My Teacher: Plan

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Plushieluver, May 10, 2015.

  1. Plushieluver

    Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Hiya! Me, again :slight_smile:

    Uhrrrm, I've been bullied for absolutely ages and it only stopped last year. I still get jibs, jives and gibs but I don't get anything, per say, really bad, so I'm happy for that. Though, gay boy, no other gay boys out in my school, guys hate me, girls just don't care (I don't really want any girl friends anyways, yet, I just want guys) but of course I have girls who are acquaintances, who I just talk to, talk about boys, and such. But, my point: I seriously have no friends, none and it really hurts and I feel really lonely sometimes.

    I used to have a lovely boyfriend, who was very reliable, mostly, apart from him breaking up with me 10 times but that was because of his denial but I still really miss him now and I still track back to him when I'm as low as I've been feeling lately. We're still 'friends' but more: oh, it's complicated but he's online, though but he still messes me about, and, ugh... He'll talk to me, ignore me for months, and then talk to me again. Always searching for girls, and such, yet forgetting he's not straight: he can go for both but he doesn't care, so he slings me back and forth when ever needed and I'm always there, waiting for him when he comes back. He's my first love. I'd never let go of him. I love him to absolute pieces. We went out for 3 years, we've been friends for nearly 4 years and he helped me in my lowest, darkest, bleakest points in my life and I cannot, will not let go of him, ever because he still means so much to me.

    So, yeah, I'm lonely. Well, ever since September that has gone, we've had a new English teacher (this sounds so cliché, it is unreal!) Well, I didn't really like him at first. Seemed like the typical, young, cocky, idiotic, macho, yet stunning 24 year old English teacher. So, at first, I never talked to him, and such, tried to never put my hand up to ask for help, and tried to avoid him the most I could but then, something clicked. I don't understand what. Was it how he treated me? Or was it me just wanting to give him a chance, his stunning looks being the charm to making myself warm up to him? I dunno. Something just flipped.

    But, after some time, me warming up to him was just changing things... Like, he begun to get really sweet towards me, this really starting to show after me putting more input in asking for help, and such... He has this long running joke with teasing me, for whatever it may be, usually me being so dumb, how naive I am, or how easily flustered, embarrassed and how innocent I am. I find it really sweet...

    But, yeah... After a while, we began to get really close. I talk to him whenever I physically can in class, I try and take all of his time, and I may or may have not have died over his physique, like his pecs and his bum! Oh my gosh! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: He's really sweet. He seems to really like me and we just really get along really well. He always makes sure that I'm okay, gets worried about me, goes out of his way to help me and loves talking to me. I'm the only one in his class who he'll grab a chair, sling it next to my desk, so he can be right next to me and he'll take up as much space as possible (maybe to make me more uncomfortable or so he can discreetly touch my leg sometimes to tease me, which I love and I do it back too) but seriously... He's just so gorgeous, in personality, how he is and how he looks. He's really sweet! He just really seems to genuinely care about me...

    Well, now, we finally get to the point. I want to give him a personal note at the end of this year (only a few weeks now) and say how much he has helped me, how much of a great teacher he is and maybe a few flirtatious comments and compliments~ But, it's not that that is making me doubt how he'll react, it's this: I want to ask him for one hug, like, a really heartfelt hug from him (I may never see him again, I want him to know how much he means to me and it'll be my first hug from a guy ever, so I can't miss it!) and ask him for a selfie with him, us close to each other in a pally-pally way (Also, he'll be taking it, as I can't take selfies to save my life of myself, let alone two people). Is there much problem with that? I don't want a relationship with him, no! I know about all that, and such but I want to commemorate our time together... What do you think? I really want to do it but it's how to ask for it, and such... I like, like him but it's nothing, big, big but I still want to remember it... So... Can I?
  2. FrenchKid98

    Full Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    I don't have a real answer to your questions but I would say that one thing which might affect whether or not he will accept is where you live.
    I'm fairly certain that in many places, a teacher can get in trouble just for being too close and personal with a student, possibly even if there is no relationship.
    An easy way to gauge the risk is by checking the age of consent where you live, and also if there is an exception which increases the age when one of the person has a role of "power" over the other, such as a teacher.
  3. Plushieluver

    Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:

    I live in the UK, in Wales and I'm 16 in 5 days. Wow, really? That is messed up! :frowning2: If they're not in a relationship, what is the problem? Ah, okay. I don't know how wanting a hug could be considered wrong, but that's laws being messed up, for you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Thank you for your advice :slight_smile:
  4. FrenchKid98

    Full Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    Alright my previous post applied more to the US, where people easily see wrong in innocent things.
    For Wales I found this: The law on sex factsheet | FPA
    It says the age of consent is 16, but
    But it clearly mentions sexual activity so I'd say it's probably fine as far as risks

    Anyway, whatever you decide, good luck :slight_smile: