Need Advice ASAP.

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by dmarc92, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. dmarc92

    Regular Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    So tonight was very emotional for me. If you know my story, you know there's this guy Ive been in love with for what seems like forever and we work together.

    Tonight we were working and one of my coworkers' brother showed up and I found out that he used to really like my "crush" and they almost kissed but the feelings were one sided and my "crush" totally turned him down. And I didnt care at first because for the last six months Ive been trying to get over this guy, but then he was suddenly so anxious to have his break and he went to talk with the guy and, I totally hate myself for this, but I got so jealous. And I dont mean like "I wish that was me" jealous, I got really upset and it was so immature and stupid but it made me so sad and spiteful and I couldnt focus on my job and I was seriously hating the moment. Then he came back from his break and IMMEDIATELY I asked my manager to go on my break and I left. Drove to get something to eat and tried to calm myself down. When I returned I wasnt as upset but I was like so depressed, for lack of a better word. Like I was so quiet, and the guy had been there at my job for a while waiting for his brother (my coworker) and my "crush" kept talking shit, saying how the boy wants him but he dont like him. And at one point he said "Hes so ugly, waiting for his ugly brother." I kinda defended the brother because the brother is nice but he said "Nah. Theyre both ugly." paused then said "But youre not ugly." He then explained that he had to assure me because I always say that Im ugly, which I do and I understood but even that random comment didnt make me feel any other way, I was still in that "depressed" state.

    So another hour passed of working and I guess he kind of realized my sadness and he asked me "Are you okay? You seem annoyed, I know im annoying. Am I annoying you?" And of course I said no because he wasnt really annoying he was very sweet but my mood couldve made me seem not sincere. So eventually we finish and I take him home as usual. But after that on my way home I wanted to cry so bad to let out that depression/sadness but I couldnt. And now all I can think about is telling him how I feel and I was so near to texting him at 2:00 am just to set something up for tomorrow. But I need someones advice first. I no longer know what it is I want to tell him but I know this situation is killing me and I have to tell someone before I crack.
  2. darth vader

    Full Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Life is short. Do tell him. But I think you would be in a much better position if you let it cool down first. I mean, I don't want to sound desperate when telling somebody I like him.

    So, deal with your emotions first, as much as you can, then muster all the courage you can get and tell him.. without pressuring him or whatsoever..
  3. dmarc92

    Regular Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    yea. i didnt think of that. im a little more calm now but I think I jumped the gun and i texted him that i wanted to talk and meet up tomorrow. But its really late so i know he's asleep so I told him to reply in the morning. Im kind of scared of what will happen if he does agree to meet up. Especially if it doesnt go too well because we work the same hours tomorrow night. But youre definitely right, I need to tell him. I might be a few years late but its something that needs to be done.
  4. darth vader

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    Aug 13, 2013
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    I feel ya. I was on the same boat last year. I've been in love with this guy for years. Who doesn't hate rejection? And it doesn't end there, it gets worse! But, you'll eventually get over it. Let me tell you this, it's not actually for him. It is for you. This is a learning experience for you. You need to do this.

    And do tell him that if he doesn't feel the same way, he doesn't need to worry because you won't force him to reciprocate. Just tell him, he deserves to know the truth about what's really going on between you two. It's not your fault that you're in love with him.

    Cheer up. K? :slight_smile:
  5. dmarc92

    Regular Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Im better now thanks man. But im a little nervous about telling him. I guess im just a little scared but it kind of has to be done now that he knows i need to talk to him. Thanks for the help and I will definitely take your advice.
  6. flower

    Regular Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Im in a situation where i am trying to get over a crush at work. I try to keep out of
    her way. Now i have got to do some work in the office where she is, and i dont know
    what to do. Im feeling really depressed about it at the moment...
  7. dmarc92

    Regular Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I eventually told this guy how i felt. I've loved him since i was about 13 so it was a breakthrough. Idk your exact feelings but when I finally told him it was a big step, it probably wouldve brought us closer together but it seemed like seconds later he was moving. He was never a stable and reliable person in my life but Ive always loved him and always will, working with him while loving him was the hardest thing but telling him was even harder. I dont know how interested you are in this girl but I believing letting the other person know is a good way of either getting over them or getting closer. But then again Im just a young man finding his way so.. idk, just do what seems best. I think I might have been a little hard to follow but I just think you should ultimately follow your heart.
  8. flower

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    Jul 31, 2014
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    She does smile at me a lot. I hate the thought of rejection, and she is a manager what
    makes it so hard for me because off my job..