Ladies, Gentleman, and everyone in between, we have a problem, and I need help

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Darth Cyrina, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    Oh crap. No that's not strong enough. Oh ****. My parents have never liked gays, but I never thought it was this bad. Yes they went with the whole molestation thing, but they did say later that "we went overboard, however, we aren't wrong" which is the way they apologize. Yes, they don't like it when gay's show affection, but they've never liked it when straight people show affection. Yes, they like Pence (Trumps VP) but they are ultra conservitive. Yes, they like HB2 (we live in NC, and can I just say: **** my state.), but they don't like public restrooms in general. But today, they have gone from an Level 7 (come out at 16, have money and a back up plan), to a Level 10 (do not come out until they have no legal control over me). They said "if I ever have a gay child, I will fix that issue (snorted with loathing), quite fast. There are camps, that convert children back to normal. There is also conversion therapy also, [Dad]" "I agree [Mom], it's quite terrible that children believe those lies". Guys, I'm scared. No, I'm TERRIFIED. They don't talk about things like this without due cause. They could be trying to scare me, I mean they've done that before to try to stop me from being and doing things they don't like. I don't know what to do. It may be time to play the game, and get a (fake) boyfriend to get them off my back. What do I do. I'm on the verge of a panic attack, I'm so scared.
    #1 Darth Cyrina, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  2. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    Ok we have an update. My parents said that it was a just a warning if anyone "chose" that sinful lifestyle. But they did say that they would be watching us close so that we aren't "converted by the gay cult's agenda". So I may have to go dark for a bit. I am no longer in danger of being sent to a conversion camp ASAP. Advice about what to do long term is still welcome.
  3. logansarah

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    Jul 30, 2016
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    While I haven't been through a situation like this from reading I could offer this advice. Be sure if you are coming out to have a 99% will work backup plan. See if you have someone you could stay with, if not than a place you can go. Way the positives vs the negatives of coming out. Try to find out why you want to come out and see if you can do something to get that reason until you have a great backup plan or they have no legal authority over you. Like say you're lonely find friend a great trustworthy and open friend (s).

    I hope this helps, but I would also PM an Advisor or someone on the list of the people on the welcome PM if you still have it if not, you can go find the list of current people on the FAQ, at the top of this page in tabs, question 18 down, What are Advisors?, and click on the link. I've already done this. It's private and they are helpful and I got a quick reply. I hope you the best of luck.
    #3 logansarah, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  4. Chiroptera

    Admin Team Full Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Hey CrazyLizardGirl,

    I'm sorry to hear about this. Unfortunatelly, prejudice is still a very common thing, and, when it comes from our parents, it is even harder to deal with it.

    In another thread, you said you are 13, right?

    If you feel you may be at risk, i strongly advise you to lay low for now and to not come out/discuss your orientation with your parents until you become and adult and until you are financially independent and can move out if needed.

    I know that this doesn't help much, but, unfortunatelly, there is no easy solution for this. Prejudice is something that is slowly retreating, but is still a problem in our society.

    What you can do for now is starting to plan your future. Study and prepare yourself so you can move out if needed as soon as possible.

    Prepare yourself for the future. It isn't easy to live hiding yourself, but your safety is of utmost importance. Don't risk yourself.

    Also, in the meantime, you can stay with us, of course. Having acess to resources like EC are great because, until you can solve this situation, which unfortunatelly will take a bit of time, you can talk to the community about these problems and vent about everything. That helps a lot: Remember, you are not alone! :slight_smile:

    Completing what logansarah said, if you feel the need of PM'ing one of our Advisors or another staff member, take a look here: Individual Support
  5. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    Hey guys. Thanks so much for all your help. I am not coming out anytime soon. I'll just get sent to a camp, and that's the last place I want to be. I have about $350 in savings, but only my parents can withdraw it. However by the time I can get a bank account (idk what age that is) I can move it over and if all hell breaks loose I can get it out, however I don't know how long that could be. I have $105 in my possession currently. I've got two plans currently: 1. Lay low. Get a fake boyfriend. Act homophobic (that's going to wreck me mentally but I'm going to do what I have to). When I can get a bank account, do so. Don't come out until they cannot force me to go to a camp/mental hospital against my will. Then there's the "hell breaks loose" plan. This is to only be used if they are going to force me in a camp/mental hospital. There is a LGBT shelter near me and if I have no other option I would run away. Let me reiterate that this would only be used if my mental/physical well being would be in danger. As of now I'm going to start getting money, and try to practice acting homophobic.
  6. Chiroptera

    Admin Team Full Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Just two thoughts about this:

    1- Is it really necessary to get a fake boyfriend? What if you just don't worry about dating for now? You are quite young after all, so it is common to not have a boyfriend in your age.

    If you indeed want to get a fake boyfriend, make sure the person knows what you are doing, otherwise you risk to hurt their feelings later. But, in any way, i advise against getting a fake boyfriend, it is not worth the potential problems.

