Questions for the LGBTQ+ Community!!

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by MysteriousMadam, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Folieadeux

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    I'm gay
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Black, but if that doesn't count, green, blue, and purple
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    Knew sometime in January of this year that I wasn't a girl, but took me about a month to realize that I'm a guy and not non-binary, and I knew I was gay when I realized I was a guy! Always liked boys, always will :^)
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Eeeehhhh, sort of. Wanted to brush it off cause I didn't want to make life harder, but I knew I would never be happy with myself if I ignored it. I always have the feeling in the back of my head that no one would believe I'm gay because they viewed me as a girl though
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Transgender boy! He/him, and I'm also totally fine with they/them
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I think I'm agnostic, but I may be athiest? I dunno, I don't think about it
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    I'm barely out to anyone, but not yet, but I have the feeling I might, ha ha
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Definitely not
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Legalize marriage everywhere, stop making heterosexual relationships the default, offer support groups in every school, teach about different genders and sexualities in schools, and lots more
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Car Radio by 21p, House of Gold by 21p, Fairly Local by 21p, Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying by FOB, lots lots lots lots more
    11) One fun fact about you?
    Ummm... I'm vegan?
  2. Boudicca

    Full Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    2) What's your favorite color?
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I was probably around 12 when I started realising it, but I didn't accept and start coming out until I was 21.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Nearly 10 years.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    No. None of my friends have cared.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Kinda. I was a weird kid, but I was well-known as a weird kid and people found me fascinating.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    People just need to get over themselves and stop being asshats.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    "Art of the Dress" from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I'm teaching English in Korea for a year.
  3. YuriBunny

    Full Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    I'm an introvert; I live in my head.
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Red. There's something about it that's very beautiful. ^^
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    At ten years old, I was at least vaguely aware that I wasn't straight. At fourteen, I was fully identifying as a lesbian.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    I spent years questioning, but by the time I had sorted things out I had already accepted it as well.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Mostly cisgender. I consider myself a girl at least partly. I'm not transgender, at any rate.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Yeah, I stopped hanging out with this one girl who kept telling me I should 'give guys a chance'.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Haha, no. Not in the slightest.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    They need to open up their minds. Then we need marriage equality everywhere, and to legalize homosexuality and gay acts everywhere. (In some countries, it's still illegal to have sex with someone the same gender as you. That's just awful.)
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    I still love All The Things She Said by t.a.T.u., and SHE by Jen Foster is very beautiful. ♥ Also maybe kinda obsessed with Girls' Generation...
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I love olives; they're my favorite food. Even though most people don't seem to like them. :lol: I would probably eat them with every meal if I could.
  4. I'm_Danni_x

    Full Member

    Dec 14, 2014
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    I've mainly been attracted to girls of all expressions, non binary people.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    I love all the bright colours in the world
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I knew since I was in year 7 about my sexuality and started questioning my gender last year in May.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Yes it did. I struggled with religion and internalized homophobia. Now I'm known as a big ally for the lgbt community as I'm not out.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I'm transgender, genderqueer. I like being referred to as a mix (or in between) a girl and a boy.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm currently being raised as a Muslim, but I'm an agnostic athiest.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Yes, I lost quite a lot of people when I first came out as lesbian/bisexual and my parents are unsupportive so they forced me to go back in the closet. People like me now and I know they aren't my real friends because they like me for who I'm not.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    No I'm not popular, but liked by the people I hang around with.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    We need gay marriage legalized everywhere, we need to stop what's happening in Uganda where you can be put in prison for being gay, we need better representation in the media, we need to have homosexuality seen as a normal thing not as this abstract or rare concept, we need to break stereotypes, we need to make the world safer for transgender and transsexual people, we need to stop putting basic gay rights up for vote, oh there's still so much to be done everywhere. And by "we", I don't necessarily mean the community, but just everyone as a whole. (Stolen from OP, I agree with everything she has wrote.)
    10)What's your favorite song at the moment?
    I guess it will be Arianna Grande's song one last time and Jess Glynne's song hold my hand.
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I don't really have one.
  5. Libra Neko

    Regular Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    the world my mind created
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    2) What's your favorite color?
    3.) Age 22
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    I took a while. I wanted to like men.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I'm cisgender.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting. I am non-religious but not an Atheist.

    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?I didn't have any friends
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Gay marriage and no prison for gays in any country
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    "Empire" by Shakira
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I love astrology
  6. MysteriousMadam

    Oct 30, 2014
    Likes Received:
    New York
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    I totally forgot that I even made this...and WOW. you guys just rock :grin:
  7. WallWeed

    Full Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Ladies only.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Well, I wear black all day every day, but I like blueish grays and dark purples. I also love red when it serves to accent black.
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I first starting battling gender identity issues early middle school, but it wasn't until probably 8th or 9th grade that I realized I was gay.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    It's been roughly eight years in the making and it's still a struggle.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Eh, it's complicated. When I was younger, I was extremely certain that I had been born into the wrong body and wanted to transition, but now, I guess I'm comfortable living as a rather androgynous female, identifying as "genderqueer." Sure, I still gets lapses of dysphoria and depression, but I've thankfully been able to accept myself a bit more.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm a devout Christian, which has been a extremely rough struggle as I attempt to reconcile my faith with my orientation. I've been reading a lot about misinterpreted Biblical translations and the whatnot and have slowly started to heal, but growing up in the church has proved to be difficult.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Only three people know about my orientation, and one of those I lost. We were close friends, and he confessed that he liked me as more than a friend, so I had to do what I dreaded for ages and tell him the truth. He has scarcely spoken to me since, but it's probably for the better.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Haha, no, not at all. I AM the "Socially Awkward Penguin" incarnate. Plus, I was home schooled all the way through high school, so my social circles were limited.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Be educated. Most people who are against it live by stereotypes and false prejudices.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    I don't know about a song, but the Jane Eyre score by Dario Marianelli is a current favorite.
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I've been speedcubing since middle school, and can thus solve a Rubik's cube in 16 seconds, on average.
  8. Kenaria

    Full Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Pansexual would best describe it... I have a preference for males, but don't shy away from the potential for a female as long as I like her.

    2) What's your favorite color?
    Purple or pastel pink

    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I first really questioned it in 6th grade... came out in 7th... and here i am now :slight_smile:

    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Nah... i don't consider a year that long, especially since it takes people a lot longer.

    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Cis :slight_smile:

    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    Nothing officially, if there's a god cool, if not, cool.

    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    i lost one last year.. but he was an ass anyways.

    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    I dunno... i guess we'll see!

    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Quit worrying. Love is fluid and knows no boundaries.

    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Reflections - MisterWives :slight_smile:

    11) One fun fact about you?
    I really really love video games.
  9. claiire

    Regular Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    1) What sexual orientation are you?

    2) What's your favorite color?
    I like black but I feel like people will think I'm depressing when I say that, so my go to answer tends to be red.

    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    About 6 months ago when I had the sudden realisation of "woah, girls are hot".

    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    It's taken me a while to decide on a label I was comfortable with as I was kind of scared that it was "just a phase" or it was all in my head, but now I'm pretty confident about it and out to quite a few people! However I have always been very pro-LGBTQ+ as are all of the people I care about so that was never an issue.

    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Cis female.

    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm a Catholic! I feel like being Christian is quite taboo in the LGBTQ+ community but, while it's not the most important thing in my life, my beliefs are important to me and I'm not willing to give them up.

    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Nope! Everyone I've come out to so far has been really supportive, or curious about bisexuality as they were uninformed. Which is fine, as I'm happy to try educate anyone who is willing to learn!

    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Not very, but I'm the kind of person who will talk to and be friends with anyone, and I'm also quite vocal in class, so I think most people would know who I am and I'm friendly with most people in my year.

    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Better sex ed in schools! It's crazy how uninformed people, even people my age, are about LGBTQ+ issues. I think once we start teaching kids about it from a young age, it'll be completely normalised and change will come. Obviously legalising marriage around the world and sorting out the backwards anti-LGBTQ+ laws in some countries will also be a huge step!

    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Probably the latest twenty one pilots song, 'Fairly Local'. They're releasing another single next week so I'm very excited!

    11) One fun fact about you?
    I'm an extrovert, and if I'm stuck inside with little social interaction for more than 2 or 3 days I'll start to go stir crazy!
  10. MyLittleWorld

    Full Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    Brno, Czech Republic
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Panromantic homosexual.

