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Difficult career decision / moving to Europe

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by method, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. method

    Full Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    As part of my graduate training program, a one year stint abroad was always on the cards for me. From last year, every indication was that I would be placed in Germany (a rural town an hour by high speed train from Frankfurt). I'd even spent the last year learning German.

    I was approached by my boss today however saying there's another opportunity that his boss would prefer me on, with a project I would be perfect for, but it would be based in Ireland (a rural town about 2 hours south of Dublin).

    My heart was set on Germany, but now I'm not so sure.

    I wanted Germany primarily for the culture shock and immersion, plus I'd be sure to get some fluency in a foreign language. I was happy to do a fairly run-of-the-mill project so that I'd have time to also travel and see Europe. -> for me, the benefit for me here is personal growth.

    The Ireland opportunity however is a bigger step up, career-wise. A big project with a lot more responsibility, better networking opportunities, working with people that make big decisions. I'd also get some travel opportunities with the work. -> the benefit for me here is for my career.

    I don't think there is a wrong answer, but I wanted to ask what you would do if you were faced with these options and why? I'm just after some other perspectives.

    Also, if you are from rural Germany or Ireland, are there any potential deal breakers that I should know about? (like: it's always raining! it's a hole - nothing to do! there are no gays in the village! etc.)
  2. LibertyValance

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    Sep 16, 2014
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    Well, the way I would see it, is that while in the short term one option is more beneficial in terms of personal reasons (ie: wanting the culture shock) the other option serves to open more doors. I have always been one to prefer playing the long game so I would probably take the superior career option in Ireland. If it is just a one year stint abroad I would think it more prudent to take the opportunity that places you in a better position coming out of your program. That way after you are finished with schooling you will likely have more opportunities available to you, perhaps even ones that would allow you to work in a foreign environment and get your desired cultural immersion for a more prolonged period. But that is just my view of things.

    Also (and this would be very much for me personally) I couldn't work anywhere that isn't predominantly English or French speaking, my French is pretty bad but I could probably touch it up with some work. However on the whole I am fairly terrible with learning languages so anything completely new (like German) would not be doable for me. Kudos to you for putting the effort into learning foreign languages though, it's a great skill to have.
  3. method

    Full Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    Hi, thanks for sharing your point of view (that's one more for Team Career haha)

    I love learning languages and I think having that skill itself opens up a lot of (perhaps different kinds of) doors.
  4. bingostring

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    Nov 15, 2008
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    If you are using this period for 'spreading your wings' (in being out free and single) then Germany sounds good. Especially if you are also interested in developing a language skill. And a bit of culture shock/immersion which you said you would like. The rail networks are so good it is also easy to hop to the major cities of Italy, France or pretty much anywhere.

    Ireland would be more limiting due to transport links. But can you even say "no" to this offer?

    Simply being away from home is the important thing - for self development - and maybe you can have fun whichever country you go to.
  5. pinkpanther

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    Jan 23, 2015
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    If it was me I'd go for the career option, but I would also continue studying German. You've already spent an entire year studying German, so there's really no point in stopping now. You're still young, so there's always a possibility that you will get to spend some time in Germany by yourself. Worst case scenario, you can take a whole month of vacation and spend it in Germany or other German speaking country. It is surprisingly easy to find German friends who will be more than happy to help you with your short stay there as long as you're paying for it yourself.
  6. method

    Full Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    Thanks bingo and panther.

    I agree being away from home in either country is a massive opportunity as is. It will be exciting times.

    I think it is natural to react negatively when expectations are not met - essentially a year of mentally preparing and getting excited for one thing - then a change at the last moment. I'm hoping time will help me evaluate both options a little bit more objectively.

    This is a tricky question, because on the face of it, I would say that my boss' boss has his mind made up. They even tried taking me out to lunch to butter me up haha. He has a vested interest in his decision as the system I'd be rolling out in Ireland would be the main thing I would do on my return here.

    But they did say I have the choice, and I've asked them to give me more clarity about what the project would be in either case. I tend to be a bit of a 'yes' man, but I think in this case I have to insist on what will be best for me.
  7. bingostring

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    maybe if they have someone else to do the Ireland stint - should you choose not to do it - that would take the pressure off you in the decision making?
  8. method

    Full Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    I don't think there is another person who would be an obvious candidate. They need me - I know it and they know it. So I have some leverage should I need it. But I don't think can escape the decision making unfortunately!
  9. offmychest

    offmychest Guest

    i would go to ireland. the bottom line is that they are paying you to work and this is not part of a free personal vacation sabbatical for you. they are sending you there for work and to develop your career and the big boss has plans for you to go to ireland which will be a step in the right direction for your career. sure you do not want to go there over germany but this is not wheel of fortune and you did not just win a all expense vacation tour. this is the real world and work. if you decline the ireland assignment, you will be seen as someone that is not seriously taking their career seriously. you may also piss off the big boss and could be black balling yourself for future opportunities. you need to go to ireland and use the free time for personal growth and travel. then once you get the international experinece under your belt and this new high visibility job, you can try and transfer to germany later or get a job there with another company and you'll have more experience to make yourself more desireable.