What type are you and who do you attract?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sporn, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. sporn

    sporn Guest

    I see a lot of threads asking people what their type is. Now I'm going to ask a bit of a different question. What type do you think you are? And what type do you usually attract?

    I think I'm a naive looking femme. I like dressing a bit differently, but I think people mostly notice that I'm young and naive looking. I'm pretty annoyed by that. I want them to notice my style more than my natural appearance or demeanor.

    When it comes to boys in real life I attract nerdy and artsy guys. On online dating sites I attract creepy and boring guys. When it comes to girls in real life I don't have too much info, so far it was a chubby nerdy girl and some brave butches. On online dating I attract femmes, underaged looking girls and awkward nerdy girls.
  2. MyLittleWorld

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    Sep 16, 2013
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    Brno, Czech Republic
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    I look confident and I seem to don't care what people think about me, I mean, I dress like I want to and stand up to my self often. I know who I am and what I want.

    I tend to attract shy or obedient people who are interesting and unique when you get to know them, different than others.

    For appearance, I attract total opposites or really similar people.
    #2 MyLittleWorld, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  3. Berru

    Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Viking territory
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    I guess I look kind of androgynous, I don't know what type I am. Probably a semi-shy nerdy girl. People tell me I have a young face, and that I seem more innocent than I am, lol.

    I tend to attract insecure, damaged people. I've been told it's because I have a caretaker complex, but I'm trying my best to get rid of it as these people are not good for me. I realise that most people are a little damaged and insecure, but I seem to attract the ones who have serious issues and refuses to get help for them, and that's just not the kind of people I'm strong enough to deal with :/
  4. LakanLunti

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    Jan 30, 2015
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    Physically, I am tall and slim with brown complexion. I think I look like a typical pure Filipino guy... I think. If we're not talking about physical appearance, I am a geek (be it with video games, card games, movies, some animes, etc), and a weirdo.

    And who do I attract? 4-8 year old girls that still have Barbie dolls in their home and fake phone in their pocket and pink/yellow hair accessories :dry:
  5. Chi and Bashful

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    Mar 9, 2015
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    I'm not tall not short with a kinda stonery/skatery look but I'm a nerdy,sarcastic asshole but at the same time I don't go out of my way to be mean to people and as for girls that I attract well its a diverse combination I have no idea why or how they pick me but they do as for guys I'm totally clueless right now hell I could have an army of secret admirer's right now for all I know
  6. VacantPlanets

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    May 27, 2014
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    I would be labeled a femme and people assume I'm straight, and that I'd "run my man". lol I do float toward being a Stem now and then, but it's not very often. I attract.....guys I wish like hell I could repel. "Gangsta" types, and rednecks ugh. Girls I attract are usually Tombois or Stems that are a bit more to the femme side. I'm short with an athletic build due to 20+ years of martial arts.
  7. kyoujin

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    Jul 19, 2015
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    I'm an androgynous goth. Long black hair, brown eyes. I'm terribly short, and am dieting severely to make myself extra slim. It's working quite well.
    My style is gothic, neo-Victorian/medieval style. I wear a lot of skirts and dresses.

    There aren't many these days who are attracted to me.
    I suppose those who are attracted to those like me would also be goths, or alternative in some manner.
    #7 kyoujin, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  8. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    I don't think I could really be defined as one type. Sometimes I'm mistaken as a goth or even a devilworshipper (folks are usually joking about the 2nd thing), but I'm some sort of metalhead/gamer hybrid. I'm short, thin, super pale, and I'd make a joke about my twisted personality, but it would probably get me banned lol.

    I attract all kinds of people. I've noticed roughly three "types" are the most persistent; shallow people, highly empathic people, and mentally unstable people. They're all fun for different reasons.
  9. rhamphorhynchus

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    I like to say that I'm have all the type combined and by having all I have none, I'm not any type at all. Maybe I'm so phreaking special.

    Nah. That is probably bullshit, I'm not that fucking special . Because the world loves to put you in a Box.
  10. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    in your soul
    It's weird, I dunno why but I attract all kinds. Psychos, misfits, random otakus, perverts, hopeless romantics, furries, plants, politicians, ghosts, there's no real pattern. Maybe it's because there's a little bit of all those things in me.
  11. Batman

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    Feb 27, 2013
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    I don't really seem to attract anyone :grin: Which is fine by me

    I suppose I fit into the quiet type.
  12. Libra Neko

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    Jan 21, 2014
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    the world my mind created
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    Some people
    I'm kind of bohemian, casual, neither butch nor femme. I don't wear make-up ever, but I dress in women's clothes. As far as personality, I'm reserved and sensitive.
    I generally attract people who like me, have a mental illness. It makes it easier, stigma doesn't exist.
    Both the people I've dated have also had my illness, the girl and the guy.
    That sounds like a recipe for disaster to ignorant people, I'm sure. Actually, I can't really imagine dating a total "normie."
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Blah, blah, blah... fancy context...
    I've been called the Antichrist by a youth pastor (which I accept as a very macabre achievement in life), been banned from a church (not sure if that ban is still in effect, as it has been several years), called everything from 'heartless' to 'psychopathic' and 'bitter', at my worst. I've made folks cry just to know I could, had teachers lose their tempers when they couldn't tame me, and been a headache for the community via narcotic dealing. I lied to others, just because they were too dumb to call me out -- and if they did, I'd put them right back down. I've stolen from others, sometimes letting them know I did, because I knew they couldn't do a damn thing about it.

    Breaking people gave me a euphoric pleasure, only matched by manipulating people like puppets. I'm still tempted to do these because, as with most addictions, it feels good and it is, unfortunately, what I am very exceptional at.

    At my best, I've been praised as 'a miracle worker', 'a great relief', and appreciated for my contributions. Not because of my talents and abilities themselves, but because I pick and choose my battles. Unlike a lot of people, I can be as patient as the most predatory of creatures. I may be egotistical but I'm not going to jump into something, without proper preparation, as that is just asking for trouble. Folks know, if I make the decision to get involved, especially on a personal level (I much rather prefer and enjoy my Devil's Advocate neutrality, so getting me to actually, seriously take a side, is impressive), they are going to have an invaluable resource. I am not going to get involved if it is a waste of time or has little benefit, and this has earned me the respect of those who know me. I don't bullshit you, nor do I try and waste your time -- I ask and expect the same in return.

    Building people up is great, and it can provide you a sensation akin to motivation or a reminder that, yes, I do have purpose. But there is also the likelihood of, once you have helped the individual, that's it, they wander off and forget about you. After all, you have freed them of what burdened them -- I lose those chains and thus that power that, years ago, allowed me to enjoy my societal puppet show. That power is difficult to give up, and this is made even more so when folks move on. If there is one thing I dislike as much as being thought 'just a nobody', it is being used. Even more so if the one who is using me believes I won't know or allow it to go unpunished.

    It... is quite difficult to slap a type onto me. I don't say that to wave a special snowflake banner, but to speak the truth. The same can be said of any and every body. You can find a few pieces pretty easy for your individualistic puzzle, but that one definite title-piece is very elusive. But that's kind of the point, if we found ourselves absolutely and quickly, we'd have little reason to continue that journey -- and along the way growing, learning, developing -- which molds us into, well, who we are; our 'type'.

    "That's... interesting Kaiser... but, when are you going to answer the question?"
    I wanted to put some context onto this, first.​

    If you strip me down past my wit, my charisma, my observations, my dreams, my opinions, my secrets, my weaknesses, you will discover a brooding renegade. There is a reason I gravitate towards personalities like Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender), because they come acceptably close to my world view. Of course, some may perceive this as being a crybaby. That because my parents weren't very remarkable in the nurturing aspect, because I was left to emotionally develop on my own, and because I gave in to being a malicious miscreant, I am simply lashing out by attempting to defy those who, in my opinion, have misjudged or wronged me, just to get a Ha ha! I did it! Now, get the fuck out of my face, and let us never be in each other's vicinity ever again moment of payback.

    Now, who do I attract? Well...

    The young, because they find my methods interesting.
    The gullible, because they find my charisma uplifting.
    The depressed, because they find my humor comforting.
    The opportunistic, because they find my resourcefulness efficient.
    The outcasts, because they find my individualism emulative.
    The indecisive, because they find my meticulousness impressive.
    The manipulative, because they find my get-it-done-by-any-means attitude effective.
    The curious, because they find my perceptions fascinating.
    The deranged, because they find my understanding entertaining.
    The meek, because they find my drive inspiring.
    The damaged, because they find my experience authentic.

