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What Makes You Weird?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Kaiser, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. TigerInATophat

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    Feb 24, 2014
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    Buckinghamshire UK
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    Fucking hell, I don't have enough time in the world to cover this!

    But I shall try to cut it down.

    A few tidbits of 'weirdness' off the top of my head:

    • I have odd mannerisms and expressions.
    • Any ornaments I have mostly fall into the theme of: Skulls, Dragons, Cats.
    • As a child, I had a fascination with biology and anatomy. My main or most focused ambition was to be a forensic pathologist (performing autopsies).
    • I would also put various things like old fruit into jars to keep a record of the decay process. I wanted to find some dead animals outside and do the same, but my mother was disgusted enough with the other experiments and would dispose of them while I was at school.
    • I have a deep distrust of governments (although I'd call this more 'common sense' than weird), authorities, most big companies and financial institutions. It was only just over a year ago that I got my first bank account, and I only did that as a backup just in case I should I ever need it. As it turned out, I did require it just a few months later when my prepaid card account was suddenly closed without warning so it worked out for the best. I won't commit to any minimum term contracts, including mobile phone payments.
    • I used to show more affection to inanimate objects than to people. When I was little, other children (but mostly girls), would hug, kiss, and braid each others hair. The only thing I recall kissing was a beanbag at PE, because I liked that beanbag.
    • When I was studying for my exams, my teachers were utterly bemused that I could do complex calculations in my head and consistently get the answer right, including algebra, yet had no ability to memorise a formula. I didn't even know how to 'carry the 1' until I was 15 (and thinking about it now, I'm actually a little rusty on it).
    • My favourite documentaries are either about serial killers, or cute cats. I despise talent shows (again; 'common sense') and most popular culture.
    • At the age of 29, I am still consistently disappointed to discover my chocolate easter bunnies are hollow.
    • And I still drink from plastic picnic-style cups and plates, as I consider them better value and more durable than glass and ceramics, especially considering how clumsy I am.
    • I eat my food in a sort of 'save the best, or parts of the best, till last' order. So that I don't have just the more boring foods/flavours at the end.
    • Despite being fairly unconcerned about clutter, I am oddly organisational about certain things. Like I will put the coins in my purse in order of value so as to be able to easily access them when needed.

    I have always had a very different thought process to those around me. I've never 'understood' various behaviours of others or the reasoning behind them from my own perspective, although over time I have learned what to expect from experience and observation. Which is in essence how I learn just about anything. I am what I could describe as 'continuously analytical', that is to say; I dissect everything (no pathology pun intended), that other people take as a given or don't bother to think about. At the same time however, whilst I might question everything to the point it might seem almost paranoid, I never jump to conclusions, and if presented with new evidence am able to change my conclusion accordingly. Most people I've noticed either don't bother to ask questions and go along with the popular view, or question things in a more emotive way which leads them to jump to the wrong assumption, which they are then reluctant to change. I don't fit with either of these.

    The way I am tends to cause some confusion. I am frequently and pretty much universally misread by people, including trained therapists on the occasions I've attempted talking to them (in fact, a couple of said therapists were so far off the mark that they made me wonder about their ability to read people at all, let alone in a professional capacity). Even online, with the absence of body language and such, I find I tend to be misinterpreted. Of course this is likely partly down to the way internet communications work anyhow, misunderstandings do seem to be rather common.

    ^This :grin:
    #21 TigerInATophat, Feb 16, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  2. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    I'm going to keep this really short and just say the thing which makes me weird is... Me! ^.^
  3. LakanLunti

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    Jan 30, 2015
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    Im am extremely obsess with the color green
  4. PandaFlop

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    Jan 26, 2015
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    I love sniffing nail polish remover and petrol. One time I nearly passed out from polish remover, shit I was scared.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    With the exception of my maternal grandmother, most of my family thinks it is weird that I read.

    I don't think that's weird, that I read, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

    To compile a list of what makes me weird:

    - I exchange some of my paycheck for foreign currencies. The bank tellers, every now and then, tell me how odd it is to do this.

    - I'm somewhat OCD about my money. I organize it by monetary value, first, then by the print date, then where it was printed, and finally by serial numbers. Basically, it's as organized as possible. This makes it much easier to access.

    - I'm fascinated by the dark and morbid. Death, suffering, the extremities of human cruelty. Not so much for the inflictions themselves, but the inflicting parties and what makes them tick. I like to know what the tyrants and terrors are capable of. This would include serial killers.

    - My manner of speaking. I still surprise folks when I speak, because it can sound very fancy for a moment and then, suddenly, I throw in some curse words. I like mixing and matching, because it shows I'm human and not some automated robot.

    - I like to go for long walks at night sometimes. This can be weird in two ways. One, not many folks are comfortable being alone at night. And two, the reason many folks aren't comfortable being alone at night is because, well, of individuals who like to be alone at night, LOL.

    - I dance in public spaces sometimes. Nothing extravagant, mind you, but maybe a little twist, spin, or motion. Usually I only do this, if I'm waiting in place somewhere, like a line at the bank or in an elevator.

    - I don't like very many condiments. No ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, garlic, and so forth. I prefer to eat many meals plain. About the only exceptions I have for this is, some herbs, salt, pepper, and maybe a pickle. The one benefit to this is, it makes anybody's job easier, because of the simplicity in preparing it.

    - I don't like icing on cakes. I'd much rather eat a cake or cupcakes without icing. I've never been a fan of the taste or texture. The looks on a baker's face, when I tell them this, is always priceless.

    - Society in general, some of those in it, perceive transgender individuals as weird.

    - I shower with my back to the wall, and leave the curtain cracked a bit, so that I may see the door. I don't like the idea of somebody possibly sneaking up on me.

    - I can be very friendly and complimentary in public, and many people, at least at first, seem a little surprised by this. I suspect they perceive it being weird, which by association makes me weird. Thankfully, they all tend to come around.

    - Sometimes, I'll carry a cigarette in my mouth all day, and not smoke it. This is simply done to see if I'll have a "trigger", or want the cigarette, which I take note of; this allows me to learn what makes me stressed/upset/excited. Good self-psychological exercise, and very revealing. Also a fine test of will power.

    - My personality in general. I can go from discussing, say, the Armenian Genocide to kittens, Nintendo 64 to Ted Bundy, or abuse to breakfast cereals. To several, this can be interesting, amusing, even endearing, but to some, it can be off putting and very odd. I tend to prefer thinking of myself as flexible, but I digress.

    - My demeanor, really. How I can be this very motherly individual, but at the same time, this brooding sufferer. This becomes potentially weirder, when you consider how I treat myself, with self-inflicted punishments (if I lash out at somebody, I'll be silent for a few hours, allowing myself only to think, for example), which allow me to reflect.

    Those should suffice.
  6. resu

    Advisor Full Member

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Oklahoma City
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    Some people
    Everything. Basically, being male (and maybe being part of a "model minority" group) is my only real privilege. :/
  7. Sepina

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    Mar 26, 2014
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    People think I'm weird because I hardly approach people when they expect me to. Sorry
  8. Jellal

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    Dec 23, 2014
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    Female (trans*)
    When I don't know what to say, I'll go completely silent. I can go from completely talkative to 100% mute if some people I don't know start a conversation on some topic I don't care about.

    I hate having my picture taken, and made every effort to opt out of being in my high school's recorded memory, avoiding practically every class event and definitely every party.

    I say and think the most idealistic AND nihilistic things. There is no in-between, mentally.

    I think the best clothes to wear are Halloween costumes. I wish they could be worn every day of the year. In spite of this, I hate Halloween, because I hate giving candy to people I don't know and I hate talking to people I don't know.

    I sometimes get this spontaneous urge to act differently from the people around me just so I won't be like them. If everyone's being helpful, then I'd rather not be helpful. If everyone's being a bystander letting something terrible happen, I will be the one who takes action.
  9. gleewarblergirl

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    Feb 7, 2015
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    Virginia, 'Murica, earth, milkyway
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    I sing. all the time. especially during math class. I'll just sing about how i have no idea how to do this. once my math teacher asked me what was wrong with me.

    I like making wierd faces

    I'm obsessed with Darren Criss, glee (especially the warblers), and starkid (look them up on youtube they're hilarious. watch avpm)

    everything about me
  10. Hemlock

    Regular Member

    Nov 29, 2014
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    I go between D.C. and Northern Delaware
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    My obsession with metal. Or at least it's weird to those who aren't familiar with the genre.
  11. Jellal

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Female (trans*)
    I think the real weirdos are the ones who hate metal.
  12. NingyoBroken

    NingyoBroken Guest

    We have quite a few things in common. Only I can't do math for shit. Wish I had that talent, if only to brag of my "book smarts". Haha

    I also had a fascination with anatomy when I was little (and still do to some extent), especially of other creatures. But instead of being a forensic pathologist, I wanted to use that knowledge to build robots that resembled living things.
    I used to collect certain dead bugs, your post about the dead animals reminded me of that.
    Speaking of robots, I also was more affectionate with non-living things than people. Still am, really. But not to the creepy/insane-asylum-patient extent I was when I was younger.
    I started collecting old mechanical dolls when I was about 10, used to talk to them all the way until I was 13. They were my prized possessions.
    #32 NingyoBroken, Feb 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2015
  13. davidguitar20

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    Jan 23, 2015
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    richardson texas
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    I like punishing people with puns
  14. nativeofruby

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    Nov 7, 2014
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    All but family
    i like that very much

    ---------- Post added 18th Feb 2015 at 09:09 PM ----------

    your family would find me the weirdest creature to ever walk on this planet, then :confused:
  15. Incognito10

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    Jan 3, 2013
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    East Coast, US.
    Probably my social anxiety and the fact that I am full of contradictions.
  16. Shaded

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    May 16, 2014
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    My Quietness probably makes me weird sometimes.
  17. lyjo

    Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Weird? Nope, not weird, I just don't try to be like everyone else. There are loads of things that would make me "weird" according to my friends (not that they're any better), but I'll just talk about one thing that I find weird about myself:

    Faces. And voices. I don't know why, but some people have a face or voice that bugs me. I do like people with stange faces, but some faces drive me crazy. And for the voices, it has to be low, deep and constant, just not a high pitched voice and even less irregular ups and downs in the voice and expression. I don't know how to explain this without sounding like a total bitch, but I can't stand people who's face or voice annoys me.
  18. randomly me

    randomly me Guest

    1 i actually do things i says as a joke when someone takes me up to it
    2i randomly start singing love songs to people (reactions are hilarious)
    3 i draw teachers that annoy me executed during lessons
    4 i confuse people on purpose.its awesome
  19. Magnemma

    Magnemma Guest

    I think I'm just insane in general. Its toned down quite a bit over the years, but at seven i was at my weirdest. I didn't care what anyone thought of me and I would run up to cool college guys on the soccer field and tell them about a hamster i didn't actually have.
  20. Browncoat

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    Jul 2, 2011
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    Zefram Cochrane's hometown.
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    I've been thinking of translating the phrase "if you can read this, you should talk to me" into a dead language, then encoding it with a personally developed cipher, then transcribing it into Tengwar and having it tattooed on me.

    ...Does that do well enough to summarize my eccentricity? :grin:
    #40 Browncoat, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015