Secret love for best friend: now I need some advice.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by wbool, May 10, 2015.

  1. ConfusedguyZZ

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    Jul 27, 2014
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    I read the whole thread too and the only I have to tell you it's I am really proud of you !!! This is such a great story !!!! ! Waiting news!!!!
  2. XxSunXDragonxX

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    Jun 11, 2015
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    :eek:I wanna know what happened!!! Gah!!!
  3. Cider

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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Good luck! Let us know what happens!
  4. rhamphorhynchus

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    Patiently waiting for update as i'm still waiting for Radiohead's LP9. Thom, it's been 4 years, 4 years. Tomorrow no modern boxes of joyous patience.
  5. ThetasTrust

    ThetasTrust Guest

    You are inspiring. Im not able to come outto my best friend yet, but just from this story is keeps building my confidence so that eventually i can. Congratulations and i cant wait to hear more :slight_smile:
  6. wbool

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    May 10, 2015
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    Alright, so I'll post a little update. I'll give more details later on. It's very late over here right now (5:05 am) so I'll just tell the big stuff.

    He's straight. Yup. He really is... It's not mutual. Sorry to disappoint you all, it would be a much cuter story if he were gay for me, too. But... Too bad for me. It's just not mutual. I told him I was in love with him, again in my own silly way. Couldn't pronounce it, really. Half an hour I was searching the courage but he knew all along. "Does it have something to do with last time?" Yes it does. "Is it something between us?" Yeah it is. "I think I already know, then."

    Eventually I said: "Well, if you already know, why wouldn't I just say it?" So he looked at me. I pointed towards myself. "I..." and then I pointed my finger towards him.
    "With me?" he said.
    "Yes," I said.

    "Wow, I'm really flattered... I can't do anything back, though ... But I feel flattered." He treated it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. We talked a lot about it that evening. He also asked: "Do you have a hard time because of this?" No no, I lied. He also asked if it would be painful for me to see him kissing with some girl. I said something like "well... I would be happy for ya but yeah, it would probably hurt like hell..."

    This was last week. The next day we went to a bar together. He doesn't mind at all that I'm in love with him. In fact, I was playing with a candle on the table with my left hand at one point, and then he started playing with the candle too which made our index fingers touch. He kept touching my finger for over a minute. Well, I thought, at leasy he isn't scared of me.

    He's so cute and naive. Today he said to me: "My interpretation was that you just think I'm really cool." Haha, yeah, that's right... Furthermore I would like to suck your dick oktnxbye.

    Today was my birth day. He had bought presents. A drone and two coca-cola glassed and some sunglasses. How cute. I love him.

    But it's weird. Isn't it? And somewhat awkward... But still normal as if nothing has changed. I love him with all my heart.

    Btw july 22th we'll be flying to Mallorca.

    And Radiohead is my favourite band. Yesterday I woke up sucking on lemons. If Jimmy didn't exist, I'd be in love with Thom.... Damn, how I love Thom.

    Anyway, I'll write some more soon! Bye!
  7. person57

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    Jun 29, 2013
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    OMG congratulations on telling him! I hope you know how brave you are. Sorry that he doesn't have feelings for you, but it's amazing that he had a great reaction. I'm happy for you guys. Your friendship with him is so strong, and that's just amazing. Also, happy birthday! And I hope you guys have fun on your trip :slight_smile:
  8. Billy the kid

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    Apr 29, 2015
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    Well you have a great friend indeed! So now what? It is tough to hope that he would've said yes I'm gay and that he loved you too and you would have lived happily ever after. You still have a soul mate there, and you can still give him all the love you want! You just have to accept the fact that there won't be a truly romantic relationship. If he has no girlfriend though? I still think it's odd, unless you see him trying to find a girl to date? Are you going to start looking for dates with other guys? He could still be afraid that he might be gay, but obviously you wouldn't push that issue. You have got to feel so good that you've been completely honest with him. I still think there is a little flicker of hope that some drunken night he makes a move on you. That is purely wishful thinking, and nobody should question his claim of being straight. So mixed emotions for you, but don't ever let him go because you still have something great! Good luck and keep us posted, you sound like you are a great person too!
  9. brainwashed

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    Dec 29, 2014
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    I've skimmed about 2% of this thread. Interesting and I've already learned quite a bit. Way better the Dear Abby. Will return
  10. rhamphorhynchus

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    The story started off as Life in a Glass house and ended like a kind of wishful thinking Who Is it Bjork. Be hopeful, tho. Be hopeful. Not a bad thing at all. Until it hits you hard in the spine, tho. Be careful, then
  11. brainwashed

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    Dec 29, 2014
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    I've now read about 95% of this thread. Well I need a cigarette and I don't smoke.

    Its late, I'm tired. My two cents worth - American slang for hears (sp?) what I think. Way to much emphasis on labels. Way to much emphasis on assigning behavior per label. Qualify the relation early on, if it does not work out, use time and resources to find someone that you love and loves you. Specifically state ~"I want a deeper relationship with you because I love you." If the feeling is not mutual then you need to use your time looking for someone else.

    Its like what Yossarian states. ~"what do you want?"

    I hope I do not sound to sharp / stern. But you are tearing yourself up (using energy) and using time if he is not going to reciprocate.

    I believe in explore and discover so you can learn. Calculating behavior per label is not productive.

    Now from the gut. My gut is telling me something is holding him back. For some reason he cannot express or grow love and intimacy. Why not? He has light relations with women, never serious. Really? Why not?

    I also do not buy his self "I'm straight" label simply because explore and discover has not occurred. I'll go back to my infant learning to walk analogy. Infant one who is just learning to crawl says, ya I'm a marathon runner. Second infant says, really, how do you know, you haven't even learned how to walk yet.

    Off to bed. Hopefully I haven't gotten myself in trouble.
  12. wbool

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    May 10, 2015
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    No, brainwashed, of course you're not in trouble. The only thing I need is honest feedback and therefore I am only thankful for your share.

    What do I want? Well, let me try to answer that question as honest as possible.

    I just want a good life. I want to fill my days by doing stuff that's meaningful to me, and having meaningful thoughts. I don't want to be panicking all the time about every little detail in the world. With all this shit with Jimmy, I have really pulled myself inside-out, having used up all the energy within me. Never before have I been so deeply in love with a person as I was now. I was totally obsessed. To me, Jimmy was the most beautiful work of art nature would ever produce and the world would ever know. Out of all these extreme feelings I experienced, I jumped to one conclusion: a life with him is the best life possible, and a life without him, would be the worst life possible. To me, it really was an utopia versus a dystopia. Since the beginning of my strong love for him, my brain got rewinded completely, and a new primary life goal was integrated completely into my mind: to be able to love him and to be loved back by him.

    Not only did this primary life goal become more important than all other life goals (e.g. good physical health, creativity, academic success, et cetera), it eventually became THE purpose of my life. All other things in life had become mere side-activities, surrounding Jimmy.

    So, I want a good life with good mental health and I thought this would only be possible if my love for him was mutual. However, now I have realized that life is not about concrete things; it's rather about the abstract concept of dealing with reality. Sure, if he would love me back, dealing with reality would be a fantastic experience. But, alas, he doesn't love me in exactly the same way I love him, so dealing with reality is a little harder now.

    Perhaps human life can be defined as the combination of mindset and action. Mindset requires a way of dealing with reality and action requires a purpose.

    Now that I know, (or at least have given myself the permission to decide that I think that I really know) that he doesn't love me back (in this way), I have to find a new purpose in life to focus on. Subconsciously, I have already been shifting my life purpose away from Jimmy. I'm suddenly focusing on other things, particularly on organizing my life. Just bought a weekly planner for the next study year. I'm all like: when I'm back from Mallorca, everything will have to change. I have to set myself free from my addiction of Jimmy, and let it just be the deep appreciation that it was in the beginning.

    I always thought finding out that Jimmy doesn't love me back, would literally kill me. I was so obsessed with him, before telling him the truth. It was as if I was begging nature to let him love me back. Even considering the idea of him not loving me back, I begged nature to maybe rewrite the script, and let him love me, because I thought that if this wouldn't be the case, nature must have made a big mistake by thinking that this would be the way it should be! Love can drive someone really crazy, and it awakened desperate spiritual beliefs inside me. I even thought (even though before my love I wasn't spiritual at all and I didn't believe in all that shit), that perhaps there would be some purpose of life in general after all. I even went out every full moon at night to ask the moon if she could shine my love upon him so he would mirror it or something. Really crazy shit. I've tried everything to let this be the way I thought it should be.

    So I was desperate. And I knew I was. And knowing this, it was even more frightening to tell him. But when I did tell him... I just got an honest answer. And I have to deal with that. I realized that I had already been mentally preparing for the dystopia in my mind all along. I think, in all that time that I have been in love with him, all the eighteen months, I have been preparing for the worst outcome. And now this mental preparation comes in pretty handy, because apparently, it doesn't "literally kill me". I'm still here, and you know what, this isn't nearly the dystopia I was so scared of.

