The Gender Tag!

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Determination, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Determination

    Regular Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    New York
    Hi everyone! So I've seen this tag on YouTube where LGBT+ youtubers will describe their gender identities and what they mean to them. It's a ten question description, so I figured it would be cool to do it here and see if anyone would want to join in if they're comfortable doing so! Let's give it a whirl!


    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    I would describe it as Gender-Neutral, Neutrois and/or Androgyne. It means I'm not completely a male or a female, but rather I'm somewhere in the middle of the two, and have the emotional and personality qualities of each. I have questioned whether I was a trans man but when I started looking into non-binary identities, i found where I belonged.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    In order of preference: They, He and She. Though I'm not picky.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    I love graphic t-shirts with funny pictures and sayings on them, I love jeans, leggings, dresses, skirts, sneakers, ballet flats, combat-style boots and flip flops. I also love hoodie sweatshirts, bandanas and all manner of hats. I love to DIY some things that I wear, mostly hats and jeans which I add patches and buttons to.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    The hair on my head is typically cut short. Right now it's cut in a traditionally "male" buzz cut style, and its currently the shortest it's ever been. As for body hair, I don't shave much anymore, because I feel that my body hair gives me more of a gender neutral and androgynous appearance; plus it's cold where I am right now and I choose not to worry about it until the warmer season hits. I do have some light fuzz along my cheeks which I keep because I occasionally paint it with mascara to give the appearance of side burns, and i also keep the black peach fuzz on my upper lip.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    As I said, I'll sometimes use mascara to make a fake beard! XD But I also do use makeup the regular way. I love wearing darker colors, like reds, browns and blacks, because I feel that they compliment my skin tone and style more so than lighter colors. I also love to paint my nails, again, dark colors. I usually use scented shampoos, lightly scented soaps and less often a light body mist. Vanilla is my favorite scent to use.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Yes, every day, but it doesn't bother me since I'm not out to everyone, and I'm aware I currently look and present more one gender than the other and I don't like to force my identity and pronouns on people (especially since I'm cool with any pronouns so it doesn't matter much). I tell people when they're close to me and i know they can handle the information.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Yes but less often now that I'm starting to express my true gender identity. I do want a binder to flatten my chest and give me a more ambiguous appearance, I also wish I could grow a proper beard and i'll occasionally train my voice down to sound more androgynous as well.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    No, no and no.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    My idea of a "family" is me one day living in a domestic partnership with one other person. It makes no difference to me how much each of us earns, as long as we contribute equally or at least as close to equal as we can. By the same idea, I prefer to pay an equal amount on all sides for dates or outings with friends, but if someone offers to pay for me, i'll oblige (because come on, you're offering me food, how can I refuse? XD)

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    I am still figuring myself out, and I'm in a position where I don't feel my gender is the business of my family or really anyone I don't know, I'm keeping it mostly under wraps for now. Hopefully I'll make friends here who are in my position or a similar position!

    Thanks for reading, and enjoy filling this out yourself if you wish!!!
  2. Secrets5

    Full Member

    Oct 28, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    I identify as agender which means I am not male or female, or any other gender in the non-binary scale.

    2. What pronouns honor you?


    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    Jeans, top that covers all of my chest, leather jacket or grey hoodie

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    I have head hair that comes about 8cm below my shoulder, I tend to just brush it in the morning but I might straighten it if I'm watching TV and I get board. I shave under my arms when I'm wearing a short t-shirt, I can't be bothered otherwise.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    I like painting my nails, it gives me something to do and I like looking at different patterns and styles to try. I tried wearing dark eye shadow and eyeliner on my eyes but it doesn't look as good on me as on Boy George, so I gave that up, besides, I'm not patient enough for it. I put on antiperspirant and Charlie perfume, I own way more of that than I use due to not liking a particular kind after a while.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Yes, every day by people who don't know I'm agender, and sometimes by people who do know my true identity.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Yes, mainly with the pronouns any time someone uses my birth one it gets me upset but obviously since I'm not out it'd be weird to get angry at them so I correct it in my head and try to ignore them. I experience some top dysphoria and I get quite panicky so I just try and calm down.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    I'm not sure I want to have children of my own, but I am sure that I want to be godparent to a few children. I don't see myself carrying children even if I do have my own.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    I want to be financially stable when I'm older, and that's one of the reasons I am unsure if I want to have children. If I don't have enough money then I fear I won't be able to afford the basic things, and If I have a lot of money I fear they will demand everything and expect it all. Those are both things that I wouldn't want. It's not important for me to earn more than my partner, but it is important for me that we treat each other with equal respect. I would prefer to pay for dates, mainly because if someone else pays I'll feel guilty that I didn't, so I'd tell them there that I'll pay for the next time.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    I wrote a poem about gender a while back and my aunt liked it, she dislikes homosexuality so I assumed she dislikes trans and NB. Maybe not, or maybe she changed her mind, I don't know. Anyway, but having people liking that poem made me more confident that they don't dislike trans and NB.
    #2 Secrets5, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  3. Wolfie0001

    Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Völklingen, Germany
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1 - I'm male because I have a penis :wink:

    2 - He, him, his

    3 - Almost always casual clothing like jeans and tshirt. Shorts in summer, sweatshirts in winter.

    4 - Short on top, stubble in the face, shaved chest and crotch.

    5 - No make up, just some basic cosmetics.

