I was wondering if there are any exercise regimens people follow and work well or any exercises to help me out in general. I know I need to make exercise a more regular thing, so is there anything I can do to work around my schedule and still get things done?

    Sorry if anything is confusing. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for me.
  2. baconpox

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    Jun 22, 2014
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    For reducing the size of your breasts and butt, diet is most of it. I'd recommend trying a variety of things and seeing what you enjoy and what you can keep up regularly.

    My personal regimen is going on ~1 hour walks, boxing ~30 minutes, then doing upper body exercises with dumbbells for ~10 minutes (I vary the amount of time I spend on each task to keep it from getting old and I'm always trying new exercises to avoid plateau). Not necessarily suggesting that, because I have a ton of free time.

    Ty Turner, a trans YouTuber, has made some videos filming himself at the gym, so if you're going to be lifting weights and have no idea where to start, those may be useful.
    #2 baconpox, Dec 5, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  3. Aki

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    Dec 11, 2017
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    first things first, you can't fully commit to burning fat AND toning muscle. a lot of experts say you need to pick one to start with, before moving on to the next. if you try to do both at once, chances are you'll burn out, or give up when you don't see results fast enough. so, first thing you need to do is pick what you wanna focus on. personally, I'd recommend losing weight. excess fat causes womanly curves, whether you're trans or not. this is your choice, of course, so I will post tips for both losing weight, and gaining muscle. just remember, it is best to focus on one at a time. since you have an idea for your diet, I will mainly put exercises below.

    for losing weight when you don't have a lot of free time:

    drink water with every meal, and a lot of it. it will make you feel full faster, and prevent you from consuming excess calories. also, if you think you're hungry, drink water first to test if you really are. a lot of people mistake thirst for hunger. when you shower, alternate between hot and cold temperatures. this will confuse the body, and as it attempts to regulate its inside temp, will burn calories. jog whenever you can, wherever you can. if you're waiting around for something, jog on the spot. this banks mad calories over time. do sit ups in bed when you first wake up. make yourself cold whenever you can, shivering burns calories. slow, long runs around campus will be your best friend. do not eat carbs before you do them, and your body will have to to burn internal fats to fuel itself. never skip breakfast. if you want to skip a meal, choose dinner (I lost ten pounds doing this over a few months, but it led to some issues so watch yourself). jumping jacks actually work so do them

    for building muscle when you don't have a lot of free time:

    chest presses are amazing for the male physique. they even out your chest, and help make your boobs look smaller. lawn mower lifts with dumbbells work the back, stomach, biceps, and triceps. pushups are a pain in the ass but they work pretty much your whole body so they're cool. don't neglect your legs, do wall-sits in intervals. what do planks and shanks have in common? you'll find them both in prison, and they both hurt like hell. but, planks are good for you, unlike shanks.