Am I bisexual? Are girls more "bisexual" than guys?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by gynosria, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. gynosria

    Regular Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Seattle, WA
    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    I'm a dude, and while I know for sure I'm very attracted to females, both romantically and sexually, I also find myself attracted to more "feminine", slender guys. I'm in my mid 20s, and all of my partners have thus far been girls, but I watch straight and gay porn gay porn I tend to seek scenes where a more "feminine" guy is being penetrated, and could easily see myself as the "top". However, I don't think I could ever fall in love with a guy...when I see a girl I like, I get the urge to cuddle, compliment, be chivalrous, playfully tease, wrap my hand around her...with guys, it's purely sexual, which is what confuses me. I also sometimes get disgusted at the very thing I thoroughly enjoyed watching. My gay desires come and go, and only "activate" when I'm lust for girls never really goes away. I would very much like to experiment, but there's such a stigma attached to it...I the age where I shoud be exploring stuff like this, but I don't think like society will ever "let me" without taking away my "straight bearded guy card". I feel like girls have it much easier in this regard. Is female sexuality truly more fluid, or is male sexuality simply more repressed?
  2. Miss PH fan

    Regular Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    Mexico City
    Sexual Orientation:
    Probably it's easier for girls, given that we're allowed to touch and be affectionate to people, no matter their gender. We also are usually the caregivers. Guys are thought not to do so, thus you feel awkward when holding a man's hand or hugging another male. But we're used to it, so yeah, it's definitely easier to "jump" to the other side and explore our sexuality. A writer called Guasch says women learn to get over their homophobia because of that; that's not always the case, but at least we are told all the time that it's ok to be touchy and affectionate.
  3. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    I think you answered your own question. Girl on girl stuff isn't taken seriously at all to the point that straight women know they can get away with it without it compromising their sexuality. Guy on guy has more of a stigma, it's VERY common for straight men to be curious and to experiment, but they aren't loud about it because of the shame. And if a guy truly is bisexual, everyone labels him as gay. So female sexuality appears to be more 'fluid' when it isn't always.

    So yes, you can be fluid.
  4. Jax12

    Full Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    You could be bisexual, it certainly sounds like it. But that's up for you to decide. It should feel right to you, kind of like how a gay individual will feel like the gay labels fits them the best. You could even identify as mostly straight, or kinsey 2.
  5. sedgeling

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I think males are generally taught to repress any sexual urges towards the same sex these days, so it's a bit harder for them to explore that side of them. If you consider different times, such as in ancient Rome where men were able to have sex with men, and it would be socially acceptable (as long as they were the dominant partner, of course, and the act didn't damage the integrity of another man, so it was usually like slaves or prostitutes they'd have sex with). Ancient Greece has similar stories of casual homosexual relations between men. It's actually really interesting that it was acceptable with the Romans, because it was a patriarchal culture and masculinity dominated their society. Yet today in many places, for two men to be intimate is considered an attack on one's masculinity.

    It's possible that you might be bisexual, but it's also possible that you just enjoy the fantasy of being with a man. After all, not everything that we fantasize about is something that we actually want to partake in. If you want to explore the side of you interested in men, then that is your decision. Just be smart about it. A lot of men seem to experience the sexual attraction towards the same sex before they develop romantic attraction for men. It may also be that you are just sexually interested in men, but not at all romantically. Only you can really determine what you want and what your feelings really mean.