No more straight guys

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Rouqe, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Rouqe

    Regular Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    **Warning- Self-serving vent

    Sooo... Feeling pretty shite... I recently had another encounter with someone who identified as straight which is great and all. I enjoyed myself, he seemed to as well but, when it's all good and done he started talking about feeling guilty, how it felt wrong, how it shouldn't have happened and how awkward he felt.

    Now this isn't the first time this has happened. Unfortunately I have a thing for straight guys (there's been quite a few :confused:)and this, based on experience, seems to be the normal emotional outcome.

    Heck, I've been there and I've felt like an absolute prick after doing it feeling guilt/remorse/disgust the first few times so you'd think that I might have a better idea on what to say to help the situation... But nope, I didn't, and it was awkward and now I feel like a great fucking arsehole because I made him (and the past ones too) feel the way I felt. And it sucks!!

    I'm tired of making people feel this way so for a while I'm going to boycott engaging guys... for a "while"... Shouldn't be too difficult for a chronic flirt like me right...? ughhh...

    I guess I'm asking for some tips so do any of you have any ideas on how to deal with someone feeling this way or any relatable experiences that might help!? How did you deal with it, what was the outcome? Do you sometimes feel this way and how can a rhombus sometimes be mistaken for a square!??!
  2. HunGuy

    HunGuy Guest

    Yeah, identified as straight... sure... these guys are deeply closeted bi/gay people, who have many subconscious hang-ups and fears about homosexuality. That's why they say they are straight and that's why they feel bad after having sex with a guy.

    It was like this for me too after masturbating to gay porn at the time when I was "officially" straight. They are just confused because they met face-to-face with a part of them that had bee hidden for a long time, and they had been taught that homosexuality is a bad thing.

    You should go for openly gay guys, not straight ones. It's traumatic for them, because they haven't accepted their true sexual orientation, and you made them realize they might not be who they think they are. So yeah, go for out-of-the-closet gay guys.
  3. scanner007

    Full Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Well you know, back in the "olden days", before 3-D movies and HD television, when a vampire wanted to turn someone else into a vampire, they had to bite them on the neck three times. Maybe it works that way for straights - three "encounters" ..turns them ...NO? LOL well most likely not.

    If it worked that way, we'd have definitely included that in our "gay propaganda pamphlet" and made it part of gay agenda to convert all people and take over the world. Or at least according to the occasional religious nut you happen upon here in the United States. Thankfully even that's becoming a somewhat dated stereotype as well.

    And you what else I think one day will be an old and distant stereotype from the past? People referring to themselves as gay or straight. People will just be people. Some people will like this and other people will like that. They won't feel the need to label themselves the way we do today, they will be able to be themselves and define who they are without fear or anxeity.

    Until that day comes, I don't think you need to boycott sex - excuse me "encounters" --ha ha love that word, I think you're doing just fine. I think you can set a great example for these "straight"guys you're "encountering" *grin* by just being yourself. Its really their problem, their issue that they can't face who they really are and in my opinion, you can be the best medicine for that by example. Obviously, you're not going to change anyone overnight, but merely by not being immeditely engulfed in hellfire you can show them it's all right to feel what they naturally feel and they don't have to feel guilty or ashamed because of it.

    As they say, some people learn best in a classroom setting, reading and studying and others, learn best by doing and example. For better or worse, you're a stepping stone on their path to discovering themselves. You can also rest assured that since gay people are NOT evil, devilish mythological vampires, you can rest easy knowing that no matter how flirtatious you are, no matter how beautiful, no matter how much money you have to throw at an 'indecent proposal' that you will NEVER, EVER get a truly straight guy to have an 'encounter' with you. It just won't happen. Don't believe me? Just think of oral sex with a female and how that makes you feel and you instantly know exactly how another man's genitals are to a truly straight man. There's just no spark.

    So, yeah first I wouldn't feel too bad. I don't think you're out there corrupting anyone. And second, you're already helping them - and making a night of it to boot. But you can always talk to them about as well, them them what you said in your post, tell them you used to feel the same way too.

    #3 scanner007, Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2015
  4. Rouqe

    Regular Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Hahaha thanks you two :slight_smile:

    I've spoken to him a bit and it's still a little awkward but it will get there. There sometime seems to be this cooling down period after something like this so I'm just going to give it more time and be there if he needs to chat. I might try and re-open some old channels to, have a chat with some old friends and see how/what they're doing.

    As for the "encounters" (glad it made you laugh) I still reckon I'll take some time off and go for people who are a bit more secure in what they want from a sexual partner... At least until I find the next interesting "straight" guy I can "educate" as was alluded to :icon_wink