    Because he does love me. As a friend. A very close friend. He doesn't have any other friends like me. He has some colleagues at work which are friendly. He's got a little brother with whom he hangs out a lot at home. He has his parents. Me. Some other contacts that we both know that were in the same school as we were, which he never actually meets or even has conversations with. As he has said himself (and he doesn't feel completely comfortable admitting this at all times, but when the moment is right, he just does), I am the most important person in his life and he thinks I will always be. We think on the same level, we have the same sense of humour, we share the same interests, and we respect each other very much. We are not completely the same, but where we differ from each other, we complement each other. We are loyal, we always got each other's back, et cetera. Well, isn't that something very beautiful?

    Yeah, there are two aspects that I miss, at this moment, because I'm wired to crave for his love. Of course I want to have a sexual relationship with him, and yes, I still fantasize about him in that way. And yes, even now, I noticed that I still feel a little spark of hope that maybe one day he would let me give him a blowjob or something (yeah, I'm being really honest now). But it's not just about the sex. There's also the more sensual emotional part of intimacy. When I see his arm, I just think: wow. Not because it turns me on or something but just because I think it's so sweet and cute and I love him with all he has and I want to hold his hand. I want him to hold my hand. I want to cuddle him. Love him. I want to hear him say: I love you. Blah blah. Romantic shit.

    But that's the version of me that is wired to think that the only purpose in life is to love him and to be loved back. And that version still exists, of course - I can't just ban the old me. I have to be honest to myself. And I know, it doesn't feel good knowing that he's not in love with me, but on the other hand it does feel good that he loves me as a friend and that nothing has changed whatsoever.

    What I don't want is to let this friendship come to an end. Yeah, when we are in Mallorca, I will be considering the possibility that he will find some girl there. Yeah, I know I am scared of that scenario. I can act like I'm not scared of that but yeah, somewhere in my mind there is this awareness of the possibility. But I want a fun vacation, too, so I'm not going to let this trip be ruined by these kind of thoughts. And if he does find someone, and it does feel very very bad, well, then I will learn from that, because whatever happens, I need to be able to deal with reality.

    Dealing with reality is a tough one, because we will never know what happens next. Never. So there's no real purpose in having some strategy. I have been doing all these things in such a strategic way, but life changes all the time and we can't forecast everything that's going to happen. We don't just have to deal with reality as it is now, but also know that everything can change in one small moment. I simply don't know how my future is going to be. Never. Not if he's in love with me, neither if he's not.

    Furthermore. My life may not be the fantastic heaven I was hoping for but it's not the disastrous hell I was fearing either. It's all about the mindset and purpose. And now I see myself going back to a purpose that I was chasing before I fell in love: developing myself and enjoying the little things.

    And then it is perfectly fine if Jimmy and I remain friends rather than lovers. I just need to be able to deal with that reality.

    So..... That's what I want.

    As for Jimmy himself: I think he focuses mainly on girls sexually, but maybe he's a little bi-curious, I don't know. Funny detail: I am always the one complaining about labels. About how people always tend to put things into separate boxes, about how people need to categorize everything in order to gain some understanding about things in life, while actually, things can't be perfectly sorted into any kind of categories! Every thing or every human being in the world is different and unique. So, this extreme emphasis on the label gay or bi or straight et cetera, is actually not important to me at all. Though I have made it so important myself by thinking that other people think it's important and thinking that the fact that they think it's important, is important! (Are you still following?) In other words, I have indeed permitted myself to think that such labels are important, even though they're not. Jimmy's reaction proved it to me once more.

    He keeps touching me when it's not even necessary. But really. Touching my hand for instance. Not holding it, but just touching it. It's not like we are touching each other all the time but still I am the person with whom he has had the most physical contact ever. I don't want to think about it too much, because it will drive me crazy again. But it is a little confusing yeah, and not to think about it at all is very difficult. But at least I know that he's not scared of me, or grossed out by me, or whatever.

    rhamphorhynchus, I like your comparisons to songs very well. I've never really listened to Björk though, but I've listened to Who Is It now, and googled the meaning of the lyrics et cetera and I must say, it's pretty cool music! Maybe I should listen to one of her albums. It's weird music too, but I often listen to the weirdest shit ever, so I think I can handle it haha.

    Billy, I have always appreciated your comments in this thread. Thank you for that, and I agree, Jimmy is my soul mate and I am very happy about that. I'll keep you posted for sure. You sound like a great person too.

    person57, thank you! I don't know if it's so brave, it felt like the thing to do. But yeah, it wasn't quite easy, lol. It's funny how I never thought I would tell him and now I have.

    And about the light relations with women, @brainwashed, I think maybe he's scared of bonding with women in some way or so, I don't know. I have no idea actually. I don't understand it either.
  13. brainwashed

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    I'm on my lunch break, not a lot of time to read full reply.

