Engaged to a Man, but I'm a lesbian

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by peanutbutter, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    I love this guy, im falling in love with him. we decided to make the announcement about getting married. everyone was shocked because i always claimed to be gay. i'm in love with him until it comes down to sex. i don't want it. i want to feel another woman, breasts etc. and i feel bad because he stole my virginity but while i wanted it to be over, i was thinking about my ex girlfriend, and almost screamed her name..i love him, i want us to get married and have kids like we planned. but sexually ill never be able to satisfy him, because my heart and mind isn't in it, but yet i say im in love with him...my church was excited for me to be marrying a guy, and so was my family; the gay was cured, and now ive fallen 10 steps back, because i see these women and i want to see and touch and im not atttracted to anyother male but him. there was this one time when he was dry humping me, and i was so turmed on that i wanted him so badly, then i thought penis and moment ended...

    but we have a wedding date set and everything
  2. SnowshoeGeek

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hi... have you told him any of your feelings? Would he be open to you having women in your life though married? Would you be open to it? What exactly does he know about you? Just basic communication thoughts are what come to my mind. How many times people have asked me "did you tell him that?" (Or her!)
  3. Dollop

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    Sep 16, 2015
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    sounds like a hard sitituation, i can relate to someway. I guess what u need to talk to him as eventually ur desire for other women may eventually become too much to handle or even unhealthy
  4. OnTheHighway

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    Oct 9, 2014
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    I hate to be so blunt, but this is not the way to establish a foundation for a marriage to the extent you have not discussed this with him (hope i am not being presumptuous). I really hope the date is set very far in advance, you are completely open with your fiancee and sort through this before you get married.
  5. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    honestly when people ask my identity I say "Joseph" which is his name. He knows I'm into girls, but after we had sex, I realized it wasn't for me, maybe because I didn't want it and I did it for him. One time I wanted it but it doesn't feel right. But I want him to be my husband and the father of my children..I won't cheat, but I'll just fake it through sex I guess. I hate being gay, and I'm in denial about it; but a close mom figure made me say to myself outside and then I cried. Because its so repressed. and when I told the church I was engaged they were happy and assumed that God could change the gay, and I was the example.

    He knows I'm gender fluid, and he feels interesting about it, but when I'm with him I try to be feminine but other wise, I prefer to define as male. So I just wear his boxers around the house. And I work at starbucks so I just buy men's clothing because it's bigger and more comfortable.

    ---------- Post added 16th Sep 2015 at 06:34 PM ----------

    we talk about everything, he is in the army so it's hard to talk, but the wedding is planned for when I'm done with undergrad in three years..I'm open..so I guess it's a conversation we have to continue to have. I'm not being dishonest and I love him, I'm in love with him, and there has only been one time sexually that I've wanted him, other than that, when we had sex I just wanted it to be over or I did it because I felt pressured and I wanted to make him happy.

    I identify as gender fluid and he is okay with it. He's a great guy. but we grew up together southern baptist and my church knows i love him, but thinks ive been delivered from being gay and I have to re come out all over again. not to mention i attend a very Christian College and I love it, I just still look at women and want to have sex with one. That's my truth.

    ---------- Post added 16th Sep 2015 at 06:42 PM ----------

    I desire him. I don't want to lose him or our relationship. He knows I'm still into relationship but like I posted our sex has been his want not mine, and every time (2 times) it was awful, I just wanted it to be over, and I felt like I had to do it, because he is in the army and leaving. I want to marry him, but sexually I'm never going to be enough for him. He says he understands that but after law school and we have our 4 kids, I don't think I'm going to want to have sex with him, or if we do I'm going to always think about women.

    I just saw this girl the other day, and we started flirting. I just wonder what she felt like and her smile gave me goose bumps. But I'm torn because I know I have a history just for background of being raped and he knows that, but that's not why I don't like men. I've always like girls and we believe that if we get to know each other emotionally the physical part will happen. and there was only one time that I wanted him and it felt right, but afterwards when I thought about it I....im speechless.

    I love him. I'm in love with him. Sexually I'll never be enough for him and I know that. I've told him he can have sex with other women if he wants because I'm never going to satisfy him enough. I just want children with him, and to marry him with agreement to have sex once a month lol..but I'm afraid I'm always going to want a woman and I know I'm no BI

    HE's great guy and even understands that I don't identify a female all the time. Our wedding is 3 years from now.
  6. OnTheHighway

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    Oct 9, 2014
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    Sounds like your very much self aware, but the pressures from your church and school might be holding you back. As you suggested, keep the discussion going!
    #6 OnTheHighway, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  7. Kelleigh

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    Sep 17, 2015
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    I'm going to be blunt. You will not be fulfilled in all areas of your marriage, even if you are fulfilled in others. Intimacy is a HUGE part of a marriage - it is THE part that makes the relationship different from all other relationships in your life. Without it, neither you or your spouse will have the closeness or fulfillment that you need for happy marital longevity. You may think you can supress this need and see it as not necessary. But you'll be fooling yourself - AND him. It will be like pushing batting into a pillow - you will stuff down that need until the seams start to break. And then you will ALL suffer - you, your husband, and your future children. Even if you consider your needs unimportant, know that you will never be able to meet HIS needs 100% in the bedroom. Think about how you want your future spouse to feel about you in the bedroom. Would "I love her but the thought of sex with her makes me repulsed" be the way you want your spouse to feel about you? Who cares if you desired him ONCE. Marriage is not a "once" thing - it is an every.single.day kind of thing, and physical intimacy is the glue that holds the rest of it together. You will never have enough without it, and neither will he.

    If you love him, you will break this off for his sake. If you love yourself, you will not accept less than 100% from a lifetime commitment. The only reason to continue on your current path is because you can't and won't let go of what you already have. Have faith that you can have it all someday when you find the right person - the person for whom you feel passion and desire in ALL ways, on an on-fire kind of way.
  8. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    Very insightful. I wonder, do you think if we continue to spend time together, learning about each other, and being honest; I will be able to be truly intimate. I love being in his arms, and sometimes I get butterflies, he listens,helps me out in every way..Just thinking about him warms my heart. I'll even get turned on sexually, until I realize that there is penis and then I feel like I can't do it. I also hate hearing him talk about how much sex he used to have, and he is always ready. I can say "hi" and he gets a boner. Lol

    I'm craving a woman right now. He is in the army and is away, so I know when he gets better he will want to have sex, but it's just being plowed and is gross to me. But I want to be intimate, and I'm trying. I'm really trying. I guess I'm broken. I desire him, personality and as a couple. Sexually. I'll never be enough.

    I also feel unclean wanting a woman, and every one looking forward to the wedding. With him being in the army, I'm afraid it will start feeling like burden. I want an intimate relationship with sex once a month. I can't even give him oral sex. Eww..I'm just not sure. I have 3 years to figure this out.

    I've also broke up with him before for a woman, broke his heart, made him cry and his family hated me. I can't do it again. I want to walk down the isle with him, keep everyone proud just not have sex. Maybe that one time, will happen again. It's also me pleasuring him, kissing him on the neck all the foreplay is for him. So sexually it's all for him. We had sex and then he asked me, if I wanted to be fingered. Like he knows I'm not getting anything from it. It doesn't feel like anything. Just empty thrusts.

    I even watch gay porn, and woman on woman, wanting it to be me, just for one night. I also don't want to let God down, and I feel like for once I was making him happy.

    ---------- Post added 17th Sep 2015 at 06:30 PM ----------

    I've broken up with him for a girl before, and it broke him and he cried. He is there for me financially, emotionally just physical I guess it's more important for it to be him than me. I don't care to much about sex. I just want kids. But I want him, and I'm willing to fake it but eventually he will know, right?

    My church was so happy, and everyone wants to be at the wedding. Thinking about it makes me smile. We even named our children. Talk about them as if they're here. It makes me feel complete. In every way I'm attracted to him, just not sexually. Personality comes first than sex, I just want a vagina; badly.

    And I saw this girl, we talked she has a great personality, I just wonder....after breaking his heart once, i'll never do it again esp after the emotional and financial support he has been. i don't want him to think that I'm taking him for granted, or that I can't wait because he is in the army. that's a whole nother topic.

    there was also this girl, who i still love, cheated on me got pregnant used me for money and alcohol. When we had sex, the first time I thought about her. I love him, I'm in love with him. Just not sexually. I think every time we try he sees a disconnect but a possible future. maybe I will change.

    The gay will go away.

    ---------- Post added 17th Sep 2015 at 06:31 PM ----------

    how can you relate? tell me your story.
  9. OnTheHighway

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    Oct 9, 2014
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    "The gay will go away"

    No, any chance of you being true to yourself will go away.
  10. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    I remember telling him that if I don't sexually satisfy him he can have sex with someone else. and he agreed. but it didn't apply to me. I think he wants to do the traditional family, and I want a career, attend law school, maybe run for office he wants kids now. in a few years. he is in the army and has started his goal, i still want my masters, and law degree.

    :-( I'm going to cry.

