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Hello. I haven't posted here in awhile.

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by nerdbrain, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. nerdbrain

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    Last week, I turned 37. I joined this site when I was 35, just before I separated from my wife. In the past two years, we've lived apart, but still see each other once a week. We sleep together but don't have sex.

    I love her as much as I've ever loved anyone. Taking care of her and protecting her makes me feel good. I feel safe and warm when we cuddle. We have lots of inside jokes, and a kind of made up language I use to write her silly songs and nursery rhymes. Sometimes I feel like we were made for each other.

    When we first split up I was in a terrible depression. Now I'm better, due to meds and therapy. But still not good. I walk around with a heavy weight on my heart all the time.

    I feel that I am leading my wife on by continuing to be a loving pseudo-husband, perpetuating the idea that maybe, just maybe, we could try again. But as guilty as I feel, I am afraid to let go. She is the one human bond I have that really matters to me.

    I've made some small experiments into gay life, without much success. I think I'm still too bonded to my wife and too embroiled in my internalized homophobia. I have lots of issues about intimacy and bottoming -- I've never been able to get turned on by men in real life, only in fantasy where it's completely safe. The idea of dating or hookup apps feels onerous and scary, not fun or exciting.

    So mostly I just isolate. I work from home so I barely see anyone. I've lost touch with a lot of my old friends. I often fall asleep very late and wake up late, and have trouble getting out of bed. I make decent money but I've fallen behind in my career. I've stopped drawing, or participating in any other hobbies. I don't really have fun anymore. I've traded any kind of joy for a sense of safety.

    My life is in stasis. I know I must make a decision: give my marriage another try, or finalize the divorce. This choice fills me with despair and panic. Both options are terrifying for different reasons.

    I am happy when I spend time with my wife, but if we try to resume our marriage I fear that I will feel trapped and anxious again. If we divorce, I imagine I will feel a deep sense of freedom and relief, but I fear it will be temporary as I realize I have just closed the door on the love of my life.

    Anyway, the situation is now well past the point of reason. I am a logical and well-organized person in most aspects of life. But here I am clearly acting crazy, literally wasting years. I'm so terrified of making the wrong choice.

    I'm uncertain about my sexuality and I'm angry at the world. If I knew for sure I was gay, I would have no hesitation about coming out. Intellectually I know that I'm probably gay, given my erotic fantasies about bottoming, and how much I identify with the stories on EC. But I am so, so far from internalizing that identity. I can't even look at a guy on the street and think, "Wow, I'd like to fuck him."

    So here I sit. My brother has urged me to at least start dating. I realize he is probably right and I will do that. Meeting other people is a good thing for me, regardless of romantic interactions. I'm trying not to self-sabotage in advance.

    But every moment, I hear the ticking of the clock. Every day I don't file for divorce and perpetuate the possibility of resuming our marriage, I rob myself and my wife of precious time. I want to scream at myself, DO SOMETHING!!!!

    But it doesn't help. Some part of me has dug in its heels, like a Republican senator impeding a Supreme Court nomination.
  2. FalconBlueSky00

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  3. Nickw

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    You will figure this out before the Senate does anything.

    Nerdbrain, you were very helpful to me when you validated my feelings that it might be justified if I looked elsewhere when my wife would not have sex with me. You also suggested we work on intimacy. It was good to have both thoughts come from the same person since it did validate what I sort of knew. And, things are getting better with intimacy with my wife...there are still some issues...thanks.

    Your story pains me. I am not sure I see issues so much with your sexuality (what do I know about that stuff) as with your loneliness. Your wife filled that void. So, as I am sure you know, you cannot get to a healthy attitude about sex unless there is someone to have it with...over simplified? FWIW, I can get totally turned on by a guy with no thought of the mechanics of sex with him...bottom, top, sideways...whatever.

    I am bi; will stay monogamous but like to be around men. So, I try and talk to guys...any guys...young, old, rednecks, hippies. Sort of do the same with women. I have no expectations that anything will come of it. But, in the last year, I was propositioned twice by women and one guy and I wasn't looking for sex. I am just an average 45 ish (looking) man and am really a bit shy by nature.

    So, you have to get out. No one will come to you. The best place, IMO, to meet men is bike riding groups. Plus, there is some eye candy! And, it is healthy. I suspect there are groups near you that have weekly rides. There may be other activities that are similar.

    Just my two cents as you said once "from an anonymous internet poster". Take care.

    Hey. Just read your other post. I wonder if you would be better off bi. Apparently, we can just switch it up anytime, have no morals and are completely indecisive anyway (I am being sarcastic here). Point is that there is no reason to define yourself...just be yourself.
    #3 Nickw, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
  4. nerdbrain

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    Hey Nick.

    Yeah, I'm pretty good at helping other people identify and think through their problems. Not so much my own :slight_smile:

    It's funny that you mention the bike group, because I did that last summer and didn't manage to make any friends. I felt pretty intimidated by most of the guys. They all seemed out and proud; I was like this random weirdo. I didn't know what to say to any of them. I remember there was one guy I thought was good looking. I imagined talking to him, but then what? What if we have a good conversation? Do I try to hit on him? What if he tries to hit on me? Am I ready to have sex with a guy? And so on.

    I guess my problem isn't so much about gay or straight -- it's more like, how can I talk to someone when I so don't have my own shit together? They will assume I'm X (depending on context), but the truth is that I am so deeply uncertain about everything.

    Looking back on what I just wrote, I realize it's pretty irrational. There's no real reason I can't talk to people and just engage with them as human beings. I don't have to panic about the sexual implications. (But I do.) I guess I just feel way more comfortable when I have a plan, and when I don't have one I freak.

    Anyway, thanks for making me realize that. I've been following your posts with interest, BTW.
  5. Nickw

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    Funny isn't it. We can come up with solutions that are much easier for others to follow than for us.

    I think you nailed it in your critique of your own post. I would avoid starting any conversation where the expectation is that sex will result. Because, it will disappoint you 95% of the time. Even if it gets to sex, is that the person you want to do it with?

    When I was just about being a bad boy with a CL hookup, I went to a bar and sat down next to this guy who I thought might be the one I was to meet. Not at all. Just a straight guy who it turns out was really great and we are planning on getting together...totally platonic to do some riding. We had so much fun talking, I forgot about my hookup! Someday we may get close enough that we can joke about it. So, made a friend at the very least (or best really).

    Sorry about the biking lead...you may need to move to Colorado!
  6. SiennaFire

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    If you're pretty good at helping people, why don't you reply to this guy? He seems stuck and needs a fresh perspective. I started a reply and don't have time to finish.
    It seems to me that he's leading himself on more than his wife. What do you think?

    How convenient and safe for him to say that he's uncertain about his sexuality when he doesn't even try. How would you advise him?

    Sounds like this guy needs a proof that doing nothing isn't going to resolve anything. What do you think? What can we say to get this guy off his ass and another guy into it?
    #6 SiennaFire, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  7. MS001

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    Your wife is just as responsible for allowing herself to be strung along as you are for doing the stringing. I have such a hard time understanding why you would do something so destructive to someone you claim to love so much. If you really love her, than put her needs above your own needs to calm your fears of being alone and let her go. Stop seeing her until she has a chance to get over you. She deserves to be in a mutually fulfilling relationship. And so do you. If you are in NYC why don't you go to the institute of human identity for therapy-they have gay affirming therapists and group therapy for gay people. Or you can go to the drop in peer counseling from the identity house at the gay lesbian and transgender community center. They see people like you all the time.
  8. Weston

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    Hi Nerdbrain,

    I don't think you need to stop seeing your wife, but I do think you should stop sleeping with her, no matter how much comfort it brings to you both (and yes, I realize there's no sex involved). It seems to me that as long as there's a degree of real intimacy in your relationship, it will be difficult for you to pull the plug. Perhaps you could meet at a neutral place for dinner or a drink and avoid visiting each other's domicile for a time.

    As far as gaining a better understanding of your sexuality goes, I think MS001's advice is solid. Either therapy or a peer counseling group may help. The peer counseling group I belong to has an active social side to it as well — I've made many friends in the gay community through our activities, which include potlucks, bar nights, movies, etc. Because to some extent, we have all opened up to each other in our counseling sessions, our friendships tend to be deeper than those I've developed with members of other mere interest groups (such as your bicycling club).
  9. Pathetic Coward

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    I might not be one to give advice (life's currently a slow motion train wreck atm) but the twilight zone of not-being is pure hell. All you see are bad choices and hope feels like a sunset beyond a dirty window. There is nothing worse than a choice you really don't want to make.

    To be honest without this forum's chiding I would still be exactly there. I wish I could sell the happy notion of "it gets better" but it does get freer, if that makes sense. And it is not fatal.

    Hope this doesn't sound preachy (because I'm afraid it will) but as Hunter S. Thompson
    said. "A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance."

    I mean what will happen if you DON'T move forward? Either she gets fed up with you and leaves -- the choice decided -- or you settle back into a marriage -- the choice decided.

    You are a living person. You have the right to your own choices. You have the right not to live at the whim of a fickle and spiteful universe. You have the rights to wants and needs.

    Maybe reframing the question would help? Rather than giving up A or B, which would you rather embrace? And what sub questions would you need to answer for yourself to be content with that choice?

    What would answer that for you? A hookup? I'm not one to recommend breaking the law but I remember Dr. Savage recommending a guy seeking out a male prostitute for this very reason.

    I guess my point is would answering that question give you the clarity you need? Or is the answer the very thing you're dreading?


    Hang in there.

  10. CameOutSwinging

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    The toughest part of your situation to me would be the figuring out if I'm more into guys or not. I know I am more into guys. I see guys on the train or street and think "hey, I'd like to hit that." Now I don't really see guys and think man I'd like to date that, and I think if I end up in the dating world, that would be the difficulty I'd have to come to terms with. But I'm already there with knowing that my attraction to guys is real and strong and more powerful than my attraction to women (sexually speaking).

    How do you figure that out? My gut suggestion is you go out and have sex with guys. Just like how my fears of dating guys, I feel like, will only be conquered by dating guys. But I know you've done this and it hasn't answered your questions. So I'm not really sure what to suggest from there.

    When you've gone off with the mindset of being gay - not for sexual purposes, but in making friends and such - how has that made you feel? Did you feel like you belonged? Did it become something you could identify with? And perhaps on the other side of that coin, how do you feel when you're being "straight?"

    It's extremely hard for me to say "you should do this" when I know I can relate to you in a lot of ways in terms of the fears of letting your wife go. And you actually have/had a completely happy relationship with your wife, which I can't say the same for myself. So I hope I can at least help with some questions since I lack with sound advice.
  11. CameronBayArea

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    Nerdbrain - After my wife split from me, I retreated into a safe zone for several years. I tried dating, off-and-on during that time, but had little emotional enthusiasm for it. What made *ALL* the difference for me was finding a new group of friends. It took time for that to happen, and I basically stumbled into the network I found, but, wow, am I ever thankful.

    My suggestion would be to forget about trying to figure everything out for a while and instead focus on LIVING. Pursue your interests and find like-minded people. Check out Meet-Up and post a friends-only profile on the dating website that starts OK. Look for LGBT social groups on the Internet and on Craigslist. If you have the capacity to host social events, do so.

    I've found that I tend to click with other men who have been married to women and those who have kids. Other single bi and guys who are in those situations are, generally, eager to find similar friends. Whoever you tend to click with, reach out to similar people on a platonic basis and you're pretty much certain to make some really awesome friends. Once you do, it's all sunshine and rainbows from there.
  12. nerdbrain

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    Hey all, thanks for the support.

    Just as an FYI, I recently completed a coming-out group at NYC's Identity House, and have hired a couple of gay escorts in my day.

    I guess a big part of my hesitation is the enormous guilt and pain I have about letting my wife down. I have kept her in stasis as well -- even though I've told her I'm probably gay, there's still enough reasonable doubt for her to hang around. I know that this is destructive, as MS001 points out, but this seems to be my primary weakness.

    Even now, sitting here, when I contemplate telling her that I'm gay and I want a divorce, I feel like I'm leaping off a cliff with no sense of where I'll fall. I would feel so guilty about letting her believe there might be a chance for nearly 2 years. And I would feel utterly lost, having no gay social circle, no real sexual experience with men, no true confirmation in my mind that yes, I'm gay!

    What would that confirmation look like? Basically, having a satisfying sexual experience with a guy -- where I can stay hard and come.

    I'm stuck in a Catch-22. Feel like I have to divorce before I can truly let go and experiment with guys, but too scared to pull the trigger on divorce without gay "confirmation."

    I know this is totally self-imposed. I fear that I will need to just "push through it," something I've rarely been able to do in any aspect of life -- much less one that seems to underpin my entire identity.

    I need help, but I don't know what kind.
  13. Nickw

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    That's a lot of pressure to put on a casual encounter isn't it? A lot of us could not perform under those circumstances. Put the ahem "shoe" on the other foot. Was being able to have sex with your wife confirmation that you were straight?

    Does your wife know you are looking for such an encounter as an affirmation of your sexuality and is she O.K. with your marriage depending on this?

    You are putting way too much emphasis on defining WHAT you are. Maybe understanding WHO you are is a better approach.
  14. CameronBayArea

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    NB - Please tell me if my interpretation of your words is wrong, but it looks to me like the "real" Catch-22 is that, in your heart-of-hearts, you know you are gay but your internalized homophobia is so strong that you don't know if you can ever live that way.

    This is a *very* common problem, not easily overcome.

    Complicating matters is that you are unwilling to be completely honest with the person you love most, even if the cost to her is tremendous and the years lost are irreplaceable.

    This is also a very common problem, one that most guys "resolve" by secretly cheating.

    Hallelujah that you're better than that! Yet the fact remains that you have TWO problems, not one. Overcoming deeply rooted homophobia is a long-term challenge, however, making the moral decision to do the right thing by the person you love most is something that can be resolved within just a few minutes.

    Your wife deserves to know the complete truth so that she has the opportunity to decide how her (one and only) life will play out.

    Self-determination is a fundamental right, one that we treasure for ourselves more than almost anything.

    Perhaps telling her exactly how you feel will be the catharsis you need. It may unburden you of a tremendous amount of guilt, thereby lightening your load and making it possible for you to deal with your homophobia more directly.
  15. nerdbrain

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    I think this hits at the crux of the issue. At some very deep level, I believe that I am gay. But I have very little real-life evidence to support that belief -- evidence even in the form of crushes on guys, a strong preference for gay porn, etc. At this point it's all in my head.

    And I have long history of emotional and sexual interest in women. Always dreamed I'd find that perfect girl that truly gets me -- and then I did. So I'm scared about throwing away something so precious to me, to pursue an option which I believe is true but nobody else (gay therapists, friends, gay escorts) can concur on.

    When I think about telling my wife that I want a divorce, I imagine someone taking their loyal, loving pet and dropping him off at a random parking lot with no explanation, and driving away forever. I imagine the look of confusion and sadness and betrayal. Not that my wife is a pet, but I believe that she is innocent in this situation.

    If that's what's necessary for me to realize my own potential in life, to fully live my truth, I am prepared to do it. I don't want to martyr myself. But in order for me to muster up the balls to do that, and own the responsibility for causing this pain, some part of my mind demands that I be PRETTY FUCKING SURE before pulling the trigger.

    Maybe this is some over-inflated sense of morality or self-righteousness or something, I don't know. Just describing how it feels right now.

    Sorry. I feel so slimy after writing this stuff. I'm glad I'm anonymous.

    ---------- Post added 22nd Mar 2016 at 11:12 PM ----------

    That's precisely what I am struggling with. Am I really doing the right thing by leaving her for good? Am I really going to find satisfaction in life as a gay man?

    I guess that has more to do with what's good for me than what's good for her.
  16. Nickw

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    Why not accept that you might be a bisexual? Not that it would make things easier necessarily. My biggest problem with being bi is that I did not share this with my wife. You may have that chance. I don't know if you saw my post in Baristajedi's thread on my bisexuality (clearly different emotions with men and women). I think it is different for different folks.

    Frankly, I enjoy my attraction to men. Frustrating? Yes. But, the alternative is not to have that part of me and that is also not an option.

    It may be harder to maintain a marriage when you are bi. But, I know plenty of middle age guys chasing young women around so I am not sure anyone, of any orientation, is immune from those risks.

    Are you still sexually attracted to your wife? I mean like a fantasy of her body can excite you? Not just the other intimacy (that's good too of course). Is she hot for you?
  17. SiennaFire

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    So are you suggesting that your gayness is caused by OCD or that your internalized homophobia and shame is so deep as to paralyze you in your tracks?
  18. nerdbrain

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    The whole problem is that I cannot confidently say which of these is true. Or more accurately, it seems to change constantly. Every attempt to pin things down just produces more and more counterarguments.

