How should I deal with this?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Fen, May 18, 2016.

  1. Fen

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    Mar 26, 2016
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    I have a crush on one of my two best friends, who may be straight. We're all cisgender females and I am a lesbian. To keep this from getting confusing, I'll refer to the girl I have a crush on as G, my other best friend as B, and a close friend of G's (who is an acquaintance of mine) as C.

    G says she is "straight with gay tendencies," and I'm not entirely sure what she means by that. I also have some doubts that she is only into men. In other conversations she's said she likes guys and that she prefers the female body, but not in a sexual way. She writes a lot and tends to prefer same-gender couples in her stories. She is also Christian, but very accepting and open-minded about LGBT+ issues - not judgmental at all and completely comfortable with talking about these things casually or seriously. She doesn't consider any of it to be wrong/immoral or anything like that.

    C is also very close to G, and I'd consider us to be distant friends - we don't talk very often but get along well. C is also a cis female, and I'm not sure what her orientation is but I think she is either straight or bi/pan. I'm concerned there may be some romantic feelings between her and G. C has hinted that she would date G if she could, or at least that's how I interpreted it (a guy texted her saying he had a crush on her, and she told us about it and said she wasn't sure what she was going to say back because "he's no [G's name], otherwise the choice would be easy") and G said the only reasons she's not dating C are that she's straight and her religion is against it.

    G also mentioned at one point that she has a "small crush" on a guy, but she's also said that she doesn't regularly talk to any men, so... that may not be very serious?

    G is honestly perfect for me. She's supportive, nice, hilarious, lots of fun to be around, makes me feel safe and confident and loved, we never run out of things to talk about and we agree on or can respect each other's opinions on important subjects. She's beautiful, too. I love everything about her.

    Sometimes I think she might like me back. She always answers if I call or text her unless she's busy and can't, we hug and cuddle quite a bit (though she also does the same with C) and say "I love you" regularly (but she does the same with C and B). Once I asked her opinion on a new haircut I was considering and she said it would look hot. She's called me pretty or cute and complimented my looks before on multiple occasions, but not any more than my definitely straight friends (such as B). We spend a lot of time together and have stayed up talking until sunrise many times.

    I'm also worried that she might just think of me as a close friend and nothing more.

    Part of me wants to tell her, because I feel like there's a small chance that she might return my feelings, and if she doesn't I think it would be easier to deal with if I had that final closure. But I also don't, because I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I don't think she would get angry or ditch me forever, but I do think she would feel pretty awkward... I want her to feel like she can be herself around me and be open, but I feel like if I told her and she is straight/not into me that way she might worry more about how things are being interpreted or something. I'm really scared of putting that distance between us - I'd rather just be great friends and nothing more than damage what we have.

    Another thing is that I am not out to all of my close family. My mother knows both that I'm gay and that I have feelings for this friend, and she's pretty supportive and accepting. My father doesn't know any of it and while he probably won't react too horribly, he won't be accepting right away. He thinks being gay is wrong and gross and would probably be horrified to find out about my orientation, but wouldn't hate me forever or kick me out of the house over it either. If this did end up going anywhere, I would have to hide it from him, as I'm not ready to come out to him.

    B, C and G are all also aware of my orientation, haven't had any negative reactions to it and have been willing to support me however they can during the process of figuring all this out and telling people. B knows about my feelings for G - I've told her everything I've said here, and she said she's not really sure what I should do in this situation but that she'll be around to support me regardless of how it ends up.

    Just... I need to get this out, and I don't know what to do. Thoughts?
  2. Mariana

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    Jan 4, 2016
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    Could you get B to find out how G feels about you?
    I know it's a bit of a childish scheme, but it could work.
    Otherwise, you could just try to talk to G about LGBT stuff and see if you can find out what her orientation is. You're good friends and she's been supportive of you, so in the right situation, maybe you can even just ask her what her orientation is. If she's not straight, you can go from there and see if she has feelings for you.
    Good luck!
  3. Fen

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    Mar 26, 2016
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    It's a possibility. I'm sure B would be open to trying to find things out, but she's not too good with words and being subtle isn't he strong point - love her, but maybe not the best person for the task, haha. Plus G tends to be rather private about things; she doesn't seem to like talking about her own emotions/problems that much so it's a bit hard to get her to open up, and while G and B are friends they're not that close. So I'm not sure if B would be able to find out much. It's worth trying though so I may see if we can work something out.

    I'll try to bring it up around her and see what she says. I know she says she's straight, but not entirely - I think she may be interested in women but not completely comfortable with it due to being raised in a religious family, perhaps? I'm just not sure whether she would actually want to be with a woman.

    Thanks for the help. :slight_smile:
  4. Fen

    Regular Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    As of the past few days she's been sending me a lot more pictures of herself than usual - nothing suggestive, just cute pictures of her outfit that day or something but that's a bit out of the ordinary. Usually if she sends me a picture it's because she wanted to show me her dogs doing something cute or she makes silly faces; these are with just her and more serious.