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How do I do this?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Moon Knight, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Moon Knight

    Regular Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Cape Town
    Sexual Orientation:
    Last night I came out to guy that lives at my house and he kind of rejected me but he swore to me that he wouldn't tell anyone. I no longer want to be in the closet and I now feel the need to tell them about my sexuality. I am pretty sure that my family wouldn't kick me out and that they would accept me but I feel so guilty and afraid for some reason that the words just won't come out of my mouth. So what do I do now? How do I come out to them without overwhelming them? Please don't reply with jokes or anything like that this is 100% serious and I want to come out to my family to today so please answer immediately.
  2. Greenapple

    Regular Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Auckland NZ
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Unfortunately there is no really easy way to do this.

    If it helps, that is completely normal. Saying those words out loud to people you love will be some of the hardest words you will ever have to say in your life.

    In my case, I picked the family member I'm the closest to (My Mother) and came out to her first, and then asked her to tell the rest of my family for me.

    However you choose to handle it, it gets better afterward. Despite the reactions you may or may not get, at the end of the day it is a liberating experience to finally be able to be yourself openly.
  3. IJustWantToLove

    Full Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Hi Moon King :slight_smile:

    Obviously I can't tell you the perfect way to come out or even the right one for you... But I can tell you how I came out to my Mum last week and hope that you can take something from that...

    I had the same problem as you. I wanted them to know, I didn't want to hide in the closet anymore, but even though I knew that they would still love me the words wouldn't come over my lips. So I decided to write them a letter.

    Into this letter I wrote, that I now had a girlfriend. That that's just how it is, and that I would like them to meet her.
    And I also wrote, why I didn't speak to them in person. I wrote that this way I could write down everything I wanted to say without getting interrupted or choking up and they would have some time to process everything without having to react right away.
    I also included, that they shouldn't be mad for getting a letter, because as their kid I know that this is not the future they planned for me and telling your parents something, that sort of shutters the plans they had for you is never easy.
    I added that I love them with all my heart and that this is just how I am and that I am happy this way.
    I ended it with the words that they should come talk to me the next day if they want.

    Basically my advice for you - if you decided to write them a letter - would be to just write down what comes straight from your heart. Tell them how you feel. Tell them that you love them and that you want them to know, but for some reason you have a hard time telling them in person. Just include whatever you want to be said.

    And give them time to process everything. Honestly, my mums reaction wasn't the one I expected. It was way colder than I thought. But she assured me that she still loved me.
    I was hurt by her reaction, so I shut her out, gave her the silent treatment. And my advice for you is, don't do this. Talk to your parents once they know! Because it turns out her problem wasn't that I had a girlfriend now. Her problem was that it took me so long to come talk to her. So we talked that out and everything's fine now. (My parents even met my girlfriend yesterday!)

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best. You are very brave :slight_smile:
    And if you decide to write a letter and want someone to read it beforehand, I'd be happy to help you out.
    Good luck :slight_smile: