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My child has told me he is gay- but he is so young!

Discussion in 'For Parents and Family Members of LGBT People' started by Curiousmum, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Curiousmum

    Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Hi all, I've been a member for a few weeks here, as I've been coming to terms with the fact I am a lesbian. So naturally I have been a little preoccupied with this lately, and thinking about it a lot.

    So, I was shocked yesterday morning, when I opened the laptop to my 7 year old sons writing from the night before. (He likes to write stuff on word) it simply said his name, the date, and "I am gay". I was completely taken aback, and thought maybe it was a mistake. I saved the file and left it until he got home from school.

    After he'd gotten home and had a snack, I asked if we could please have a little chat, and I casually mentioned his note, and asked him if he wrote that. "Yeah, I wrote it" he said. I asked how come he wrote I am gay. "Because I am!" he replied. I asked if he knew what gay meant. "Yeah, it's when boys want to marry other boys, and they want to kiss boys, and have a boyfriend". I gave him a big hug and said that he was perfect to me and I was happy with anything he chooses, and told him I loved him. He seemed very matter of fact about it, and I spoke to his Dad later, who in turn sat down with him and asked about the note too. He got a similar response to myself, and his Dad said he seemed quite sure about being gay.

    The thing is, he's almost 8, he is very young. He has told us since he was 3 that he was going to marry a boy though. He has never shown interest in girls, and can be quite effeminate but he's a kid, so of course I wouldn't put that down to anything. I am happy to not read too much into it, given his age, and I must admit, I am not surprised at all. I just didn't expect it until he was a bit older.

    I guess I just want to know if it's possible for him to know so early? Either way, if wants to be with a boy or girl when he's at dating age (45 in my house :icon_wink ) it's fine with me, but I want to be as supportive as I can.

    Thanks for reading everyone :slight_smile:
  2. Nychthemeron

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    Jun 16, 2014
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    From the parents' FAQ:

    "Sexual orientation is fixed very early in life, likely before birth, but certainly before 5 years of age."

    So, yes! It's entirely possible for your kid to know his sexual orientation at such a young age. Transgender people are the same way. Me, I began to experience "transgender feelings" (meaning, for me, I began to identify more as a boy than anything else) at either six or seven. That's a really damn young age, but I haven't changed my mind.

    If you're concerned, you can just support him. Don't discourage him, but don't encourage him either. Just tell him that you support whoever he is.

    Best of luck!
  3. Tectonic

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    Feb 8, 2014
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    I'm sure it's possible. Probably not very common, but possible. He could be saying it for some other reason, who knows what that may be, or he may just know. Even though its tough to take a 7 year old too seriously with anything, according to your account, he seemed pretty sure. At least he has cool parents. :wink:
  4. Karabeara

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    Feb 6, 2014
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    I think your child knows what he is and all you can do is support him. Wether that's him being gay or him being bisexual, straight, etc. Sexuality can be fluid for some and and stiff as a rock for others. Just love him no matter what and you'll be good. But yes it's possible to know from a young age. For him this probably seems like he's known forever since you said he's thought he was gay from age 3.
  5. Curiousmum

    Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Thanks for the insight everyone. :slight_smile: Just to clarify though, I'm not surprised at the news but didn't think he was gay when was 3 :slight_smile: he's just always said he wants marry a boy.
    I think I'm going to take it with a grain of salt as he is so young, there is plenty of time for him to change his mind if he wishes. Either way is fine with me :slight_smile:
    To he honest if he is gay, I'm so proud of him for knowing at a young age, rather than going through life feeling like he cannot be himself.
  6. jahow95

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    May 30, 2014
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    London, England
    Wow, what a great parent!
    As everyone's said, there's every chance that he could know by now.
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think that if he was heterosexual he wouldn't be so set on marrying another boy, even at such a young age.
  7. mangotree

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    May 4, 2014
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    It sounds like you've raised a very open, confident and secure young man :slight_smile:
    Good on you!

    Fingers crossed that he CAN (legally) marry a boy if he wants to when he gets to such an age.
    #7 mangotree, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  8. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    I think it is possible for kids to know at such a young age. As I look back at my own life, the tell tale signs were there at a young age for me, but I didn't know anything about gay relationships at the time. Maybe if I had, I would have reached the same conclusion as your son at 7 or 8.

    Anyway, you're a great parent and his Dad sounds pretty cool too. Sit tight and see how things develop... but don't make him wait til he's 45 for that date, eh? :icon_bigg
  9. Gingerblond93

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    Nov 30, 2013
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    It's very possible your son knows he is gay, considering he comes from a very open minded family and knows that gay relationships actually exist and are healthy and normal.

    I think some guys who were never exposed to gay people but felt they were different at your sons age did not know how to express those feelings and felt lost. Where your son has been exposed to gay people and knows his feelings and attractions to other boys are normal. It's wonderful he knows what he likes at a young age and is not afraid to hold back and hide it. So proud of you and your son.
  10. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    I definitely think it's possible, especially since he's shown that pattern since he was three.

    At the same time, I realize that, as much as you love him and are supportive regardless, it may not be what you'd expected or had in mind, and I want to encourage you to give yourself permission for you to feel a sense of loss from this, as that would be totally normal and expected. There are stages that everyone goes through in accepting loss (denial-anger-bargaining-grief-acceptance) and it's OK to accept and experience all of those feelings.

    I'll also say that, in developmental theory, it's not uncommon for boys prior to puberty to say they don't like girls; you often hear playground statements like "Girls are stupid" and boys often have little clubs they create together with a strict "No Girls Allowed" policy. So it's remotely possible that's what you're seeing.

    But the difference is, those boys, even while saying that, generally don't make statements like "I like boys" and "I want to marry a boy." And -- even though it's a stereotype -- the fact that he seems rather effeminate, combined with the other pieces, does paint a likely portrait that he's genuinely gay and attracted to boys. (Many stereotypes, particularly about gay men, are rooted in assessments that are often accurate, at least for some of us.)

    I hope you'll stick around. This is a great community and you can probably pick up a few things about the sorts of situations and experiences he's likely to run into if he is, in fact, gay. Feel free to ask any questions or share any concerns... there are no dumb questions :slight_smile:
  11. JStevens96

    JStevens96 Guest

    It's very possible. I had an attraction to WWE wrestlers (males) at a very young age myself... Lol. Wow, wish my mom was like you, so open-minded!
  12. Wuggums47

    Wuggums47 Guest

    I'm just going to say that nobody who is going to grow up to be straight wants to marry the same sex as a kid. Your son is gay. I had a lot of signs like that as a kid, and I didn't grow up to be straight either.
  13. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    It's pretty young to come out, but he probably did because he has awesome supportive parents that are easy to trust.
  14. Curiousmum

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    Jun 3, 2014
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    Hey thanks SO much everyone for the astounding advice and support! Seriously you all rock. I'm just going to let him do his thing and see how he feels as he ages- it may he a phase, it may not be! I guess time is the only thing here.

    Chip you know it's funny you mention the sense of loss, in a way. I've just recently started coming out myself (my son has no idea and never would have heard me speaking about myself to anyone- It did cross my mind that he may have overheard me, but impossible) and I was shocked. I think it's more the acceptance factor. I accept him however he is, but I do worry that his school years will be hard for him if he is "out", because let's face it, kids can be horrific and cruel. I think that's my only fear. The loss of a "normal" childhood. I don't want him to have a difficult life or to ever feel like he is not ok as he is. He has an older brother, my son who's 11, and he is definitely not gay. I've never heard him express those feelings or even say he wanted to marry a boy. The differences between him and my youngest son are extremely noticeable. Whereas my eldest has a (growing,uh oh!) interest in girls, just the normal school crushes, my youngest has always been, and still is adamant that he likes boys.

    It's really a tough one. I'm afraid of putting too many expectations on him, I don't want to be the overly enthusiastic PFLAG Mum haha. :slight_smile:

    And I "may" consider letting him date in his 30s. We'll see :wink:

    Edited just to add too, that I really do feel lucky to have such a brave little guy as a son. I doubt my parenting immensely at times but the fact he feels so comfortable with expressing who he is just makes my heart sing.
    #14 Curiousmum, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  15. Really

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    May 11, 2014
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    Just one thought as I have no kids but I have a theory about bullying. The more self confident a kid is, I believe, the less susceptible to bullying they are. Your kid sounds great already but if he was my kid, I would get him some karate classes or something to boost his confidence even more and hopefully deter kids from messing with him.
    I'm not condoning violence. I just think having this personal strength can only be good.
  16. Ditz

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    Dec 28, 2012
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    I just wanted to commend you and his father for being such supportive parents... If only all parents could be that way, growing up would be so much easier for all kids, irrespective of their orientation. I think the knowledge for a kid to know that he or she has their parents backing, love and support irrespective of whom they fall in love with or identify as, is an immensely powerful bond that allows them to grow into confident and happy adults... What greater gift can you give your child? Kudos to you!!!
  17. Curiousmum

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    Jun 3, 2014
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    Hey everyone when I log in it says this thread has been moved?? Where did it go??

    --nevermind, found it, although I wish someone told me it was moving lol!
  18. Silver Sparrow

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    Oct 11, 2011
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    Like everyone else, I agree that it's definitely possible to know so early. I wasn't so self-aware when I was younger, but when I started questioning, I looked back and realized that I did have crushes on girls when I was younger, I just didn't realize that they were crushes.
  19. Kenny207

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    May 21, 2013
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    Coquitlam(Canada, British Coloumbia)
    I think it's definitely possible to know at a young age. I knew I was gay since I was 6 or 7 so your boy could possibly be honest and that he's actually gay. However, he ALSO could have other reasons of saying that. Maybe he wants to be like you guys? I don't know. But I think the best thing you can do is just be supportive when the topic arises!
  20. Curiousmum

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    Jun 3, 2014
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    I just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who's given advice so far, very one is just amazingly supportive here. It makes the world of difference to be able to talk to understanding, normal people, as opposed to those who would probably be horrified if I discussed what my son told me.
    And thank you to everyone for your compliments on my parenting too. I wish you all knew how much that means- I strive so hard to make sure I'm raising my kids right, to be confident self assured little people, and it's obviously working. I honestly feel heart broken reading stories of younger people coming out and being shunned by their families. I don't comprehend it. Life is so short. It's there and then it isn't, and I feel that who someone decides to love or be attracted to should be the very least of anyone's concerns.
    I genuinely just want my son to be happy and journey through life as smoothly as possible, and as the person who brought him into the world, it's my responsibility, my priviledge actually, to support him no matter what.

    Anyways sorry for the rambling lol!! :slight_smile: