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Emerging from the fog

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by xSilent08x, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. silverhalo

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    Your first sentence omg I have been there so many times. Just keep breathing you will get there.

    I totally get what you are saying. Try not to think of it as letting someone into your mind to dig around. I'm sure there are going to be times where talking and disclosing things will be difficult and painful but just keep your eyes on the goal and keep reminding yourself you need this help and support to get to where you want to be. I know you can do it.
  2. xSilent08x

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    Sep 13, 2017
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    Oh I am trying, believe me I am most certainly. But even as I am breathing and remaining calm on the outside, focusing on my work I have this vision of a nuclear power plant about to blow inside my skull and trying to hit the abort button over and over again to no avail. Pretty much sums up what's going on.

    Bah, I know, I know! It's very... strange behavior of me because I would like to consider myself open and honest, I mean I'm not going to tell you my life story but if ask me a question I generally don't have a problem answering it honestly, but the second someone says therapist I claim up tighter than a virgin at a prison rodeo. But I know this must be done, for my sanity and all parties involved, it's the way to go... now I just need to excercise patience.
  3. silverhalo

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    I often think that there can be negative social stigma that goes with seeing a therapist, not that their should be. I also think it is the thought of opening up completely because for it to work we have to but that is a scary prospect. I didn't mean to make it sound like you weren't now trying. I know exactly how you feel. I know you will be fine once you get there, even though you won't feel fine. I think there is a difference between being open as we are when asked a direct question and openly sharing. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with only sharing when asked but I think it perhaps makes something like therapy seem worse.

    I am right there with you.
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  4. xSilent08x

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    So I went and saw the counselor on Monday after work. (Who was very cute mind you, her professional pictures made her look more 'mature' than she actually is to my pleasant surprise.) Anyways things went rather well, I didn't claim up like I thought I would, actually I just kind of word vomited everything out and bounced back and forth from thought to though all related on different occasions I was talking about, but she was able to follow my thought process quite well and confirmed a few of my suspicions about H and validated what I've been feeling with him and other things in regards to my sexuality and our relationship. And just hearing that from someone else was more of a relief than I thought, it felt so wonderful to have what I felt validated instead of just feeling like I was crazy all of the time. But I still have a long journey ahead of me in working through my emotions and making myself confident in my decision to leave H. She is concerned that if I do it too soon when I am still a bit uncertain, I will end up just caving in and get stuck back in the cycle I'm in, and I don't want that. I want to be free to be me, to enjoy life again not only for my daughters but myself.

    So the letter will wait until I am more confident in my decision and have coping mechanism as to how to deal with H's reaction to everything. So the journey begins to regaining myself and taking back my life!
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  5. silverhalo

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    Yay congratulations, I'm so glad it went well for you.
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  6. xSilent08x

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    Thank you! I am very relieved it went so well, I mean it didn't hurt she was super cute too, haha, but still. I am glad that I went.
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  7. xSilent08x

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    I am... exhausted, I guess is the best way to put it. Exhausted and ready to check out. My mind is screaming check please and yet no one is bringing me the damn bill. Ugh. My session with my Counselor felt... dizzying? I pretty much just talked in circles and went back and forth with knowing what I want and need to do for my own health only to circle back into feeling guilty for wanting to choose myself and feeling responsible for H and however it is he will react. And of course one of my core values is being committed to what I say I am going to do, and so I am also struggling on that aspect. So even though logically I can make sense of all of this, the guilt and sense of responsibility and I guess failure keep swaying me back.

    I know that I should not feel guilty for wanting, or rather needing to choose my own health and well being over his. And I know that I am in no way responsible for how he will choose to react or his actions, or that I haven't failed myself because I truly have given it my best go but it really isn't meant to be for various reasons, not just my sexual orientation. Yet still, for one reason or another I find myself trying to talk myself back into when I literally know that I cant handle it anymore. I am literally a choice of me or him, and I know that either way I will end up suffering some kind of destruction but I feel that only in choosing myself will I be able to rebuild a solid foundation for myself and my daughters.

    She wants me to write a letter to him, to word vomit everything out and first and then read over it and pick and choose what I say to him. Problem is every time I look at the blank page I space out, and my mind goes blank. Damn it all, I knew it was going to be hard but fighting myself is no joke. I am a worthy opponent in any arena in life against anyone, it just sucks knowing that I have to beat myself in order to achieve the goal in sight not only for my girls but for myself, because I'm worth it and I deserve peace and happiness and freedom.

    I just keep having to tell myself that until those urges and voices of guilt and responsibility die down. So there will be a letter soon! Hopefully, most likely... but when I can't exactly say. All I can say is, soon.
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  8. silverhalo

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    Aww I'm so sorry you are struggling.

    As for the letter maybe do it a bit at a time, first of all just write down words or short sentances and then once you have loads down you can expand the points. You may find that once you get started it flows much more easily. Alternatively you could approach it much more structured and look at the areas you think you need to vomit out and then once you have you have your areas you can jot down things that come to mind. You will get there.

    Maybe read back through some of your posts on here you have probably covered some of what you want to say in your posts.
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  9. leb10

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    I found general journaling when I am most stressed/overwhelmed helpful to structuring my thoughts prior to conversations or therapy. It might give you starting material?
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  10. beckett413

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    I am in the same situation at the moment. However, I am 47 and have been married to him for 23 years. I have no idea how to break the news to hi and my family. I hope whatever path you choose it works out for the best. I just wish I had figured this out years ago.

    I will definitely follow this thread to see what others suggest. I did like the letter idea. My other fears have to do with my family as well. I know my children will support me coming out because my oldest daughter is gay.

    Good luck and I wish you well.
  11. shadowalex

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    I was in a bad place about a year ago and the only way I could make my feelings clear to my spouse was to write a letter. It helps.

    You can do this. I believe in you. Remember that you deserve to be happy and your kids will understand and love you no matter what. Good luck.
    xSilent08x likes this.
  12. xSilent08x

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    It's been an exhausting couple of weeks. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. The only things that keep me going are my kids and K. This journey, however sure I am of myself, is certainly a tiring one. I've tried multiple times to write a letter to H to end up with nothing but a blank screen or piece of paper. I've tried journaling, but that only seems to leave me frustrated beyond belief. Ontop of everything else I just feel disconnected with the life I once have and now have to continue dragging on until I can regain myself to some level; the only time I really feel like me is when I'm talking/texting with K or my friends who are supportive of my re-coming out? Strange to say, but when I can say it out loud is when I feel the strongest. To which that whole tidbit happened during my friend J's anniversary party (I have an EXTREMELY small group of friends and we've all known each other for over 10 years, some I've known for 20 years.), it just sort of slipped out. They were having dinner at Reset which is a bar and grill with games for adults and what not, to be honest I didn't want to go but J insisted that getting out would be good for me. So I pulled myself together and went and had a decent time out. I was sitting there after dinner while everyone else was talking texting with K and apparently I must have smiled or laughed or something because J looked over and asked who I was talking to, she knows about K, and I told her and from across the table my childhood friend R goes 'Whose K?' and I just boldly stated 'My girlfriend.' Like I would have no consequence of saying it, even though I'm still technically married; which makes me feel like crap on both ends mind you, I am pretty much internally torturing myself in that regards. But everyone at the table was just like 'Oh, that's cool. Do we know her?' and started asking questions like it was no big deal. Which honestly, was such a relief and it made me happy to be able to talk about her with everyone.

    A week later H insisted that we do something early for our anniversary, which I couldn't careless about celebrating since it's just another day for me and I've pretty much emotionally just stepped away from him. Up until the day before I kept telling him I didn't want to go, I didn't want to go, we couldn't afford it, but after insisting so much I got frustrated and agreed and we went to Cedar Point without the kids, just me and him. I will admit I didn't have an awful time, but I would rather have spent that day in bed asleep and being lazy. The drive home was interesting, he brought up the conversation about toys and how I felt about them. I wasn't interested in the conversation, honestly when we got into the car and I immediately began texting K to see how her day was. He made it apparent that he didn't have much experience with them but was interested, and I had absent mindedly told him that I had plenty of experience to know what I like and didn't like. Now this was the first time ever he actually asked me to explain anything about myself, and feeling tired and a bit irritated I just blurted out 'I prefer women.' And the conversation went silent after that. Which was fine with me because I didn't feel like indulging anymore, but I pretty much backhandedly came out to him.

    H hasn't really brought it up since then, but he had certainly been bitchier than usual, nearly made Halloween unbearable. I've all but told him to let the girls move into the bedroom with me and he could have their room, since I didn't want to deal with him and his piss and vinegar anymore. I'm a bit disappointed in myself because I wanted to do this as nicely and as peacefully as I could, since I do still want to have a decent relationship with him since he is the father of my babies and it would make co-parenting easier. But with how tired and exhausted I am, and how irritated I've become, I don't know if I will be able to do it nicely while still asserting my decision. I just want a vacation at this point.
  13. LostInDaydreams

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    Hi, I don't know your full backstory that well, sorry. Did your husband have any idea about your questioning or your girlfriend before you came out to him? If not, it probably was a bit of a shock and he won't have necessarily know what you mean by preferring women, i.e. how far the preference goes. Have you tried to start a conversation about it with him? Perhaps take some time to think about exactly what you're going to say (i.e. what you want going forward, etc.) and stick to that. I think the key to doing it nicely is to understand that he's not had as long to process this as you (assuming your husband knew nothing before your post above) and be patient, answer his questions honestly, etc. as it's his marriage too, which I appreciate might be frustrating for you if you're ready to move on already. You can always vent on here!
  14. xSilent08x

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    @LostInDaydreams I appreciate your perspective in wanting me to be more sensitive to the situation, but to put things to light I was a self proclaimed lesbian when I was younger and for some reason or another turned to men which all and all has been an awful experience. (My first post explains this more.) H is a narcissist, he was a completely different person when we met compared to what his true colors show now. H is a jerk in every sense of the word, if it's not to benefit him he doesn't care.

    So mine is more of a recoming out than an initial coming out story.
  15. LostInDaydreams

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    Sorry, didn't realise your husband knew you referred to yourself as a lesbian before you met him. It must be frustrating to get nothing back when you try to discuss the issue. Best wishes.
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