Besides Sex, how does it affect you by coming out of the closest?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by jake1, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. jake1

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    Oct 22, 2017
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    I'm just curious what your opinions are. Besides the Sex aspect why is it important to you to be "out of the closet" Why does it make you act different?

    Why do we have to "come out of the closet" to be ourselves and straight people don't? Why is it so important to us to be "who we are" that makes us go through so much drama in our lives verses being silent?

    I'm so interested in what traits gay men have besides the sex aspect that makes it such a big deal to come out of the closet.

    Would love to hear your thoughts!!
  2. Twist

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    Apr 28, 2014
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    It doesn't make me "act different". But, it allows me to live an authentic life. No lies. No deception. No constant worry about hiding, slipping up, or concealing interests.

    There is a difference between "coming out" and living "out of the closet", though.

    I never "came out". I simply live my life out of the closet and don't worry about hiding my orientation. If someone asks, I answer honestly. If someone guesses wrong, I'll usually correct them (gently, and often with a hint of humor).

    It isn't about traits. It's about being able to live honestly and openly without having to court deceit in your life.
    #2 Twist, Nov 12, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2017
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  3. Creativemind

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    Sep 4, 2015
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    The thing is that you get to live an authentic life. You don't have to hide from your loved ones anymore. If you want a long-term relationship, it's easier.

    Just because someone is out doesn't mean they have obsessive conversations on their sexuality. It just means there is nothing to hide if they are questioned.
  4. Watlwtwd

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    Feb 11, 2017
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    Assuming you are inquiring about the practical effects of coming out, and not the ethical (ex. being honest) or for the best of your well being (ex. having friends you can talk to about stuff, not worry about parents finding out about your boyfriends etc.), coming out to most people in my life has, pretty much, made my life easier. I can now use my energy and effort on my studies, on my hobbies and on my relationships without that ever-timecomsuming-energydraining vortex called "The Closet".

    Without The Closet, I can have conversations about anything I like, without worrying it will turn lgbt-related and risk exposing me and my knowlege on the matter. Without it, I am able to help other people with their own Closets. Without it, other lgbt people come to me looking for advice or just acceptance. Without it, I can support my views properly and hold my ground against the "mild homophobes".

    Anyway, the reason I came out is, I realized that the later I did it, the more my integrity and my relationships with people would deteriorate to the point where they would lose trust on me, by making them aware of all the lies I would have tld them. I know, we should be understanding of anyone struggling to come out. Of course Iknow and appreciate it. But there is a limit to the number of lies you can tell to a loved one, before you lose them.(<-- maybe except for parents. If they dont love and understand and accept their child, and dont realize they forced their children to lie, they are not good parents.)

    Appart from all of the above, I belive the best thing that you get after coming out is feeling you are being a part of the change in our generation. You see, before coming out, you are safe( and apparently privilegded) thanks to aallll those brave people of the past who talked about what was right and made sure that you could do whatever you want with your identity, including hiding it. You are just enjoying the fruits of their efforts. After you start coming out, you contribute to the change of minds. Will it be your friends, parents, siblings, neighbors or whatever, you get the chance to make people think again of what they believe in.
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  5. shadowalex

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    Sep 8, 2017
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    I completely agree with everything everyone said so far. I think the idea of coming out in general all revolves around the social ideal that everyone "turns gay" or is straight by default. So we end up having to come out to correct that assumption about ourselves. I was always pansexual for my entire life, but not everyone sees me that way. I think this is especially true for parents that see their kids as straight for most of their time raising them. Thats why family members tend to be the most unpredictable in coming out for a lot of different people. So sadly coming out seems to be an inevitable part of living life freely out of the closet in some circles. But that doesnt mean a person has to tell everyone they meet about their sexuality. I find that as a pan person, I will be coming out many many times because I am in a relationship with one person, so I am assumed to only like that one gender. :slight_smile: