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"Alive but not living"

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by TyTy91, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. TyTy91

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Sexual Orientation:
    So Ive been on unemployment for 4 months now from being laid off at my job. So I know am unemployment. However yesterday I received in the letter that my unemployment has been exhausted. I was disappointed however I thought about it thinking is this God and The Universe knowing the only way is by doing this.
    It sucks because I've been using my unemployment for food, my medications, my doctor copays and gas.

    Im not really feeling right, I don't know, beside of not having hardly any motivation, im just unhappy, regretful, and numb. Lethargic and out of energy I've gained 20lbs and not happy about that. I feel like my depression symptoms.
    I still live with my parents place, I moved in back with them in January of this year.

    When it comes to getting a job I would REALLY like to work at a place where is slow, quiet and very easy to do.

    I thought about finding a job and working from home. Would be a little easier for me.

    Im going to be honest, do you know when you were in class your teacher asked you what do you predict your life in 5-10 after you graduate from high school. I had a bunch of plans and a vision of my future, however as a few years went of its getting dimmer and dimmer and dimmer.I don't see a marriage nor relationship. Its so dim its to the point honestly I dont see myself around here in my 30s. I just dont know why I have a feeling like this.

    I think I have a depression relapsing.

    I do have something to look forward, I plan on going back to school in the fall.

    How to motivate and get out there to do something you want to do?When you have some mental issues right now?
    How to motivate someone?
  2. June Cleaver

    Full Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    United States of America
    You probably will not like the answer that works best, therefore THINK you are only 24 yo and have a long productive life ahead of you. It seems like the end of the world but it is not. At 24 and one month my 3rd husband died while I waited to die of terminal illness which was predicted to happen at the latest two months earlier, but he fell off a roof and died leaving me alive and quite sick in pain. I survived and now will turn 43 in less than a week... You just don't know what the future holds. In the last 19 years I raised one child from 2 weeks to 4 years and a second child from 11 yo to 18 yo whose father was my 4th husband and I know I did a great job on the second child. I have owned 3 houses in that time, had many friends and still do, and even more rare I still have my parents who are beginning to need me.

    So when you think you have no future, think again! If you cannot handle it you may want to see a therapist, or go on medication to help you through. At my age I still have guys go bonkers over me and choose to be single. You must be a happy well balanced whole person to attract another happy well balanced whole person. I have had the bad times too and last year was one of those years, but I walked away from my house and property to move to a big city to start a new life also giving me time to heal. The key word is time! Take baby steps to achieve your goals and give yourself time enough for each step. Life is not Burger King "Your way right away!" I don't mean to sound mean saying that, but big problems don't usually get solved in a hurry.

    I never thought I would see 30, much less 40, and 50 is still coming for me! I assure you it will come for you too. So plan your future now and stand up and grab it! June
  3. DeJe

    Regular Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    South Carolina US
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    I'm sorry that you are going through this. Do you have anyone that you can talk to...friends? Family? A therapist? I was in your position when I was your age. I couldn't see past the next day, let alone further down the road. I had previously tried college but I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career, so without a goal in mind, I wasn't motivated and dropped out...repeatedly. I was miserable, lived at home with a family that I didn't get along with, and spent my nights drinking with friends. I felt stuck and couldn't see a positive future. I hit bottom. And from there, one can only go up. I started trying to figure out what kind of career I could see myself enjoying for the long haul. I've always had an interest in helping others and in psychology but the amount of schooling to become a psychologist was off putting. So I looked at similar career fields. I ultimately chose nursing. Once I had a goal in mind, I was motivated. I went to the community college and talked with an advisor and we came up with a plan, as I would have a bunch of prerequisites to take for their nursing program. So I dove in head first. It wasn't easy and I hit a lot of bumps in the road. But now, 10 years later, I have been a nurse for 5 years, got my bachelor degree in nursing and have just been accepted into a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program where I will be able to fulfill my dream of counseling others. It's been one heck of a journey, but nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Doors open up that you don't even know about.

    So what are your interests? Have you gone to college? How close are you to 25? Once you are 25, federal financial aid sees you as an independent and doesn't count your parents' income, which is what allowed me to get my initial education paid for. Do some self-reflection and it will help open your eyes to your opportunities and also help make you more positive about life itself. There are great resources throughout the Internet to help you in your journey...YouTube videos (this has helped me greatly to stay positive throughout this late discovery of my sexual orientation), websites, Facebook pages, etc.

    I wish you the best! I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
  4. TyTy91

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Sexual Orientation:
    @ June! Wow things have changed for you! You know you mentioned therapist and medication would do. However what makes me really pathetic is that im already on an antidepressant and I go to therapy once in awhile. I was about to make appointment to see here but then I just had a letter that my unemployment is being cut off or "exhausted". I hope things are going well for you! Its nice that you have family and friends to have your back and in your life. :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 6th Jul 2015 at 02:44 AM ----------

    @Deje Well friends from high school yes however they are more of strong acquaintances that I care for.I wouldn't say friends Im pretty much of a loner now. Im always in my room. My family really dont talk about our feelings and that is why we're SOOOO disfunctional. So I dont tell them this, I wouldnt dare tell my parents about this! lol

    See this coming up fall I plan on going to school full time to get my degree (Associates Degree). Ive been in and out of college. I do have an interest in TV production and film. However I dont think I have the skills or creativity to execute that of what companies are looking for.
    I hope so and can discover the real me.
    Thanks Deje! You too :slight_smile: