My Coming out Story

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by Hyliana, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Hyliana

    Hyliana Guest

    So, it's been a while since I actually came out to my parents, but I though i'd post my story here anyway.

    So far everyone in my life has been accepting of the fact that I am transgender, and well, I feel really grateful that they have.

    Day one of coming out:

    The first person I came out to was my best friend, and I told her that I was questioning my gender identity when we were on out way back from a near by town and she was surprisingly accepting of it and told me she'd be there if wanted to come out to my parents.

    Day Two: So the next day I finally mustered up enough courage (which wasn't much) to tell my Mom, and so my friend came over and we hung out a bit thinking of ways for me to come out (she came for moral support). I was really nervous, and could probably have done it better, but I did it, and she eventually came to accept me for who I am (though at first she though it was psychosis... -_-).

    I later came out to my dad and I think he's still in the denial phase understanding the "new" me.

    I haven't really come out to anyone else besides my LGBT+ club, family, and best friend yet as i'm still trying to cut ties with an extremely homophobic/transphobic hometown.
  2. vrygy

    Regular Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    It's great you have such a supportive friend and mom! Your dad'll come around eventually, just give it time c: