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Coming out to a straight spouse

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Lost4, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. Lost4

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    Jan 15, 2017
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    I am 31, male and in a long term hetro relationship. The last 12 months have been hell and I need some help/ advice. Below is my story:

    From a very young age I remember feeling excited when I was exposed to gay romance. Once I hit puberty, it was a lot more confusing for me as I was exclusively interested in gay porn but romantically attracted to females only. It’s a familiar story, I come from a very religious family and grew up in a country town. I was totally oblivious to the gay porn attraction, I always assumed I was straight but had some sort of gay porn fetish.

    In my late teens I had a few girlfriends, but it wasn’t until I was 23 that I met my now Fiancé. We’ve been together for 8 years, she is my best friend and I love her. Although our sex life is infrequent, the rest of our relationship is healthy.

    Things changed for me about 12 months ago, when a friend came out as gay. Someone who I hadn’t suspected of ever being gay and is of similar age to me (so coming out a bit later in life). At this point the internal conflict started, an involuntary self-reflection began. There were signs that I was gay, the porn being the biggest, and occasionally I would catch myself perving on shirtless males at the beach. I was also asked once or twice by people if I was gay, which I would always deny.

    At the time the thought of being gay just didn’t seem to be an option for me as I love my fiancé too much, and it would obviously mean ending the relationship. So I did everything I could to get the thoughts out of my head, I even gave up gay porn (which only lasted a few months).

    Fast forward to today. The internal conflict is still there, but through many sleepless nights, some bouts of depression and anxiety, I think I’ve finally came to the realisation that I am most likely gay.

    Now the hard part. Telling the Fiancé. I just can’t grow the balls to do it. Every time I look at her face, I remember the reason why I fell in love with her. Telling her something as big as this will certainly change our relationship forever, most likely terminating it on the spot.

    I would love some advice from anyone who has gone through something similar.

    Thanks, and sorry for the long post. :help:
  2. Chip

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    Welcome. You're in the right place.

    The truth is... I don't know that there is any good way to have this conversation. Remember that it has taken you a long time, perhaps years, to come to this realization for yourself (and from your post, it sounds like it isn't 100% solid even now.) So when you tell your fiancé, it's going to take her some time to process as well.

    The thing to remind yourself is... assuming your girlfriend is of a similar age to you, telling her now gives her plenty of time to find the person that's right for her (and, for you to find the right person for you as well.) The longer you wait... the more time you're taking for both of you to find what you really want. So the motivation to tell her should be coming from a place of making the difficult choice that's the best choice for both of you.

    If you read through our "Later in Life" forum, you'll see lots of stories of people who were (or are) in the same predicament you are... but are in their 40s or 50s or later. It is much, much harder for these folks, and there's a lot of regret, and often a lot of bitterness from their spouse. So one of the most difficult pieces is to recognize that the very painful conversation you need to have is sort of like ripping off the band-aid. You know it has to happen, the pain is short-lived, and the result is healing.

    You might also want to get Joe Kort's wonderful book "Ten Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love", which has little to do with finding real love, but everything to do with understanding yourself. There is a section in it on coming to terms with a spouse in a heterosexually married relationship which is excellent and will give you some insight that will likely help.

    While there's no timetable for you to do this... the fact that you're talking about it here says that you're getting to the point where you are acknowledging that it needs to happen. And that's awesome. One of the best things you can do for yourself is acknowledge that this is something that takes time, that is difficult, and not kick yourself for not just being able to do it at the drop of a hat.

    I think if you stick around here, talk more about what's going on for you, read some of the stories of others... you'll find that the courage to do what you need to do will come sooner than you expect.
  3. johndeere3020

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    I understand what you are going through. I have been married for many years and only now am flirting with the idea of "being able to be myself." Getting married will not fix your attraction to other guys. If you stay with your girl it WILL be more painful for you in the future. Anytime your want to talk there are many people here to listen!
    Take Care
  4. bunnydee

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    Dec 28, 2016
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    A lot of us here have gone through what you are - married realized we are gay and having to tell the spouse.

    I agree with everything Chip said above. Once you get to the point of true acceptance of yourself, most of us find it harder to keep quiet and stay in denial - we just feel the urge to come out. Sometimes not in the best way...lol as in my case.

    To my own surprise when I came out to my husband, spouses go through their own phases once they have been told. Mine was angry at first, then accepting, then angry, and now in the bargaining stage.
  5. I'm gay

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    I understand that you are still trying to figure yourself out. And reading and posting here on EC can help you to do just that. I implore you, however, to not marry your fiancé. Coming out is SO much harder after getting married. I know, having come out to my wife, children, and family just a few months ago. I wouldn't wish that journey on anyone.

    Chip is correct when he tells you that there really is no good way to do this, but I think you are realizing now that it must be done. Just remember through the process that it all takes time. But you will come out of it with a big weight off your shoulders and a new authentic you.

    I wish you good luck on your journey. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride:
  6. Rob in FL

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    I just want to second what the others have said. Please, PLEASE, do not marry this woman or continue living a lie. She deserves better, but So. Do. You.

