Say something to your bully

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by lovetoomuch, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. lovetoomuch

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    Jun 11, 2014
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    I don't know about everyone, but as someone who isn't even out yet, I've even faced bullying in the past. One time really stands out to me. I'm sure most of you have one time or another when you were hurt by a bully's words or actions. I can't stand bullying, it is one of the things that annoys me most in life.

    So if you would like, please share a short summary of what happened, how you reacted / responded, and a few words for the bully now (maybe something you never said to him/her? Or give a reason why you are the bigger person)

    I'll start.

    Bully: "He looks like a sloth... Yeah, the kid's ugly." (He didn't say it to my face, he said it online and thought I wouldn't see.)

    Reaction: I called him out on Twitter. He apologized to my face (even though I only think he apologized because I found out; it wasn't sincere in my opinion) and I said, "Don't worry about it." I had more to say, but I was too nice.

    Words for the bully now: Firstly, I don't understand why as a straight man you are judging another man's appearance? Anyways, you hurt me for a little, but you made me stronger. I forgive, but I definitely do not forget. Maybe you'll hit 50 years old and finally realize how much of an a***ole you were for that comment.
  2. ThatBorussenGuy

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    Aug 28, 2015
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    I've got one story I care to share, and it's not so much about what I said as it is how I responded.

    First, a bit of backstory, and I personally think it's a pretty good story:

    For months I had problems with this stupid varsity "football" and wrestling "star". Guy was Mr. Popular. The school either refused to believe he was harassing me or didn't care; he was the "big man around campus" (quite literally; he was over 300 pounds of pure jackass). Eventually he took to throwing milk cartons at me in the cafeteria at lunchtime.

    I can tell you right now why this dipshit played defensive tackle instead of a position like quarterback. He couldn't throw worth a damn. He never actually hit me, but he came close a few times.

    But one day he threw a milk carton at me (and missed), and it hit the wheelchair ramp behind me. Exploded all over the place. Well, a friend of mine, who has cerebral palsy and can't walk very well, slipped on it. I chewed the bully out, but it's what happened the next day that's important.

    It was the day of a game. He threw his usual milk carton at me. I saw it coming, caught it, and threw it right back at him.

    That fucker ended up with chocolate milk splattered all over the front of his white varsity jersey on game day. He never threw another one.

    Which brings me to what I said then, and what I would say now:

    My words for him on that day: Unprintable on EC. If the teachers had heard what I said, I'd have been suspended.

    My words for him today: "Fuck you, Spaulding. I've got a college degree and you blew your knee out halfway through your freshmen year. I became something and you're a nobody."

    I don't forgive. I still hate the bastard as much as I did in high school. He made my life hell and got away with it.
    #2 ThatBorussenGuy, Dec 27, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  3. Lawrence

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    I reunited with one of my bullies several years ago on a bus. I confronted him and he pretended he didn't know me. We just left it at that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He's not worth 15 seconds, never mind 15 years!
  4. ForNarnia

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    S.M.D bruja :slight_smile: Heard you were thrown out for being on Mkat and shagging everything in a ten mile radius. Looks like karma does exist :slight_smile:

    That's what I'd say.
    A lot of people made my life difficult throughout school, but she's the only one who was my friend at the start.
    I don't hate her for it, but I can't help feeling a tiny bit happy that her life is worse than mine now :slight_smile:
    #4 ForNarnia, Dec 29, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  5. LogicNoSense

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    Mine ain't exactly bullying-in girl's schools is to tear down your rep.

    Backstory: I never had much of a rep to begin with. Teachers pet, strange, good with words, and keeps out of people's general business. My batch is split in 2 or 3 classes of about >80. (2 classes for first 2 years, 3 classes for the last 2) I'm well known for being strange-no suprise, really. So in primary school I was bullied a lot-there were tons of rumors about me. I ignored them.

    This time, there were rumors about me being les (in my 2nd year). I caught wind of it, laughed it off, and asked around as to which idiot spread it. Only got the person this year. Basically, the next year, I 'confirmed' I was bi, and spread it around my batch. Oh hell, their faces! Best part- they were the 'angels' of my batch, and the ones who bullied me in the past.

    Told my friend to help me spread this: I'm not exactly les. I'm bi. Kudos to them, getting it half correct. It was hilarious.

