I hate my body

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by bassboss, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. bassboss

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    I hate my weight so much I have been praticly starving my self like not eating anything for days at a time but I'm still just a fat unatractive freak
  2. Jax12

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    I'm overweight too, but I'm gonna change that by going to the gym everyday and Changng my diet.

    Took me a while to finally get the car going, but I started and I'm very proud of myself. I always had a "eh, I'll do it later", but now that I need to be fit for my career, I have the motivation to change my life for the better. It comes with many sacrifices no doubt, but in the long run will be rewarding.

    Is there anything at all that can give you a push?
  3. sierpinski

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    Starving yourself is no solution, what Jax12 said above is probably one of the best ways to lose weight if you decide to do so. But before you get too obsessed about it I'd check with a body index or weight-height relation chart to see if you really have too much weight or if it's just in your head.

    Whatever happens, don't forget that your body is there to support your mind, and your mind is what counts in the end.
  4. bassboss

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    I don't know how I could do serious exercising I don't like walking distance from a gym and I home alone alot
  5. Caecilian65

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    What about thinking about what you do normally eg. Going to shops to buy bread etc. and going a different way or somehow making it a bit more difficult? I thinking moving and getting out there in my opinion is a good start. Then when you have a routine you can look at your diet, although starving yourself isnt a good idea. Everyone is different so maybe find your own way to just get started :slight_smile:. What do you enjoy?

    I am struggling with losing fat also. However I am in a different boat in that I need to lose fat but not muscle since I have very little of that.
    Take care
  6. lovetoomuch

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    As someone who has always been skinny and got down to a very (too) low weight last year, I have learned a lot. Believe me, everyone struggles with weight concerns; as I said, I have always been skinny, but I thought I was not skinny enough and eventually got down to an unhealthy weight. Now, I'm trying to put back on weight and even gain some muscle.

    When losing weight, you have to make small changes first. Maybe if you eat ice cream every night, you cut it back to three times a week. Making immediate, drastic changes will cause you to go right back to where you started. You'll feel deprived of the food and end up overindulging again.

    I tried to lose weight for a very long time to "try out" being even skinner. I did it and I realized it was not for me. However, I learned from that experience that if I ever need to diet, I know I have the will-power now. You really have to try to be committed.

    I used to have the attitude of "I'll eat healthy" one day and the next day "I don't care if I get fat." Trust me, you can achieve a body you are proud of, you just have to be committed. A lot of people have tried to (and ended up doing it) to lose weight, so you aren't alone.

    Like I said, small changes first. Starving yourself may get you immediate results, but it is well-known by researchers that people who starve themselves to gain weight end up gaining back the weight because they fall into old habits. It also is extremely unhealthy.

    I am by no means a professional, but if you have any questions ask them on here and I can try to help.
  7. sal90

    sal90 Guest

    Please please please don't starve yourself. I had anorexia for 8 years and it is a horrible illness that sucks the life out of you and ruins your life. Not to mention the health implications of not eating enough. It's just not worth it.

    If you are truly unhappy with the way your body looks then there are things you can do to change that.
    Start by eating healthy and exercising properly. A consistent pattern of taking care of yourself like that and your body will start to look and feel different and hopefully this will help you to feel better about yourself.

    Another thing I have found really helpful is confidence building. If low self-esteem is an issue then that really affects how you see and think about yourself. You could be the best looking person in the world but if you have low self-esteem you will never believe it. So it is probably worth looking into that too rather than just focusing on changing the physical.

    I hope this helps a bit :slight_smile:
    #7 sal90, Aug 12, 2015
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  8. bassboss

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    I know it's bad for me but I see no other way iv been doing this not eating for 6-7 days at a time for about 3 months but I'm still 60 pounds over the normal weight for my hight
  9. sal90

    sal90 Guest

    Hi :slight_smile:

    Please trust me, it is not the answer.

    It's fine to want to lose weight if that is going to help you feel better but most people who wants to lose weight want a quick fix but it doesn't work like that.
    You didn't get overweight overnight and you can't lose it overnight.
    Yes it is harder but the way to lose weight sustainably is eating healthy in moderation and exercise. This is not what you want to hear I get that but what you are doing is seriously going to detriment your health. Furthermore, starving yourself may help you lose weight but if you are not exercising you could end up 'skinny fat' and you will have to permanently keep your calories low in order to maintain that skinny weight. Also, if you starve yourself for long periods of time you are potentially setting yourself for bingeing and you will probably regain the weight then anyway.

    I'm not accusing you of having an eating disorder, I don't know enough details but what you are doing especially if you have a really bad body image is a slippery slope into one. I remember when I first got ill, I was convinced that I could stop it and start eating normally again any time I wanted to. I genuinely believed that. Well it didn't happen that way and I wasted pretty much my whole teenage life in and out of hospital and obsessed with food not to mention all of the health issues. I missed out on so much time that I will never get back. I really wish now that I had done things differently.

    I'm not going to convince you either way but please don't think that starving yourself is the only way to lose weight and please don't make the mistake I did and think that being thinner will solve all of your problems. You are not defined by your body weight. Even when I was super skinny I still felt shit about myself because the core issues were not being dealt with. That is why I said it is important to work on your mindset too.

    I'm not trying to lecture so I am really sorry if it comes across that way but please remember you are worth taking care of yourself.

    You could start by looking into healthy eating. There are tons of food blogs out there with some great ideas. And then try and do a bit of exercise everyday even if it is just walking and gradually build from there. Doing that, not only will you lose weight but your energy and skin etc... will start to improve and your body shape will start to change as you build up more muscle.

    Yes, the pace will be slower and you won't get the immediate incentive of losing weight quickly but I promise you, it will be worth it in the long run.

    Good luck :slight_smile:
    #9 sal90, Aug 12, 2015
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  10. bassboss

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    Iv seen blogs and stuff like that but I'm still 60 pounds overweight nothing I can do thats healthy will make me ever be normal I spent my 13 years getting fat now I need to lose it before I'm an adult or else il just be a short,obese,and lonely until I die becouse I will never be able to lose 60 pounds healthily
  11. sal90

    sal90 Guest

    I'm sure you know that that is absolutely not true!!
    What you say makes no sense. I am not saying that you can never lose weight. You can totally change your weight! That is actually the easy part!
    Eat less and move more. It really is that simple.
    You won't lose in overnight but slowly and steadily you absolutely will lose all of the weight that you want to lose.
    Plus when you eat healthy, not only will you lose weight (for life) but you will also get a whole host of other health benefits like better skin, mood, energy etc...
    I know it's hard to see it right now because you want instant gratification but like you said, you spent 13 years getting overweight so it's not really realistic to lose it (healthily) in a really short amount of time but if you do what I said above, you will absolutely lose the weight, it will just take a little longer.

    It's actually the way that you talk about yourself that seems more of an issue.

    I can tell that I am not going to convince you because what you are doing is working right now and so you are probably not open to what I am saying but I hope that you will think about what I have said. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference eating healthily and exercising regularly has made to me. Like I said, I had anorexia and I have always struggled with self hatred, anxiety and really low self esteem and a huge part of my recovery has been because I have done what I am suggesting that you do.
    #11 sal90, Aug 12, 2015
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  12. bassboss

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    I once tryed the healthy way for a little while and I found that I wasn't losing anything but in fact I was gaining weight everyone told me that I was just gaining strength and I was losing weight but I wasn't seeing it no matter how good my freinds and famliy said I looked I knew I wasn't doing anything and I still looked gross and fat no matter what I do I don't see myself looking better and after I decided to stop eating again about a month later a passed out so my parents took me to the doctor and they told me I was underweight but I know there just lying and I'm still just fat and gross
  13. sal90

    sal90 Guest

    Well, if that's really true then you need to get some help
  14. bassboss

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  15. bassboss

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    I don't know what to do
  16. BrokenRecord

    BrokenRecord Guest

    I can relate to your issue. Although I'm not really fat, I am a little chubby, and it affects how I feel about being around others. Look: instead of starving yourself, like I do, try to slowly get yourself comfortable with healthy activities such as proper diet and exercise so it doesn't feel like a complete chore once you're actually doing it at a good amount and pace. I was once told by my social worker that if your body thinks it's going through a long stretch of not getting fed, it'll retain your body fat and only slowly supplement it. It might sound strange, but it's true. I haven't really lost any weight with this "diet" habit of mine that consists of eating only two very small meals a day. The only reason I still do it is because I hate the necessity of eating. There's a reason diet and exercise are still the leading ways to get rid of body fat, you know. I hope that this message helped you in your quest for an answer to your problem. :thumbsup:
    #16 BrokenRecord, Aug 12, 2015
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  17. dontjudgeme

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    Starvings is not good. What many people do is do exercise and eat less what they burn and thats how they lose fat. You can try doing that.
  18. TheAshMan

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    Don't starve yourself, even if you do successfully lose weight, once you start eating again you will gain more weight again because your body will think it needs to store more fat for energy for use in the future, in fact even while you're starving yourself, if you so much as eat a small amount your body will turn it into more body fat than usual.

    Exercise is a good place to start.
    Making sure you're eating just what you're meant to be eating is also another good thing to do, check health sites for the size you're meant to be for your height and age, find good diets, to stick to, etc etc.

    Don't go on a diet which is absolutely ridiculous though, when I say diet, I just mean what you eat, not cutting food out of your diet.

    All I can say is, someone out there is sure to love you for who you are as well, chances are you're not obscenely over weight, in fact you might not even be overweight, but when one is a teenager you tend to have lowered self esteem and want to lost more weight and think you're overly fat when you're not, when you're growing as well you tend to gain a bit of weight so you can dun dun dunnnnn grow taller.