Self-harm, Suicide, and Periods

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Ash93, May 25, 2014.

  1. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Okay I just need to vent because my life has been hell the past few days.

    My period started this week and it has been horrible. I was dreading the reappearance of this damned cycle, and it got to the point where I made myself physically sick at the thought of it. I normally have no problem with my period, and for that one week it just becomes a little bit more difficult to look at myself, etc. This month was a thousand times worse. The day it arrived I had cramps so bad I could barely move, and I ended up stuck on the bathroom floor waiting for pain meds to kick in. And while I was sitting there trying not to cry from all kinds of mental, emotional, and physical pains, I caught sight of a razor sitting on the counter. I actually started reaching for it before I realized what I was doing, and that was the most terrifying moment of my life.

    So I dragged myself out of the bathroom and locked myself in my room, and told my mom I was staying home because of my period. I really stayed home because I was having a bit of a breakdown, but she didn't need to know that. Well, when I told her, she basically told me to suck it up, quit being a whiny bitch, and that my period wasn't bad enough to keep me home. But she was kind enough to give me one free pass.

    All I could think during her whole speech was One cut for whining, one for being a failure, one to remind me to feel, one to beat back the tears, and one as a reminder that you are not good enough. So I spent the rest of that day convincing myself cutting was a very bad idea, and that I really shouldn't do it.

    On Friday I wanted to paint my nails, because I was unhappy and it was going to make me happy. Of course after I painted them purple with sparkles, all I could think was how I was obviously not a man, and that no real guy would want to paint his nails, and it just went on and on in this vicious cycle! And I know guys paint their nails all the time, I KNOW THIS!!! But it doesn't seem to matter, and suddenly I found myself thinking about the fucking razors again.

    On Saturday I went shopping with a friend of mine and boy was that a day. I had a ton of fun all morning, and then we got to one of my favorite stores. I wanted to try on all kinds of clothes, but there were so many people that by the time I got through the line for the changing rooms I was sweaty, and scared, and nervous, and a complete mess. I doubled over in the changing room and made myself breathe and then I hid in a corner of the store until she was done shopping. It was horrible. And by the time I got home I was thinking about the fucking razors again!! And then I had the scariest thought I've had in a long time.

    I thought, if I had a pistol in my hand right now, it would take very few words to convince me to pull the trigger.

    I NEVER NEVER NEVER think about this so often, and I DO NOT contemplate suicide. EVER. I'm really scared that I'm going to do something stupid, and I hate that I'm thinking about this so much. On a regular basis I think about self harm as a passing thought once or twice a week. It never gets so bad that I actually reach for the razors as if I'm going to use them.

    And today I already had to go on a 45 minute walk because I was rubbing my wrists constantly and thinking about how easy it would be to do something very, very stupid. I need some help, and I'm a little lost, and I guess I just need to get this out there cause I'm really scared.
  2. Techno Kid

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    May 26, 2013
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    (*hug*) I'm so sorry! :frowning2:
  3. anonym

    anonym Guest

    Hey I am finding it more and more difficult to cope with having periods. Last time I was contemplating drowning myself in the canal cause I couldn't bear it. Seems silly now but that's what it did to me.

    Could you see a doctor or a nurse and start taking an oral contraceptive? I know with some of them you don't have to have any period at all. If that's not an option (it isn't for me cause I'm depressed and contraceptive pills send me all emotional) have you considered other ways of managing your periods and whether that would help? I'm thinking about trying the meluna cup thing next time because you can go for up to 12 hours without having to deal with the blood. Plus no rushing to the shops to buy pads and tampons.

    As for the self harm, I don't know what to suggest other than talking to someone. Walking is good and any other distractions that stop you from doing it but maybe you need to address the feelings that are driving you to want to harm? Idk. I'll let someone with more experience take over
  4. Acm

    Acm Guest

    First of all I'm sorry you're going through this (*hug*)
    I don't know how to help with periods (I think birth control makes them easier but I can't say for sure) but as far as self harm goes I've heard that if you're trying to restrain yourself you should put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you feel bad, so you can take out your anger in a different way
  5. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Thanks for your input guys. I know I should probably get on birth control, not only for emotions but because my period is really heavy and really painful. The problem is my mom doesn't think I have it that bad, so she won't help me get the medication. I'm thinking I might just have to go to the doctor and tell them not to share any of the information with my parents.

    I've wanted to start seeing a therapist for the last month or so, but I can't do that without telling my parents. There is a therapist an hour away from me who specializes in helping trans teens, but I can't see him without outing myself. I think he could really help me and I hate that I can't just go and talk to him.

    I have heard about the cups, but my problem with them is that they require a lot of touching of myself to use them. I can't handle touching myself durin my period, so I use pads. Less touching, less association with my body.

    I'm trying to break a bad habit right now too, and in doing so I bought a ring with engravings on it. Whenever I get stressed or upset, I rub the engravings or twist the ring. That's been my outlet for the self harm as well. Aside from exercising, I don't know what else I can do.
  6. Owl333

    Owl333 Guest

    I'm so sorry. (*hug*) I'm here if you want to talk.
  7. ProtegeMoi

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    Oct 19, 2013
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    OMG. I've typed 2 other responses to this and they both got messed up because of my internet connection. 35 minutes and poof.

    Find your outlet. Mine is writing, or screaming. My wife sings - often.
    Don't cut - or burn yourself for that matter. I have the scars and it's just a temporary fix. It's like drugs. It fades, but the effects linger. Please don't. I've lost 3 friends to suicide and had a gf cut herself so bad that I shouldve taken her to the hospital but we just stitched it up. You can't un-see or un-feel that kind of pain. It still eats at me.

    I'm glad to see that you went running and got a ring.

    I can't recommend what to do about your period, but I will say that if making it go away will help you then pursue birth control or whatever. If your mom doesn't get it - try explaining it again or another way. I know that my parents didn't and still don't understand me and I wasted so much of my life worrying about what they thought. I know that if I couldve done HRT or anything at about 12-16 I wouldve in a heartbeat. Ive wasted half of my life being unhappy and I've left ruined dozens of relationships because of my anger, distance, and depression.

    I only have three friends left because of it - all of which are lgbt. I know from my own experience they wouldve been enough to get me through my youth had I just done what I needed to be happy, but being scared of my dad and the hate from him really screwed me up.

    If being a transguy hurts some people, so be it. If they come around awesome, but trust me - not being YOU is far worse for everyone involved. If you're sure of yourself and know what you want - bring that confidence and maturity to the conversation with your parents. If they still don't or won't help try to focus on what you can control. Just take care of yourself, because soon enough youll be able to change your situation and choose who you let into your life. Do what makes you happy.
  8. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    ProtegeMoi: I know cutting is a really bad idea, and that's why I leave the house. My biggest issue is there are times when I can't just walk away. Last night I spent two hours thinking over this whole issue, but I couldn't just go for a walk bc it was midnight. I don't want to kill myself necessarily. I'm tired of living this life though, and suicide is a convenient option. I don't want to do that though. I want to enjoy life and live it to the fullest, but I can't do that at this point in my life. I get so upset when my dad calls me his "little girl" or when a waiter says "ladies" or I hear "she did" and "her hair" and I'm getting sick of it. I know what I want, but I'm scared to go and get it, and I'm afraid I'll lose my family, or strain our relationship,, and I'm just scared and I really don't know what to do. I'm trying to take this one step at a time.
  9. drwinchester

    drwinchester Guest

    First off- you fucking deserve one of these = (*hug*)

    I have to admit, I was kinda getting to the point of wanting suicide up until I was able to go full time. My anxiety sky rockets, especially during that first day or so it happens, and it got to the point where I was self harming to cope up until just a few months ago.

    Sorry about your parents. I know how frustrating it is when you're unable to seek that kinda stuff out. Would you necessarily have to out yourself in order to see that therapist or could you ask to see him on the premise that you have (insert psychological issue) something like anxiety or depression?

    The best thing to do, during that time, is to find a way to distract yourself. Usually, I'm too bloated and ill to really go out and do something physical but I'll usually read or try to catch up on missed assignments- just whatever gets my mind off things. It's a time when you're really gonna want to be kind to yourself. Because, hey. Your body's basically telling you to fuck yourself but you don't have to listen and add on to your biological middle finger.

    I use a cup myself. Really makes me uncomfortable having contact with that area or dealing with the blood but I find it sets me off worse when I have to mop up the blood from my pants. I might, at this rate, need to seek out pills myself but I haven't seen a doctor in a few years. I'm full-time and I really don't want to have to buy tampons or pads. I use urinals, I'm otherwise passing pretty well for male, and don't want to have to worry about what would happen if a tampon leaked or I couldn't mop up the blood while out in a men's room.

    Seriously though. It's a biological middle finger. Fuck that shit.

    To add on...

    I think there comes a point when you've gotta decide how you want to live your life. And you might be right. Your family might not come around immediately but you're their kid. And if they're reasonable people, then they'll come to care about how you feel and how this affects you versus fitting some damn gender role.
    #9 drwinchester, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
  10. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Thanks for the hugs! All of you(&&&)

    If I could find the motivation to do school assignments, I would do them as a distraction. I really hate learning for a grade though, so I struggle to do my assignments. Especially with school finishing in three weeks.

    I had never experienced anything like I had while I was shopping. I've never been an anxious person, and I really just freaked out and I don't quite know how to handle that episode just yet. I'm pretty sure it was a minor anxiety attack, but I may be wrong. I don't know. That's another issue to handle later.

    I feel like I would be outing myself whether or not I went to a counselor for anxiety, or depression, or whatever excuse I gave. I have hinted at having depression on more than one occasion, but my mom never really acknowledges it. She just tells me to go outside more, and to exercise more, and to be more active. It's the same thing with the pain I experience during my period. She tells me she's disappointed in me, that she's not happy if I skip school, and she just expects me to get on with my life. I have a really high pain tolerance. I don't stay home due to physical pain, I stay home due to emotional breakdowns.

    If I were to admit that I have thoughts about self-harm, I feel like I would be failing my family as well. I'm supposed to be the perfect child. My sisters have health problems, but I'm fine. I just have extra elasticity in my joints. My middle sister once went to a counselor after having several surgeries, and having to deal with manipulative friends using her, but I feel like I'd be a failure if I requested seeing a therapist. My mom has taught us our whole lives that self-harm is NEVER the way, and that you should treasure you body, and here I am like No, I hate my body, it fucking sucks, and I think about cutting all the time, so fuck you and your morals.

    As for the handling my period, it's the touching myself that gets me. I kind of ignore the blood and such, but using a tampon is really difficult, and a cup would be even harder. If I don't touch myself or really look at myself in the mirror, I can easily ignore things that I don't want to acknowledge. So I touch myself as little as possible during this week, hence the pads.
  11. Orange Bananas

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    Apr 7, 2014
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    This. Infinitely this.

    And you need at least five more of these:
  12. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Orange Bananas: That's actually one of my biggest issues right now, because I have someone who treats me like a guy. He uses my preferred name and pronouns, and its WONDERFUL!! Whenever I have to stop talking to him though, reality is a slap in the face with all the wrong pronouns, and the wrong name, and wrong everything!! Thanks for the hugs(*hug*)
  13. Alex94

    Alex94 Guest

    I am the same way with periods, for the past year or so they have been horrible. Easter morning I was throwing up and passing out from how bad it was and felt really really hot like my clothes were soaked. I ended up showering in freezing cold water and taking pain meds but that didn't really help. I have contimplated suicide because of how bad they are and have cut just to feel pain somewhere else. Like you my mom also doesn't think I have it that bad...
    - Anywho, I don't identify as either gender really (gender fluid). I am definitely more masculine though. I hate being female for many reasons, but periods? That's at the top of the list.
    -- Sorry I don't have any advice for you.
  14. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Ace94: that sounds terrible! I have never actually thrown up while on my period because I have to force myself to eat. I have dry-heaved though. Are you able to get some meds to help you? It sounds like they could really come in handy from what you've described.
  15. Alex94

    Alex94 Guest

    I actually can't because I am on my moms insurance.
    - I have told my doctor that any meds I am on are not to be shared with my parents but it would say on her insurance paper (not sure what it is but it is mailed once a month) what medications I am on, when I was their and what the medicine is for. That is how my mom found out I was on Zoloft for depression. ._.
    She made me stop taking it...
  16. Ash93

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    Jan 8, 2014
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    Holy crap! Can you maybe move out? Get out of the house if you're there? What about planned parenthood? They have a sliding scale policy for payments and you could pay out of pocket so it doesn't show up on insurance. I would definitely talk to a representative, or schedule an appointment with them so you could get some kind of birth control. As for the Zoloft; is your mom refusing to pay for the medication, or just not allowing you to take it? Because at 19 you're a legal adult and she doesn't have that right, so if you move out, there's nothing she can do as far as I understand. Maybe you could move in with a friend until you get on your own two feet?
  17. Alex94

    Alex94 Guest

    I actually can't move out because I do not have the money to and I am in school.
    - Planned parenthood is a good idea tho.
    -- She is refusing to pay for them.
  18. Ash93

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    I would definitely go to planned parenthood if she's refusing to pay. Set up an appointment, explain the situation, go through all the details, and the doctors there will do everything they can to help you.
  19. sherlock

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    Apr 21, 2014
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    Let's see. I get diarrhea and heightened dysphoria. Mainly I just have issues with the sharks. I want the fucking thing to stop but the only thing my mom would let me near is estrogen pills which I most certainly do not want.
    If possible, opt for progesterone pills.
  20. anonym

    anonym Guest

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone find that the dysphoria that comes with periods actually worsens the physical symptoms? Like for example, I've always had the cramps pretty bad and heavy flow. But now that I'm dysphoric about them, the cramps seem even worse and I feel really sick, get diarrhea and shivers. I just find the whole experience unbearable emotionally which is worsened by these extra physical symptoms. Is that normal?