Is he gay or just Korean?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by JacobAndFriends, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. JacobAndFriends

    Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Hello y'all,

    Preface: I am sorry this is so long. Since I am only out to two people, both of whom I don't know personally, I rarely find myself in a position to ask others about this.

    I need advice. One of my friends, whom I've been getting to know at school for awhile moved from Korea, and we've become very close friends. I feel an intense sense of fondness towards him, in a romantic way, as well as a friendly way. When I first met him, I suspected him to be gay for no reason, just "gaydar". However, now, I am very confused about his intentions, but too afraid to ask him out of fear that he would be offended and distance himself as my friend.
    When we first met, we went on a school trip together, and spooned while we watched movies together in a twin bed with the phone I snuck on the trip. It was really fun for me, and for him too. At this time, we made a lot of sexual jokes with each other, and he asked me about one of them. It was along the lines of, who would you prefer to do this with? I told him I don't care about the gender of the person. When we came back from the trip, he dug deeper and asked me if I'd ever kissed a boy, which I haven't.
    Here is where I am truly confused beyond belief. To my knowledge, in Korea it is standard practice to be very touchy feely with your male friends. However, this really isn't the case in the U.S. Now, my friend and I are very touchy with each other. I generally rest my head on his shoulder while we sit and put my hand either behind him or on his thigh. This should signal something to him, as it isn't normal here, right? I find he isn't afraid to do the same to me. I decided to take action, and casually showed him gay porn on my phone to let him know that I am not touching him this way purely to be friendly, but have more interest. Despite doing this multiple times, he has not stopped doing this with me. I believe this to be a good thing. Although my friends tease me that we're dating and such, even though I am not out to them, I am still unsure.
    So I am curious if he is just being polite and his touchy nature is due to his background or if I should make a move on him. What do you think.

    Thank you
  2. treasure1996

    Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I definitely think there's something there. You two spooned, he asked if you'd kissed a guy (no straight guy does that), and you even showed him gay porn and he didn't seem to flinch or act differently? Of coarse there is a cultural barrier here but I think in terms of affection and showing interest - he's aware of what's going on.

    You two seemed to have discussed kissing and even watched gay porn together, why not ask him 'Would you be freaked out if I kissed you?' and see what he says. I don't think he'd react badly given what you've told me.

    Good luck!
  3. JacobAndFriends

    Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Yes, he didn't act any differently even though I showed him images of nude men in explicit positions with other men on my phone multiple times. He even teases me about opening my photo gallery or the Tumblr app now.

    One time we were in a group setting, with about seven people, and a friend was going around and asking each of us questions. She asked the friend I am interested in if he would kiss me for a sum of money. He said, no, he wouldn't. However, when she asked me the same question I said I would do it. This, in all honesty, made me very upset, however I downplayed it to just be him not being out with our group of friends.

    Thank you.
  4. TheOneCactus

    Regular Member

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
    Female (trans*)
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    A few people
    I used to go to a school in england with a large Korean community and I can safely say that they are very rarely homo-affectionate so he may be Gay or Bi. In the friendgroup, I think had you gone first, he would have also said he would. Tell him what you feel! Korean guys are actually pretty hot!
  5. WeDreamOfPeace

    Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Essex, UK
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    Out to everyone
    Yeah I think you have a date there man. Pretty sure those are great signs of being not-quite-straight. Congrats on your potential new Korean boyfriend :wink:

