So what determines sexual orientation/attraction?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by paranoidkid, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. paranoidkid

    Regular Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Basically what the question says. I can think about anything when I masturbate. Guy or girl. But this is how it is for everyone I feel like. I mean what I WANT to have sex with is a girl. As well as a relationship. And that's what I masturbate to. Its what i have always masturbated too. But if i open my mind, and not think that thinking of a guy as gross, and dont act repulsive then i can get off to that too. Well sometimes, othertimes it changes too girls. It is just totally making me confused with what I would be considered? Since I can think about both.

    I'm just starting to think that sexuality isn't one or the other, thag it really is a big scale and EVERYONE is attracted to both, more so in one degree or another. I just call myself straight since more so it's what I want a relationship with, and what I feel more attracted to and more so what I think about when I masturbate. Well I think about girls all of the time unless I bring the guy idea up in my head.

    I just feel like I will never be able to be sure. I mean once I fall in love then I will just persuade myself into thinking that I'm "straight" but in reality I kind of just don't believe in labels anymore for sexuality. I really don't
  2. mnguy

    Full Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Mountain hermitage
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    Assuming you're a teen, maybe it's easy to jerk off to just about anything. As the years go by maybe you'll find yourself looking at guys or girls more than the other or maybe not. For me I really only found myself looking at and thinking romantically about guys, thus I'm gay. You'll figure it out and like you said you don't need a label, just enjoy and respect whoever you are with. :thumbsup:
  3. jargon

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    Nov 8, 2011
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    New England
    If you're only interested in girls and you don't ever get spontaneously attracted to guys, then by all means go with "straight." Plenty of straight guys could get aroused enough to do stuff with another guy if they had a reason to, just like plenty of gay guys manage to have sex with women while they're in the closet/denial. What's important is generally what you are actively attracted to, not what you can tolerate.
  4. Werbinich

    Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Yep, think of it like this. (And sorry for all Spongebob lovers) I could tolerate Spongebob if someone else in the living room is watching it but I would't surf for it when I'm alone. However, I would go for...let's say, Crime Scene Investigation if I could, that I am actively interested in.

    Am I confusing anyone??