Hopefully one day they'll understand me

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by g013z, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. g013z

    Regular Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    My psychologist kind of forced me to come out to my mom, who told the entire family I was a lesbian (even after a two hour talk about what being a transgender boy means), without my permission. Since then nothing really changed and I feel like I'm worth nothing. I was expecting them to talk to me about it, anything, but they didn't say a word, not even after I tried to come out again, using my choice of words.
    I tried to talk about it with my mom and, after telling me she'd support me, no matter what, she asked me not to talk about my "excessive rejection of my body" anymore because she was making her feel uncomfortable- I can perfectly understand it's hard as a mother to see her daughter feeling more like a son, that's fine, but it has been going on for seven months and it's only getting worse with her making fun of me and how much I want to dress up as a boy and telling me how I'm making her feel embarrassed, treating me like I'm going through a goddamn emo phase.
    So I came out to my family, but not really, and now I'm stuck.
  2. AndyWriter

    AndyWriter Guest

    Mar 6, 2017
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    New York
    Hi. I read your post and felt bad. It reminded me of the hard time I had coming out. I had to reconcile being religious (sort of), being the son of immigrants, and being a "good" boy. Wanted to do everything by the book. Still do! Even though I'm older. But what really helped me was therapy, a lot of therapy. But you need a good therapist. Hope your psychologist knows what he or she is doing. I know sometimes I wished I had never told my parents, but in the end I'm glad, even though there were painful moments. So just don't lose hope and give it time. I know it's hard, but stay the course.
    #2 AndyWriter, Mar 14, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2017
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