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Had a one night stand with an acquaintance, kind of freaked out.

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Stoop Kid, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Stoop Kid

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    I take my sexual health pretty seriously, at times too seriously; there was a time where I was getting blood work every month to ensure that I did not contract any STDs, despite having a lack of a consistent, active sex life. I still get it done every three months.

    My first one night stand was about five years ago, and I didn't have any after that simply because my paranoia afterwards would get me freaked out. I haven't had many sex partners, only (now) seven, and with the exception of two of them, they were all men that I knew very well; it is personally more comfortable for me to have a pre-existing rapport with my sex partners.

    Well, this past Thursday night, despite my better judgment, I did end up having a one night stand. He wasn't a stranger; rather, he dated a female friend of mine some years ago. He is more-so just an acquaintance.

    He ended up just shooting me a message on a dating app, and at first, I wasn't having any ideas about it. But then I was just thinking about how it had been a while since I really got to enjoy that intimacy, especially the kissing and making out, more than everything else. So I just said, "Fuck it," and went with it.

    I went to his house, we smoked, we went to his room, and started hooking up. We didn't really go crazy; I had started growing uncomfortable and couldn't get entirely into the moment. He tried to stimulate me, but I told him I had a long night and would rather just take care of him.

    I did give him a blowjob, which is usually the norm for my sexual encounters, as my previous partners and I were never really prepared to do much else when it would happen. However, it was unprotected, and I did swallow.

    As soon as I was heading to my car after we parted ways, I was starting to get freaked out by what happened, the "what if" in regards to the chances of contracting anything, particularly HIV, being the huge concern.

    I am seeing my doctor on Monday to ask her a few questions. I do have one other partner (friends with benefits,) that I am somewhat active with, who I will inform that I did hook up with someone else. But I guess I am just reaching out because I feel like I am working myself up over this and whether or not I really should be this worried. I feel so stupid for doing it.
    #1 Stoop Kid, Nov 5, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  2. tyro

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    Apr 27, 2016
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    HIV is very unlikely to be transmitted through oral sex. Talk to your doctor and PEP is a possibility
  3. JonSomebody

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    Like Tyro mentioned with his post...you have nothing to worry about and take the advice that Tyro has given to you.
  4. Stoop Kid

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    Thank you guys for your feedback; my doctor also said that I had nothing to worry about because the risk is highly unlikely, and based on statistics and studies, science is on my side.

    She did suggest a full blood panel for general STDs/StIs, and a rapid test in the office for HIV, which was negative. I'm still gonna follow up in a month, but she said either way, she is sure I have nothing to worry about. We also talked about PEP, but I was past the 72 hour period to start it. Despite that, she said that my sexual behavior doesn't really put me at high enough risk for it to have qualified for the treatment.

    I feel a lot better about all of this, haha. Just a little more wiser now.
  5. JonSomebody

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    Good for you...I'm glad everything has worked out for the better and that's a good thing about going through a difficult time. The outcome is that you have learned something to benefit you in regards to your growth and you do become much wiser the next time around. (!)(!)(!)(!):eusa_danc:eusa_danc:smilewave:smilewave