    What I'd say to them now, though: you guys are bitches who have nothing to do but attempt to ruin lives. Just stick your heads up your asses to make sure your shit comes out of the right opening. IDGAF, but next time something like this happens, it's becoming physical.

    Thankfully we're graduating, and they seemed to reply with a truce.

    As for the one who originally spread the rumor about me being les: I had my suspisions, but she let slip to me at an LGBT event. I told my friends the moment I could. Rumor confirmed-that she confessed to another batch-mate, who rejected her. Her rep was already in shreds-I do like to think I helped, though.
  6. thepandaboss

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    Jun 22, 2015
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    My bully was my boyfriend's mom, who I'll refer to as Cruella. Cruella is about half my size and has a few decades on me. Regardless, she's honestly one of the scariest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was a drug addict and had some serious mental health issues. She had violent tendencies too. I've called the cops on her about three times. One time was after she strangled me.

    I moved away and am now living with family. So there's my reaction. I still talk to the boyfriend although things are tense and I'm sick of hearing about her.

    To her, I'd just like to say "Good fucking riddance." And to my boyfriend I'd like to say "Why didn't you get your shit together before I moved in with you?"
    #6 thepandaboss, Dec 29, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  7. Secrets5

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    I'd love to say ''I'm not small, you're just small minded''

    Yeah, people bullied me due to my height, even my learning manager, not that anyone considered this bullying, but it was hurtful and they wouldn't stop.
  8. Skaros

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    "I know you've said a lot of things about my sexuality. But seeing you now, I think those are the words you wish people don't say to you. Because deep down, you know you don't hate gays. You're just scared that you might be gay."

    Bully definitely shows up on my gaydar (and I'm rarely wrong on this), so I'd definitely say something along those lines.
  9. Rydia

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    Nov 30, 2015
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    Backstory: When I was in 8th grade, in 1987, my parents moved us to a house on a small lake where we had to attend a school in a town with a population of about 800 people. For whatever reason, the people in the town had a very negative opinion about people who lived at the lake, as opposed to in the town and people who hadn't lived there their whole life in general, so I already had a couple strikes against me. 8th grade year was fairly uneventful. I didn't have many friends, but I didn't really have any enemies either. 9th grade things kind of went down hill. I had always been a very good student and my teachers always liked me, but for whatever reason, I had several teachers that just flat out seemed to despise me to the point that on any subjective assignment I was getting Ds where I'd always gotten As and Bs before. It was just a generally hostile environment and I only had a couple of friends, both of whom were also outcasts.

    Bully: The primary bully was a girl named Sarah. She rode the same school bus as me and she was in my gym class. She was a bigger, kinda butch lookin gal and I think she and my secondary bully....her "best friend" were closeted lesbians, though that's really just a gut feeling.

    What happened: My best friend was another "new girl" who had some kind of antagonistic history with Sarah, who was a senior, while we were freshmen. Sarah was picking on my friend and I said something along the lines of "quit being such a bitch," and that's what shifted their focus to bullying me. Most of what they, and the other people in the school they recruited to their cause, did was petty stuff. They put glitter in my locker (seriously lol), they gossiped about me in the locker room, etc. Probably the worst of it was that whenever we played any sort of contact sport in gym, like dodge ball, they went out of their way to try and injure me, which the gym teacher just laughed off. I guess she was one of those people who thinks being bullied builds character. There was also threats of physical violence outside of gym, but they never carried through on any of them. Towards the end, they were circulating rumors that I and my friend that they didn't like (who was straight as far as I know) were lesbians. I didn't really care about the accusation, though I had not personally come to terms with my orientation at that point, but in that time frame it wasn't a good rumor to have, because people, including adult people, could be pretty nasty and sometimes physically violent to anyone who fell into that category without much fear of recrimination.

    Reaction: I was pretty much always prepared to have to defend myself to the point I was running scenarios about what I would do if I got jumped in this that or the other place. I basically told the primary bullies that if they wanted to kick my ass, to go ahead and give it a try, but they never did. I tried to ignore most of the rumors and other stuff, though I did start finding ways to get out of gym class because I was tired of getting pegged in the head with dodge balls or kicked/elbowed/knocked down playing flag football, etc. I stabbed a kid in the leg with a compass (the kind you use in geometry) after he had picked at me to the point I couldn't deal with it anymore and most of the physical threats stopped after that. I guess people thought I was a bit unstable lol. The situation resolved on it's own, because my parents moved us to another town before the beginning of my sophomore year (not related to my issues, which I never told them about.)