    6, 7, 8 - Nope.

    9 - I'm single and I don't expect it to change anytime soon, so I just have to worry about supporting myself.

    10 - I'm just a simple gay man, which means I don't have as much to think/worry about as some other people.
  4. peachygogh

    Regular Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    new york
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    1.) I identify as graygender, as I feel mostly female, but I don't really feel 'connected' to it

    2.) they/she, but everyone uses she since no one knows about my gender

    3.) I normally wear leggings or jeans with a t-shirt and a flannel shirt, or cardigan. I always wear doc-martens boots or converse. I wear mostly dark clothes

    4.) I have mid-neck length hair, and I shave all year round, as I can't stand the way hair feels on my arms/legs (I am hyper aware of nearly everything)

    5.) I wear eye makeup if I have time to put it on, usually dark redish-purple eyeshadow, and eyeliner. I always fill in my eyebrows, because I look like I have none if I don't. I use natural mint smelling soaps, and usually use essential oils for perfume

    6.) Yeah, because I am not out

    7.) Only sometimes, but it isn't horrible

    8.) I want to adopt an older child, if I ever get married and am able to support them

    9.) I definitely want to be financially stable so I can pay off loans and such, and I am uncomfortable when others offer to pay for me.

    10.) Once when I was like 7, I was sitting in religion class and the teacher had mentioned something about "not being able to know what god looks like" so I said "well, what if god is a girl, since we don't know what he looks like" I don't know if thats a gender thing, or a badass feminist moment
  5. Daydreamer1

    Full Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    I actually did a gender tag post on tumblr not too long ago. Here's what I posted.

    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    I’m a transman, and I go back and forth on being open about my trans identity and being more quiet about it. On sites like here, I’m very open about being trans. On other sites, I’m more hush about it for the sake of my safety.

    I’m also becoming more comfortable with identifying as non-binary. I had the misconception that being non-binary means what it sounds like, that you literally don’t identify with being male or female. I then found out there are other people who are like me; where I don’t hold the same definition of what it means to be masculine or feminine like mainstream media tries to depict. I don’t put a label on interests, clothing, or anything like that–nor do I see it being a big deal if someone someone does things that don’t “align” with what they were assigned at birth. Your interests, clothes, and passions are your own, not that of a specific gender.

    2. What pronouns do you honour?

    My pronouns are he/him, though I’m totally fine with they/them.

    3. Describe the style of clothing you most often wear.

    That’s hard to say, since I don’t really put a label on my “style” of dressing. It’s a miss-match of different things, and it hasn’t changed since I was a pre-teen. I’ve been told I have a punk, skater, and grunge aesthetic to how I dress. If I’m going out, then I’ll probably wear jeans, a band shirt, a pullover hoodie and a beanie. If it’s warm out, then I’ll switch my jeans for a pair of my Rude shorts, and maybe a “grungey” vest (hooded or not)

    If we’re talking about a specific gender label, then I would say I don’t put a gender label on how I dress, and I never really have.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    I generally just keep my hair down and parted to one side of my face, and I rarely ever style my hair because it’s a hassle. As far as shaving and facial hair goes; I haven’t shaved my face in well over a year, as I don’t have much facial hair at all to speak of. If I could have it my way, I’d like to have something resembling a beard to work with. With body hair, I love it and I leave it alone when I can.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps or perfumes do you use if any?

    I paint my nails, but not a lot. I blame that on them chipping in one way or another, and not even making them look nice can keep me from biting on them.

    With soaps, perfumes, and the like; I generally stick to anything that has a stronger smell to them–like Irish Spring. It has nothing to do with not wanting to be caught dead with anything “feminine”, but in that I have a hard time finding anything that works for me to keep me smelling nice and clean–not even prescription grade stuff has ever worked for me.

    Perfume or cologne wise, I got Adidas brand stuff over the holidays, and it works wonderfully for me. I used to get stuff from Bath and Body Works all the time, but I haven’t been there in years, so I haven’t really bothered with them.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Yes, though how often these days is hard to say.

    I’m hard of hearing, so if I’m in a public place and I hear someone talk to me, I have a hard time telling if they gender me correctly or not. It’s more stressful if I’m somewhere like Dunkin Donuts and the barista is talking to someone behind me and I don’t know it—then I instinctively think they were talking to me and not the woman behind me. The hearing issue is made worse when I have to do things over the phone, and I can’t tell if I’m getting read correctly.

    However, my partner tells me I “pass” without fail when we go out, and I rarely ever get misgendered—if at all.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Dysphoria for me fluctuates a lot. Some days I’m fine, and it’s not even as quiet as background noise. These are the days where I’m so laid back that I forget I’m trans. Then I have other days where I crumble,brought on by either social dysphoria (ex: getting misgendered or hearing my birth name), or physical dysphoria (ex: dissociating because of my chest).

    The most I really feel anymore is a mixture of the two; largely a feeling of depressing woe about how it feels like I’ll never be able to afford the more expensive things that can come with transitioning; such as the costs of surgery and changing legal documents.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker of any children you may have?

    I’m mixed about the idea of kids. Part of me feels like I would be a shitty parent, so I should give up before I start. Yet, another part of me is okay with the idea of having one or two in the future. I told my partner I’d love to carry a kid for us if my dysphoria wouldn’t get in the way, since he isn’t able to. I think the idea of doing something like that would be bad for my psyche and make me more depressed.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    For me, I want to provide a lot for my family financially badly, but I’m not able to in the extent that I’d love to. It’s not important to me if I make more money than my partner, or if he makes more than me. I would just like to be able to do way more.

    As for being uncomfortable when others pay for me, I’m not really. I’m that person who feels a bad (or even somewhat guilty to an extent) if someone wants to do something like that for me. If someone does want to pay something for me, I’d prefer if we’d go half way so it’s balanced (if that makes sense).

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    It’s okay to question your gender, and it’s okay to have doubts. Things like this can be a learning experience an it’s alright to change paths if you feel like you made a mistake with figuring yourself out. Some people figure out their gender early on, and some don’t.

    You aren’t more or less valid for that, and that’s something that bleeds into an issue that the trans community can have sometimes; where gender roles and ideas can become toxic, and turn into policing and borderline bullying. How can we expect others to understand and respect us if we can’t do that for each other?
  6. Invidia

    Invidia Guest

    Mar 23, 2015
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    Far above the clouds, gazing deep below the Earth
    Female (trans*)
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I self-identify as female. To me, that means that, well, I'm a chick. I want people to see me as a girl and I want the body of a girl.
    However, I could be a bit more precise. But if I really wanted to explain myself I'd have to go into theory on gender roles and whatnot, which I don't feel like doing atm. But I can say that 'genderfluid' wouldn't be that far off the bet for me either - unsurprisingly, perhaps, since I used to identify with various non-binary identities under the genderfluid umbrella. I guess I can say that I 'flow' between being the girliest girly girl in the whole world to being quite a tomboy or gender neutral.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Unfortunately, I don't feel like my wardrobe represents me at all - it is much more of a closet than a proper wardrobe for me! Too much blacks and greys. And, well, too much male clothing. I do adore my skirts and tights and stuff. I feel really at home in them.
    Now, if I can talk about the clothes I would like to wear. That would include more band shirts and stuff. I used to have many but I've grown out of them - my mom has them now! I bought this lovely tank top yesterday and I'm psyched for it to arrive. I also want to buy a hoodie, I think. Hoodies kind of make me feel safe somehow, like I'm protected from the glares of people on the street and stuff.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    Lately when I've been depressed and stuff I often just put my hair up in a ponytail or a little bob or whatever. Or just let it hang there. XD Otherwise I like doing a hairstyle that I do not know the name of, but it's like pigtails but instead of tails it's bobs... lol. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    And I like to have my hair to the side of my forehead, it gives me a feminine look.
    I shave all body hair. It grosses me the f*** out. Yuck.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I do wear makeup. However, I usually wear only light makeup, like on my eyes and maybe some lipstick. I don't do facial makeup, usually. I'm kind of paranoid that I'll look like so many 25-year old women who look quite ghastly without makeup... Maybe those after effects are only short- or mid term, I don't know, but... still... scares me.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Uh-huh. Very often. Weekly basis rather than daily, though, I guess, because I spend so much time alone not around people.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Uh-huh. I've had to be hospitalized once because of it. It's just this deep angst... It hinders my life in so many ways. Keeps me from expressing myself. Suffocates me.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    Yeah, I want to have kids, I think. I'm not sure how I'll feel in the future, but right now I feel like I'll likely want to have kids.
    If technology advances and I can have a womb I might consider carrying a child. But I'll probably adopt. In that way you're doing a "good deed" as well, so to say. There are many kids out there who would love to have a mom and don't.
    I think I would like to raise the child together with a partner. So I guess I wouldn't want to be a primary caregiver, I'd like to be the equal caregiver. Ideally, that is - if I find someone nice to share my life with.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?
    No, no, meh.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    Gender is hard. It's a damn maze that you have to navigate. But it can be rewarding, especially if you're trans, to brave the maze anyway. It may have some good cheese in the end of it.

    ---------- Post added 5th Mar 2016 at 08:40 PM ----------

    Dude, having a penis doesn't mean you're male.
  7. Daydreamer1

    Full Member

    Aug 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone

    Say it for everyone in the back.
  8. Jellal

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Female (trans*)
    1. I am a sister and a daughter. I want to be seen by others as female, never as male, but I'm not interested in "changing" for the sake of others, the only changes I make are the ones I'm comfortable with. I do wish I had a more feminine voice and body, and I've considered HRT but I'm not sure whether I should go that far If I don't need it. I'm doing OK without it, though most effects of HRT are both tempting and promising to me. I have no interest in SRS, I for one am very fond of penis and happy to have more of it in my life. :3

    2. She/her pronouns.

    3. People tell me I dress like L from Death Note. It's true. I want to be in something cozy enough to fall asleep in anywhere and anytime, so I detest formal wear or expensive clothes. The only footwear for me is sandals.

    4. I prefer to keep my hair long, although when I have to do hard work or move around quickly it can get in the way. Still, I prefer it this way, since I like my reflection with it a lot better. Since I hate facial hair I shave like crazy to keep it down, but I want to absolutely destroy it. On the rest of my body I prefer to shave, but I can "deal" with having hair on my body, I just don't want to look at it or feel it! So I cover it up until I can shave it at a later point.

    5. No cosmetics, but I would love to get some better-smelling shampoo. The "men's brand" stuff smells like cough syrup...

