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Major Social Anxiety

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by BjFantasy, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. BjFantasy

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    May 31, 2015
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    Hello forum

    my name is mike and i suffer from severe anxiety
    its gotten so bad that i lock my self in my house and never leave unless my friend calls to chill

    it gets even worse when i smoke weed ( i stopped smoking weed just cause of the worst buzz i'd get )

    i get it when i go to crowded places such as clubs gyms malls buses even going to a fast food restaurant

    i don't know why, but i always feel like people are judging me no where i go
    like they will suddenly know me and my past and judge me upon it

    my doctor won't even prescribe me medication because she says she doesn't want me to get suicidal thoughts, which i never have in my life only as a kid when i'd get into trouble and my dad would discipline me

    i have become a hikikomori and if it wasn't for my friend i would be locking myself inside forever

    i tried CBT therapy and it didn't do shit because i was too anxious to even leave to go to the appointments...

    can someone help me
  2. Gandee

    Gandee Guest

    I used to have severe social anxiety. It's much better now but I still dread going to the student office or ordering things on a phone!
    You stop smoking weed, then you're on the right track.
    You worry about other people judging you. That's okay. You are directing your own attention to yourself. Let direct your attention to other people. You don't have to talk to them. Pay attention to their clothes, eyes, jawline, cheekbones, attitude. Basically, checking people out. You can judge other people too. It's your right!
    Hmm, crowded places, how's about a simple walk? No bus, no gym, no restaurant, just a simple walk on the streets to get you used to the presence of people.
    Hope that help.
    If you want to talk, you can wall post me.
    #2 Gandee, Jun 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2015
  3. Jax12

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    Sep 28, 2014
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    Yeah it's a struggle, I hear you. I'm on antidepressants right now but I think I just stopped caring so much about what people thought about me and more about what I thought about myself. I've been asking myself how I can be a better person instead of looking and judging other people about how they could be a better person. I've always cared about what people thought, but now I don't care as much. Slowly coming out to people helped lower the anxiety as well, along with actively dealing with anxiety (deep breaths, mediate, etc).
  4. Aspen

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    Jun 20, 2014
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    I definitely don't suggest self-diagnosis, but you might want to do some research into agoraphobia. You may also want to talk to your doctor again or, if possible, see a different doctor. If medication helps, you might find it easier to see a therapist for CBT or any other therapy that they suggest.

    I have the same feelings of being judged and I find it helps to remind myself that people are far more concerned with themselves than they are with me. People tend to be very absorbed in their own worlds rather than criticizing others.
  5. itsmary

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    Feb 19, 2015
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    Hey, I have a bit of social anxiety but the only thing that has worked for me is antidepressants and willpower. I know it's a big effort, but talk about this with a therapist, I'm sure they can help you
  6. Libra Neko

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    the world my mind created
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    In my experience, medication helps with anxiety. You could take it "as needed", not necessarily every day, if you don't want to.
  7. Ruby Dragon

    Ruby Dragon Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2012
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    I can relate to an extent. Though not officially diagnosed by a professional, I also suffer from social anxiety. I prefer to stay at home. I feel uncomfortable in clubs, feel like I'm in everybody's way when I do go out, even just to the grocery store. Especially when someone behind me is walking very fast, like they're in a massive hurry. I just want to cling to the walls until they've passed :dry:

    Whenever possible, I rather opt to use the drive-through than actually going inside to order take-aways, where I'd have to deal with even more people. I don't go out by myself, I always have to have someone with me as an emotional crutch, or else I'd start to become really anxious and uncomfortable. I've gotten a little better by exposing myself to such situations more and more, but it's still anxiety-inducing. I don't go to restaurants by myself because I feel like everybody's looking at me and that thought unnerves me. I don't like talking on the phone, I'd rather text. I avoid social gatherings as much as possible (except with family) and I don't really talk because of this intense fear that I'll make a fool of myself. Besides, I don't always have something to say. But that's a different story.

    I don't have advice for you on how to improve, except exposure, exposure, exposure. I don't think I'll ever be "normal" but I will probably keep getting better at things outside of my comfort zone (Home).

    I can totally relate to all of these and I'm sure you can, too

    I have to add, I have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder 5 years ago, and have been on meds since
    #7 Ruby Dragon, Jun 19, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015