    ---------- Post added 17th Sep 2015 at 06:41 PM ----------

    I don't want anyone else to change from being gay, I just didn't ask to be gay, and my family feels like I wanted it and so does my church. they think because I don't always dress like a girl or anything that I'm gay. When they don't even understand my gender identity.

    I'm afraid of what it means to be true to me. I came out once, a year later got engaged and now i'm back in the closet. It's making me depressed.

    If the gay went away for me to fall in love and just not want sex with a man and think about a woman every time. I miss the touch, having sex, breast play, same bodies touching each other.

    Maybe gay is normal for me. Penises are really gross. I don't even like strap ons. I get noting from it.
  11. BigGayAlex

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    Sep 13, 2015
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  12. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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  13. alli o

    alli o Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    My best advice is that event though it may be the hardest thing you have ever done you need to sit him down and tell him how you feel because you can NOT marry him with this BIG secret that is horrible for your relationship and you know it as well as I do that long term if you marry him it will end in a divorce if this secret is between you to and as for the other situation the only solution I can think of is allowing an open relationship for the both of you personally ( I am not one to make your life choices) but I would put of the wedding (even engagement) until your problems are 100% resolved are you know that he is the one and only and you want to spend the rest of your life with him

    ---------- Post added 17th Sep 2015 at 11:01 PM ----------

    also reading further responses I think before you put any figure in your life like this you need to take some time alone with yourself and figure out who you really are and what makes you happy it sounds like deep down you do know what you truly love and wan tot be but you hide it from the world for everyone elses sake you need to love your self before you love ANYONE else
  14. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    Honestly, this may sound crazy, I just don't want to be gay. I know I love woman, but I love him too. Each day is a new adventure and I'm not going to say I'm one way and ignore a different type of love. Maybe right now I'm not ready to be intimate but maybe I will be, and if I'm not then I'll let him know. Before we are married. The wedding isn't for 3 1/2 years. I have time.

    I just want to be me. and for everyone to be okay with me being me.
  15. OnTheHighway

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    Oct 9, 2014
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    Your on a path of self destruction for yourself and your husband. You recognise your gay, yet you still plan to go ahead. Hope I am wrong.
  16. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    I know you want to have a traditional, normal life with a husband and children, and please your church and family. But would it fair to your boyfriend to be in a relationship where his wife gets nothing out of sex with him? Would it be fair to you to just "go through the motions" when really you want to make love with a woman?

    As for the gay disappearing when you get married, that's just wishful thinking and harmful, wrong, stupid teaching by your church in my opinion. I know a couple just like you (minus all the premarital sex) who got married even though they both knew full well that she was a lesbian. They truly believed God would change her orientation. Well, guess what? After 12 years of marriage, her orientation had still not changed, and they were both just like brother and sister, truly miserable, in a sham of a marriage "pretending". She finally came to her senses and ended the marriage. He married a woman who truly wanted him in every way, and she is free to be who she is. Do they regret their 12 years together? Definitely, yes! Twelve wasted years (luckily no children involved).

    It's obvious what I think you should do.
  17. Dollop

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    Sep 16, 2015
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    sounds good that you are talking to him. If you had an open sex realtionship would that be fine with you? Would it be one sided or would you be able to see other women?
    #17 Dollop, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  18. Kelleigh

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    Sep 17, 2015
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    Look, sexual relationships change over time, but sexual desire doesn't typically increase over time - it decreases as the newness of the relationship wears off. That's pretty common knowledge. Expecting sexual desire to come later when you're literally grossed out by male genitalia is NOT a realistic expectation.

    I think you're missing the point of marriage. I'm not sure how old you are, but it feels like you're in your early 20's, if I had to guess. I'm in my mid-40's. I was married to a man for 16 years - had 3 children with him. He was the exact same as you - he loved me, wanted a traditional life - children and a family with me. He didn't tell me this all then, but he felt that he loved me enough to overcome the gay thoughts and desires he had. The sex was infrequent and perfunctory - increasingly so over the years. I knew SOMETHING was wrong, but I didn't know that the issue was his sexual orientation. I was constantly begging for more sex, for some attention in a sexual way, and he'd make promises but they never materialized. I begged for answers and he lied about his orientation. With no answers, I assumed the issue was me. Lots of physical rejection will do that. I lost weight, I grew my hair out, I tried learning new sexual techniques (which he didn't want), I bought sexy lingerie, I got a tummy tuck, a breast reduction and some lipo. And NOTHING changed. I began to think that I was unattractive and unsexy, or that he just didn't love me. I began to see attention from other men, and STILL my husband had no sexual interest in me. That's when I knew it wasn't me. And it wasn't just that it was a low amount of sex. It was the sex wasn't fulfilling for me in the least, because he wasn't into it. He looked at the ceiling, didn't want to touch my genital area, and wouldn't do any positions except missionary or doggy style, and would not even consider oral, despite accepting it.

    Eventually, I asked for a divorce based on lack of intimacy. It didn't really matter WHY my husband was choosing not to be intimate with me. It mattered that I did not feel desired and cherished. I decided that I'd rather leave than stay with someone who made me feel invisible. I wound up in another relationship (after much dating) with a straight man, and it was NIGHT AND DAY different than being with my gay (but loving) ex husband. This man lusted after me all the time. HAD to have me. How different from someone who would have loved to just treat me like his roommate. At one point, that was enough for me. But as our children grew into teenagers, it wasn't enough anymore. I needed US to be a team, and the glue that should have bound us together (intimacy) was completely missing. I could not see a future with someone who seem apathetic about being with me intimately.

    Let me get back to my point about what marriage is. It's NOT just the next step for two people who fall in love. I've loved lots of individuals and they would have NOT made good life partners for me. I CANNOT over accentuate the importance of compatibility in a marriage - in every area of your life that matters. That doesn't mean you have to be the same in those areas, but you do need to be compatible. Those other individuals I loved may have made good partners for others, but not for me. LITTLE things can become a huge deal over time. Let's say you love to dress up - for events like weddings, funerals, church, etc. You have no issue dressing appropriately for the situation. The individual you are in love with does NOT feel this way. They see no reason to be in anything but blue jeans, a flannel shirt or T-shirt, and tennis shoes. Seems like this is SO minor, doesn't it? But it WILL become a huge deal later, when you have family events to go to and you fight over this very issue several times a year. You about how he's not being respectful in his dress, and him about how you're trying to change him. This is a LITTLE thing compared to the entire realm of intimacy. You cannot even imagine how big the intimacy issue is to marriage. It is not only a source of glue for our relationship, but it's also a place where each of you derives a large part of your self-confidence from. It's where you experiment together, fulfill fantasies, and just plain old have a blast.

    I know you don't want to be gay, hon. And that you want to be a wife and a mother with a family. You can still have that with another woman. AND great intimacy. You can love this man and want to not hurt him. But that's choosing not to hurt him a little now (I know it seems big, but it's little compared to what breaking off a marriage is) and instead hurt him MUCH more later. Along with your children, and breaking up your family and immensely complicating your lives.

    I beg of you to reconsider this. Break it off and let him pursue what he deserves, and you do the same.
  19. bubbles123

    bubbles123 Guest

    Apr 8, 2015
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    I feel for you right now, this is a really tough situation. But I feel like if you are ever going to be in a place where you want to have sex with him, it would have happened already. You love him enough to be sure about this so I think enjoying sexual intimacy is something that already would have happened for you with him if it was ever going to happen. It doesn't seem like "getting to know him more" will change that since you're already in love. Also, usually when someone isn't into the sex part of a relationship at first it's because they're just not that into it, whereas here you're almost repulsed by it. That's not good for you. Perhaps you love him and that's great, but you also have to take into consideration the fact that you guys are on completely different pages sexually and you can't assume that that will change in the future - it may never - and you have to consider that and think about that when making this decision. I say, don't let it get right to the wedding date before you decide. Give it a year or two max of thinking about it. I know you love him, but try to look at this objectively and think about your future together. How will the conflicts you have now affect you, say, 10 years from now. You want to spend your whole life with the one you love, but these conflicts could detriment that with this guy. So try to be open with yourself about what you're feeling. Coming onto EC and posting about your thoughts and questions could be very helpful for you.
    And remember - I know you love him and all and to you it may not seem like it right now but - you don't have to settle. He's not the only person for you just because you love him, although that is a big part of it. Don't sacrifice your own happiness for a relationship. Don't rush into something you're not entirely sure about. A relationship should make you fully and totally happy with every part of it and you need to be on the same page, or at least know how to compromise to get there. The fact that you don't like sex with him can't be changed no matter how good you two are at compromising and communicating.
    Sorry for being blunt, but I just hope you make the decision that will make you happiest because you deserve the best.
    #19 bubbles123, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  20. peanutbutter

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    Jan 12, 2012
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    one sided, okay for him but not for me

    ---------- Post added 19th Sep 2015 at 12:16 AM ----------

    i want n intimate relationship, but not the sex. im starting to feel depressed about this. because ill never be enough, and i dont want to admit to being gay...i came out, went back in, and im not coming out again. im going to give it time. ive hurt him already with this, and broke up with him for a woman and he cried...i cant do it to him again...i love him, im in love with him....i just dont want to have sex with him right now