    Words for the bully now: She seemed like a really unhappy person. I hope she has come to terms with whatever issues made her such an unpleasant person back then. As for the rest of the people who jumped on the bandwagon. I hope they grew out of it. As for the adults who let it all happen or even encouraged it. I hope they have enough sense to be ashamed of themselves, if they're still among the living, and that they didn't put any other kids what I went through, but I'm not real optimistic about it.
  10. dano218

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    I would say The Past is the Past, I moved on and your forgiven for what you did to me. Life is too short to hold a grudge against anyone. But honestly i moved on so far from it I don't need to bother to say anything to them but if i did see them I would be civil with them. There is good in everyone and Itry to see that in everyone as much as I can even in those who wronged me.

    I would give anything to undo the shitty teenage things I done to other people but I learned from those mistakes and I would of course forgive those who wronged me too.
    #10 dano218, Dec 29, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  11. blueshadedsoul

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    Not worth saying shit.
  12. tourettesqueen

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    It was a teacher and there are many incidents I could list but I can't decide on one. Let's just say he was rude, sociopathic, and basically chose a few students to crap on all year while he treated the rest like gold. He was childish, whiny, pathetic, and creepy as hell(he would check students facebook accounts or their parents accounts and talk about the posts he saw{older posts} and warn them to put on some privacy settings, show up to houses uninvited, ect). He had no boundaries, and did a lot of bat-shit crazy stuff that should have gotten him fired in his lessons(burned things, jumped on desks, ect). He went on and on about things that happened in his childhood(like missing out on being top of his class by one point, being pushed down and having his candy stolen on Halloween, ect) to try and get sympathy. He made fun of students and pretty much set up those kids to be bullied by singling them out. Subtly confessed to disliking me in public. Lied a lot.
    I was a shy, pitiful, awkward twelve-year-old and I didn't speak up a lot. Looking back I wish I did.
    If I could say anything to him(and I am considering contacting him anonomously once I am out of school and far enough away so he can't hurt me) it would be that he is a sick, sick man and he needs help. He is likely suffering from something called Histronic Personality Disorder. I feel sorry for hi. He is a wild, out-of-control, attention-seeking, junvenile brat that needs to get a hold of himself.
    All I can hope for is that he never hurts another child again.
  13. Falklands Sheep

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    I remember in school, from 4th grade all the way to my senior year, there was this one kid who'd make my life miserable. We'd fight every now and then, he even called my house once and insulted my mother for no reason.

    Anyway. The guy's now my classmate in university, and has a girlfriend (who's also our classmate, and has the worst attitude I've ever seen).

    What I'd say to him now... "Well, glad we could put our past behind and behave like civilized people once again. I'm really glad you got a girlfriend. I really hope that bitch makes you miserable now."
  14. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    I was my worst bully. What can I say, I'm on pretty good terms with myself now.
  15. DougTheBicycle

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    I forgive you.
  16. RawringSnake

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    I'm glad I never met you.
  17. Lanthier

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    OK so I have been bullied all my life for my body type and because I have OCD and anxiety. But there is this one girl whose name I will not say but she has been a bitch to me since kindergarten and I didn't do anything to her, it got worse after I became friends with her older sister(they don't like each other)

    If I was to say what I want to I would probably say that the reason that people like me more than her is cause I don't act like I'm better than everyone else and I don't talk about my friends behind their backs
  18. Isarene

    Isarene Guest

    *censor* you

    That's really all I'd have to say to her because I don't think it's worth saying much more to be honest.
  19. Jellal

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    I remember him saying "why don't you come out of the closet? Your dad did."

    I know it was utter horseshit like all the other drool that leaked out the corner of your mouth, Miles, but y'know what, I'm glad I took your advice. I came out of the closet and I let my dad know first before anyone else. And because of that, he opened up to me and I feel like in some small way I've helped improve his life.
  20. loveislove01

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    I'm f***ing sexy and I know it now.