I'm scared to be gay

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Ghelp975, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Ghelp975

    Regular Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Akron OH
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I'm 15 years old live in a rich area that is very conservative. I haven't told anyone that I'm a lesbian. I know deep down inside my parents won't accept it and neither will my friends because I got to a all Catholic high school. All I can think about is me being gay. I need help please
  2. guitar

    Full Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Southern Ontario, Canada
    Okay, well first of all, welcome to Empty Closets! As a "survivor" of Catholic school, where we were told to "love the sin, not the sinner" - a concept that has always bothered me - and were repeatedly told that gay people could not be married in the church, I think I've been in a similar situation as you. First of all, you should know that the current pope is much more LGBT-friendly than Ratzinger, although they all preached the same basic message that gay people should be loved. Even if our intimacy goes against God for whatever reason.

    ANYWAYS, theological stuff aside, how are your parents general when LGBT issues come up? Caitlyn Jenner? Maybe if a celebrity or athlete comes out? Does your mom watch Ellen for example? Or The Talk (with Sarah Gilbert)? How about your friends?

    Being gay will take some time to get used to - until now (and even continuing) we live in a culture where heterosexuality is the norm. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. You can live a perfectly happy and fulfilling life. I struggle with being gay for years, and it wasn't until I started to embrace it, meeting other gay people, and paying attention to gay media (I can recommend some great movies and books if you'd like - it will give you something to relate to) that I started to learn that being gay is perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong with YOU, you're just different. And anyone who has a problem with you has a problem with themselves - namely deep seated homophobia and serious lack of compassion and understanding.

    BTW, completely unrelated, by seeing 975 and you being from Akron reminded me of the radio station I always used to listen to when I was near your city. Is WONE still around? Before Windsor (next to Detroit) got a 97.5 radio station it actually used to come in pretty good in the car.
    #2 guitar, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  3. TheAnon32

    Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Out to everyone
    You are most definitely not alone. I go too an all boys catholic school. You got to remember that you are not alone in this. You may live in a conservative area but you have a whole state, country and world of people who can get you and support you. Your country even declared that it's ok to marry anyone you want gay or straight. In my country it is illegal to be gay. I realized as well that I was gay when I was fifteen and it terrified me. Now, I am not openly gay but I did over time find those around me that I new would support me and I told them in my own time. I honestly didn't know how my dad would react (I was braising for a punch to the face) but when he eventually found out he seems to be one of the most supportive people who know I am gay by far. It is about 2 years later and I know in my heart that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. What they don't teach you in school's biology is that humans are not the only gay animals; there are thousands of species that are have gay organisms. Homosexuality has existed in man as long as man has existed.
    The bottom line is that it may be scary now but know that you are not alone, there is nothing wrong with you and with time IT DOES GET BETTER.
  4. jim161

    Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    scary time or me at 52

    ---------- Post added 27th Mar 2016 at 06:54 AM ----------

    i know i not alone
  5. itsbrooklyn

    Regular Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Somewhere between heaven and hell
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    Out to everyone
    Firstly, welcome to EC!
    You're definitely not alone in how you're feeling. In a society where being straight is considered the "norm" being gay and telling people can seem pretty scary. Don't ever feel scared to be gay, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay and you should feel proud to be you :slight_smile:. It'll take time to get used to but once you start to embrace it you'll feel much more comfortable and won't feel scared as to what people think or the reaction you'd get if you told them.