A cruel trick of nature

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Andstillimhere7, May 3, 2015.

  1. Andstillimhere7

    Regular Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Somewhere, USA
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    All but family
    So recently the guy I really like came out gay via facebook and so I was going to ask him out but he mentioned that he made out with someone last week and my heart shattered later that day. The good news is that they aren't dating (thank aerilla) and so I still (maybe) have a chance. I am so paranoid because I feel like he is going to date someone and I'm going to be left alone. I don't get to see him thursday and after that a whole summer and I really need to see him. My plan is that I would visit him occasionally in the summer and than ask him out in the middle.

    I've been told advice from a few friends that I shouldn't force the relationship and I am being weary of that. I just think it's funny that the guy I really like is gay and that this happens but that it's cruel that something like this happens to me. Anyways I just wanted to get this out.
  2. Rice and Pepper

    Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2012
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    Are you close to that guy? Would you be able to contact him as if you were familiar with each other? Does he know you are gay? If the answer to all of these is yes, I say go for it. The worst thing that could happen is you getting rejected. But at least you will have tried, right? Don't think too much about it and don't procrastinate. It doesn't have to be a major confession or an amazing invitation to the date of the year. Even if he doesn't know you are gay, just go up to him and ask him out, without mentioning the gay part. He just came out publicly, so I guess he will understand that you are interested in him, even if you don't say it explicitly.

    To be honest, I am quite biased about this because I have never had the chance of liking someone that turns out to be gay and I would give everything to get it. It would be a pity to miss such an opportunity, so don't hesitate.
    #2 Rice and Pepper, May 4, 2015
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  3. robclem21

    Full Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Self proclaimed lack of experience aside, I think this is great advice. It is tough to tell from your post the nature of your relationship with this guy at the moment, but if it is casual, then just go for it. Not sure why asking someone out would be "forcing it" unless you have had absolutely no contact with this guy in the past.

    Whenever I have asked someone out who was gay (or even not out), I just ask if they want to go on a date with me. No big "I am gay, let's date" or "I love you so much, go out with me". Keep it simple and again, the worst that happens is you get rejected and you're no worse off than u are now. In fact, it would be better than not knowing cause at least you can move on.
  4. Rice and Pepper

    Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2012
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    Out to everyone
    Thanks! The truth is that it's my lack of experience that has lead me to this conclusion. I am about to turn 23 and I still don't have the guts to ask someone out. I cry for all the years and all the potential experience I have lost because of my cowardice.

    So OP, you have nothing to lose. It's not very clear if you have the chance to meet the guy soon and if you mind asking him out in front of other people, but in any case I think you should take advantage of this convenient situation.