*NOT* Fitting in at new high school?

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by black-cat, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. black-cat

    Full Member

    May 28, 2014
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    Liverpool, UK.
    TL;DR version: I have been home schooled since I was 10/11, I'm now 16. I've recently joined a high school, mid year, and I'm having trouble making friends (or at least, finding a group of people who will "take" me)....it seems that everyone has their own cleek/group, or is paired up, no other loners.

    Does anyone have any advice to help me settle in better? Thankyou.

    Rant version: Ugh. Well, I was at a normal school until the age of 10/11, where I fell ill with a chronic auto immune disease and I have been too ill to attend a school until recently, but in the years between I was home schooled.

    Everyone is in cleeks, or everyone is with a pair. I'm the only one by myself as far as I can tell. I don't know what to do. I have tried for a few weeks making conversation, trying to join in, contribute, etc, but I'm getting nothing in return. It's horrible. I'm finally able to go to school and I'm sitting alone constantly

    Please help me, it's pathetic I know, but I start again on the 6th and I'm really nervous. :help:

    (In the UK, we can leave school at 16, but most stay until 18, so everyone in my supposed peer group is choosing to stay in school, and it is a specialised school, so everyone even wants to go into the same career pathway. That helps....i think?)
  2. sharkpool

    Regular Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    hi!!!! i know how it feels. i also end up alone most of the time because i don't seem to fit in ): the solution seems to be to find people with whom you share similar interest. For example: what do you like to do in your free time? do you like to play videogames? play / listen to music? if this doesn't work, you could choose a group you think you could be friends with and start hanging out with them. Try suggesting doing activities together like going to the movies or invite them to your house, so they can see that you're cool too :wink: Also, does your school have other activities apart from classes? like sports or something like that? maybe joining could help you make friends easier :slight_smile:

    Edit: i forgot to tell you the strategy that never fails. do the teachers make you do group work or leave you homework? This is the perfect opportunity to make friends. while doing group work you'll definitely find a topic you're both fond of or if you have homework, you could tell someone you're having some difficulties solving it and you would appreciate it if they could help you.
    #2 sharkpool, Jan 1, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
  3. black-cat

    Full Member

    May 28, 2014
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    Liverpool, UK.
    Thankyou very much for your advice. It really is horrible!

    They do very little extra curricular clubs or events, but I'm planning on joining one when I start again. We actually had a group project a few weeks ago and it was the most progress I made socially, I'm hoping we have more, lol. Thankyou, I'll try and find the guts to ask some of the other students for help with something. It's a great idea. For for responding. ❤
  4. sharkpool

    Regular Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    No problem! (*hug*)

    I was thinking about this and if You are like me, afraid to make the first step, then You could try wearing or using something that could get people interested in you. For example wear a tshirt of your favorite band or tv show. People will notice it and if they're into it as well, it could be a good conversation starter.

    I love wearing my attack on Titan hoodie an I've been approached by a couple of random guys at school asking me where I got it. Also a guy in one of my classes noticed I was wearing it and we became friends :slight_smile:

    To test the waters you could pay attention to what others talk about. Lets say you overhear a group talking about lady gaga and you happen to like her too. The next day you could wear a lady gaga shirt and make sure they notice you. They could compliment you an you could make friends :grin: lol I love lady gaga
  5. YuriBunny

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    Jan 10, 2014
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    I'm an introvert; I live in my head.
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    Yeah, I don't fit in at my school either. >.< I am such a loner.
  6. BradThePug

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    If your school has any clubs/activities, you could join some of those too. I made a lot of friends in high school this way. Plus, I got to do things that I was interested in.

    Edit: I just read where you said that they do not have many activities.. I usually just said hi to everybody too. This helped me start conversations with people, and eventually led to me making some friends as well.
  7. Water lover

    Water lover Guest

    If your a loner find other loners that's what I did. Highschool sucks what you have to do is find kids with similar interest and just start talking to them. I know it feels weird just to talk to random people but everyone's friendships started with the word "hi". Highscool might be full of a ton of clique's but unless their total ass's most will let others in. You also said it was a speacialized school so I am guessing the kids are more mature and a little socially ackward themselves. Just stay away from the populars and be yourself. One last thing joining after school events you like is a must to meet new friends.