    6. I'm misgendered pretty much every day. I do my best to shrug it off, it's just a word and people only want to be polite when they call me "sir." To be honest, it makes me feel less like a man and more like some corny old Monty Python-ass knight these days.

    7. I live a pretty gender-neutral life, so I don't get much dysphoria except when I'm around certain family members who know nothing about me except that I am evidently "male." Mostly I only have social dysphoria but I can feel it from looking in the mirror or listening to myself talk. It's never made me want to kill myself or hurt myself but it has made it hard to get out of bed or out the door some days.

    8. No interest in children.

    9. I'm a financial cheapskate, I barely buy anything for myself and I do tend to get uncomfortable when people buy stuff for me because I sure don't buy for anyone else! Because I purchase so few things and I'm relatively anti-materialistic, I feel slightly more justified in hardly striving to earn any money at all.

    10. Coming clean about my gender identity has helped me feel more comfortable around some of my friends since they still want to be around me. It's also helped me get closer to some of my family members. I do think that human differences should be celebrated rather than shunned. Gender is just another one of those many differences and shouldn't be scary.
  9. Aberrance

    Full Member

    Feb 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    Oh god, I still don't even know. I do identify as non-binary really but want to be seen as male in society so consider myself FTM and want to transition. I've always found it difficult to pin-point where I lie on the spectrum with a label, I find it much easier to draw out.
    To me, this is a sense of not feeling at all female rather than anything else. I mean, I'm not sure if I feel completely male, I definitely want to be perceived as male by others though so that's why I want to transition.

    2. What pronouns honour you?

    To people I'm out to: They/them but I'd like to get to he/him eventually

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    I'd describe my style as casual masculine. Usually black jeans, British Knight shoes, plain tops (band shirts often make an appearence) and jumpers/hoodies. I have about 20 beanies too, can't leave the house without a hat. I've never had good fashion sense, I just go with what's comfy. I've been getting into long sleeved shirts though, they make me feel really good about myself.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    My hair is kept short back and sides and I dye the top pretty frequently. I don't shave but would like to start shaving my face when I come out to everyone because I have light hair on it already and it'd make me feel more comfortable with myself.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    Don't wear makeup or paint my nails. I only have one cologne which is Chanel Allure Homme Sport and because colognes are expensive as hell that will probably be the smell I'm known for, for years.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Haha, constantly. Only elderly people seem to read me as male but some people occasionally do a double take and take a while to decide. My voice lets me down a lot and I have a very feminine face shape which annoys the hell out of me.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Since coming out my dysphoria has gotten a lot worse. I have chest dysphoria (but binders do an amazing job of keeping that under control, I wear them for far too long though) and my voice (funnily enough) makes me really dysphoric, especially when talking to people that know I'm trans. My height and size are also things that I'm wary about because I'm pretty small in both instances, just makes me feel less of a guy and more 'fragile'. Social dysphoria is also getting increasingly worse, being misgendered and people using my birth name, or even worse when they shorten it to a feminine nickname makes my heart skip a beat every time, I can't stand it.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    Nope. Haha never. If I was ever to have children it would be through adoption and I've never thought about what might happen if I did end up having them so who knows.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    I've never thought about any family I might have because I've always thought that I'd never have one, so those questions are null at the moment. I wouldn't care about how much I earn compared to a partner I have. Never been on a date so I wouldn't know. I do feel uncomfortable with people paying for things for me though. I'm constantly assuring them that I can buy things myself even if they offer. I don't like being in peoples debt with money.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    My gender has been a massive stress for me for years now and I'm only just starting to come to terms with myself and expressing myself the way that I want to. It's still extremely difficult and I'm so scared about coming out to people at college and extended family but I hope to be a lot further into my transition by the end of the year and be completely socially transitioned so that I can have the year of 'real life' experience needed to get on T.
    #9 Aberrance, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  10. EisNotBored

    Regular Member

    Feb 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    Up until recently, I identified as female, but lately I've been questioning where I stand and who I am. I don't know how I want the world to see me but I'm experimenting now to see what I like and what feels natural to me. I don't like the feeling of "just being" so I'm anxious and excited to figure out who I am.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    To everyone in person, it is she/her, but I'm trying out he/him online at the moment.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Fairly androgynous. Typically skinny jeans or sweat pants, button-up shirts or t-shirts, and boots. I do enjoy wearing makeup quite a lot though, however most of the time, I don't have time to do it.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    I have a huge fear of people judging me, and growing up, I was bullied for having so much hair on my arms and legs, so the anxiety of people judging me for not shaving keeps me from letting the leg and underarm hair run free. I hate shaving because it's costly and time-consuming, but soft legs are nice.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I love the art of makeup. I wear makeup whenever I have the time/patience. I bite my nails, so I don't have enough nail to paint. I'm also twitchy when I'm nervous so I pick at my nail polish if ever I do paint them. In terms of soap, I use Dove soap. Just the regular powdery smell. I don't use perfume.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    I'm interpreting this question as being gendered as anything other than female, because that's how I present myself at the moment. In that case, no. Never.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Sometimes I do. Especially recently, with my chest. It's not terrible or frequent, but it's there. Sometimes I feel that they are disconnected from me, and shouldn't be there. Most of the time, I'm indifferent.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    I have always wanted children, but I want my career more. If I have to choose between having children or having my career, I would choose my career. I would never carry a child. I am squeamish at even just the idea of it. I would want to be equal caretaker to my children, because it is a two-person job.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?
    It is important for all people to provide for their family financially. I don't care who earns more, as long as money is being earned. I am always uncomfortable when people pay for me or offer to pay for me, because I like to be able to pay for myself.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    Not particularly.
  11. CJliving

