Relationship with parent/s

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by PatrickUK, Jan 12, 2015.


How do you see your relationship with parents

  1. Very good

    50 vote(s)
  2. Good

    37 vote(s)
  3. Fair

    38 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    14 vote(s)
  5. Very poor/broken

    7 vote(s)
  1. happydavid

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    Feb 21, 2014
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    I'm not sure how vote here because my relationship with my dad is very good and with mum very bad. I'm confused
  2. Lear

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    Dec 21, 2014
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    My parents have never been anything but accepting and supportive, which I'm extremely thankful for. They broke up when I was really young but my dad always made sure we saw each other on a regular base and even though we don't see each other often by now, we keep contact and I know that he is always there when I need him. There was never any hate between my parents, so I never had the whole "having to choose between two parents" problem.
  3. TheStormInside

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    Apr 26, 2014
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    With my mom, it's good. She cares a lot about me and my brothers, and worries far too much. She's just generally very sweet and giving and always wants to look out for us even though we're all adults now.

    With my father, it's a little more complicated. It's probably a range from good to poor depending on the day or time period you were to look at. At times when I lived with him and my mom he was emotionally abusive and could say some really nasty hurtful things. On the other hand, though, he's always supported the family and is there if anyone is in a bind. He can be chill at times and we hang out watching sci-fi together. And I know he really cares for us, even if he has a hard time expressing it. A rather complicated man, really.
  4. TigerInATophat

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    Feb 24, 2014
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    Good with my mother, non-existant by this point with my father.

    My parents are VERY different people, but they have a couple of things in common. For one they are both quite high in terms of intelligence, yet very immature emotionally.

    There was a time some years ago when I would have classed as 'excellent' with my mother but it's... more difficult now. She is very kind at times, but it's challenging dealing with her when she's just not being sensible. From an early age I've been mainly responsible for either acting as a conduit between her and the world, or trying to handle her responsibilities myself. Frustrating as this may be I can't truly blame her, because despite her behaviour she is not intentionally malicious, which is a LOT more than can be said for my father, who values everyone else only by what they can do for him and is content to damage them all either incidentally or intentionally.
  5. TacobellKFC

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    Dec 23, 2014
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    a little to the left behind the tree
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    My mom is okay but insecure and dad is somwhere if he is still alive...they both have severe drug problems and anger problems..mostly shuffled around with my grandma and great uncle in the terms of taking care of me
  6. ValleyBoy24

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    Jan 12, 2015
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    I'd say fair to be honest even though I do love them both but my parents are somewhat stubborn and they never really listen to me nor care about what I think or feel they only care about what's best for them.
  7. Sapphy

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    Apr 9, 2013
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    I chose very good. My mum knows I have a girlfriend but doesn't really acknowledge it (has never spoken to me about it). I'm not out to my dad yet.

    I have a great relationship with both of my parents.
  8. LibertyValance

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    Sep 16, 2014
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    I put down very good. All in all my parents are probably about as good as a person can reasonably hope for. They both get along very well and are very supportive of me and my siblings academic and athletic pursuits. They work(ed) very hard to get to a financial position that they can provide quite comfortably for me and my siblings. For the most part I can talk to them and expect support and help on just about any issues whether school issues, financial issues or work issues, et cetera. With all that in mind, all the benefits and privileges I have from growing up in such a stable and well to do household, it would be disingenuous to say that on the whole the relationship was anything but very good. The only complaint is how conservatively Catholic they are (Sunday school till first communion, Church every Sunday, every major festival, et cetera) and how that translates into support for my orientation. Or rather lack of support, neither of them are very accepting of the fact but at least it's treated as something that is just never discussed (I firmly believe my mother just chooses to believe I never came out). So at least that is better than having parents who actively disparage you for it. That discounted though, they are very good and loving parents.
  9. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    My relationship with my mom and s-dad is good and can be very good at times, however my relationship with my dad is absolutely awful.
  10. ChameleonSoul

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    Feb 11, 2014
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    I have a pretty good relationship with my mother. There are times where the two of us can't help but argue with each other over little things, but we get along well enough. On the other hand, my relationship with my father is almost non-existent. My father cheated on my mother multiple times, eventually leading to the two of them divorcing when I was 6. I haven't seen him in almost 3 years now, and that's exactly how I like it.
  11. C06122014

    C06122014 Guest

    Yes my mom and I are VERY VERY close :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I love her so much! I have spoken to my "dad" in months. I honestly don't care anymore, he has his family, we have ours! We have never been better :slight_smile: we're all closer my mother my sister and my brother, I am so proud to present my mother to my teachers and friends because she is so incredibly nice and simply amazing! I took after my mother haha proud to say that! She's been so incredibly supporting and accepting of my sexuality. Something which brought is even closer but when my dad left we all came closer :slight_smile: my mother doesn't stol pushing us to be our best, and encourages me in anything she thinks is best. But also I love her because she not only loves her kids, she loves herself! That confidence is so reassuring, I love her! She is my hero! :slight_smile:
  12. Emily1

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    Nov 8, 2014
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    My relationship with both my parents is terrible. My dad was physically abusive when I was younger and my mom is still upset at me for seeking help from child services. My mom is super judgemental and apathetic; she would always compare me to her friends kids, pointing out good qualities that they had and i didn't. She often compared me to herself at my ageā€¦ she was very outgoing and 'popular' and both my sister and i are slightly introverted. Although she doesn't say it, it seems as though she is disappointed in us for not being more like her. Overall i just feel misunderstood by them. I am always hostile around them so i got labeled as a 'bratty and entitled bitch' but really it's a projection of my built up resentment towards them.
  13. Burnedcloset

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    Oct 27, 2014
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    santas workshop
    My relationship with my mother is just fair. She's very protective and overbearing. I hate that. Some guys love being mamas boys, I don't want to be. I want independence and space.....other then that....we are just very distant. The reason for that is me being in the closet though. If I wasn't I think we would be a lot closer. I'm actually the problem with mine and my mothers relationship.

    NOW, my dad and mines relationship is horrid atm. I despise him. His anti-gay attitude has made me feel worthless. I don't like his opinions on anything. We don't get along. He doesn't like that I'm not super manly. He is the problem. I don't think we will ever actually be able to enjoy each others company.

    All in all, I think my relationship with my parents is poor. One day, I hope it is repaired though. It might take a very long time though.
  14. Acm

    Acm Guest

    I generally have a pretty good relationship with my mom. She's a really good mother and we get along well. I feel like me being trans has caused some issues between us though. She's also under a lot of stress most of the time so she's kind of depressing to talk to sometimes, and I feel bad about it but I kind of avoid deep conversations with her because she just bums me out. Also she doesn't give me very much freedom.

    My dad is alright, I like him but I don't really have much of a relationship with him. He moved away when I was 13 and I don't talk to him very much. I have very complicated feelings towards him. I don't talk to him very much.
  15. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    Poor. Nothing was ever good enough, especially with my mom.

    With similar personalities, I would clash with my dad. But ... everything would be out in the open and it was over with. Some of the clashes were quite severe. I can't deny that. With my mom, the situation was always in simmer to boil mode, with her passive-aggressiveness, denial, deflecting, minimalizing, and a lot of other annoying qualities to have to grow up with. I think my dad just put up with her. When he couldn't take her bullshit anymore, he would start yelling at her. Outwardly, she might have been interpreted as warm to the untrained eye, but I knew better. So did some of my friends.

    My friends who were very forthcoming gravitated toward my dad. My friends who had their share of insincerity and eyewash gravitated toward my mom. Funny how those match-ups worked out almost perfectly.
  16. Hemlock

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    Nov 29, 2014
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    I go between D.C. and Northern Delaware
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    Very good. Though that might change if I ever come out to them.
  17. Intrinsicallyme

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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Very poor. My father left when I was nine, and I became the man of the house, trying to help my mother with the daunting task of raising four children alone. I used to be a sad sack about it, and took it very personally that he left me. I couldn't understand why he would leave someone he said he loved, and never speak to them again. Now I'm just bitter. If he showed up on my doorstep, I wouldn't hesitate to punch him square in the face for ruining my childhood.

    My mother... I don't even know where to begin with her. She's fierce, and strong, and I always viewed her as solid as a rock. She would punch a goddamned lion straight in the nutsack if it threatened her children. Even though we aren't speaking at the moment, I know that if I needed her, she would have my back.

    Unfortunately, everyone is at least 9,999,999 shades of gray. (Fuck making a book reference; 50 isn't nearly enough.) My mother was very stressed for a very long time, and that takes a toll on anyone. She kinda went a bit crazy, and now I don't talk to her for my own sanity. I feel pretty selfish sometimes, but it's better than an emotional roller coaster ride.

    She's also very homophobic in a really weird way. It's like she's sipping on some Diet Homophobia. She claims that she's not homophobic, she just thinks "the plumbing's wrong" like we're toilets or something. She also says she feels sorry for gay people because apparently there is a veritable army of gay people just going around molesting little boys and girls and turning them gay. It makes me not want to live on this planet anymore. :confused:
  18. Tai

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    Jun 6, 2014
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    I love my father. He is so similar to me. We are both introverted, soft-spoken, and while I'm antisocial/socially anxious, he isn't, so he helps me out while also understanding why I'm this way. He's pro-LGBT, Liberal, and accepting of pretty much everyone (does get frustrated with the ignorant people on TV, though).

    I also love my mother, but... A bit differently. She is the complete opposite of me. Loud, talkative, and extroverted. We complement each other very good. But she crowds my space, limits me in what I want to do, and doesn't believe my transgenderism. She doesn't understand me. But she is very loving and caring.

    My therapist actualy said that may be a factor in my trans ness.
  19. Notlad

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    Sep 23, 2014
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    My relationship with my mom is good. But I don't talk to either of my parents about a lot. I generally try to manage all of my personal issues on my own. I'd rather not be a burden with all of my problems.

    The relationship with my dad has become passable. Though I find him a tad unpleasant to be around on most occassions because he's always pissy, or confrontational.
  20. ANewDawn

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    Dec 8, 2014
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    Unfortunately my relationship with my parents feels like it's getting worse every day. It was bad when I was in high school because I was really depressed and never felt like I could talk to them. I moved out as soon as I turned 16 and it got better over long distance. But I've been living at home again for the past year and everything's gone to shit. My parents are super religious and I've made it very clear to them that I don't subscribe to that stuff and they can't even handle it. They treat me like a leper and I always feel the worst about myself when I'm around them. I'm terrified to come out as a lesbian to them because I know they'll treat me even worse. They're angry at me for turning my back on god and I'm angry at them for turning their back on me. I feel like I'll never be able to forgive them for not ever making me feel safe or that my happiness is a priority. Is unconditional love even real?