    You'll notice all of those have one thing in common, they are all fairly easy to shift and move. But it is because I acknowledged and ruined folks like those, that I better grasp where they are coming from, thus it makes it easier to build a bridge. Many individuals, even so-called professionals tend to believe, yeah, we'll sit here, face to face, and talk about our feelings. That may work sometimes for some things, but you have to establish trust and that isn't totally possible without exchanging vulnerabilities. Or you can settle for a little hole instead of digging a labyrinth, your call.

    Short answer:
    I'm just me.

    I attract those who are either infatuated by me, for whatever reason, or who hope, by being around me, some of that will rub off on them, making them into the person they believe they should be.

    I'm also fucking sexy. That helps, yo.

    #13 Kaiser, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  14. wannahavechange

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    Jan 3, 2015
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    I look aloof and curious.. alot of people tell me that. I don't see it.. the aloof part probably .
    I attract alot of girls... no guys want meh!!! Then when I tell them I play for the other team, they still wanna be friends though :slight_smile:, I don't attract alot of guys... I catch some older gents starting but that's about it idk
  15. Wallace N

    Wallace N Guest

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Silicon Valley
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    I am scrawny, physically weak (in general), unintimidating, quiet, shy, awkward, nerdy, but unmistakably masculine in appearance (no androgyny).

    I seem to attract more outgoing and dominant types--probably tops. This is fine, as this is the type I'm generally attracted to.
    #15 Wallace N, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  16. zgirl81

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    Aug 14, 2015
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    I apparently always look like I'm in charge? People always assume I just somehow know information about things. And they feel free to ask me about anything, anytime... even if they're a total stranger. Maybe I was a tour director in another life!

    I seem to attract butch women when I go out with friends. I guess most guys are intimidated by me? lol
  17. Cedar

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    Apr 11, 2015
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    Out in the country, Ontario
    Male (trans*)
    In all honesty, I don't really know what type of person I am since I tend to be detached from myself quite often. I guess physically, I'm a bit chubby but I suppose I carry it well whatever that means(people keep telling me that and I don't understand what that's supposed to mean)?

    As for people that I attract, mainly creeps... Is it too much for a guy to ask people not to constantly point out their ass? Or just say something really perverted and uncalled for/rude.
  18. Kira

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    Sep 9, 2014
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    Tall, extremely pale, bony, I get a lot of vampire jokes thrown at me.
    I look like a stereotypical nerd lady but even more extreme. I think it's because they don't sell clothes I like around here.

    It seems I can only attract men in their mid life crisis, and downright crazy people. I probably have no luck because nearly everyone in my area is straight. The ones who aren't don't usually say a thing because of negativity here, including myself.

    Maybe both will change once I can escape this over-conservative area and actually be able to put effort into how I look, and not hide indoors all day. Can't wait to cross that border. :icon_wink
  19. CodeForLife

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    Jul 4, 2015
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    Bay Area, CA, USA
    Sexual Orientation:
    Honestly, I don't know exactly what type I am. I tend to be soft-spoken volume-wise, but more heavy-hitting opinion-wise. I try to deliver my messages nicely and catered to the recipient but without compromise. If someone gets me to say something besides the basic societal greetings and comments that I inject to seem normal, it's usually with some passion or extrapolation behind it.

    I have a beard, a little bit shorter hair, and I'm not the thinnest or tallest person on the earth, so I might be considered a cub from the gay community standpoint. I'm not that hairy on my chest though (yet?).

    I don't have that much experience yet, but from what I've seen, I tend to attract more flamboyant gay guys, maybe because I'm not that way? I'm not trying to be stereotypical, but the few guys that I have found that probably took an interest in me tended to have more exaggerated hand motions and more higher/flamboyant voice/behavior. I've yet to find a bear that explicitly took an interest in me. :icon_sad:
  20. YuriBunny

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    Jan 10, 2014
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    I'm an introvert; I live in my head.
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    In appearance, I think I'm pretty average-looking. I have very long hair, but the way I dress is usually pretty close to gender-neutral. I'm super quiet, leading some people to literally think that I do not know how to talk. People at school generally seem to see me as shy and polite.

    I seem to attract really weird guys who get in trouble at school and have bad grades. As far as I know, I haven't attracted any girls.