Heartbroken Is friendship possible?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Shy Extrovert, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Shy Extrovert

    Regular Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    So my bi girlfriend dumped me a couple months ago and I miss the shit out of her everyday. Yes, the one who dumped me bc I'm a virgin. She's still the first thing to cross my mind every day and the last at night but she doesn't want me. She banged four guys the first month since she left me, then asked me not to be heartbroken bc she wasn't rejecting me as a person, she just wasn't ready for a lesbian relationship.

    Fast forward to this week... She's dating another woman. Kissing pictures on social media, PDA at the softball field, flower deliveries to her gf's job. Needless to say I am devestated. DEVESTATED.

    Prior to the realization that they were a couple I had made some attempts to be friends with her and be amicable since we share the same circle and everyone HATES her (you know, the lover protecting the damsel in distress crap). I obvioulsy am still in love with this woman and she is apparently 1) a ho 2) not interested in me at all and 3) apparently insensitive to my feelings if she is dating a mutual friend... My question is this: can I actually be friends with her or do I need to completely remove her from my life?
  2. poetofdarkness

    Jun 8, 2014
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    where ever i may roam (Australia)
    Male (trans*)
    I'm in a high school version of the situation that you're in. My bi girlfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago and now she's dating a guy who I am friends with. Yes friendship is possible but to be honest it's hard. But in the end I love her and want her to be happy, even if it's not with me. Sorry, guess I needed a vent. To answer your question: yes friendship is possible. It's hard at first but definitely possible.
  3. Mstg74

    Regular Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    I am on the male side but I think it's probably best to just take a step back. I know how insanely terrible that sounds but from my experience in a very similar situation just taking a step back usually is enough to make the other person look for you.

    In my case once he broke up with the fling he had he came back looking to be friends and more, it was a mess, but it happened.