    For me, I *wish* I had the self-awareness you have now when I was not yet married. I could have saved a great woman a hell of a lot of pain not to mention had all these lost years back for myself. Don't turn into a sad middle-aged man satisfying himself with online porn instead of a real live man.

  7. Lost4

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    Jan 15, 2017
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    Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I agree with everything said, but I have weeks (and I feel like this week is one of them) where I really enjoy being in my relationship and the questioning side of my sexuality has been pushed a side for a while. I say a while because no doubt next week or the week after I will go back to feeling conflicted again.

    I agree, I am not really 100% solid on the idea. I don't think I ever will be until I actually take the plunge and experiment in the real world, which is something I'm not prepared to do while I'm in a relationship. :confused:
  8. Aj462

    Aj462 Guest

    Hey Lost4,

    How are things going?

    Came by this thread after reading one of your comments in my thread. We have a similar situation (including the fluctuating desire for men), and I too am trying to figure out if I'm bi or gay. I'm actually leaning towards the latter, but need to be reasonably sure somehow, because my marriage will end if I say I'm gay. I guess I'm really scared of finding out that I'm actually bi after I come out as gay to my wife and end our marriage. I could never forgive myself for that.

    Like you, I love my partner more than anything else in the world and can't bear to lie to her or cause her harm. She knows I have same-sex attraction, and is trying to be patient with me as I figure this out. I can see the anxiety she's in and I feel awful for keeping her in this state of unknowing.

    Have you spoken to your partner yet? Have you had any further conformation of your orientation? When you feel less attracted to the idea of sex with men, is there something else in your life that you are preoccupying yourself with so as not to think on this?

    Hope you're well.
  9. Mj5963

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    I am a married man in mid 50's with three kids 21-26 and recently wife discovered I had been sleeping with guys and trust me the infidelity part is horrible and the guilt is beyond my ability to explain here . I had those feelings too and o can only give you my advice from personal experience , seek some professional guidance and help, we all have our views but we are not you and you and your fiancé are who you are . I would suggest a gay affirming type therapist they are not there to convert you but to get you and your soul to be honest . I wish I told her years ago because what I did is terrible and we now live with it but we are working together to not rush to divorce because we ha e a long history of great things and are seeing if we can reconcile , my secret is no more and turning to buttoning it doesn't last I am living proof , you sound like a wonderful guy who cares and loved your fiancé so my advice respect that and true love means being honest
  10. Zen fix

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    Hi Lost4. I don't have a lot to add. Previous posters seem to have pretty well covered the bases. I would say that these feelings almost certainly aren't going to go away. You are lucky that you've figured out as much as you have. But, you can't keep this from her forever. When you do come out as bi/gay/questioning she will ask you how long you have known. Better that that answer isn't Years.
  11. Mj5963

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    Take a look at the Klein sexuality grid it really can help with some understand I g

    The Klein Grid
  12. Lost4

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    Thanks for reaching out to me AJ. Unfortunately I still haven't had the discussion with my partner. I think if anything I am even more confused about my orientation than I was a few months ago. I read a few books on sexuality, and at times feel as though my traits fall under bi rather than gay. I know labels aren't overly important but my thoughts are if I am bi than maybe I can save my relationship.

    I feel as though if I am bi, I'm probably on the gay side of bi. For example, I know porn is not a reliable way of working out an individuals orientation but I tried a few tests to see what would arouse me. Below is how I responded to porn:

    Straight (M&F) - Mild arousal
    Lesbian (F&F)- zero arousal
    Transsexual (M2F) - high arousal
    Gay (M&M) - very high arousal

    In saying that, the intrusive gay thoughts have slowed down to some degree. I think by accepting the fact that I am not straight helped. However, now I have to deal with the guilt of knowing this and not telling my spouse, which is a different type of pain.

    I've made myself really busy at work, which definitely helps. I know this is not a long term strategy but at least it gives my mind a short break from pulling me into different directions. I also have been going to the gym, which also has helped a little.

    How are things going with you?

    ---------- Post added 4th Mar 2017 at 12:23 AM ----------

    Thanks MJ, I have actually booked into see a therapist next week who specialises in these types of situations. I'm hoping this give me a better understanding of who I am and where I want to go.
  13. Mj5963

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    Congratulations that is a huge step seeing a professional or has helped me so much and I have learned a lot about
    Sexual behavior
    Sexual identity
    Sexual orientation
    Sexual fantasies

    And they are not necessarily connected in a linear way
  14. veganguy

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    Feb 27, 2017
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    Hi Lost4, I just read your story. We are very much in a similar stage.

    As others have said, it would be better to come to terms with your sexuality sooner rather than later, and I would highly recommend not going through with the marriage unless you are 100% sure that it is what you want.

    From my own experience, I hoped that I could hide behind my marriage, and that it would somehow take away the "gay feelings". But it doesn't, it just makes you feel more ashamed.

    Have you seen a therapist yet? If so, how did it go?
  15. Aj462

    Aj462 Guest

    Hey Lost,

    It's good to talk, and I feel that our fundamentalist upbringing and later-in-life questioning is something we have in common.

    I understand what you mean about orientation confusion -- I'm really unsure of myself too, cycling between the 'am I bi/gay?' question. Like you, I think that if I am bi then I can make my relationship work. My wife has expressed interest in us staying married even if I decide that I'm gay, which shows how much she loves me. But I fear that this will not be the best course of action for either of us, if I decide I am gay.

    I'm due to see a sex therapist with my wife tomorrow, so I hope that will be a start to us figuring out who I am and what we both want. It's hard when you know the person you're with really loves you, and I'm sure you'd agree that if you could cut these same-sex desires out of you, you would, right?

    I tend not to looks at porn to try and gauge my orientation, but instead pay attention to the thoughts and fantasies that pop into my head throughout the day. These are pretty much all gay thoughts and fantasies, even if I actively try to think about straight thoughts, they often end up being same-sex thoughts. Have you experienced this?

    Hope all is well, and do feel free to send me a PM if you'd like .
  16. f1zzywat3r

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    Mar 2, 2017
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    Even tho I am female, I can relate to your struggle. I married my husband at 22 and we have been together 5 years. I recently realized I had repressed my feelings and attractions towards women to be with him. I had begun to want to explore bisexuality before we started dating and had told him I thought I should be able to have a boyfriend and a girlfriend if I wanted, and if those people would be comfortable with me in that way. He asked if it could just be us and my brain filed that, not as monogamy but heterosexuality. I have denied my attractions for years now. I do remember saying the bf/gf thing to him, but he also says I told him I was bisexual. I have no memory of this but I don't see why I wouldn't have said that. But repression is a funny thing...

    If you have doubts that your attractions will not be able to be dealt with, or that your partner will not be interested in finding a way to make this work if you just desperately need to be with a man too, then I recommend not getting married yet. Marraige is forever, while people are static in a lot of ways, people do change over time too. It is important to be in a partnership that helps you be your most authentic self, however that comes about. This is a lesson I am also trying to learn.

    I understand what you mean by saying you see the reason you fell in love in the first place when you look at your partner. It is so difficult and painful to feel that and feel the same sex attractions. People want to feel like they are 'enough' and desiring others because of your sexuality, at least for me, feels shameful because you know your partner is a good person and deserves to be enough for whoever they partner with. And yet... I believe that if we are enough for ourselves, that is when we show up as our best selves for a relationship and can make it work because we are able to give to others without conditions for ourselves.
  17. Lost4

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    I saw a Therapist last night and it went well, but feels like we only scratched the surface. He thinks I'm trying to answer too many questions at once and need to take smaller steps. He also thinks I should fully understand my sexuality before coming out to my partner. Which is something I know I need to do, but it is easier said than done. I have no definite indications at this point.

    That's something I fear about every day. I feel as though my partner is so loving that she would want to stay together as well. But I think it could be a string along to an inevitable break up, which will hurt her even further. :tears:

    Definitely, I went through a phase last year where I did everything I could to try and get rid of same sex feelings, and in the end it just made me more miserable and frustrated. Meditation has helped a little with the thoughts, but I guess its who we are and we need to just accept it.

    How did you go with the therapist?

    I think porn has ruined my sense of imagination. I very rarely have involuntary sexual fantasy's pop into my head. I do however, get quite excited when reading about anything mildly homoerotic. For example, I am currently reading Farm Boys, which gets the blood rushing at times.

    Definitely agree, and it sucks. I wish this questioning of my sexuality had happened 10 years ago, I certainly would have saved a lot of heartache. Coming out is not the big deal to me, its that to come out will mean I will lose the person I love more than anything. :tears:
    #17 Lost4, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  18. TransParkie

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    Mar 6, 2017
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    The problem I see with the "Klein Grid", is that it assumes that everyone is either "Straight", "Bi", or "Gay/Lesbian". It ignores those amongst us that are Poly, or Pan, as well as those that are Trans, or Asexual....... Yup, it looks Like we've skewed the results of another test, again... :bang:
  19. Aj462

    Aj462 Guest

    It went ok. The three of us just spoke together about how the next few session would take place. I'm meeting with the therapist alone in a couple of weeks to discuss my sexual history, which may help me understand my present orientation.

    I do wonder if I am defaulting to thinking I'm gay out of fear -- it's the worst possible scenario I can imagine, and it's like I'm fascinated by it and obsess over it. I am sexually drawn to my wife, and I do find sex with her pleasurable, so I guess that I can't be 100% gay. Sometimes when having sex with her, same-sex thoughts do pop into my mind though. Do you find this? I wonder if I can find some other focusses in my life (other than working and obsessing over my sexual orientation), that a clearer picture of who I am and what I want may appear.
  20. Lost4

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    I can relate to the obsessing over it, there isn't a day (or sometimes an hour) that goes by where I don't think about my sexual orientation.

    To be honest, sex life with my wife is very rare these days. It's not that I find her unattractive it's just nether of us initiate it, and when I do, I feel like it's forced. But once we get started I enjoy it and don't really think gay thoughts during intercourse.