    2) What's your favorite color?
    Red and/or black.

    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?

    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    It did.

    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I'm a cis female.

    6) What religion are you?
    Uhm.. I'm catholic.

    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    No, but I can't really say what future will bring, I'm out to just a few friends.

    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    No, I'm not.

    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    We need to talk about it, educate people, encourage gay people to come out of the closet, to stop living in the fear.

    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?

    Olly Murs - Please Don't Let Me Go

    11) One fun fact about you?

    I'm pretty much obsessed with aliens.
    #30 MyLittleWorld, Apr 4, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  11. Noodle72

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1) Sexual orientation is homosexual, but I identify as a panromantic lesbian (which includes my romantic orientation).
    2) Pink. Really any shade of it.
    3) In early February last year, I started questioning whether I was straight or not.
    4) Well, I was unsure of my sexuality for quite a while, but knowing that I was queer never really bothered me.
    5) I'm a cisgender female. At least, I think. Either that, or I'm a demigirl. But probably just cis.
    6) I was raised as a Christian, but I haven't really thought about it. I guess I don't really follow a religion anymore. Not sure about that one.
    7) No, because I haven't come out yet. But I doubt I will, my friends and family are rather accepting.
    8) Well, I know a lot of people, and have quite a few friends, but I wouldn't really consider myself popular, if that makes sense.
    10) Either 'Passing Through the Darkness Remix' by Electric Joy Ride, or 'Perfect' (the clean version) by P!nk.
    11) I used to be obsessed with Sims 3, but my new laptop has incredibly annoying graphics glitches, making the game unplayable, so not really anymore.
  12. Kua

    Regular Member

    Apr 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Sexual Orientation:
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Pretty sure I'm a lesbian. So far that's what all the evidence points to.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Without a doubt green. I like earth colours in general, and purple.
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    It's always kind of been there, but I remember a few years back I was thinking "in the future, this is the day I'm gonna remember as the day I realised i was gay". And after that it's been this on and of accepting it kind of thing. Of course, I have no idea what day it was or exactly how long ago it was, but hey, at least it's something.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Kind of. Still not completely there I think. Mostly because I can never make my mind up about anything, so why should this be any different? What if I change my mind? I'm like roling my eyes at my self going "Just pick something, doesn't matter what, just make up your f***ing mind already!" hehe :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Pretty cis I'd say.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    Religion has never been part of my life. Both my parents are atheist and I'm from a place where religoin is not a big thing, like it's almost wierd if you are religious :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I've never had to activley make a choise about religion, cause it was just never a "thing".
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    I'm not "officially" out. I think most people I know figured it out long before I did, I just have'nt actually said it.
    I've made the choise to avoid homophobes and not become friends with them. And people I already know that I think would not be accepting I just don't bother with.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    HA! No! I had a close group of friends that I'm still friends with, so guess I was popular with them?
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    I don't think that there's is one right way to go, but several possible ways to sort it. From my perspective it's has a lot to to with normative ideas about gender, and I think if we were to change that the rest would sort itself. But that's just one way.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    There's to many to choose from!
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I have a mutant like sense of smell. Like, it's not even funny.
  13. MyFlowerKing

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New York State
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    1.) I'm bisexual

    2.) Red or blue! Either vivid or dark red, and robin's egg blue as my favorite shades. I also like pink and purple. For those, like candy pink and lilac :slight_smile:

    3.) In 7th grade I would think about being attracted to girls but told myself I wasn't actually. In 8th grade I was like yeah okay.. but these are just like, girl crushes right? a phase? in 10th grade I decided it wasnt a phase and thats when I officially decided I was bi, though I didnt tell anyone until this year.

    4.) Oh yeah. I mean, look at the answer to the last question. 7th grade would have been 2010, that was five years ago. I was 11 when I started having the thoughts but was dismissing them. I'd say I was 15 when I knew, so four years.

    5.) Okay, so I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've always referred myself as a girl, I don't hate being called one or anything. But I've noticed that I don't have an extreme preference for pronouns. Default, feminine, but I like the idea of calling myself adrogynous pronouns too. I don't associate myself with male pronouns but I like masculine words, like king. So I think I am demigirl, being mostly girl but partially adrogynous. I would still use female pronouns as a default, simply because that's my birth sex and I don't have a huge preference.

    6.) I was raised Christian but I've been agnostic for a long time, probably since I was 9 or so.

    7.) Um, there's this one kid, and he's really religious. He told me he thought it was gross and disgusting for girls to be with girls but that we could still be friends. He made me promise I like men better. That's kind of a lie, though, I mean romantically I don't have a preference but sexually I think I prefer girls, though I do have a more demisexual outlook on that sort of thing. Anyways, that guy, me being bi affected our relationship. Also, one of my cousins said her friend camee out as gay and shes acting simarly, so I think if she knew it would affect that one as well.

    8.) hahahahhaha. Me, popular? Is that a joke?

    9.) There just can't be any laws against anything harmful to LGBTQ+ folks. Honestly, I'm not sure why, for example, same-sex marraige is illegal. You don't like same-sex marraige? Okay, then don't do it. That's my outlook on things. Also, we need to work on these groups not being discriminated on. BIG TIME. I'm not really sure how, but we have to show that everyone's equal, despite sexual, romantic, and gender orientations.

    10.) I like the song Rollin' Girl by Hatsune Miku a lot. It's in Japanese, but there's English versions available on youtube and things like that. As for English songs, I'm digging Hollow Moon by AWOLNATION, The Legionnaire's Lament by The Decemberists, and Shake Me Down by Cage the Elephant.
    Speaking of music, Little Game by Bennie is a song about gender roles. My cousin is trans, and he showed it to me, it's good in my opinion. It definitely has some truths about gender roles in our society.

    11.) Uhhhh..... I cosplay? If you don't know what that is, it's where you dress as characters from basically any media, like books, movies, its most commonly associated with anime. I cosplay Russia from Hetalia, Gumi Megpoid (a vocaloid), Mangle from Five Night's At Freddy's II, and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe.
    ^^ yeah I'm as nerdy as I sound lol
  14. ShyShutterbug

    Regular Member

    Mar 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    I'm currently questioning my sexuality, but I think I might be bisexual.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Blue, especially turquoise.
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I started questioning around high school. I'm still not entirely sure if I'm straight or bisexual, but I hope spending more time on this forum could help me.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    I'm still trying to figure out my sexuality but if I really am bisexual I think I would be willing to accept it.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I'm cisgender. I've always identified as female, even though I'm not entirely masculine or feminine.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm an atheist, but my family is fairly religious.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    I haven't told anyone that I'm questioning, but if I did I could lose my connections to my friends and family.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Not at all. I was always the quiet, shy kid who preferred to spend time alone. I still am actually. Popularity was never that big of a deal to me. My grades were more important.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    People need to be more educated about sexual orientations to be more understanding of LGBT people and gay marriage needs to be legal in all 50 states.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    I've been listening to Reflection from Mulan a lot. I love Disney songs. :slight_smile:
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I love photography and taking pictures, hence my username.
  15. Acm

    Acm Guest

    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Tie between red and blue
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    Freshman year of highschool
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Sort of because I was confused over my label for a while
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    Transgender male
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    Not religious
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    I'm not unliked but I keep to myself mostly
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Change in other countries that have strict anti-LGBT laws, coverage for trans healthcare, help for homeless LGBT youth
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Tender by Blur
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I space out a lot
  16. baconpox

    Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1) Bisexual or pansexual idk
    2) Purple or black
    3) Sixth grade
    4) Yes, l was in denial for like 3 years and I'm still not completely comfortable with it
    5) I'm a transgender guy
    6) No, I'm agnostic
    7) No, if someone's obviously homophobic I'll just avoid them
    8) No, I have no friends
    9) People need to understand that just because they think something is wrong, that doesn't mean it should be illegal and that people are people
    10) Coffee's For Closers by Fall Out Boy
    11) The achillobator is my favorite type of dinosaur
  17. Winter Maiden

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Los Angeles
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    I'm bisexual
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Red :slight_smile:
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    II found out aboot 3 years ago
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    I was a little confused but only at first I'm completely fine with it now :slight_smile:
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I am a trans woman. I am a woman, therefore I expect to be addressed as such. Male pronouns are only accepted from those I'm not out to.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm an agnostic atheist. But more importantly a Humanist.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Thankfully I have not c:
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    I was always the funny smart kid coming up with those witty one liners c; (Still am in uni lol)
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    The world needs to be properly educated in order for others to see that we are just as human as they are.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    My favorite song would have to be "Calm the Fire" by Alter Bridge c:
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I can speak three and a half languages >.< (English, Spanish, Portuguese, and a bit of French)
  18. WearyWanderer

    Regular Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    I'm nearly positive I'm bisexual.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Favorite color, favorite Maybe dark blue.
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I used to think that I came to the realization I was not straight at the start of 10th grade, and that's when I started seriously considering it and being worried about it. But upon reflection I kind of got some hint that something about me was a little "off" about my sexuality since 7th grade or so.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    I guess it took a while to come to terms with it.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I'm agnostic. No way to know for sure.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    Not due to my sexuality, no. I have lost a couple of close friends, whom were the ones that I actually first told, but I have since drifted apart from them. Nothing to do with my sexuality, I just thought it would be best if I cut my close ties with them. It's complicated, but the point is that I have never told anyone who flat-out didn't accept me.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Not really. I'm kinda friendly with most people, and I have a few good friends, but I wouldn't say I'm popular. I used to really care about that, but now I don't.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    At the very least, I feel homosexuality should be decriminalized in every country it is illegal. HOWEVER, I feel that the only real way that the LGBTQ+ community will achieve full equality is when the society of a country or region accepts it, or just doesn't give a shit anymore. There has been major progress in the West, and some places in Oceania Latin America, but there is still much progress that needs to be made in most everywhere else in the world.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Bella Ciao, by various.
    11) One fun fact about you?
    One day, I hope to be able to speak multiple languages.
  19. MojoDojo

    Regular Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Pansexual. Gender is not a barrier to attraction for me, although I have a slight preference for non-binary people.
    2) What's your favorite color?
    Forest Green and Dark chocolate brown are probably my favorites. They're beautiful, grounded colors.
    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I thought I was bi in high school, and then adjusted to pan in my early 20s. I didn't really accept myself as trans non-binary until I was 25 or so.
    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    Yeah, it did. I'm still having trouble accepting some things.
    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?
    I'm non-binary, going by gender neutral. I use her/she pronouns but like him, his pronouns too.
    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    I used to be Christian. Now I would consider myself agnostic.
    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?
    I kind of stopped speaking to one friend. She's very judgemental and thinks this is a phase.
    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    Not in the slightest.
    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    Better education, starting at a younger age. Laws protecting the LGBTQ+ community, not discriminating against it. People not being assholes. A change in some of our language to accept non-binary genders and pronouns.
    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. I love Metallica.
    11) One fun fact about you?
    I'm completely ambidextrous except for writing. But that's mostly lack of practice. I'm actually better at golf and pool with my left hand!
  20. brocub

    Full Member

    May 18, 2012
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    Hamilton, ON
    1) What sexual orientation are you?
    Gay, but that attraction includes both cisgender and transgender men

    2) What's your favorite color?
    Green. Matches my eyes.

    3) When did you find out that you were LGBTQ+?
    I didn't come out to myself until I was in the 9th grade. At first I came out as bi because I didn't find vaginas disgusting. Came out to myself as gay in 10th grade.

    4) Did it take a long time adjusting to your sexuality or accepting it?
    About a year to adjust and accept, then come out.

    5) Are you cisgender or transgender? If you're transgender, what do you like to be referred to?

    6) What religion are you? I just like hearing about religion because I find different views interesting.
    Agnostic. Used to be an atheist, but realistically, I believe there could be something out there.

    7) Have you lost any friends or connections due to your sexuality?

    8) Were/are you popular in high school?
    No. I was a loner.

    9) What else do you think the world needs to do in order for the LGBTQ+ community to have equality and rights?
    In North America, focus on getting marriage rights and workplace protections. Next major focus after that is transgender rights. Not sure about the rest of the world.

    10) What's your favorite song at the moment?
    Breakeven - The Script

    11) One fun fact about you?
    I used to be obese