    Full Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Canada
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    All but family
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I could comfortably use genderqueer, transmasculine, transman, demiboy, or even bigender (transman/genderqueer). I just somewhere 'masculine' but definitely not binary.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    He or They. Technically I don't mind She, but I'd rather not.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Mostly jeans and t-shirts and/or button-downs. I love vests too.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    My hair currently is a standard 'male' cut. I like it longer on top; I'd probably do a straight-up undercut if it wouldn't be inappropriate for work. I have no facial hair and no paitience to deal with any other body hair.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I'd use eyeliner, maybe eyeshadow, for special events or concerts; same with nail polish. I use all LUSH stuff, so it's all pretty much unisex anyways.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    Sure, but I'm not out at work or with the majority of my family.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Not usually, but I do sometimes get a little dissassociated from my voice. I mostly just brush it off.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    Yep! Fully plan to adopt in about ten years. Absolutely would NOT carry a child personally. I'm adopting whether or not I have a partner, so yes.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    All no. I do like things to be as equal as possible (not like, we make the same amount but that we care financial responsibilities at an equal or as close to equal as possible ratio to income; for partners). I don't like feeling indebted to people.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    Nothing I can think of just now.
  12. Nike007

    Full Member

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ontario, Canada
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I identify as androgyne, but may change. It means that I'm part male and part female. I consider myself 60/40 male/female.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    Currently using she, but would like to explore gender neutral pronouns. I am liking zie.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    I wear jeans or sweatpants with a fan shirt from one of my TV shows or comic cons of a sweater. I wear running shoes because I need to wear orthotics. I would like to buy more masculine clothes and wear converse shoes, but I am unsure at the moment.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    I currently have medium length hair due to recently discovering my gender identity. But I will be cutting it short to a gender neutral cut. I showed what I wanted in another post here. I don't have facial hair, but I find facial hair attractive. I shave my armpits, but not my legs. That's it.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I use nothing. I have hated makeup for a long time. I wear it only if I am cosplaying. I never painted my nails unless I'm cosplaying. I don't use soaps or perfumes. My deodorant is a feminine one, but I like it a lot.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    I have been misgendered as male a few times before I even knew my gender identity. Currently I'm not. But I'm being assumed female when I'm not, so I guess all the time.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    I do a bit. I sometimes wish I had a penis, but other times I'm okay with not. Other than that, not really.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    Yes, I'm interested in having children. I want to carry one of my own, but I want to adopt one also. I don't really understand what the third question means.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    I would like to have a job. I would like to be an engineer when it's considered a "man's" profession. So yes, it's important. It doesn't matter if I earn more or less money than my partner. I don't care if I'm paying for dates. Well, I would like it based on financial situation unless we're married because I want a joint account. No, I'm not uncomfortable. I just ask if they're are sure they want to pay for me because I can pay by myself.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    People will always misgender you. Even cis people get misgendered. I was misgendered when I was cis. Also, don't give up on yourself and everything will be fine.
  13. darkcomesoon

    Full Member

    May 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    New Jersey
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    Transgender male. For me, it means that I'm supposed to be male physically, and would like to be seen as a guy socially.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    I hate that wording (so weird and uncomfortable), but he/him pronouns are best and they/them are good too.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    Mostly jeans and button downs or baseball tees. All from the boys'/men's department.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    My hair is short, and I use hair wax to make it stick up the way it's supposed to. I can't grow facial hair but probably will if/when I go on T. I shave my face sometimes because awkward peach fuzz bothers me more than not having any facial hair at all. Other than that I don't shave.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    No makeup and no nail polish. My body wash is Suave Men's because I like the way it smells. My shampoo I think is also Suave (but not specifically men's) and the scent is just labeled as "refreshing" or something silly like that and has a picture of some water. It's very pleasant. I don't use perfume/cologne.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    All the time. Not as much any more because I spend so much time on campus where a lot of people already know my name and pronouns, but I get misgendered on a regular basis when meeting new people.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Yep. It sucks. For me, it pretty much determines my gender identity, so it's got a big influence in that regard. Other than that, its only real effects are on the clothes I wear (I wear things that will hide curves and give me a more masculine figure), the fact that I have to deal with binding and packing and stuff, and the discomfort it causes.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    I think I want kids someday. I'd love to be a father. I refuse to carry the child. That would cause way too much dysphoria to be worth it.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    It's important to me that my family have what we need to live comfortably, and that I do what is necessary to make sure that's the case. I definitely want to work, but if I married someone who made enough money to support us, and I found some volunteer job that made me happy, I'd be fine with that. I don't care about being the one to support the family or being the one who makes more money. I like paying for dates, but I'm uncomfortable if I'm paying for all of them (or if the other person if paying for all of them). I'm happiest when it's split about half and half.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    Being trans is hard and kinda sucks but I like it too. It's who I am. It's not something I can change. I may as well try to appreciate the good parts.
    #13 darkcomesoon, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  14. Mihael

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Wow, great thread :icon_bigg

    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    Huh. I identify as genderqueer and as a trans man. Genderqueer means that I reject any gender norms and mess with them. I wish that it was the case that I was in the middle of the gender spectrum or that gender was a social construct, but in reality I fall in the masculine half and identify with men more, mentally I'm more of a man. I'm not hypermasculine, just about average, with some femininity mixed in too.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    I'm fine with all. But I prefer "he".

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Very casual. Androgynous boy or tomboy. Toned down colors. Classics. Comfortable, simple clothing. If I want to add something fancy, it's usually in rocker-like or hippie-like style.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    My hair is medium length and usually in a ponytail or a bun. I have slight peach fuzz which might be seen, because I'm pale-skined and dark-haired. I pluck it. I pluck also eyebrows to have a better shape. I shave armpits frequently for my own comfort. I shave or depilate legs once in a blue moon, usually before wearing something that exposes legs, I just find it nicer looking that way, but I'm not ashamed of my body hair either.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I wear make-up according to mood. Often I don't wear any, often I wear just concealer. If I do the eyes, it's usually just a bit of mascara, maybe with slight eyeliner and maybe with filling in the eyebrows a bit. Sometimes I also use lipstick or brown&gold eyeshadow. I do stronger make-up for going out.

    I don't paint my nails. I was planning to experiment with it a bit and do them black, but can't find enough time and will. I chop my nails short and don't paint them, because I tend to break them often if they're not short, and I'm an absolute master of making the polish chip almost instantly.

    Soaps? Just the regular, powdery ones. Or something with oriental smell. Scents... rather fresh or spicy, women's. Nothing too sweet or fruity. Deodorant, lots of deodorant. I prefer it not to have any smell or have a neutral one.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    I'm not sure what is exactly meant by misgendering but I suppose a lot. I don't mind being called this or that, but it really irritates and upsets me if people place on me gendered assumptions or expect me to act, think or feel a certain way based on my sex. That happens with less than a half of new people I meet. My mom does that a lot too. So all in all, several times a week. Being called a woman etc - I'm not out, so all the time, but I don't mind it. It's just words to me.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Mainly because of the expectations and stereotypes placed me based on my sex, see point 6. Otherwise, not really. If any, I can shrug it off. It used to be much worse. Presenting more masculine and treating/seeing myself that way really helped.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    I'd like to have children someday. I'm not happy that I'll have to carry my own children, but I'll do whatever it takes. I don't have any feelings as for who would be the primary caretaker. I think it must be great to teach your children and help them grow, and learn from them as well. I'm a bit worried about the baby stage :confused:

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?
    I will have to provide financially, because I would make a terrible housewife. I can't keep track of everything. But I'm not that bad at breadwinning. It's not important for me who earns more. Dates - I usually go Dutch and feel best that way. Sometimes my date is stubborn to pay for both, and if he really wants to show his affection this way, then I'm fine. I feel slightly uncomfortable if it repeats all the time or if it is visibly a result of not affection but gender roles.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    Figuring out is difficult. Who you think you are, who you are expected to be, who you wish to be and who you really are separate, and it doesn't make anything any easier. But it pays off to figure it out - less internal tension going on, better contacts with other people.
    #14 Mihael, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  15. the haunted

    Regular Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Likes Received:
    United States
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I haven't fully determined my gender yet.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    People use she/her with me, but sometimes my girlfriend and I will experiment with he/him.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    I have a casual style with a bit of a punk vibe. Pretty much exclusively men's clothes these days.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    I have short hair. I typically get a #5 on the sides and just a finger cut on the top. Thinned out and layered. Right now it's a little longer and I'm digging it. I don't style it because I suck. I cannot grow facial hair. The only thing I shave is my pubic region. Hairy legs and pits lol.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I don't wear makeup or paint my nails. I use soap in the shower, but doesn't everyone?? Lol. I wear Si by Armani sometimes. It's perfume. I don't like the smell of cologne.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    Well I don't really know my gender right now, but I've been addressed as both male and female.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Yes, sometimes. I don't know what kind of dysphoria it is, but I really dislike female-gendered compliments being used towards me. I know my friends mean well if they call me pretty, but it just feels weird. Makes me feel like a monkey in a dress. Just doesn't seem right.
    As far as body image goes, I prefer to have a flat chest. I wear a binder Monday-Thursday and leave it off on the weekends because I'm not open about my gender at work. Plus I have a bad back, so it's nice to get a break from the pressure.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    I would never want to carry a child or be pregnant. Ever. No way. I don't even know if I want kids. I can't see myself as someone's role model lol.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?
    I love taking my girl out and paying for everything even though she makes way more money than me lol. I don't mind if she pays at all. I appreciate it. I would expect that my future "lifetime" partner and I both contribute financially.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    It's amazing how something like this can be so hard to figure out. I'm having trouble deciding what society has pushed on me and what I feel for myself. I'm still ironing everything out.
    #15 the haunted, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  16. Punch Them

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I've been using the label androgyne for a while now, and I like it, but it may change later. Basically I can relate to both boys and girls and to none of them at the same time.
    I find it hard to be confident in a non-binary identity for some reason, even though I know it suits me better. Probably because I strive for acceptance and validation from the outside world, and I know that non-binary people don't have much visibility yet, so being openly genderqueer is hard.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    They/them or he/him, not sure which set I prefer yet.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Pretty casual I guess ? Jeans, graphic tees and hoodies mostly. Very simple, I really suck at fashion.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    My hair is at chin length..kind of... and I have a middle part. I cut it myself so it's a huge mess. I wish I could cut it shorter but it wouldn't suit me, my body proportions are awful lmao. I also like having my hair dyed, it's blue right now !
    As for body hair, I hate shaving and I don't do it except when I feel pressured to in certain social situations (which really sucks)

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I only paint my nails, even though I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with it these days. I keep scrapping it off as soon as I put it on.
    I don't really use any specific soaps or perfumes ?

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    I'm not out except in some places online, and I couldn't pass if I tried, so yeah.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    I'm hesitant to call it dysphoria since I'm still questioning wether I'm really trans or not, but let's say I experience discomfort when people see me as my birth gender. Regarding body dysphoria, I'm really unsure, mostly I wish I didn't have a body at all because thinking about this is exhausting. It would be nice to have at least more androgynous features tho...

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    I don't want children at all and the idea of carrying a child repulses me. Nothing against children in general tho.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?
    As long as I make enough to be financially stable it's all good to me.
    I do get uncomfortable when others pay for me but I think that's mostly because of social conventions ? Like, I don't want people to think I'm a leech or something.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    Questioning my gender has been the most confusing thing I ever had to deal with in my life. I really want to move forward. I hope I get things sorted out soon.
    #16 Punch Them, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  17. Reciprocal

    Full Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Likes Received:
    East Anglia
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?
    I consider myself transmasculine, so although I feel more male than any other gender, I don't feel this gender particularly strongly, so I'm probably somewhere between male and agender.

    2. What pronouns honor you?
    He, ideally.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
    Kind of preppy I guess? I wear a lot of shirts, polo shirts, blazers, ties, etc. I like to look smart but put a bit of a personal twist on it. Lots of bright colours as well!

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?
    Right now I have short, but not too short hair (I wouldn't have any bits shaved or anything) which I really like because I have it in a neat side parting most of the time, but I can put it into a quiff if I want. Being 14 and DFAB I don't have facial hair. I don't shave any part of my body.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?
    I don't wear makeup, it's not really my thing. I've painted my nails purple or black a few times but not right now. I use unscented things whenever possible because I'm not really into flowery or sweet smells. Obviously I use soap, deodorant etc. I can't use spray deoderants because they irritate my skin so I use this unscented stick thing.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?
    Oh, all the time. I can't socially transition right now so it's quite annoying. I pass pretty much all of the time when I first meet someone which is quite nice and gives me hope for the future. The only people I don't pass at first to are foreigners: not sure why, maybe gender expectations are different overseas?

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?
    Yes, it's an irritating feeling and it seems to come in waves, one day it's awful and the next it's hardly noticeable. It doesn't affect me a great deal in daily life but it is definitely something I would love to get rid of.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?
    I don't want children, it seems like far too much hassle and I'd make a terrible parent. It would be cool to have a niece/nephew though, I would quite like that.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    Wow, I'm a bit young to give any great insight into this, however, I'd imagine that when I'm older I would want to be earning more than my partner (I feel so chauvinistic saying this) and I would want to pay for dates and stuff. I think it's just my natural inclination rather than anything I've given great thought to.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
    None right now :slight_smile:
    #17 Reciprocal, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  18. alexandr

    Regular Member

    Jan 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Female (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    I've always been very confused about my gender identity in some way or another, I guess my gender is currently gender-neutral but I'm not 100% sure.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    In real life I'm an AMAB individual who acts and passes as cisgender who isn't out either in terms of gender identity or sexuality, so I prefer he/his pronouns. However, online on sites like this I'm fine with any and sometimes I feel like I prefer she/her more often than the others.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    Normally I just wear trainers, jeans and a t-shirt. I don't like formal clothes and I would wear skirts if it was more socially acceptable for male-bodied people to do so (I'm too socially awkward and introverted to just do something like that).

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    I like to have quite a bit of hair on my head but I've never had it longer than halfway down my neck. I prefer to be clean-shaven and thankfully my facial hair is slow growing. My body hair is thankfully sparse but I sometimes shave my arms, chest and legs.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    I don't use any makeup or nail polish, and I tend just to use generic shower gels, conditioner and shampoo.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    No, and it would be quite difficult for someone to misgender me with my facial features, although I kind of wish someone might accidentally refer to me with female pronouns sometimes.

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    I don't think I do - if I do, it's very weak dysphoria, and that's something which has often made me feel like I'm a cisgender guy playing around with being something he isn't. I doubt any cisgender guy has the kind of thoughts and feelings I often have, though.

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    I would like to be a parent one day, but for various reasons it's not likely to happen any time soon (I can't produce enough testosterone naturally and I only have one of my testicles, which I'm pretty sure have made it more difficult for me to father a child). I would be a stay-at-home dad quite easily, I think I would really enjoy it.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    I prefer for things to be equal between myself and any future partner, whilst I wouldn't begrudge them for earning more than myself.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    I'm hoping I can one day really come to a conclusion about my gender identity. I'm the kind of person who would jump at the chance to take a pill to change my biological sex temporarily, if only to experience life as a female-bodied individual.
    #18 alexandr, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  19. lnamae

    lnamae Guest

    Mar 10, 2016
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    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    At the moment, I'm questioning. There are a few labels that seem like possibilities, but I'm just doing me, and what I feel comfortable with being without any sort of label for now.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    I don't know... I prefer neutral, but don't mind 'he' and 'she' for different reasons.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    Mostly darker clothes in blacks, greys and blues. Skinny jeans, hoodies, guys t-shirts. Things that are slim fitting, but not enough to make the shape of my body look obvious.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    Shave under my arms everyday, legs are sort of every now and then but I don't really care... I have no facial hair :lol: And am pretty lazy when it comes to styling my actual hair... It hasn't been brushed for weeks :confused: But it's pretty short (above shoulders), so somehow it still looks okay.

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    I wear foundation and concealer because I often don't get enough sleep and am paranoid about looking too tired. Nails, no. I use mens perfume... cologne, that's the name :rolle:

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    I don't know what my gender is... not cis? But I get gendered as cis all the time, so I guess...?

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Yeah, mostly everyday. Physical dysphoria makes me want to conceal parts of my body (like, chest and stuff) and makes me really conscious of the clothes that I wear, and how I present. There's also not great times when I hate parts of my body too, and that'll throw me into a place I don't want to go to, and is hard to get out of. Social dysphoria makes me feel disconnected... disconnected from my life, from people, from myself... This all sounds depressing :confused:

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    Uuuerrrr... I don't think I would have a child myself, because I think that would risk major dysphoria for me. In theory, maybe I would like to, but if it actually happened, I think I would really freak out. I'm totally wanting to adopt in the future though. Or okay with if my partner carried a child if they wanted to.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    When it comes to money I feel like you're there for each other, and to support each other. So long as there's enough in total to live comfortably, I wouldn't care if my partner worked at all. It's just not really an important thing. It depends on the circumstance for dates, I wouldn't mind paying or sharing. And I feel a little uncomfortable when others offer to pay...

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    ...It's really confusing :eusa_danc Yay. :eusa_doh:
    #19 lnamae, Mar 13, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
  20. YuriBunny

    Full Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    I'm an introvert; I live in my head.
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?

    I'm a demigirl. While I do have a vague feeling of being female, I feel that I am somehow less female than the girls around me in everyday life. It's like I'm a girl and also not a girl at the same time. It's hard to describe.

    2. What pronouns honor you?

    People normally call me by feminine pronouns, but I don't care which ones they use. Actually, I'd prefer it if English didn't use pronouns constantly. I like how in Japanese my friends just call me by my name.

    3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.

    Jeans and a t-shirt or sweater. And sneakers. I like to be comfy. I also wear extremely plain clothing; I have a lot of solid color t-shirts.

    4. Talk about your choices with body hair. How do you style your hair? Do you have facial hair? What do you choose to shave, or choose not to shave?

    I have to shave whatever my parents tell me to. >.< My hair is extremely long, because I have a phobia of haircuts. After I get my hair cut, I feel extremely depressed about it (I think it's my fear of change), so I try to avoid haircuts for the sake of my emotional wellbeing... It's weird, but true! My parents make me shave my legs and yell at me if I don't do it often enough. I think it's kinda hypocritical because my dad's legs are extremely hairy!

    5. Talk about cosmetics. Do you choose to wear makeup? Do you paint your nails? What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?

    I hate makeup for the tactile aspects. My mom used to paint my nails when I was little, but now that I'm older I don't let her. I wear perfume every day, because my mom yells at me if I don't smell nice. :confused: Usually smells like fruit or flowers.

    6. Have you experienced being misgendered? If so, how often?

    Nope, my hair is too long for that to happen, and if I'm wearing a hood, my hair is over my shoulders. People can tell. If I had short hair (like I would have if it weren't for my fear), I would be misgendered a lot I think, since I wear boyish clothing and hang out with mostly guys. I also don't talk much, so people probably wouldn't notice my voice. Well, I guess I've been misgendered before if you consider online to count, because people on one game I play all think I'm a guy (it's a game where you fight bad guys and save girls they've captured; people don't expect to meet female players, and the NPCs also refer to the players as male).

    7. Do you experience dysphoria? How does that affect you?

    Social dysphoria, yeah. Very limited physical dysphoria. One thing I'm very dysphoric about physically is the width of my hips. I think they're wider than most girls'. Sometimes I find myself trying to press down on them as if I think I can force them to shrink. As for social dysphoria, I am very uncomfortable with being referred to as a girl (though it seems to depend on context or something?) and often try to convince people that I am not a girl, even though I consider myself one, somewhat. I really really hate being called a 'young lady' or 'young woman'; I had to tell my teacher last year to please stop referring to me that way. Overall, I know that I am a girl, but hate it for the social aspects (like stereotypes). I do not want people to think of me as a girl, because I am extremely different from the typical girl and I do not want assumptions made about me. Mentally, I am quite gender neutral. So I try to communicate that, but it doesn't work out so well. I think I would really like it if people couldn't tell I was female by just looking at me! It makes me so uncomfortable!

    8. Talk about children. Are you interested in having children? Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you? Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?

    I want to have children. Just one or two. I would not want to carry one myself.

    9. Talk about money. Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one? Is it important to you that you earn more than any partner you may have? Do you prefer to pay for things like dates? Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?

    I'm definitely worried about things like making enough money as an adult. I'm not very... skilled. It would be hard for to find a job that I can handle. I really hope I can be reasonably successful. At least I don't waste money on pointless things. I've never been on a date but I think generally whoever asked out should pay.

    10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?

    My mom has a very stereotyped view of gender, which really irritates me. I don't feel very free to be myself.