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What can't a straight man do?

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Erny, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Quantumreality

    Regular Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Arizona, USA
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out to everyone
    Hey Erny,

    As my comment wasn't intended to shut you down or stop you from interacting here on EC. It clearly came across the wrong way.

    My intention was to ask for deeper insight - to ask you to examine yourself in some more detail and see if you can put into words what you are really asking us. Do you primarily want reassurance that you are straight? Do you just want to have a general discussion about your sexuality? Do you just want to write this down to get it off your chest (sort of a rant)?

    I was really curious because you said that you are now comfortable with your sexuality, but then much of what your wrote almost seems to be a confirmation/defense to yourself of your heterosexuality.

    Again, I apologize if my question came off completely the wrong way and pushed you away from interacting with us here on EC.:frowning2:
  2. Foxfeather

    Regular Member

    Mar 10, 2015
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    Male (trans*)
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    Not out at all
    Honestly, I think I do way cooler things than all my guy friends and I'm a lot braver than them too. Like some real-life Boy Named Sue. Except I got all the other parts that come with Sue. So I'm even tougher than Sue.

    I want the stereotyping and the limitations to stop, too. For all the brave things I've done, it's crazy how one comment about how my hair doesn't conform to my gender or a question about whether I've checked out any guys lately or have a boyfriend can drive me towards depression. Why can't I be trans AND happy? Why can't I be male AND feminine in some ways?

    What types of oppression have you faced lately? I'd love to learn more about what you have to deal with. I think it puts our own problems into perspective when we realize we're not alone and we never should feel alone as the T in LGBT
  3. Erny

    Regular Member

    May 3, 2017
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    Thank you guys. I'm on my road from recovery from my stupid obsession. Comparatively, I have seen and heard so many coming out testimonies of lgbt people having to limit themselves our wise they would be outed by their likings. On the opposite, I feel that since I'm straight man I have to follow these rigid macho rules. But I'm tired of that. I don't care if I'm too feminine and straight. Some times I feel like I am a lesbian in s guys body but that's only when I'm aroused. Thank you guys again. Much love bros and sis.
  4. Erny

    Regular Member

    May 3, 2017
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    Oh to answer your question. I restarted doubting myself because I liked a lot of things that are stereotypes as being girly, or being gay. Then my obsession took over. Then with all of my other questions from before, I was so obsessed. I couldn't stop questioning. With the testing and masturbating to gay porn and all of that. It didn't make me happy. There were two times that I forced myself to orgasm and again, it didn't make me happy, while I was masturbating, during climax and after. I seeked professional help and help from you guys and learned that it was the stimulation. To me, it felt like I was raping myself, I feel that it was traumatizing and realized that it was making me happy and it never will. I was actually trying to convince myself that I am gay or bi but honestly, I just couldn't. I looked in the mirror and said I am gay or I am bi and I felt like it was a lie. In my head when I said that I am gay or bi and tried to lust or fantasize over men, I had no interest or anxiety. I was just so scared that I was in denial, that I was too scared to come out but I am confident that that isn't the case. I just get obsess with things and when I am done obsessing over one thing I start obsessing over something else. Don't know why but that's how it is for me.
  5. clockworkfox

    Regular Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Some people
    I agree, and I'm glad to see more trans and questioning people networking. It's easy to feel alone otherwise.