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Favorite Villain

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by Kaiser, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. SeaSalt

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    Aug 6, 2014
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    Lets not forget he had a third nipple!

    Lee is one of my favorite people and he goes up there with Brian Blessed in the life achievement category
  2. Wolf123

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    Mar 24, 2014
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    The joker!
  3. NingyoBroken

    NingyoBroken Guest

    Grell from Kuroshitsuji if he counts. Cause he's totally my type haha
  4. Jinkies

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    I'm going to go with the Daleks. They're a truly alien race, and by this, I mean that their way of thinking is the exact opposite of a human's way of thinking. A dalek thinks that hatred = beauty. I've come across this somewhat in Homestuck with the trolls, but they have a practical reason to hate (If they don't, they can't fill a drone's bucket and get killed on the spot). Nowhere else have I seen anything like this, and for this alone, it's all so puzzling. You do mental gymnastics just thinking about this race's existence and why they think the way they do.

    My other absolute favorite villain is Freeza from DBZ Abridged (not so much the regular DBZ or Kai). When you first meet him, he's all chipper. He's just arrived on Namek, thinking that everything's going to go peachy, and there's no anger at all. Why? "Because I have people who get angry FOR me!" This says volumes, right here. It's not that he never gets angry. He'll get angry. You just don't want him to (as evidenced by him blowing up Vegeta, and nearly wiping out the entire Saiyan race). However, even if you were on his team, you wouldn't want him to get angry, or it's your own neck you're saving. And soon enough, we see the full, final Freeza who's had enough of the Z warriors' shit (as well as Vegeta's). He's still making jokes, but he's grasping at straws to be nearly as clever as he used to be, because he's so pissed.

    And my third favorite is Aku. Why? Because he just follows his own rules. He doesn't even care entirely about his own long-term goals. He just wants to fuck with Jack, for the most part. And when he's angry, he's quite funny. Not to mention, the guy is voiced by the late, legendary Mako.
  5. Silver Springs

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    Jul 27, 2014
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    Lord Summerisle is one of the most awesome villains of all time. Sumer is icumen in...
  6. Nimun

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    Sep 6, 2014
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    Your sock drawer, silly.
    Loki. Tom Hiddleston is amazing.
  7. Toast

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    The movie version of Loki Laufeyson has to be my favorite villain. I enjoy examining possible motives and psychology behind his actions and ideas. I would by no means condone the attempt to subjugate an unwilling race, but in his mind, I'm sure the action was justified. I like to try to figure out why.I suppose to sum it up, I'm intrigued by his intellect and cunning wit.
  8. FortunateSally

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    Jul 28, 2014
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    I think for me it's a tie between yzma and kronk (in emperors new groove) or Ursula in a little mermaid.
  9. XenaxGabby

    XenaxGabby Guest

    Yzma: scary beyond all reason!
  10. MindvsHeart

    MindvsHeart Guest

    My choice would have to be Gollum/Smeagol. And I wouldn't really call him a villain but oh well :grin:

    When we're first introduced to his character, we hate him and we can't help it. But as we learn about him and his past, we begin to pity him.
    I have a love-hate...thing for Smeagol. His changing of personalities are scary and yet quirky and there was that moment, in the dark cave when Bilbo and Smeagol were exchanging riddles...and I couldn't help but wonder if things had gone a different direction and Smeagol was able to grasp that love of sunshine and his..hobbit-ness again...what would of happened then?

    Smeagol/Gollum is like a wild, cunning puppy that you just want to pet and yet, you don't because it can probably kill when you get close.
  11. Browncoat

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    I'm sure I could think of a better one if I put some real thought into it - but my generic go-to is always Heath Ledger's Joker.

    Oh wait, just thought of one - Jubal Early in Firefly. If nothing else he's the coolest villain ever. :lol:

    And scrolling up, I agree, Hiddleston's Loki is also awesome.
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    After thinking about this for a little while, I have come to the conclusion that... it is impossible for me to narrow it down to just one villain. I will have to do a Top 5, but before I get into that, I'd like to mention some Honorable Mentions:

    Jafar / Disney's Aladdin

    To begin with, a color scheme of red and black is just fucking awesome. His sidekick is a wisecracking and irritable little parrot. He is ambitious, snarky, and craves total control. As a kid, Jafar was my favorite character in Aladdin. He's up there with the Genie. What I liked most about Jafar, though, was how he remained so stylish and calculated... well, until he got power hungry and tricked into imprisonment. But the man had good taste, have you seen Princess Jasmine?​

    Scar / Disney's The Lion King

    He's cynical, he's debonaire, and he can sing -- just listen to him in "Be Prepared". Not many can make a song about killing somebody so catchy. As much as this may pain people who have seen The Lion King, the scene where Mufasa was murdered by Scar, to this day, still stands out to me. But it isn't in the same way as others may view it. To me, it was just an example of how far Scar would go, to get what he wanted. As savage as it was, he did what he had to.

    The Toon Patrol / Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    Employed under Judge Doom (played by Christopher Lloyd), these five weasels are... well, they're a handful. The only one that even demonstrates any sense, is the leader Smart Ass (center), while the others are either too dumb (Stupid; far left), too ignorant (Greasy; green zoot suit), too insane (Psycho; isn't it obvious?), or too self-absorbed (Wheezy; far right), to be of any significance, other than being extra muscle. What makes these guys so enjoyable to me, is how they work off of each other, and the scenes, they get into trouble for laughing. In fact, as they were forewarned, they do wind up dying -- by laughing themselves to death, well, most of them.

    Tetsuo Shima / Akira

    Tetsuo Shima is, an example of, giving an inferiority complex incredible powers. In this particular case, it would be psychokinesis (or telekinesis; people will debate the differences, or if they are even separate things). Raised in a post-apocalyptic world, Tetsuo already has it rough. When he discovers he is "special", well, his powers gradually become too much, they begin consume his body and overwhelm him. That's it really, without spoiling too much, because it -- Tetsuo's rise and fall -- is something better experienced individually. I also have a soft spot for Tetsuo, because I see a lot of how I was, in him. Power corrupts, is the moral of this tragic tale.

    To Be Continued...
  13. the haunted

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    Apr 27, 2014
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    Loki for sure.
  14. Menaki-Neko

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    Need I say more?
  15. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    Cauis from Final Fantasy.
  16. Kai LD

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    For the record, I loved him since the 90's. Movie n00bs.
    Protip: GTFO
    Protip: Do not come at him bro.
    Without these he could still do this:
    Basically he will teach you respect like this:
    Or this:
    This is some of my mans swagger when he like to strut:
    I'm trying to say he is a pimp, y'all.
  17. Robins Jacket

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    Shego from Kimpossible!
    Basically inspired my whole wardrobe and was scene before it was lame :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  18. Nekoko

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    Sep 4, 2014
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    I think for me its all about impression, I like villains who leave a strong one on me. Not because they do the darkest of deeds but because they have a certain style that's so memorable its impossible for me to forget them.

    I'll give you a short list of my faves though!

    Jubal Early (Firefly)
    Though a minor character in the canceled series Jubal was the villain of the final Episode "Objects in Space" he was classy, smooth, intelligent and down right terrifying at times. He also had some amazing quotes, my favorite being:

    Jubal Early: You ever been shot?
    Simon: No.
    Jubal Early: You oughta be shot. Or stabbed, lose a leg. To be a surgeon, you know? Know what kind of pain you're dealing with. They make psychiatrists get psychoanalyzed before they can get certified, but they don't make a surgeon get cut on. That seem right to you?

    The Joker - Mark Hamill (Batman The Animated Series/Batman Arkham Asylum/City)
    Just as much as the villain themselves mater, particular portrayals matter. For me Mark Hamill is the joker, though others have made fine impressions (like John DiMaggio who was fantastic) but none has ever made a bigger impression on me than Mark Hamill, his work is the standard by which I judge other performers who've taken on the role. There is just something about that laugh that haunts my dreams and at the same time fills me with glee! His performance was spot on and impossible for me to forget~ You're the best Mr. J~<3

    Kevin Spacey any time he plays a villain
    Another perhaps more extreme example of actor over part. Kevin Spacey is a fantastic actor and whether he's playing a devious senator or the devilish Lex Luthor (yes it was partially a Gene Hackman impression, but I feel like he made it his own) I just feel delighted watching him in action!

    Meruem (Hunter X Hunter)
    This character is very interesting to me... King of a species of ants that's offspring take on the traits of any creature they devour, called Chimera Ants. Meruem was the ultimate example of their race, and sought his rightful seat as king of all life on the planet. What was interesting about Meruem wasn't his immense godlike power however, it was his transformation throughout the arc he was featured in. At the beginning, Meruem was undoubtedly a monster, the very sight of him and the knowledge of what he intended to do to humanity (namely turn them into slaves and cattle) was horrifying! But as his story progressed and he learned more about the world, and found companionship from an unlikely source he became more and more of a relatable sympathetic character. The part that stands out about this character to me the most is that I cried at his death, I've never been so emotionally taxed by a villains demise before. I still get choked up thinking about it! Q~Q

    Honorable Mentions go to other HxH villains such as Hisoka, Illumi, Neferpitou, Shaiapouf and The Phantom Troupe. HxH is just chocked full of complex and terrifying characters and I could go on about them for days.

    And last but not least

    Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
    It's been said that Kuja was a ridiculously camp villain, with his man thong and rather effeminate appearance. I'll admit I'd been pretty convinced Kuja was female my first playthrough of the game. What I like about Kuja is kind of hard to explain, I think its how much devastation his schemes caused. To me he was also a very sympathetic character. He was his father's failed creation, who was doomed with very little time to live, and lashing out at an unfair world. And his unwitting brother, the main character Zidane was one of many sources of his anger, as he was meant to be Kuja's replacement is the plans of their father Garland. Kuja's story was a sad one and in many ways I felt sorry for him even as I despised what he'd done to the world. His most memorable moment was his first appearance before the heroes. Standing over them at their defeat by the hands of Beatrix, smirking at them before turning and leaving them for dead, flying away on a white dragon. Also his theme music is just incredible, it gives me such a sense of dread like no other piece.
    #38 Nekoko, Sep 8, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  19. Candide

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    Sep 7, 2014
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    This is a brilliant thread! I apologise in advance for "Ooh, ooh, I thought of another one.." moments :wink:

    As many have already said - Joffrey Baratheon
    Nosferatu (or other versions of Dracula, perhaps. But Nosferatu is the most unfeeling and repulsive)
    Hmm, I've drawn a blank.. must think of more :wink:

    Kate x
  20. Foxface

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    May 2, 2013
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    Someone here REALLY knows what's up

    he is the best villain ever