Non-Binary Problems

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Jalo, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Jalo

    Jalo Guest

    Sep 23, 2015
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    United States
    So basically, a thread created to list problems that non-binaries usually face on a day-to-day basis (which most can apply to some binary trans* as well)

    - Public restrooms without a gender-neutral bathroom and you have an internal war on which bathroom you should pick
    - When a job application has "Male" and "Female" as the gender options
    - When the teacher says, "Okay, boys on this side of the room, girls on that side of the room."
    - "Non-binaries don't exist. You're either a man or a woman."

    What are some problems you face as a non-binary person?
  2. Null

    Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2015
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    the void
    -When your language doesn't have neutral pronouns/adjectives/nouns and you don't know how to refer to yourself.

    -When you tell people that your pronouns can be she, he or they, and they always choose the one for the gender you were assigned at birth.

    -You're told you're not truly non-binary if you enjoy or do one male/female stereotype.

    -When people say you're only trying to be an edgy teenager and it's just a phase.

    -"You're just a tomboy/effeminate dude"
    -"Wait, so that means you have a penis AND a vagina??"
    -"But your chromosomes..."
    -"Non-binaries were invented by Tumblr"
    #2 Null, Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015