So confused

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by NotSureWhatIam, May 24, 2015.

  1. NotSureWhatIam

    Full Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Olathe, KS
    I'm wondering if I might be bi.

    See, I shouldn't care, and I know people are going to say "just be you" WHICH IS in my signature. But thing is I have a conservative family and if I came out AGAIN as bi they'd be like "HA TOLD YOU IT WAS A PHASE YOUR NOT GAY."

    But I know I have a strong attraction to men. No doubt about it. Masculinity is beautiful to me and I love things men do...I find them cute as fuck. But there's a small part of me that looks at a woman's body and says "she's not too bad". Look I don't objective women, I do the same with men too. It's just a thing a lot of guys do. But dating a woman..IDK..I dont think I could do that. Women don't interest me in that way, and the things a lot of men find attractive about women tend to bother me. Certain things about females are also a big turn off to me. Not that women aren't beautiful fierce people, just not my cup of tea in a relationship.

    But all of that aside I have been Sexually active with a girl before. So I know I can do that. I've dated girls but their friends have always said I seemed uninterested. Which makes me feel bad because thinking back it was true. My first girlfriend pissed me off when she broke up with me. My first boyfriend had me crying for months and it still hurts to think about it.

    Maybe I'm bisexual homoromantic? Maybe I havn't found the right kinda girl? IDK. But even if I am would I come out as bi? That is more scary to me than anything because even gay people look down on bi guys. When I came out to my best friend I ALMOST typed bi but gay seemed easier to say and more fitting for me. Maybe I'm jist like a 4 or 5 on the kinsey scale...maybe I'm fluid..maybe I'm gas...maybe I'm solid...IDK
    (Went off of a sciencey tangent there)

    Sorry for the typos, did this on a tablet because I'm broke as fuuuuu
    #1 NotSureWhatIam, May 24, 2015
    Last edited: May 24, 2015
  2. bi2me

    Full Member

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Maybe you are plasma :wink:
    We are all star stuff, no?

    Ok. Off the science for a sec... What if you are bi? If you don't ever find the "right" girl, which it sounds like you aren't really interested in doing, does your family need to know? Would they understand the difference between a Kinsey 5 or 6? Would it cause them to push you into a hetero relationship you don't want?

    I'd say tell people who would understand and care to know, but if the difference is largely theoretical, I wouldn't bother telling your family until/unless you have a girl you like. If you get into a long term relationship with a guy, be upfront. Let him know you gave occasional fantasies, or whatever is true for you.

    That's the tack I'm taking right now. I'm married but realized I'm bi, so why get everyone's panties in a wad when I'm not planning to leave my wonderful husband and awesome kids. My husband knows and we are working through what it means to me and what I might need/want if anything, I'm raising my kids to be open to all possibilities, and I'm out to a few friends. My parents don't need to know right now. Some day, if I'm looking for that kind of relationship, I will tell them at that point.
  3. Caleb93

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Don't worry about putting a label on yourself. Sometimes the labels fit and make it easier for other people to understand you and your orientation, but in a lot of cases people don't fall into easily definable categories.

    If you feel the need to tell people your orientation, just tell them you like guys and girls. If you wanna go into more detail, say you like guys both romantically and sexually, and girls mainly in a sexual way. If somebody else labels you as bisexual based on that, that's up to them. I just don't think it's something that's worth stressing over.

    As far as your family is concerned, I wouldn't feel pressured to tell them anything new unless you happen to find a girl you want to be in a relationship with. Until then it shouldn't really matter if they think you're gay or bi. If they're like most conservative families I know, it doesn't make any difference if you're gay or bi; they're both seen as unnatural and/or wrong. Better to just avoid discussing the matter any more than you have to.
  4. NotSureWhatIam

    Full Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Olathe, KS
    Thank you guus, that stuff makes sense, I guess I should just stop worrying about it until the off chance that I find a girl that fits my sexuality. Until then I will keep wearing my gay pride belt because it's cute AF. ThanK you friends!