anime obsession

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DrinkBudweiser, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. DrinkBudweiser

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    Nov 25, 2014
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    i can't stand anime or anything related to it. i'd rather jerk off a pencil for 7 hours than watch that garbage for 10 minutes. sorry if that offends you, it's just what it is. some people like pancakes, some people don't. no big deal.

    with that being said, what's with the anime obsession on this forum? i don't think i've ever met ANYONE that's into this shit - to my knowledge, anyway (i've met a lot of people) and i feel like 90% of the population on here is all about it.

    is there something about it that's highly related to LGBT? i know there's people from all over the continent on here, so is it insanely popular outside of the US? is it more popular with folks who participate in forums? what memo am i missing here? ...or is it just a random luck of the draw that nearly everyone on here is very pro-anime?
  2. Gabby29

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    Dec 13, 2014
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    Lmfao! This made me laugh. Yeah I'm not into the new age anime's only the old stuff like Battle Angel or Ninja Scrolls, those are the shit. I try giving the new stuff a shot but I just can't get into it, I don't hate it or anything I just let it be and let everyone else enjoy it.
  3. Unreadable

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    Dec 28, 2014
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    I Really Can't tell i probably watch 3-4 episodes avery two days, of Bleach.
  4. Austin

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    I feel like there is a correlation between people who use internet forums and people who watch anime -- just like it seems people who like video games are more likely to use the internet to communicate with others. Honestly, anime is seen as nerdy and I feel many socially awkward people like it... and those are the people that tend to use the internet to chat with others.... such as people on this forum. But why these correlations? Not sure. That's just my experience. I like anime (and I'm also pretty socially awkward!). It does seem like a lot of people here like anime, but when I talk to gay people outside of internet forums it seems most people don't like it -- it's still sort of niche. So, idk.

    ---------- Post added 28th Dec 2014 at 08:11 PM ----------

    Also, I'm not offended nor do I really give a crap, but just to be nit-picky, your post is quite contradictory.
  5. MintberryCrunch

    Aug 19, 2014
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    I think Austin is right. Almost every forum I've been on has a large population of members who are into anime. It's a trend that people who are also aficionados of discussion forums (i.e. a group of people quite different from those who only spend online time on Pinterest and Twitter) are into anime. I don't really think it has anything to do with LGBT people specifically, since for the other forums I post on, most members are straight.
  6. Skaros

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    I used to love anime a lot, but now I've just pushed away from it. I consider myself on a break, because I just can't keep up with all the shows. I still love it though, and I have watched my fair share of anime. I guess it's just not for everyone.

    Btw, jerking off a pencil would be very unpleasant.
  7. Gay Cody

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    Dec 21, 2014
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    Yaoi and Yuri are gay anime types so that's the correlation to LGBT, but honestly, I'm not really sure how someone can really hate all types of animes, there's a little bit of everything for everyone, I'm not saying go watch it, I'm just saying that there could be something that you could actually really enjoy.
  8. Quiet Raven

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    Nov 5, 2014
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    Yeah. Anime is just simply Japanese animation. Just like any other country, they have a lot of different types of shows. It makes no sence to have such strong hatred toward all of it.

    I'm not offended or trying to convince you to watch it. I don't care what you watch. But I'm just saying.
  9. Clancularius

    Clancularius Guest

    I'm not obsessed with anime, I read manga which is practically the same just it's written. Even then I'm not obsessed I've only read 6 mangas, my sister has read around 120.
  10. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    I'm obsessed :3

    I don't believe it's just LGBT+ people who watch it, it is just a rather large population of the internet who do. I know many people offline who watch it, but I guess that is because I became friends with them because I watch it too. It's like anything, you are going to notice similar people to yourself than not. :3

    One theory I have about why a lot of people do watch it here, is because, like books or tv shows, it can be an escape from reality where you don't have to feel stressed or depressed about anything. This might not be the case for all, but it is for me, when I want to get away from everything, anime is usually a safe bet. ^.^
  11. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    in your soul
    My experience has been that people who spend alot of time on the internet are more likely to be open minded and exposed to different mediums of entertainment/artwork outside of the mainstream. Obviously this isn't the case with everyone, but, you're always going to have simple minded people who hate things they have little to no understanding of. The LGBT community, while unfortunately not exempt from them, tends to have less of that type of person on average, so perhaps there is some minor correlation between an online LGBT community such as EC, and anime fans in that sense.
  12. White Knight

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    Mar 18, 2014
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    It is times... We were obsessed about super heroes, generation after us more obsessed about tv shows like. Now I see my all nephews are so crazy about anime and manga... and some video games.