    You are such a beautiful person who can express your true self well - in your writings. Will finish reading latest post after work.

    In the mean time, from last nights reading: (from my personal notes)
    You write:
    And if [girls] they came too close to him, he would banish them out of his life and he would hate them.
    I reply:
    There are a myriad (many) reasons he pushes girls away. a) a girl/women may have wronged him in the past. I do the same thing and I suspect it's because my mom would shame me for not "getting a girl" so much so I would run away in tears - sometimes. b) a girl I had a crush on got pregnant from another guy. I was crushed. It took me a lot of time to get over that. (this was before I knew I was gay)

    Get my thought flow?

    You write:
    When we watch a movie, we lay against each other on the couch.
    Further on:
    our feet touch, our legs are against each other,

    I reply:
    That would drive me insane, so ya I can see why you get so worked up. But my brother and I were very close and would touch each other all the time. Not intimately. So lets call it 'legacy" behavior.

    Keep the door cracked open a bit, he may actually come around. But in the mean time go explore and discover.

    Lunch break over.

  14. Billy the kid

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    Wow, that was a great read! I think this needs to be a movie! All kidding aside you have inspired me. I truly am going through a similar scenario and this has helped me cope, writing on this thread and reading. My friend who is bisexual used to live near me, and when he did we got real close, to the point wear I even asked him if he wanted to have sex. He did not and said he wasn't into that. I kind of figured he wouldn't want that type of relationship with me so I was as prepared for a let down anyway. However we remain the best of friends, but he has moved away. I miss him so bad but we talk just about every night. We too have vacations planned, one to Chile! So in the end I sometimes think a friendship is just as satisfying, he is my soul mate, and yes I still hold that little flicker of hope that one day we will be a little more intimate. As always it is great to hear from you, and from all the posters! Good day!
  15. newyearproblem

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    #55 newyearproblem, Jul 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  16. SocceRoo

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    Jan 5, 2015
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    South Australia (limestone coast)
    hello wbool,
    I have to say that this is an amazing chapter in your life, you are a very brave person and I'm really happy for you :slight_smile:. Both you and your friend are amazing people and i only wish i had friends like you two. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    Also you're quite an amazing and open writer :thumbsup:
  17. HeartAmelia

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    Jul 6, 2015
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    Sorry I'm a little late on this. I'm extremely inexperienced with coming out to people close to you, but maybe you could bring up gay/bisexuality as a topic of conversation, just casually, and see how he reacts. If he is your best friend--and this is going to sound cliché--he should accept you for whoever you may be. Maybe if you both like a television show or book series with a gay character in it you could use that to experiment with his reactions to different sexualities. I hope I helped a bit!
  18. Pouletto

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    Jun 18, 2015
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    I know it's kinda off-topic, but I just wanted to say to you write beautifully. I hope you are aware of that talent of yours.

    Cherish that friendship — it seems wonderful. Don't let it go even if it's hard dealing with the fact that it might stay a friendship, it's a precious one.
  19. brainwashed

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    I have yet to respond to your 13th Jul 2015, 11:07 AM message. Please stay tuned.

    In the mean time I would strongly recommend reading a gay themed book like The Velvet Rage (which may be good for you) or similar book which helps "understanding" of gay men. (someone may have another book recommendation)

    These type of books allow you to understand where people are at so you can move forward.

    As I believe I have stated in an earlier message your friends my not be straight. He might be dealing with great shame and self condemnation.

    More later.
  20. rhamphorhynchus

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    Nature has fixed no limits on our hope.

    But sometimes you could just invest your hope into something else.

    Here comes a poem from a Vietnamese author called Xuân Diệu.
    It's named "Yêu"-"Love".
    (Rough translation taken from the internet)

    To love is to die a little in the heart,
    for when you love, can you be sure you’re loved?
    You give so much, so little you get back —
    the other lets you down or looks away.
    Together or apart, it’s still the same.
    The moon turns pale, blooms fade, the soul’s bereaved,
    for when you love, can you be sure you’re loved?
    To love is to die a little in the heart.

    They’ll lose their way within dark sorrow land,
    those passionate fouls who go in search of love.
    And life will be a desert stripped of joy,
    and love will tie the knot that binds to grief.
    To love is to die a little in the heart.

    Do me a favor. Listen to these songs : Where? and keep on with White's Dream. They're on the same album, by Plaid, next to each other.

    Imagine jumping into a endless pit and then free-floating up into the sky. It's a beautiful sky. The moon over there, large and round. You see countless of stars, and you know there're still countless of lightwave from stars travel at lightspeed to get to you. You close your eye. You're no longer in your vessel. You see a new world.

    Then, you're back. Real, and alive.