What is Orientation?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by XingSarangBi, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. XingSarangBi

    XingSarangBi Guest

    I feel really miserable...I don't know myself. Please help.
    I've only just realized there is nothing I know about sexual, romantic,and gender orientation except homosexuality,bisexuality, and heterosexuality. Must be why I can't exactly define my orientation. Helpe do so. I don't know 'what' I'll find out about me but I have to.
    Please someone explain all about orientation.
  2. Werbinich

    Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Hmm, okay, I'll tell you what I know.

    First, you need to know that attraction is attraction, you don't need stereotypes like gay, straight, bi whatsoever. However, in some ways, it is easier to...well...I don't know.

    Attraction is simply split into two, sexual/physical and romantic/emotional. Sexual orientations: Homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. It's which binary-gender (male and female) you would prefer to have sex with. There is also pansexuality, which jumps out of the binary-gender box. Google it for more information.

    Romantic orientation is more complicated. It's with whom you would like to develop romantic feelings for and it's usually one person at a time. Thus, whereas (in my opinion) sexual orientation is usually the same...unless in adolescence, romantic orientation is probably changeable. One could like girls before but suddenly like a boy when Mr. Right comes along.

    However, there would be awkward situations when one's sexual and romantic orientation are discrepant. There is a number of men who are sexually attracted to other men but have developed romantic feelings for a woman. It would be easy for them to find men who simply want to have sex, but not a woman who would want to get married without it.

    Nevertheless, just remember that everyone is different and follow your heart. If you're sure of what you feel, no one is eligible of offending you for it.

    Good Luck!
  3. XingSarangBi

    XingSarangBi Guest

    Thanks...that clears up things a bit...I don't think I want to have sex with anyone. I only have romantic feelings..and towards just one person. At the moment.
    Thanks again! &nice to meet you!
  4. Werbinich

    Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    My pleasure.

    It's fine to not want to have sex with anyone. Be proud your ability to care for another. That's the most important of all.