    I understand why people in this forums love anime. They feel like outsiders most of the time. I anime world everything goes, purple hair, red eyes, feminine men, manly girls, fabulous clothing... Also unlike western works' usually pink world of rainbows, anime/manga don't afraid to touch... like angst, LGBT issues and such. More importantly they do it in a style... western shows doing that stuff artistically horrible (family guy, southpark etc.) and usually think as adult shows.

    So comparing with my teenage years, Western Animation is pop music, main stream, kinda cheesy... Anime is Heavy Metal... hard, a way to show your a rebel and an umbrella collects souls who thinks themselves as outcasts.
  13. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    You're kind of right... it boils down to personal preference. I'm a casual anime fan, a core gamer, and obsessed with Heavy Metal. I'm very open-minded and my brain probably fell out many moons ago.

    It doesn't surprise me that some often tech savvy people discovered anime. I use a popular website to log my anime and most of those members are seemingly straight. The real question is; why do some people continue watching anime?

    Every anime fan has their own reasons. I usually prefer anime instead of realistic films because I don't find myself wondering why it is impossible for a anime character to survive grievous injuries. Hell, I enjoy realistic horror films more when I'm tipsy. Films can throw logic out the window, and, well, in anime; logic often dies a horrible death, cracking its skull on the ground. There are way less limits.

    My reasons vary depending on the anime. I watched Cardfight Vanguard because I understand the card game rules and it's interesting to see how matches play out. Although I originally only watched it because I thought the dragons looked cool. I watched Monster simply because it has an amazing story. I watched Berserk because the main character is a badass. And I watched Mars of Destruction because it's a train-wreck that's endless fun to joke about.

    I once asked 4chan /a/nons to take a MBTI test. Many of them love anime. Most members were INTP or INTJ. Like 100 responses and you could count the number of extroverts on one hand. Also, wayyyy more iNtuitive types than Sensing types. I know people are way more individual than that. I just thought it was interesting.
  14. Jellal

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    Dec 23, 2014
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    I love anime primarily for the shonen battle storyline that has a protagonist fight through multiple groups of antagonists one after another, sometimes gathering more allies along the way in order to accomplish a certain goal. There's really no other plotline I enjoy more; I like how these tales tend to be focused on ambition, determination, and tenacity. I haven't seen this done so well outside of anime/manga. Although recently I got around to seeing the entirety of Kill Bill, which did something pretty similar. From what I understand anime was a big influence on those movies.

    One thing I love about anime/manga is that it isn't afraid to be cheesy, and lacks the disgusting amount of self-consciousness that often pervades western animation. Perhaps this resonates with social outcasts at some level? So I think it's understandable that it finds a lot of fans on internet forums.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Anime is, as some others have said, simply animation from Japan. You could also include the Korean studios as well, who have produced some American animated shows as well. Some folks in the West grew up with, say, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, He-Man, or even the Looney Tunes -- but nobody really judges them.

    Why? Is it because they aren't associated with a very vocal percentage?

    See, with Anime especially, you're going to have those hardcore fans. The ones who dress up, desperately wish they were Japanese, and will speak in Japanese lingo because it makes them cool. This isn't to say every fan is like this, but those hardcore ones are, usually always, the ones cited as why Anime is ridiculous or silly. Also, keep in mind, many of the elements and styles in Anime are reflective of Eastern culture -- which may alienate other folks and their cultures. Kind of like, how I'm not particularly fond of eating cat or dog, despite some individuals doing so.

    Anime also, unfortunately, is a safety net for outcasts and the socially awkward. But you could argue the same for video games, or such cult films like the Rocky Horror Picture Show -- but again, unlike Anime, these things tend to get a pass. If you look long enough, you'll find a problematic percentage in any group or fandom. Hell, if you look in the LGBT community itself, you will find that problematic percentage. Anime is just easy to single out, because it feels and looks foreign, and it is stereotyped--

    "But Kaiser, all Anime has wildly-colored hair, large eyes, and flashing colors, with techno music and ridiculous facial expressions!"

    Not quite.

