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How Tough Are You?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Kaiser, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    in your soul
    I haven't encountered alot of situations that required me to be tough, emotionally, the biggest thing I had to endure was probably the murder of my cousin, and physically, I dunno, nothing really major. I'm not the type to get in fights, though I'd do so without hesitation to protect a nakama. As an absolute last resort, though, since confrontation isn't in my nature, I'd usually think of a way around the situation in the first place...
  2. DrinkBudweiser

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    Nov 25, 2014
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    I refuse to show vulnerability. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I cried or the last time I backed down from a fight. A lot of people think I'm an emotionless hard-ass. Which, I definitely agree that I come across that way but it doesn't define how I truly am. I experience pain/suffering, sadness, et al. just as much as everyone else - I just don't show it. It's not an act to look tough either, I've just never been that way. There's been many times where I've had every reason in the world to break down and although I can feel the pain and sorrow in my heart and mind surely just as much as anyone else would... The tough, cold exterior is still there.

    I also have a huge fear of death and I'm a huge hypochondriac which is an awful form of anxiety. I don't like hospitals, and when I say I don't like hospitals - I mean if I even pass by one my heart races. I drive myself pretty insane with it some days. I'm that person that thinks every headache is a tumor or stroke waiting to happen or I'll sleep with my left arm chicken-winged under me so naturally when I wake up - it hurts. Which makes me think I'm having a heart attack. I do a pretty good job most days at completely blocking it out of my head and telling myself that it's the anxiety. But, some days it just sticks in my head and I make myself mentally sick just imaging that stuff.
  3. CyanChachki

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    Mar 25, 2014
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    Mentally, I can say that I'm pretty tough. I've been through a lot in my life, but definitely not everything. Physically, it depends on the situation and it depends on my mood. I normally have to be pushed pretty far to be in a bad enough mood to show my true strength but even then, I restrain. As for physical strength in general, I guess the easiest way to explain it was that I can lift a max of 350 lbs as I once did in a powerlifting competition but I don't brag about that too much because I dropped it and got DQ'd.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    For you, AKTodd; set up:
    You, good sir, are so eerily like myself. I shivered with pure deja vu, particularly the part I've quoted, reading that.

    To copy and paste something, which explains my approach to life:

    The rare opportunity somebody outwits or outplays me, they had best savor that victory. It ain't happening twice, I can guaran-damn-tee that! You stall my desires, you're going to quickly make yourself a problem -- and I obliterate problems; I don't have time for that nonsense. I have places to be, people to meet, and dreams to fulfill (one of my life mottos). It's one thing to have the means to keep me down, but if you're challenging the notion I lack the will or resources to achieve my ambitions, then you have a choice:

    Move or be moved.​

    I'm cocky, but I'm willing to let another have the floor or speak up. I'm clever, but I'm capable of letting another offer insight or knowledge, even if it means admitting I'm not up to par (and I FUCKING hate this, just being useless in general). It will make me better, and perhaps even allow me a new friend. At worst, I have a contact and I'm a little more prepared, and at best, I have a friend and I'm a little more prepared with back up.

    Besides, I'll have my moments to shine. I can be awesome only 95% of the time. <3

    "That's cute and all, Kaiser, but what does this have to do with being tough?"
    I'm glad you asked!​

    I can relate to this, quite a bit. It's pretty amusing, almost like seeing myself from a third-person perspective.

    There's no ill will towards people who are depressed or venting, no lack of understanding towards people who are crying or angry. What irritates me, when I do allow myself to cry (which I will fight tooth and nail against), is it lasting for about a day. At best, half a day. And it's a waste of time (to me -- it's something I'm still working on when it comes to me; for others, well, I see myself more of a protector or enforcer, so there is a self-imposed higher standard), because I'm not fixing the problem or investing that time into something more productive. Aside from my parents and sister, when I was a young child, I can count the number of people that have seen me publicly cry on two fingers. It just isn't something I do.

    Also, my ego tells me to get back up. How can I expect anybody else to do so, when I'm not? I hate being denied or unable to do what I preach.

    When the planets all align and somebody wounds me, I won't show it. I'll take that wound, how it stings, and store it, planning to get back to this later when I've had time to properly deal with it. Basically, if your goal is to emotionally rile me up, you had best be a fucking master of manipulation, 'cause I'm not cracking. I'm not falling for that trick; the only one older is the "Hey, look!"-and-point-behind-me.

    I wasn't a nice person, basically...
    In the past, I was quite malicious. I could hold a grudge for years, and formulate a plan at getting even with an unrivaled meticulousness. In recent years, that tendency to hold a grudge has been transformed into a desire to improve. The grudge is against any lack of progress or self-fulfillment as opposed to being against another directly, though if you are a superb asshole you may be a candidate for my total focus.

    This, and... other reasons... are why enough look at me as being tough. It wouldn't be hard to find a few people to admit or agree about me being tough. But it isn't the positive kind of tough in their minds, since I don't share with them my more intimate issues. They know the basic and surface issues, and how I was in the past. It also helps that I look like somebody that could kick an entire bar's ass, to quote somebody. The only individual that does know, she'd vouch for me being the positive kind of tough, as she knows, on a deeper level, what I am experiencing. Not just what I casually let people know and figure out.

    I've been analyzed as a coward, because my favorite tactic, years ago, was to gently pick away at the person. To make them into what I wanted, by chipping away their identity and placing my own fragments. This tactic was believed to be done, as I was incapable of standing toe to toe with actual conflict, to compensate for this. By the time the individual figured this out, they were isolated and distrusted. They could either be an outcast, subject to being picked on and excluded, or become my punching bag experiment until I discarded them for the next conquest. Typical predatory behavior, and another reason people I know mistake me for being tough, they were, back then, afraid of me, while today they're kind of tense towards me sometimes, not always.

    The seldom times it happened, I enjoyed seeing somebody step up to me. I got to prove I wasn't a coward, because conflict never really bothered me. It's one thing to systematically dissect a person so far beyond genuineness, it even becomes a project of sorts as sinister as that sounds, but it is another to break a person's confidence in one fell swoop. Society likes to say, good will prevail just because it is good, and to deny that outcome to somebody gave me the utmost pleasure. Break the spirits, enslave obedience through hopelessness. Backing down wasn't something I did, and it isn't something I like to do nowadays...

    I used to can have a problem with backing down, even if it was the safer or wiser option, because to do so meant losing my influence and power. People would begin to think and say, "So they do have a weakness!", or something to that effect. It didn't matter how many people I intimidated or hurt, they'd always have that image of me failing to reference.

    In my late teens, though, reason prevailed. Backing down didn't mean being weak or incapable, it just means you've got to get better, to try harder next time. Even more so, not knowing the answer or being unable to remedy the scenario isn't the end of the world. If you can't do it personally, you find somebody who can. You ask for help not because you are useless, but because you know, together, you can kick the world's ass and whatever it hurls at you.

    I'm egotistical clever. I used to can be arrogant. People mistook arrogance for being tough, but this is an illusion. See, arrogant-me would just intimidate, trick, or muscle my way through. Clever-me, now, analyzes the situation and decides if it is something I can handle or not, and if the latter, I immediately find somebody who can handle it. It's futile to try and go it alone, as much as I'd like to. This is when and where so many collapse due to stress or exhaustion, when really they should see it as an obvious sign, that it's time to get a team.

    The fact I can admit my flaws makes me vulnerable, but it also instills in me pride. I may be helpless in certain areas or situations, but that's okay. I know where my opposition will strike, therefore I am ready -- and I will either overcome or leave one hell of a mark, you won't ever forget who fucked you up. I take pride in knowing I am ready.

    How tough am I?

    Tough enough to know I have my limits, and am willing to cooperate, to put aside my pride, to achieve success. But smart enough to know when and to who to share such details.

    Sometimes... I am, after all, human.

    As for what the most difficult thing to accept or do, for me, is... I've already typed enough, but...

    It would probably be to stop allowing the world to influence me, and to begin influencing it. To cease letting my anger tell me what to do and when to feed it, where now I utilize it for what I want, as a fuel to propel myself into productivity. To stop being what was wrong with society, and to defy it.

    I have a lot of ego and a bit of skill. Failure is possible, but I'm tough, I shall die with a laugh escaping my lips as opposed to a whimper. I control my life, who and what comes into it, how and where it does; and actually following through with this, makes me a badass motherfucker. Slightly vulnerable, but totally tough.

    Come at me, Life.

    #24 Kaiser, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  5. guitar

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    Jan 21, 2015
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  6. TheOddBall

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    Sep 10, 2015
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    I think I'm somewhat tough. I've been through some things from us not having a home for about 2 years, then almost losing my little brother several times due to seizures. We've always had drama in our family. I'll go ahead and tell ya, when I was younger, I used to cry a lot. Idk I was just real sensitive back then. During high school I had been bullied before. Had to deal with racism.

    I don't let things get to me as much anymore. Or at least I try not to. I rarely ever cry anymore. I think I handle stress okay. A lot of times when things are going on, I think of possible solutions instead of freaking out or whatever. I get angry easily and sometimes I lose control. That's something I have to work on. I am depressed and sometimes get bad anxiety and have had suicidal thoughts but didn't have the courage to actually go do it. I'm quite a mess right now. I've been depressed for a while now but you wouldn't be able to tell because I'm good at hiding how I feel. I can be emotional but I won't show it, unless I'm pissed off. A lot of times I just deal with things but when I'm in bed at night everything hits me lol. I go to bed sad/upset and wake up the same. I know I'll be alright though.

    The most difficult thing for me to do is accepting my sexuality. I haven't even fully accepted it yet but I've made a lot of progress. Having to hear homophobic slurs used to make me feel really bad and especially when it came to religion, but they don't really bother me as much anymore. It's whatever now. I've becoming more comfortable with myself so I could care less.

    And for physically, I used to be weak but I'm stronger. I used to couldn't lift much but I do okay now. I'm still skinny but I do have some muscle. I have worked in a watermelon before and I've had a job doing hard labor in the heat and having to lift really heavy objects. The younger me wouldn't have been able to do that lol.
  7. Tightrope

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    Good post, Patrick. I am tough in some areas and weak in others. I have found that my general level of resilience and even tolerance for bullshit has decreased over time. I may avoid confrontations but sometimes they sort of happen and are almost necessary. Here in the States, the likelihood of being confrontational depends a great deal on which region you are from and live in. In certain regions, you do not engage in confrontation. In others, it wouldn't be the order of the day, but common enough. I don't cower when these situations in fact rarely occur. And, like my own self-assessment, some people have told me I'm strong in some areas and not so strong in other aspects of life.
  8. Libra Neko

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    Jan 21, 2014
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    I'm much tougher than I was. For instance, last year I got in a minor accident and got my driver's license suspended. I had to defend myself in a hearing and I handled it well. I got my license back too.

    The hardest thing I've ever had to do/accept would revolve around my mental illness. However, I've had it since I was at least 5, unlike so many who are "normal" until they're 18 or so, so accepting it isn't that hard. Living with it is something different.
  9. bubbles123

    bubbles123 Guest

    Apr 8, 2015
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    New England, US
    I guess I'm pretty tough in terms of handling hard situations in my life. That's not to say I handle them well but I'm pretty resiliant when it comes to hardship. I guess because of my "tough" nature though I'm also not good at asking for help. I always feel like I need to face things and do things on my own and pretend I'm strong - physically and emotionally - even when I'm not. But I'm working on it.
  10. ScatteredEarth

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    Jun 7, 2013
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    Aww, thanks Pup. That means a lot. Needless to say I don't think I could've done it without the help of people in my corner :slight_smile:
  11. Devil Dave

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    Aug 18, 2015
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    If things get difficult, I take it in stride. I don't give an immediate reaction - I don't start swearing or shouting or crying, I remain calm under pressure so that I can be of assistance in a time when I might need to be. I think that makes me kinda tough.

    If I have a disagreement with someone i don't immediately turn aggressive. Some people might associate aggressiveness with being tough, but I think getting aggressive or defensive over an issue that can be reasoned with is a sign of being oversensitive. It's ok to be offended or upset or worried over something, feeling those emotions does not make someone weak, but controlling those emotions and not letting them get the better of you is my version of toughness.
  12. waitwhat

    waitwhat Guest

    I can be tough when I need to be. Mostly when it comes to my loved ones. If something happens to them, I'm the strong one. The one to go to for comfort. When something happens to me, I pretend to be tough but break down later (usually when I'm alone).

    I don't know what the hardest thing to accept/do would be. Probably facin my depression. It's had me pinned before, and that was not fun. I've overcome a lot though. Especially within the past two years.