My "straight" friend might like me??

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by curiousteen7282, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. curiousteen7282

    Regular Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Los Angeles
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    So i'm a closeted gay guy, only having come out to a couple people, including my "straight" friend, whom i'll call John. I say "straight" because he talks about how he likes girls, but he has said he doesn't want a girlfriend right now, which i know isn't a for sure sign but i'll talk more about why i think he is gay or bisexual later. So i've known john since second grade and it was the summer before seventh when i started having a crush on him. He's the kind of guy no one expects to be gay or anything like that. He's the star football player on his football team, he's a flirt, and he's just got the straight look. But around the middle of seventh grade he started doing stuff that kind of made me think he likes me, i will list some now.

    He always has his shirt off around me, he makes me feel his "six pack" and muscles a lot, when we spent the night at each others house we would always sleep next to each other and he would make me face him and we were like super close, he used to like close his eyes and act like he was gonna kiss me then back away fast, one time when i was over we were playing hide and seek in the dark inside and we were in his parents shower and like suddenly he just put his forehead against mine and like breathed really heavy, another time he was over and i was about to take a shower and i jokingly said "follow me if you wanna join" wiyh a wink and he kept following me and tried to see me naked i think, and he has sometimes like rests his head on my shoulder.

    Those are just some of the reasons why i think he may like me. He only does that stuff when its me and him though. I've asked everyone who knows i like him and they all say he likes me, even some people who don't know say they kinda think he is. Sorry for the long post, i've just wondered for so long and i can't take it anymore. What do you guys think? Does he like me?
  2. iiimee

    Full Member

    Oct 12, 2014
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    In my imagination.
    I definitely think your friend might at least be bisexual, though I'm not sure if he's gay. I've heard of relationships where a personal seems to have a strict sexual and romantic preference, but then there's one person who is an exception- It sounds like a stereotype, but at least from some people I know's experiences, it doesn't seem to be completely false- at least all the time. If he is completely gay, he'd be the ultimate closet-case, at least from your description of him.

    My advice is to wait for him to come out if he ever does. You mentioned you were closeted- do you ever have any plans of coming out to him? I'm just wondering, because sometimes coming out as gay can get negative reactions out of people, even if they are closeted. I am usually not one to assume, but in this scenario I am fairly certain your friend might be at least questioning his sexuality.
  3. cibi

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    Aug 31, 2014
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    Yep sounds prettty gay to me
  4. curiousteen7282

    Regular Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Los Angeles
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    @iiimee yeah i've told him. He was cool about it. He hasn't done that stuff in a while though, little things like letting me put my head on his shoulder (just when its me and him) and stuff like that, but otherwise nothing like it was. My main guess is he realized how he may be feeling and is denying it.