    2-I don't think you need to act homophobic. In my opinion, you should just avoid the subject. If your parents make a homophobic comment near you, agree with them and let it be. But i don't think you need to act homophobic: Just avoid the subject.

    What do you think?
  7. YuriBunny

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    Jan 10, 2014
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    Oh, that's so scary. >.< I hope you'll be alright somehow~. (*hug*)
  8. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    1. Me and S (a boy friend of mine) have pulled this off before when my parents accused me of being gay around 11 (I didn't know I was gay but it freaked us out so we did it) He'd be ok with doing it again, and as for hurting feelings, he has no interest in me. It helps we are both in Drama class :grin:. And any person I'd do it with would know and act with me. S considers it practice for Drama. I don't like doing it, but I do have a person to do it with if I had to

    2. My parents force me to talk politics quite often. Normally I would be just fine with it, I love politics and have considered having a career in it. Only problem is I get punished if I do not agree with them, so I would have to act homophobic to get by without more suspicion/punishments. I've only hidden this long by acting too grossed out by it to talk, but they won't let me do that for much longer.
  9. Shorthaul

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    Jun 19, 2016
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    Couple thoughts.

    A couple hundred bucks won't last long at all unless you have more coming in. I don't know what rent is out east, but I doubt you have enough for the first month rent plus the usual security deposit. You will need a job of some kind to be able to stand on your own.

    The fake boyfriend might not be as solid as you think. If or when the topic is brought up, stick to your guns and redirect them to other topics. Like you want to focus on your grades or an extracurricular activity. From the sounds of it, they are probably religious enough to fall for the whole saving yourself for marriage thing. Babysit, not only does it provide a little income, it gets you out of the house.

    Since you mentioned drama, just parrot them during political discussion. Not in a mocking tone, but just repeat enough to show them you agree and that is all. Play the role they want, in this case a villain, but your true identity is the real you.

    Until you can support yourself, you unfortunately have to play by their rules. It sucks and it isn't easy, but just keep your head low and focus on your goals. Both short term and long term. Get thru a quarter, then a semester, then the year and so on. Talk to the people at the shelter and see if they have any suggestions, the internet is vast and you can find lots of solid advice and help.

    Just hang in there, it will get better. It may take a little while, but it will get better.
  10. mobytheshark

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    Aug 11, 2016
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    Good luck. I'd advise against making homophobic remarks, as they might catch on and think you're trying to overcompensate, or worse, you might start taking the things you say to heart. Nothing comes out a person's mouth that wasn't in their head first, and putting a thought into words can make it more solid.

    I think the fake boyfriend thing is a great idea, as long as he's in on it and you trust him. I used that strategy until I went away to college (with one slip up where I was trying to secretly date a girl and one of my teachers outed me to my homophobic/transphobic/abusive father). Getting physical with him or anything like that would be a bad idea, but if you guys hang out a lot, just get quiet and awkwardly look away when your parents pop in on y'all chilling together, and they'll probably assume you're dating.

    Do you know if the parents of any of your friends are supportive and trustworthy (or any other trustworthy adults)? Not having supportive parents gets lonely, and having a mentor who can give you life advice about things you can't talk to your parents about is helpful. Back in middle school and high school, I'd stay with a particular friend whenever I ran away, and her parents understood my situation.

    You have adulthood to look forward to; don't forget that. Once you're away from your parents, you can be whatever sort of person you want to be. (Sounds corny, but I'm happier living in the ghetto with a BS job than when I got three hots and a cot at my parents house. Choose your own goals, and let the bigotry bounce off and smack your parents back in the face.)
  11. Althidon

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    Jul 2, 2016
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    If you get punished for disagreeing with them while talking politics, I would avoid talking politics with them as much as possible. Just act like you don't have an opinion, don't know anything about a recent event, whatever. You're bound to disagree with them on more topics than just LGBT people - just avoid the whole mess as much as possible. If they question why you aren't following politics like you used to, tell them you have new interests now. Politics aren't "cool" and you're becoming a teenager; it wouldn't be weird at all for you to drop a focused interest in them at this point.

    I'd say the same thing about the boyfriend and the homophobia. Just avoid the topics. Like Shorthaul said, you can always tell them you're saving yourself. I have an ultra-religious cousin who actually saved her first kiss for her wedding vows. You can talk a lot about how much you want to wait, how getting involved with someone now just leads to "temptation", etc etc.

    (I can't believe your parents accused you at 11 of being gay. At 11, I couldn't have been less interested in anything sexual.)

    Focus on getting out as soon as you legally can. I would try to save up money in cash somewhere they don't know about, so they can't take it from you/keep it. Also, try to connect with friends whose parents might take you in if your parents go berserk. Your parents might not force you to come home just to send you away again if you are staying with friends.
  12. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    Yeah at this point I think it's projection. Like one of them is secretly gay but they are so scared of admitting it they pass that on to me.

    Thanks for the advice. I have an idea for getting money that my parents like. I have two lizards, and the town calls me the "reptile whisper". I've calmed down a vicious corn snake to the point where I have Alfredo (the snake) cuddling with people. I live not far from a small city, easily within a 30 min bike ride. I will be opening an exotic pet care service. I did a survey a while ago and quite a few exotic pet owners live there, so I should have money very soon. My best friend's parents are quite liberal, so if things go to hell in a handbasket I should be ok. I have not yet come out to her as my parents check my phone once a week so I have to do it in person. They don't agree with her parents ideals so I haven't been able to go over much. However they are now saying that I "have enough faith in God that I will remain in the right" in non crazy people speak that means her parents won't turn me liberal. I'm still laughing at that comment as a. I'm starting to seriously doubt God and the Bible (I really don't want to start a war over this, it's just my belief, if you believe in God, fine with me), and b. I'm already liberal. All and all, things are going better. To quote my catchphrase "we're still flying half a ship" (bonus points if you can figure out where that came from :grin:)
  13. Darth Cyrina

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    Aug 8, 2016
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    Just when I thought things were getting better, things went to hell in a handbasket. I am fates plaything, apparently. I think my grandma knows I'm gay, and she's the most homophobic of them all, saying "all gays need to just shut up, find someone, make babies, then die so they can't raise the child". Yeah granny's a bit crazy. Anyway, she told mom her suspicions, and I vehemently denied them all. Mom said that she would speak with a pastor, about making truly sure I am not sinning. Thankfully, we have to miss church this week for my archery tounament. So I have a week. Again, what the hell do I do? I can't run away, because I have both severe hearing loss, and severe vision loss, and my mom has hidden my vision meds and my hearing aids, probably so I can't run. Without them I'm dead. That, and I'm 13. Our church pastor is so anti LGBT he supported the Orlando Shooting (no, he's not the one who was arrested for child molestation). Do I just lie and lie and lie and hope that I dont get sent to a camp? What the hell do I do?
    #13 Darth Cyrina, Aug 26, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  14. YuriBunny

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    Jan 10, 2014
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    Oh my~. >.< If I were you, I'd just lie, lie, lie. They can't prove you're gay, right?

    Good luck! I hope you'll be okay!
  15. DRex

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    Revenge of the Sith, of course.

    How many bonus points is that, and where can I redeem them?
  16. Miri

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    Aug 31, 2015
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    Hey lovey -

    First off, I want to say that I am so very, very sorry you're in a tough situation like this. I know how hard it was to be gay and in the closet as a terrified kid with no resources, and you have all my sympathy. I hope very much that everything straightens out in the end (with the exception of your sexuality, of course!).

    All the ideas you've suggested sound good, but like others have said, I wouldn't necessarily put too much faith even in things like faking a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship - when the anti-gay crazies latch onto a conviction about someone being gay, it's pretty hard to get them to let go, no matter how hard you try. Fortunately, as long as you give your parents superficially what they want - to be a good, well-behaved little straight who at the very least doesn't militantly support gays or liberals, and this often means not talking about gays at all, in any sense - you can PROBABLY keep them mollified and avoid them taking serious actions such as sending you to a gay conversion camp or therapist. I wouldn't know exactly how your parents are, but my dad talked about disowning me if I was a lesbian back when I was learning to accept myself, and since then I've managed to keep him from doing anything drastic simply by clamming up and acting as straight as possible whenever the topic comes up.

    At the moment, I agree with YuriBunny. It sounds like your mother is trying to get evidence from other adults confirming the fantasy she's built about you being an Evil Gay Convert, and if you can fake them out well enough, she'll be frustrated in that avenue at least. Probably your best option right now is to go along with her and see your pastor, and lie as well as you can, as onerous as this might end up being. Do your best to act sober, serious, and genuine. They're good at sniffing The Gay out since they want to believe it's there, so they might condemn you no matter how good a job you do, but if you calmly deny any questions about you being gay, there's a good chance they'll eventually give up.

    On a bigger scale, man, your family sounds mental. You should definitely consider preparations to be as independent as possible, as early as possible. Sadly, easier said than done for someone your age, in your situation, but it's good that you're already counting your money and that you've got tabs on this shelter to help. I would absolutely get in contact with the folks who run the shelter and people like them and see what securities they can give you (aside from a place to sleep and all the basics), and ask them for advice too, should you need to run. At the moment I don't think you do have that need, and with any luck you wont need to run anytime soon either, but be prepared, just in case. Your family sounds volatile, so the more preparations and backups you have, the better.

    It's probably a good idea to get in touch with your liberal friend too, and explain the situation to them and their family. The more adults you have who are on your side, who you can trust, the better off you'll be. Don't be afraid to tell school counsellors you think you can trust, too, if you are able to.

    Once again, best of luck and I'm just so sorry to hear things are like this. It breaks my heart, hon, and if I were that family I'd help any way I could. Your parents are rubbish parents. Don't listen to the hurtful things they say, be brave and remember that you're great, and you'll get through this and eventually be incredibly happy, one way or another.