Compulsive heterosexuality and denial questions?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by nikanoo5, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. nikanoo5

    Regular Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how compulsive heterosexuality and denial work? I am trying to understand whether my attraction to males is real or not, and sometimes I feel like it is and other times I feel like it isn't. I sometimes convince myself I am in denial, and I really don't want to be, and it especially scares me you can be in denial and not know it. How would I know if it's real or not? I'm looking for any insight you may have!

    How far can compulsive heterosexuality and denial go do you think? I am worrying myself too much about it and would appreciate any answers. Can it make you feel genuine physical sensations around the opposite sex, all the while being gay? Like butterflies, weak knees? I am struggling a little because I have experienced these things for the opposite sex recently but sometimes I feel like I am a lesbian in denial, and if I'm gay I would really like to know and not struggle too much but I understand it is often a journey.

    I think other people will have a better understanding than I do, so any answers are greatly appreciated! (*hug*) Maybe you could share your story?
    #1 nikanoo5, Sep 6, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  2. SystemGlitch

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    Jul 25, 2016
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    I don't know how to answer the questions you asked, I'm afraid, but have you considered you might be bisexual? If you have significant feelings for men and significant feelings for women (I'm assuming you do for women, since you mentioned being lesbian-in-denial) then being bisexual seems like the most obvious answer.
  3. PerdHapley

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    Feb 27, 2016
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    I had to google the term compulsive heterosexuality and I'm not quite sure what you mean. Please can you explain a little more? The only thing that I can say based on what you've said so far, is that heteronormativity can play a role in your views on love and sex. It's why some lesbians and bisexuals take a while to realise and understand their same sex attractions and come to terms with their sexuality.

    Same thing applies to denial. It is possible to convince yourself that you like someone. I have done it in the past and it felt very real. I would create a story in my mind about a particular guy and then get attached to it, or I've interpreted my shyness around some men as a crush, and my self esteem was so low at one point that if a guy was nice to me, I'd get attached and create a story etc...

    I can remember having crushes on guys in the past. I can remember making myself have crushes on guys in the past. I can even remember once getting weak kneed around a guy I liked, but in hindsight I realise it was probably coincidental as I had legged it to school and was attempting to run up a flight of stairs in order to avoid being marked as late at the time haha.

    For me, I have an oddly vivid memory so I can distinguish moments of nerves, admiration, desperation, or times of genuine feelings and times when I manipulated my feelings. When I was younger it was about fitting in, then a little older, I was desperate for my first kiss, and in my 20s it was about denial. Heteronormativity played a role in all of it.

    I came out as bisexual last summer and then as a lesbian last winter once I admitted that I had no real desire to sleep with men. Sounds simple but I'm still coming to terms with it. I still doubt from time to time but I'm learning to trust my instincts. It is confusing to explain but it makes sense if you don't think about it too much. It's different for everyone and I think it all depends on how you interpret your feelings and how well you understand your body. Just be patient and don't try to resist and fight your feelings. Deep down inside you know what you want, you just need to allow yourself to get there.
  4. Iliricon

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    Aug 31, 2016
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    Same with me... I used to develop feelings for girls, but in hindsight, it was always me interpreting more into a friendship then there ever was. I went through my life and labeled my same sex attraction as "curiosity". The funny thing was, that I noticed men and entertained a lot of fantasies about them, but I never acted on it.

    Since I started opening up to that side of me, my attraction to girls is slowly vanishing. So I'd say: sexuality and attraction can be strongly affected by the way you think about yourself and others. But if there is a gay side to you, you can notice it, if you think about it thoroughly. Just being gay without there ever being signs is very rare I think.

    IT helped me, to write this stuff down in long letters that I sent some close friends. And if you are totally uncertain, there is no shame in experimenting... It helped me a lot, I was totally unsure of myself until I just tried some stuff with a close friend.
  5. nikanoo5

    Regular Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Thank you guys so much for the replies and your stories!!

    @SystemGlitch I have considered I am bisexual, but I am doubting if my attraction to men is real or not due to heteronormativity, which is when you feel you have to fit into society and other people's expectations, so you try to convince yourself you like the opposite sex. I'm not sure where I stand at the moment!

    @PerdHapley Thank you so much for sharing your story, I really appreciate it. That's exactly what I mean, how heteronormativity plays a role in our views on relationships and sex. I was wondering if you could help me? I feel like I could be similar to you in what I'm experiencing. How did you know you manipulated your feelings and you didn't want to be with men anymore? I'm really confused. I feel all sorts of things for males, even arousal, and I find them attractive and I've always been curious what sex with a male would be like, but I wonder if it's real. Sometimes I feel I wouldn't like sex with a man and other times I feel like I would. I feel comfortable knowing I'm attracted to girls but it's taking time to fully accept it. It makes me feel really anxious! I can't sleep!

    I think it's important to trust your instincts I agree, and I'm trying my best but of course it's really hard.

    @Iliricon I agree it can be strongly affected by you and others, and what you said about there being signs. That's a good idea! I write diary entries and they always help me :slight_smile: Thank you for your story, I loved reading it :slight_smile: It must be really nice knowing who you are, I wish I knew!

    I wish you all the best :slight_smile:
    #5 nikanoo5, Sep 6, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  6. PerdHapley

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    Feb 27, 2016
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    Firstly, I've always both wanted and hated attention from men. Wanted because it made me feel special and went along with the fairy-tales I had in my head of having a husband and kids and dream life, but hated it because it actually made me feel uncomfortable and squirmy. It took a while for me to accept that.

    Secondly, when I was younger I thought that if I felt nervous around a guy or thought a guy was good looking, that meant I liked him. I enjoyed that sensation because it made me feel grown up and normal. A little way into my first year of high school it occurred to me that I was gay and those feelings toward guys started to fade but I held on to those two or three crushes I had before that because I liked liking them. Later on, guys became like a conquest for me, a means to an end, and that meant something to me. Crushes would disappear once I either took off the rose tinted glasses and saw things as they really were, or when I realised I wouldn't get what I wanted from them. In the end it all made me anxious, and again, I played on that. (I developed anxiety at university so that had a major influence on me over the last three years).

    It wasn't about not wanting to be with men anymore, but about realising that I don't have to be with men. Sometimes I wish I could be with men because it would make life much easier. I have considered sex with men, but only after I turned 20 and realised that I never thought about it, whereas I regularly thought about sex with women. With all of the crushes I've had on guys, at first it didn't occur to me to get physical with them, and then when that first kiss option was on the table, that was all I wanted them for. It was about having a boyfriend rather than having a relationship with someone.

    On days where I feel confident and secure, the thought of intimacy with a man at the very least bothers me and at most grosses me out. I could tolerate it if I had to, but I have to pretty much force myself to get aroused by the thought of men, and that only seems to work for me if I'm incredibly turned on beforehand. Conversely, thinking about women makes me nervous, but once I am relaxed, it's easy and pleasurable.

    I hope this gives you a better idea of what I meant and answers your question! If you need to talk a little more, message me or something.
  7. nikanoo5

    Regular Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    That's an amazing story, thank you for sharing it with me. It has really helped me understand what being a lesbian means and what being bisexual means, because before I was so confused and the lines blurred incredibly. I really admire your courage to overcome your demons and live freely, which is something many LGBT people struggle to do on a daily basis. It must have taken a lot of strength to overcome what was holding you back from being with women. I'm glad you can live your life how you want and feel more confident in yourself. I hope your anxiety gets better soon too, I experience anxiety and I know how tough it is.

    It is so easy for lesbian/gay/bi people to misunderstand their feelings, and I feel like it's unfair how we have to overcome heteronormativity. But I believe it's possible for everyone and once we do life is better than we've ever known :slight_smile: I also believe one day people won't have to struggle anymore (hopefully) because it's something so natural and innocent, like how is it fair people have to struggle?

    Thank you again, it has helped me understand a lot better! Again I'm glad you can live your life how you've always felt happiest and I really admire you for it! :slight_smile:
    #7 nikanoo5, Sep 7, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016