    I feel like a dog chasing its own tail all day long. Which is a hallmark of OCD. But the fact remains that I have regularly had sexual fantasies/masturbation sessions involving dick.

    And there goes the merry-go-round again...

    ---------- Post added 23rd Mar 2016 at 12:25 AM ----------

    Short answer: yes. Slightly longer answer: there's a lot of emotional baggage there now, but when I just fantasize about her sexually, I definitely get turned on.

    How she feels about me, I can't say for sure.
    #18 nerdbrain, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  19. Nickw

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    It seems to me that making any decisions about labeling yourself while you are anxious and depressed does not seem like a good idea.

    I assume your wife knows you are struggling with your sexuality yet has waited two years? She must have very deep feelings for you.

    I think I am missing part of the info here. You love your wife, would like to have sex with her just for sex sake, other intimacy with her is desired, like fantasy guys, don't like gay sex (so far), haven't found a guy you are attracted to (discerning tastes in men?)

    You could be me! The difference is that I like my man desires and recognize those desires are only a part of my whole sexual self.

    This is the quandary that faces some bisexuals. Having our "Jake" and "Edith" too. I don't know how to do that! Yet.
  20. nerdbrain

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    Yes, I love my wife. (I hate that line. You only hear it after someone has cheated or done something questionable.)

    I'm not sure if my sexual attraction for her is pure lust or it's tied up in my feelings for her. Honestly I can't say that I've experienced pure lust for any real person in awhile.

    Socially, I tend to feel most authentic with relatively masculine gay men. I usually enjoy spending time with straight guys too (unless the conversation turns to sports) but there is always a lingering inferiority complex, like I don't truly belong and need to prove that I'm a real man. I'm usually not a fan of hanging out with girls -- I dislike gossip and talk about relationships and/or family.

    When I'm with women sexually, I prefer the dominant role. I like to feel powerful and in control. With a new partner, I usually have no trouble getting erections and cumming. But over the course of all my relationships, as my anxieties about my sexuality crept back in, I had less desire and some performance issues. My theory is that my dominant persona is an act or roleplay that flatters my ego (because I feel powerful and masculine), but doesn't represent my innermost self.

    On the other hand, I have regular fantasies of bottoming, about 1-3 times a month for around 20 years now (holy shit!). When I've acted these fantasies out with toys, the erotic charge I get is amazingly intense and very different from sex with women. It's a full-body sensual experience. I feel lots of tension releasing throughout my body, and my mind relaxing deeply. I often don't get hard or cum during these sessions, but I just love the feeling of being totally submissive. But these fantasies only happen when I'm alone and relaxed in bed. There's never a specific man in the fantasy, just an abstraction with a dick.

    I am so, so, so uncomfortable letting anyone else see me in that submissive role, even a sex partner. For many years I couldn't even talk about it. I think a lot of my discomfort with dating men stems from this. This submissive persona seems female, desperately needy and totally out of sync with my self-image (ego dystonic, the shrinks say). So yeah, I guess that's some pretty internalized homophobia, with a side order of misogyny.

    Sometimes I imagine that there is a damaged, dirty, needy gay creature deep inside me, that I've kept locked away in a dungeon for years. I wish it would die but it won't, so now I have to deal with it. How do I bring this foul thing up from the depths of my subconscious and integrate it into my day-to-day life? Is it even possible? It certainly isn't something I want to do, but I'm willing to grit my teeth if that is the only way I can achieve psychological peace.

    So that was probably waaaaaay more info than you needed, but there's a peek into my inner world.

    ---------- Post added 23rd Mar 2016 at 03:16 AM ----------

    So looking at this again now, in the context of my latest post, you're probably spot on. My internal homophobia is very, very strong. I prefer the term "self-hate" -- fewer syllables.

    And yeah, I truly don't know if I can ever overcome it. Part of the problem is that I don't want to overcome it. I wish the problem would just go away. I feel like I am being forced to deal with it against my will, and I resent the universe for putting me in that position.

    Of course I'm sure many gay men before me have felt the same way. I don't know what makes me so damn special.