Getting involved in an LGBT center in college

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by anonymous95, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. anonymous95

    anonymous95 Guest

    Hey, so I'm not out, but I've been reading from many people that a good first step is to get involved in an LGBT center. The only thing that worries me about the prospect of getting involved in an LGBT center is the idea of basically coming out to people that I don't know. What is the best way to get involved, and how should I approach the club? What is the club [center(?)] exactly? How have any of you gotten involved? (I have a hard time meeting new people anyways, so I have a difficult time starting to participate in things that are new to me)
    MERCI! :help:
  2. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    is there a gay-straight alliance at your college? that is a great way to get involved, to make LGBT friends, but without declaring your orientation until you are ready to.
    but also remember that if you go to the LGBT center, the people that you will be "outing" yourself to are other people like us, which is a pretty safe group to be around, IMHO! (&&&)
  3. cady

    Regular Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Not out at all
    I've also been wondering this too. I'm not out, but I've heard my university has a great LGBT center that I think could help me out a lot. My problem is that the LGBT center is located in the "Student Center" which is the busiest building located in the center of if I were ever to visit I doubt I could do it without being noticed.

    For now, I have been going to the LGBT center's website (it is a subsection of the school website). It's a whole webpage with many resources that I assume they also offer in the physical office. Maybe try checking if your resource center has a website with information for those who do not want come in?

    This is just a temporary solution I guess. Looking forward to other ideas since I have the same issue...
  4. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    maybe they have some off campus activities that you could join in on, or movie and pizza nights that are off in another place. I suggest that you give them a call or an email and explain the problem to them, to see if they have any suggestions. and I'll bet that you won't be the first student in your situation! who better to turn to? (&&&)
  5. cady

    Regular Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Not out at all
    Wow, good idea! I've only heard of their major events that occur on campus so I didn't even consider the possibility of off campus activities. I will definitely try to find out if there are any, surely a phone call can't hurt.

  6. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    you're welcome! I'm glad I could come up with something helpful. I hope it works out! we'll all be here waiting to read about the next chapter! :thumbsup:
    (sometimes "off campus activities" can be things like going to a concert together, working on a project, all kinds of stuff. the point is to find things to do with other people like us)
  7. Gambit

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    As Wildside said, joining a LGBT group at your local college may be the easiest way to get involved in the LGBT community. People in the group will be supportive and understanding, you don't even have to come out to anyone if you don't want to. To give you an idea about what such groups do, the LGBT group at my school has weekly meetings, and in those meetings they discuss issues relevant to the LGBT community, plan events (fundraisers, events, etc.), watch movies, etc. It's a very save environment. I was nervous about going to a meeting at first, but after going to one it became easier to go to other meetings.

    Good luck,