    See, kind of like how society stereotypes gay men as over-the-top and flamboyant, so too is Anime seen as what was described above. Yes, that sort of thing does exist, just as over-the-top flamboyant gay men exist, but so too does more mature and -- I say this as loosely as possible -- realistic productions exist in Anime. Cowboy Bebop is one such example, even if it has it's moments of suspending disbelief --

    "But Kaiser, I don't like the fact, when somebody in Anime is hurt, that they are able to survive and keep going. I don't like the fact, wh--"

    Okay, let me say this.

    I find it sadly hilarious that somebody will go see, say, The Dark Knight trilogy, and be fine with that, yet suddenly change their standards for other mediums. Realistically, Batman should have been dead long before the third film's finale, but people are okay with that -- and the Avengers, and martial art movies, and action films, and so on and so on. Why this is okay, but Anime is to be the God damn leader in realistic portrayal BLOWS. MY. MIND. But that's how some folks think, and it's whatever... you can't please everybody; only a fool tries.

    Like most entertainment mediums, Anime has a wide variety of types and genres. You just have to know what you're looking for:

    Do you want something more comical at times?


    Or, do you want something more traumatizing at times?


    If I judged all movies by the "most popular", or all music by the "Top 40", then I'd probably not like either very much.
    But I know you have to look beyond that...​

    All that said, I do like Anime (surprise!). I'm not what you would call a hardcore fan, but the Anime I did/do like, I'm fairly knowledgeable in. But, for some reason, this is perceived as a bad thing. However, would I be praised for knowing the pitching average of a professional baseball player? Would I become a glorified sports god if I could, from memory, tell you every champion of the Super Bowl? I think I'd much rather know about a medium that, despite some flashy appearances and some questionable antics, dives into topics such as racism, right vs wrong, and life experiences -- as opposed to being a financial slave for the sports industrial complex, to give an example.

    I believe there's a lesson to be learned here.
  16. White Knight

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    Mar 18, 2014
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    *Raises Hand*
    Kaiser sensei... I have questions.

    1- Which He-Man produced in Korea?

    2- What? Where was the over the top pieces in the Avengers? If you were talking about Steed and Peel... yeah that movie was too much. Show was entertaining tho'. I used to love to watch it as a kid.

    I don't know if my memory is playing games but I also remember Disney being inspired by Anime to start his own animated movie empire.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    None that I know of. I was mentioning Korean studios, who do animate in a similar style, but are usually presumed to be Japanese.

    When I mentioned the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, He-Man, and Looney Tunes, I was using them as an example of popular animation, that many people watched, and some still do, but aren't perceived as anything really for it.

    I apologize if it seemed I was implying something else, lol.

    I wasn't saying it was over the top, there. I was saying, however, that people will go watch the Hulk smash through legions of enemies, watch Hawkeye's Olympian (and even this is stretching credibility) marksmanship, or see Iron Man's weaponry, and be fine with that. They're suspending belief, for the sake of being entertained.

    My point with that was, folks fluctuate with consistency, when it comes to entertainment mediums.

    Possibly. Disney also had fine-looking art. I don't really like Snow White, for example, but even I can admit, the artwork is superb, especially for that time.
  18. White Knight

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    Mar 18, 2014
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    Ah I see. Korra and Avatar series made in Korea I know that. I also could put, not sure but more likely, Thundercats (new anime like one) up there.

    Probably the thing with comics is, I guess most people grow up accustomed with them in one form... especially from comics. So we look the movies as how they are closely related to reality of comic books, not everyday reality.

    Hawkeye might be a mutant... like DD and his lost sight/radar sense, Hawkeye nearly deaf in both ears but have very very enhanced eye sight. While some writers tried to develop that plot line, most liked to use him as a mere human who has inferior complex running around with gods, super soldiers, high tech savy geniuses, mutants, androids, intergalactic beings and an insect sized bimbo with terrible fashion sense...

    Ahem... anyway Comic geek out!
  19. Quiet Raven

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    Nov 5, 2014
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    Even the thing about anime characters surviving unsurvival things isn't even always true. A lot of anime isn't even about combat actually. (Most of the anime I watch isn't)

    Basically, people look at Shonen action anime and think that is all anime is. Well that and tentacle porn.

    But there is anime about everything.
    #19 Quiet Raven, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  20. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    What?! You mean it isn't all about the tentacle porn?

    I've been deceived~!!
